When Will FBI/DOJ Start Using Photos To Bring Violent Antifa/BLM Terrorists To Justice As They Are Doing With Capitol Rioters?

Your support of politically targeted prosecution is you supporting an end to democracy.
These people committed crimes. Their prosecution is their own fault.
What about the murder of Ashli Babbitt? That was a crime. That cop needs to be held accountable.
No, it wasn't, not only did the dumb bitch ignore signs saying the capitol was off limits to visitors, she breached a police line, then attempted to go through a window, with cops, with guns.
The stupid, gullible, Q NUT deserved to be put down, many more should have.
There was no warning. She was murdered. Period.
A sign.
Breaching a fence.
Breaching a police line.
Attempting to go through a broken out window, with cops, with guns, were not enough, "WARNING"?
If not, she should have been shot, for being that STUPID.
You condone murder for political reasons. You are not an American.
She was a potential terrorist with a backpack, they should have shot her more times
You support murderers. Something is seriously wrong with that. Get back to me if you ever realize that. Until then you are just another morally bankrupt asshole enabling the destruction of this country.

Your support of politically targeted prosecution is you supporting an end to democracy.
These people committed crimes. Their prosecution is their own fault.
What about the murder of Ashli Babbitt? That was a crime. That cop needs to be held accountable.
No, it wasn't, not only did the dumb bitch ignore signs saying the capitol was off limits to visitors, she breached a police line, then attempted to go through a window, with cops, with guns.
The stupid, gullible, Q NUT deserved to be put down, many more should have.
There was no warning. She was murdered. Period.
A sign.
Breaching a fence.
Breaching a police line.
Attempting to go through a broken out window, with cops, with guns, were not enough, "WARNING"?
If not, she should have been shot, for being that STUPID.

If we shot ever leftist based on those rules, the death toll would probably be in the tens of thousands.
Then, based on the RW cult and their love of AR''s and AK's you would need about a 1,000,000 rounds of ammo, they need 60, just to would a rabbit.
For people who love such weapons how many were fired during the riot at the capitol?
A License to Carry a Handgun is required to legally carry a concealed handgun in the District of Columbia. Licenses are issued to qualified applicants on a "shall issue" basis by the Metropolitan Police Department. Licenses are granted to residents and non-residents. Concealed carry licenses issued by other jurisdictions are not valid in D.C. A license to carry is required for possessing a loaded handgun in a vehicle.

Open carry is not allowed in District of Columbia.

The law declares that areas within 1,000 feet of a school, college, day care center, playground, library, public housing complex and other public gathering spot to be enhanced penalty zones. The Metropolitan Police Department claims that this restriction does not apply to those who have concealed carry permits, and only acts as a penalty enhancement against those who are carrying illegally.

DC police would have arrested them at Trump's pity rally, if they were packing.

So let me get this straight. This group planned and prepared to overthrow the US government but were concerned about getting arrested for unlawful carry? There is no possible way they could have concealed their weapons prior to this “insurrection” attempt, right?

This wasn’t an insurrection. It was a protest where a portion got out of control and over-stepped their bounds, much like happens in viritually every left-wing protest that takes place on a daily basis around the country. The difference is these folks weren’t interested in stealing TV’s for their cause, but rather expressing their discontent over an election that was shady at best...an election that would have huge, detrimental and permanent consequences for our country as we can already see even in the short term that Biden/Harris have been in office.
Yes they did, they were called to DC by Trump.

January 20 2021
Federal investigators have begun piecing together evidence that some of the insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 were executing well-laid plans, deploying communications systems and issuing marching orders to rioters as they battled police.

A new affidavit filed Tuesday by the FBI described preparations by the right-wing Proud Boys to storm the Capitol, including using earpieces and walkie-talkies to direct movements throughout the building and a discussion about wearing black to dupe people into blaming antifa for any trouble.

That's exactly what Trumpsters and Q NUTS are trying to do now.

As Jessica Watkins broke past law enforcement officers on January 6, marching into the Capitol building, she could hardly contain her delight.

Everything was going according to plan.

