When will Trump supporters start protesting Trump?


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Jeb Bush warned months ago, and long before the first ballot was cast that Trump supporters would feel betrayed by Trump in short order. It's already started.

In less than a week since Trump won--he's already flip-flopped on a couple of issues.

1. Tonight he announced he is not going to build a "wall"--it will be a fence--LOL If you've ever been to the border there are fences everywhere, many with holes in them the size of trucks. Mexico won't pay for a fence either. He also states tonight that illegals are "terrific--terrific" people, and after the border is secured--they'll decide what to do with the ones here. He campaigned all along on deporting 11 million illegals. Last week he stated that he would only deport illegals in this country that were criminals. (That's something every President has done.)

2. OBAMACARE--NEWS FLASH ---Trump is not going to repeal it. After an hour and half meeting with Obama, he's going to keep it, specifically pre-existing conditions, and children being left on their parents plan until they're 26 or 27. The mandate to have medical insurance will remain intact. So basically nothing is going to change here. Trump couldn't have repealed it anyway, of course his supporters would never understand basic civics. It took a sitting Democrat President, with a "super majority of Democrats in both houses" to give us Obamacare, and that's the only way to get rid of it. Hopefully they can get the premiums down, but who knows?

Next will be trade: Our trade agreements are written into law, and Republicans have always been very pro-free trade. The North American trade agreement between Canada & Mexico aka NAFTA isn't going away. Mexico is our number 2 buyer of American products. There are Walmarts, McDonalds and every other American corporation that have flooded these countries, so Trump not only has Republicans to deal with on these issues, but some very top level American corporations. Republicans will not approve of tariffs on imported goods, that only raise the price on goods to the American consumer and have never created a single job, and they sure as heck aren't going to impose a 35% tax on American auto makers because they purchasing car parts that were manufactured in another country. So if you thought those rusted out factories were going to re--open--forget it--those jobs are gone for good. No investors are going to open up factories so they can lose money.

These were Trump's core issues, that he constantly campaigned on, made millions of promises on, and he's already flipped on 2 of them within 1 week of the election. You've been roped a doped by a con man. You were warned too, and you ignored those warnings.

So the disappointment & anger has already started which I am seeing on other political boards from long time ardent--die hard supporters of Trump. So I am wondering when Trump voters will start protesting Trump with the protesters?

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The buyer's remorse a few months after this pos takes office is going to be epic. And yes the clock is ticking until his basket of deplorables start protesting him as well.

And Ryan is already talking about ending Medicare. Yes great move, a gigantic transfer of wealth from the most vulnerable in the population, the elderly who won WW2, to the already wealthy. Get to it buddy boy.
If he doesn't deliver to improve the country, a whole lot faster than Obama supporters started protesting Obama...even though that never happened because they were afraid of being called racists.:lol:
Jeb Bush warned months ago, and long before the first ballot was cast that Trump supporters would feel betrayed by Trump in short order. It's already started.

In less than a week since Trump won--he's already flip-flopped on a couple of issues.

1. Tonight he announced he is not going to build a "wall"--it will be a fence--LOL If you've ever been to the border there are fences everywhere, many with holes in them the size of trucks. Mexico won't pay for a fence either. He also states tonight that illegals are "terrific--terrific" people, and after the border is secured--they'll decide what to do with the ones here. Last week he stated that he would only deport illegals in this country that were criminals. (That's something every President has done.)

2. OBAMACARE---Trump is not going to repeal it. After an hour and half meeting with Obama, he's going to keep it, specifically pre-existing conditions, and children being left on their parents plan until they're 26 or 27. The mandate to have medical insurance will remain intact. So basically nothing is going to change here. Hopefully they can get the premiums down, but who knows?

