When you Hear a Liberal say Obama has Created Jobs, Show Them this Cartoon


Feb 7, 2016

Obama Job Numbers | Political Cartoon | A.F. Branco

We always knew that government-run healthcare would be disastrous, and unfortunately Obama proved the prognosticators right.

Over 90 million people are out of work at the moment, and all the Obama administration cares about is how they can trample religious freedom and further divide the nation on racial grounds.

In theory, sure the government could take care of everything and we’d all live hunky-dory. But in that world there are unicorns and Khaleesi is Queen.

Sorry Obama fans, but you got duped. Actually, you only have yourselves to blame.
1st post
Why odd republicans just lie and lie .

90 million unemployed !! Lol! Come up with plausible lies .

Ask auto workers about Obama saving jobs .
Why odd republicans just lie and lie .

90 million unemployed !! Lol! Come up with plausible lies .

Ask auto workers about Obama saving jobs .
Ask the actual owners of the auto companies (share holders) how they feel about getting ripped off. Ask the dealership owners & their employees how they felt about being forced out of business. Ask the poor people who couldn't afford to buy new cars how they felt about Obama smashing all the used cars. Ask another hack how to not be so obvious when hacking.
5th post
Why odd republicans just lie and lie .

90 million unemployed !! Lol! Come up with plausible lies .

Ask auto workers about Obama saving jobs .
Ask the actual owners of the auto companies (share holders) how they feel about getting ripped off. Ask the dealership owners & their employees how they felt about being forced out of business. Ask the poor people who couldn't afford to buy new cars how they felt about Obama smashing all the used cars. Ask another hack how to not be so obvious when hacking.

still doesn't add up to almost 1/3 of the country ................ Fail.
Why odd republicans just lie and lie .

90 million unemployed !! Lol! Come up with plausible lies .

Ask auto workers about Obama saving jobs .
Ask the actual owners of the auto companies (share holders) how they feel about getting ripped off. Ask the dealership owners & their employees how they felt about being forced out of business. Ask the poor people who couldn't afford to buy new cars how they felt about Obama smashing all the used cars. Ask another hack how to not be so obvious when hacking.

still doesn't add up to almost 1/3 of the country ................ Fail.
I never made such a claim moron. Learn to read
Yes , cash for clunkers ruined the country ! Please.

I'm glad we saves the auto industry . It's roaring back . It's the #1 U.S. export , and it's an industry that actually makes a product !

Obama Job Numbers | Political Cartoon | A.F. Branco

We always knew that government-run healthcare would be disastrous, and unfortunately Obama proved the prognosticators right.

Over 90 million people are out of work at the moment, and all the Obama administration cares about is how they can trample religious freedom and further divide the nation on racial grounds.

In theory, sure the government could take care of everything and we’d all live hunky-dory. But in that world there are unicorns and Khaleesi is Queen.

Sorry Obama fans, but you got duped. Actually, you only have yourselves to blame.
10th post
Yes , cash for clunkers ruined the country ! Please.

I'm glad we saves the auto industry . It's roaring back . It's the #1 U.S. export , and it's an industry that actually makes a product !
It won't remain US's #1 export if everyone moves their plants to Mexico.

Obama Job Numbers | Political Cartoon | A.F. Branco

We always knew that government-run healthcare would be disastrous, and unfortunately Obama proved the prognosticators right.

Over 90 million people are out of work at the moment, and all the Obama administration cares about is how they can trample religious freedom and further divide the nation on racial grounds.

In theory, sure the government could take care of everything and we’d all live hunky-dory. But in that world there are unicorns and Khaleesi is Queen.

Sorry Obama fans, but you got duped. Actually, you only have yourselves to blame.

ao write to your rightwingnut congress members and tell them to work with the president on jobs policy instead of spending all of their time voting to kill the ACA, defund planned parenthood and destroy reproductive rights.


and while you're at it, i have some suggestions for what you can do with your little cartoon.
You forgot something:


The Bush Record on Shipping Jobs Overseas

Bush Supports Shift of Jobs Overseas

That from 2004. He was for it before he was against it. Oh wait, he was NEVER against it.

poor baby.

but it's not like the rightwingnuts have changed their policies.
Come to think of it, there are a lot of Bush policies Obama hasn't changed either.

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