"We are in the mezzanine. We are in the main dome right now. We are rocking it," she told her fellow Oath Keepers, according to court filings. "They are throwing grenades, they are fricking shooting people with paintballs. But we are in here."

Clad in camouflage, combat helmets, bulletproof vests, and gloves with reinforced knuckles, Watkins declared victory once they penetrated the rotunda.

It was a culmination of two months of planning from the Oath Keepers, an extremist militia that seeks to overthrow the US government, federal prosecutors say in court filings for cases against Watkins and other members of the group.
They were about fallacies concerning racists and abnormally high fequency of police murder of african americans.
They’re not fallacies. It’s unequal application of the law. Black people are investigated more often, prosecuted more vigorous and sentenced more harshly than others.
Yes they are fallacies.
Unarmed whites are more likely to be killed by the police than unarmed blacks.
Black people also commit more crimes which negates your claims
Tell it to the police in their police station after antifa poured concrete on the exits and tried to set fire to the building, or the federal court houses that were repeatedly attacked, or ICE where the mayor ordered the cops to stand down so that rioters would have a free hand.
Yeah, a handful of rioters with cigarette lighters isn’t exactly a threat to burning down a building. The Court House being attacked resulted in charges.

The Capitol rioters are lucky that they didn’t get the beat down other rioters did.

The rioters of the left are not being pursued with the zeal and determination that the rioters of 1/6 are.

That you support that, is you supporting the violation of their rights and the keeping of political prisoners.
Looters of the captial are being pursued with extra vigor, and that's good.

It is a violation of their civil rights and politically motivated prosecution means that anyone serving any time, will be a political prisoner.

How is any of that "good"?

Your support of politically targeted prosecution is you supporting an end to democracy.
These people committed crimes. Their prosecution is their own fault.
What about the murder of Ashli Babbitt? That was a crime. That cop needs to be held accountable.
No, it wasn't, not only did the dumb bitch ignore signs saying the capitol was off limits to visitors, she breached a police line, then attempted to go through a window, with cops, with guns.
The stupid, gullible, Q NUT deserved to be put down, many more should have.
There was no warning. She was murdered. Period.
A sign.
Breaching a fence.
Breaching a police line.
Attempting to go through a broken out window, with cops, with guns, were not enough, "WARNING"?
If not, she should have been shot, for being that STUPID.
You condone murder for political reasons. You are not an American.
Evidently, you do.
5 people were killed and RWNJ's are trying to blame anything but the attempted insurrection.
According to RWNJ's the 4 others were killed by pre existing conditions, nothing to do with the riot.
Just so we know we can take you seriously; link us to all your bitching and denouncement of the BurnLootMurder charged killings.
Thanks in advance.
Why would I?
Not the same, retard.
Congress and senate was in session.
The seat of our federal government.
You're talking a picnic as opposed to dinner at the white house.
hahaha...thought so.
Just had to expose your retarded LefTard Logic....Carry on with the twisted caveats, we swear, we think you're a legitimate human being.
Your support of politically targeted prosecution is you supporting an end to democracy.
These people committed crimes. Their prosecution is their own fault.
What about the murder of Ashli Babbitt? That was a crime. That cop needs to be held accountable.
No, it wasn't, not only did the dumb bitch ignore signs saying the capitol was off limits to visitors, she breached a police line, then attempted to go through a window, with cops, with guns.
The stupid, gullible, Q NUT deserved to be put down, many more should have.
There was no warning. She was murdered. Period.
A sign.
Breaching a fence.
Breaching a police line.
Attempting to go through a broken out window, with cops, with guns, were not enough, "WARNING"?
If not, she should have been shot, for being that STUPID.
You condone murder for political reasons. You are not an American.
Evidently, you do.
5 people were killed and RWNJ's are trying to blame anything but the attempted insurrection.
According to RWNJ's the 4 others were killed by pre existing conditions, nothing to do with the riot.
Just so we know we can take you seriously; link us to all your bitching and denouncement of the BurnLootMurder charged killings.
Thanks in advance.
Why would I?
Not the same, retard.
Congress and senate was in session.
The seat of our federal government.
You're talking a picnic as opposed to dinner at the white house.
hahaha...thought so.
Just had to expose your retarded LefTard Logic....Carry on with the twisted caveats, we swear, we think you're a legitimate human being.
Let me guess, you're a Q NUT?
No 'guessing".
OR a Russian bot.
The Q narrative comes from the Left. It should be roundly ignored for the propaganda it is.
Except, Q NUTS repeat the QNUT/Russian propaganda all the time.
Like this retard.

