When you consider that the overall innovation score assigned to each country puts Canada only marginally ahead of Russia - Macleans


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Hey, there are far more than just me screaming this. I will keep saying my piece as the Stasi ruin the lives of driven people like me who won awards in school and at work, and have to waste my time bitching about the creeps and watching the wheel go 'round.

An oldie but goodie article if one is looking to support their thesis on such matters (it's two years old). There were also internal government documents that suggested the same, but the site that offered the information in detail was for subscribers only. Of which I am not.

CSIS should be targetting the TPS, OPP and RCMP, our three greatest domestic national security threats. Only then, may we have a chance at a free market that is rid of police family nepotism and may be our best will rise to the top. Without drastic changes, this will be the mantle for us that ensures a quick blowing out of the candle. These apparatuses have kept us in the Stone Ages, all so that they and their low performing kids can make mint.

The Bloomberg ranking is based on seven “innovation-related” criteria, including R&D intensity, patent activity, and tech density. At number 22, Canada is one of only two G7 nations—along with Italy—that fail to make what Bloomberg calls the “top-tier,” which includes the Nordic countries, the remaining G7 economies, and other economic powerhouses such as Singapore, Australia, and South Korea.

When you consider that the overall innovation score assigned to each country puts Canada only marginally ahead of Russia, the extent to which the Canadian economy is behind in this area is striking. In some cases, diving into the data makes the situation seem even worse. For instance, in terms of “tertiary efficiency,” a measure that combines several individual indicators related to post-secondary education, Canada crashes in at number 45, just a few spots ahead of South Africa and Morocco. In fact, the only criterion in which Canada breaks into the top-tier is concentration of R&D researchers, and even then we fail to make the top ten.

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