Next will be trade: Our trade agreements are written into law, and Republicans have always been very pro-free trade. The North American trade agreement between Canada & Mexico aka NAFTA isn't going away. Mexico is our number 2 buyer of American products. There are Walmarts, McDonalds and every other American corporation that have flooded these countries, so Trump not only has Republicans to deal with on these issues, but some very top level American corporations. Republicans will not approve of tariffs on imported goods, that only raise the price on goods to the American consumer and have never created a single job, and they sure as heck aren't going to impose a 35% tax on American auto makers because they purchasing car parts that were manufactured in another country. So if you thought those rusted out factories were going to re--open--forget it--those jobs are gone for good. No investors are going to open up factories so they can lose money.

These were his core issues, that he constantly campaigned on, made millions of promises on, and he's already flipped on 2 of them within 1 week of the election. You've been roped a doped by a con man.

So the disappointment & anger has already started which I am seeing on other political boards from long time ardent supporters of Trump. So I am wondering when Trump voters will start protesting with the protesters?

When you start protesting Hillary. Which will be never.

Hillary can go fuck herself. Been saying that for a while now. She will die without ever attaining presidential office.

Are you ready to begin?
The buyer's remorse a few months after this pos takes office is going to be epic. And yes the clock is ticking until his basket of deplorables start protesting him as well.

And Ryan is already talking about ending Medicare. Yes great move, a gigantic transfer of wealth from the most vulnerable in the population, the elderly who won WW2, to the already wealthy. Get to it buddy boy.

The damage Trump has done to the Republican party will last for decades to come. I know in my state of Colorado, with our large Hispanic population that you won't see another Republican Senator or Governor elected in this state. Hispanics were very instrumental in getting Republican Senator Cory Gardner elected in 2014, but he will be the last one.
GOP challenger Cory Gardner wins Senate seat as Latinos turn out in force in Colorado

What these Trump supporters always failed to realize is. Republicans depend on Hispanic support to win elections, especially in the entire southwest of this country.

Blacks used to be in the Republican column all the way up until Hoover screwed them over during the Great Mississippi flood. Ever since then they have been in the Democrat column.

Color Hispanics gone for good also. They are the fastest growing population in this country today, and already the largest minority voting block in this country.
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The mandate to have medical insurance will remain intact.

Trump has made no such claim whatsoever regarding the individual mandate. What he said was he is open to keeping pre-existing conditions covered and allowing parents to cover their kids until they are 26.

I love how the man has not even been president elect for a week and Hillary supporters are already running around crying wolf about proposals he hasn't even made
The buyer's remorse a few months after this pos takes office is going to be epic. And yes the clock is ticking until his basket of deplorables start protesting him as well.

And Ryan is already talking about ending Medicare. Yes great move, a gigantic transfer of wealth from the most vulnerable in the population, the elderly who won WW2, to the already wealthy. Get to it buddy boy.

The damage Trump has done to the Republican party will last for decades to come. I know in my state of Colorado, with our large Hispanic population that you won't see another Republican Senator or Governor elected in this state. Hispanics were very instrumental in getting Republican Senator Cory Gardner elected in 2014, but he will be the last one.
GOP challenger Cory Gardner wins Senate seat as Latinos turn out in force in Colorado

What these Trump supporters always failed to realize is. Republicans depend on Hispanic support to win elections, especially in the entire southwest of this country.

Blacks used to be in the Republican column all the way up until Hoover screwed them over during the Great Mississippi flood. Ever since then they have been in the Democrat column.

Color Hispanics gone for good also. They are the fastest growing population in this country today, and already the largest minority voting block in this country.

Cruz and Rubio are Democrats??

The buyer's remorse a few months after this pos takes office is going to be epic. And yes the clock is ticking until his basket of deplorables start protesting him as well.

And Ryan is already talking about ending Medicare. Yes great move, a gigantic transfer of wealth from the most vulnerable in the population, the elderly who won WW2, to the already wealthy. Get to it buddy boy.

The damage Trump has done to the Republican party will last for decades to come. I know in my state of Colorado, with our large Hispanic population that you won't see another Republican Senator or Governor elected in this state. Hispanics were very instrumental in getting Republican Senator Cory Gardner elected in 2014, but he will be the last one.
GOP challenger Cory Gardner wins Senate seat as Latinos turn out in force in Colorado

What these Trump supporters always failed to realize is. Republicans depend on Hispanic support to win elections, especially in the entire southwest of this country.