“There was no insurrection, and to call it an insurrection, in my opinion, is a bald-faced lie,” said Rep. Andrew Clyde (R) of Georgia . “Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol and walked through Statuary Hall showed people in an orderly fashion staying between the stanchions and ropes taking videos and pictures. You know, if you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from January the 6th, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.”

Q NUTS are liars, just like their dear leader, they just aren't as good at it, THAT'S sad.

Saying Q over and over, doesn't change the fact that this is unequal application of justice and thus a violation of their civil rights.
SO, you support the equal zeal of a murder investigation and resources, of a black hooker in Memphis as should have been, applied to say Pablo Escobar?

I support the equal application of justice.

The rioters of 1/6, a small riot of a few hundred people, that lasted under 6 hours, should not be primary focus on federal law enforcement, while the riots of antifa and blm, which have numbered in the hundreds and lasted for weeks in some cases, are slow walked if not actually given a fucking pass.

That is my point. Do you want to address it, or would you like to avoid it some more?
That's an issue, RWNJ think they got a a "pass' over 5,000 people have been charged and arrested.

A few hundred people, a small riot, 6 hours, SHOULDN'T be a primary focus, on a FEDERAL building?

From federal prosecutors?

DC is federal, especially when it involves FEDERAL politicians.

You're trying to equate state crimes with FEDERAL crimes.

You must be one of those 'constitutional" Q NUTS.
No you are wrong.

The accurate and equivelant comparison is insurrection and violent revolt from the left which is ignored and excused .

"Ignored and excused"?

June 4 2020
More than 10,000 people have been arrested in protests decrying racism and police brutality in the wake of George Floyd’s death, according to an Associated Press tally of known arrests across the U.S.

The count has grown by the hundreds each day as protesters spilled into the streets and encountered a heavy police presence and curfews that give law enforcement stepped-up arrest powers.

Civil unrest and rioting doesn't equate with insurrection.
Repeating it 1,000s of times doesn't change it, well it works on FOX and the Trump cult.
CHAZ was a violent insurrection.

They were excused and ignored that is factr deal with it
You are FOS.
It's the Trump cult who are ignoring what they tried to do.

Republican efforts to downplay the Capitol riots on Jan. 6 have grown bolder, with Rep. Andrew Clyde, R-Ga., suggested
“Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol and walked through statuary hall showed people in an orderly fashion staying between the stanchions and roped and taking video and pictures,” he said.

“If you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from Jan. 6, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.”
DC when Trump was inaugurated. Funny how you support terrorists.
View attachment 489731View attachment 489732
Again you're FOS.
Using the George Floyd photos, then trying to imply the were from January 2017.
Gas lighting only works on other Trumpsters and Q NUTS.
Your support of politically targeted prosecution is you supporting an end to democracy.
These people committed crimes. Their prosecution is their own fault.
What about the murder of Ashli Babbitt? That was a crime. That cop needs to be held accountable.
No, it wasn't, not only did the dumb bitch ignore signs saying the capitol was off limits to visitors, she breached a police line, then attempted to go through a window, with cops, with guns.
The stupid, gullible, Q NUT deserved to be put down, many more should have.
There was no warning. She was murdered. Period.
A sign.
Breaching a fence.
Breaching a police line.
Attempting to go through a broken out window, with cops, with guns, were not enough, "WARNING"?
If not, she should have been shot, for being that STUPID.
You condone murder for political reasons. You are not an American.
She was a potential terrorist with a backpack, they should have shot her more times
You support murderers. Something is seriously wrong with that. Get back to me if you ever realize that. Until then you are just another morally bankrupt asshole enabling the destruction of this country.

Your support of politically targeted prosecution is you supporting an end to democracy.
These people committed crimes. Their prosecution is their own fault.
What about the murder of Ashli Babbitt? That was a crime. That cop needs to be held accountable.
No, it wasn't, not only did the dumb bitch ignore signs saying the capitol was off limits to visitors, she breached a police line, then attempted to go through a window, with cops, with guns.
The stupid, gullible, Q NUT deserved to be put down, many more should have.
There was no warning. She was murdered. Period.
A sign.
Breaching a fence.
Breaching a police line.
Attempting to go through a broken out window, with cops, with guns, were not enough, "WARNING"?
If not, she should have been shot, for being that STUPID.

If we shot ever leftist based on those rules, the death toll would probably be in the tens of thousands.
Then, based on the RW cult and their love of AR''s and AK's you would need about a 1,000,000 rounds of ammo, they need 60, just to would a rabbit.
For people who love such weapons how many were fired during the riot at the capitol?
A License to Carry a Handgun is required to legally carry a concealed handgun in the District of Columbia. Licenses are issued to qualified applicants on a "shall issue" basis by the Metropolitan Police Department. Licenses are granted to residents and non-residents. Concealed carry licenses issued by other jurisdictions are not valid in D.C. A license to carry is required for possessing a loaded handgun in a vehicle.

Open carry is not allowed in District of Columbia.

The law declares that areas within 1,000 feet of a school, college, day care center, playground, library, public housing complex and other public gathering spot to be enhanced penalty zones. The Metropolitan Police Department claims that this restriction does not apply to those who have concealed carry permits, and only acts as a penalty enhancement against those who are carrying illegally.

DC police would have arrested them at Trump's pity rally, if they were packing.
Except nobody had a weapon and zero have been charged for your BS assertion of a coup.
Yes, they did ,moron.
They carried knives, baseball bats, stun guns, pepper spray, a hockey stick, a crutch, let alone bring a noose and a guillotine.
More lies. Nobody has been charged of anything remotely close to your bullshit lie.
It’s not lies. These people told us exactly what they intended to do. Trump had his whole rally to talk about how he was going to reverse the election and stay in office. He’d been talking about it for months.
Zero have been charged with anything even remotely close to your bullshit.
Your support of politically targeted prosecution is you supporting an end to democracy.
These people committed crimes. Their prosecution is their own fault.
What about the murder of Ashli Babbitt? That was a crime. That cop needs to be held accountable.
No, it wasn't, not only did the dumb bitch ignore signs saying the capitol was off limits to visitors, she breached a police line, then attempted to go through a window, with cops, with guns.
The stupid, gullible, Q NUT deserved to be put down, many more should have.
There was no warning. She was murdered. Period.
A sign.
Breaching a fence.
Breaching a police line.
Attempting to go through a broken out window, with cops, with guns, were not enough, "WARNING"?
If not, she should have been shot, for being that STUPID.
You condone murder for political reasons. You are not an American.
She was a potential terrorist with a backpack, they should have shot her more times
You support murderers. Something is seriously wrong with that. Get back to me if you ever realize that. Until then you are just another morally bankrupt asshole enabling the destruction of this country.

Your support of politically targeted prosecution is you supporting an end to democracy.
These people committed crimes. Their prosecution is their own fault.
What about the murder of Ashli Babbitt? That was a crime. That cop needs to be held accountable.
No, it wasn't, not only did the dumb bitch ignore signs saying the capitol was off limits to visitors, she breached a police line, then attempted to go through a window, with cops, with guns.
The stupid, gullible, Q NUT deserved to be put down, many more should have.
There was no warning. She was murdered. Period.
A sign.
Breaching a fence.
Breaching a police line.
Attempting to go through a broken out window, with cops, with guns, were not enough, "WARNING"?
If not, she should have been shot, for being that STUPID.