Blacks used to be in the Republican column all the way up until Hoover screwed them over during the Great Mississippi flood. Ever since then they have been in the Democrat column.

Color Hispanics gone for good also. They are the fastest growing population in this country today, and already the largest minority voting block in this country.

Romney got 27% of Hispanic voters. Trump got 29%
The buyer's remorse a few months after this pos takes office is going to be epic. And yes the clock is ticking until his basket of deplorables start protesting him as well.

And Ryan is already talking about ending Medicare. Yes great move, a gigantic transfer of wealth from the most vulnerable in the population, the elderly who won WW2, to the already wealthy. Get to it buddy boy.

The damage Trump has done to the Republican party will last for decades to come. I know in my state of Colorado, with our large Hispanic population that you won't see another Republican Senator or Governor elected in this state. Hispanics were very instrumental in getting Republican Senator Cory Gardner elected in 2014, but he will be the last one.
GOP challenger Cory Gardner wins Senate seat as Latinos turn out in force in Colorado

What these Trump supporters always failed to realize is. Republicans depend on Hispanic support to win elections, especially in the entire southwest of this country.

Blacks used to be in the Republican column all the way up until Hoover screwed them over during the Great Mississippi flood. Ever since then they have been in the Democrat column.

Color Hispanics gone for good also. They are the fastest growing population in this country today, and already the largest minority voting block in this country.

I'm sure that the Pubs will kiss and make up; just won't be toungies and warm showers!!!


In less than a week since Trump won--he's already flip-flopped on a couple of issues.

1. Tonight he announced he is not going to build a "wall"--it will be a fence--LOL If you've ever been to the border there are fences everywhere, many with holes in them the size of trucks. Mexico won't pay for a fence either. He also states tonight that illegals are "terrific--terrific" people, and after the border is secured--they'll decide what to do with the ones here. He campaigned all along on deporting 11 million illegals. Last week he stated that he would only deport illegals in this country that were criminals. (That's something every President has done.)

2. OBAMACARE--NEWS FLASH ---Trump is not going to repeal it. After an hour and half meeting with Obama, he's going to keep it, specifically pre-existing conditions, and children being left on their parents plan until they're 26 or 27. The mandate to have medical insurance will remain intact. So basically nothing is going to change here. Trump couldn't have repealed it anyway, of course his supporters would never understand basic civics. It took a sitting Democrat President, with a "super majority of Democrats in both houses" to give us Obamacare, and that's the only way to get rid of it. Hopefully they can get the premiums down, but who knows?

Next will be trade: Our trade agreements are written into law, and Republicans have always been very pro-free trade. The North American trade agreement between Canada & Mexico aka NAFTA isn't going away. Mexico is our number 2 buyer of American products. There are Walmarts, McDonalds and every other American corporation that have flooded these countries, so Trump not only has Republicans to deal with on these issues, but some very top level American corporations. Republicans will not approve of tariffs on imported goods, that only raise the price on goods to the American consumer and have never created a single job, and they sure as heck aren't going to impose a 35% tax on American auto makers because they purchasing car parts that were manufactured in another country. So if you thought those rusted out factories were going to re--open--forget it--those jobs are gone for good. No investors are going to open up factories so they can lose money.

These were Trump's core issues, that he constantly campaigned on, made millions of promises on, and he's already flipped on 2 of them within 1 week of the election. You've been roped a doped by a con man. You were warned too, and you ignored those warnings.

So the disappointment & anger has already started which I am seeing on other political boards from long time ardent--die hard supporters of Trump. So I am wondering when Trump voters will start protesting Trump with the protesters?
Looks like he's turned out to be a fizzler, but his shitlord abilities have been proven. That's all that's necessary to break the lesbian grip on our society, anyway. Humour. Like water to a witch.
I think it might take one or two years, for those that hoped for jobs and the economy tanks.

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