If we shot ever leftist based on those rules, the death toll would probably be in the tens of thousands.
Then, based on the RW cult and their love of AR''s and AK's you would need about a 1,000,000 rounds of ammo, they need 60, just to would a rabbit.
For people who love such weapons how many were fired during the riot at the capitol?
A License to Carry a Handgun is required to legally carry a concealed handgun in the District of Columbia. Licenses are issued to qualified applicants on a "shall issue" basis by the Metropolitan Police Department. Licenses are granted to residents and non-residents. Concealed carry licenses issued by other jurisdictions are not valid in D.C. A license to carry is required for possessing a loaded handgun in a vehicle.

Open carry is not allowed in District of Columbia.

The law declares that areas within 1,000 feet of a school, college, day care center, playground, library, public housing complex and other public gathering spot to be enhanced penalty zones. The Metropolitan Police Department claims that this restriction does not apply to those who have concealed carry permits, and only acts as a penalty enhancement against those who are carrying illegally.

DC police would have arrested them at Trump's pity rally, if they were packing.
Except nobody had a weapon and zero have been charged for your BS assertion of a coup.
Yes, they did ,moron.
They carried knives, baseball bats, stun guns, pepper spray, a hockey stick, a crutch, let alone bring a noose and a guillotine.
Don’t forget the ICBM they found on that 74 year old grandma.
More lies. Nobody has been charged of anything remotely close to your bullshit lie.
It’s not lies. These people told us exactly what they intended to do. Trump had his whole rally to talk about how he was going to reverse the election and stay in office. He’d been talking about it for months.
Zero have been charged with anything even remotely close to your bullshit.
Irrelevant. We know what they intended to do because they told us. Are you going to deny that? Going to rewrite history?
They were about fallacies concerning racists and abnormally high fequency of police murder of african americans.
They’re not fallacies. It’s unequal application of the law. Black people are investigated more often, prosecuted more vigorous and sentenced more harshly than others.
Yes they are fallacies.
Unarmed whites are more likely to be killed by the police than unarmed blacks.
Black people also commit more crimes which negates your claims
Tell it to the police in their police station after antifa poured concrete on the exits and tried to set fire to the building, or the federal court houses that were repeatedly attacked, or ICE where the mayor ordered the cops to stand down so that rioters would have a free hand.
Yeah, a handful of rioters with cigarette lighters isn’t exactly a threat to burning down a building. The Court House being attacked resulted in charges.

The Capitol rioters are lucky that they didn’t get the beat down other rioters did.

The rioters of the left are not being pursued with the zeal and determination that the rioters of 1/6 are.

That you support that, is you supporting the violation of their rights and the keeping of political prisoners.
Looters of the captial are being pursued with extra vigor, and that's good.

It is a violation of their civil rights and politically motivated prosecution means that anyone serving any time, will be a political prisoner.

How is any of that "good"?

Your support of politically targeted prosecution is you supporting an end to democracy.
These people committed crimes. Their prosecution is their own fault.
What about the murder of Ashli Babbitt? That was a crime. That cop needs to be held accountable.
No, it wasn't, not only did the dumb bitch ignore signs saying the capitol was off limits to visitors, she breached a police line, then attempted to go through a window, with cops, with guns.
The stupid, gullible, Q NUT deserved to be put down, many more should have.
There was no warning. She was murdered. Period.
A sign.
Breaching a fence.
Breaching a police line.
Attempting to go through a broken out window, with cops, with guns, were not enough, "WARNING"?
If not, she should have been shot, for being that STUPID.
You condone murder for political reasons. You are not an American.
Evidently, you do.
5 people were killed and RWNJ's are trying to blame anything but the attempted insurrection.
According to RWNJ's the 4 others were killed by pre existing conditions, nothing to do with the riot.
Just so we know we can take you seriously; link us to all your bitching and denouncement of the BurnLootMurder charged killings.
Thanks in advance.
Why would I?
Not the same, retard.
Congress and senate was in session.
The seat of our federal government.
You're talking a picnic as opposed to dinner at the white house.
hahaha...thought so.
Just had to expose your retarded LefTard Logic....Carry on with the twisted caveats, we swear, we think you're a legitimate human being.
Your support of politically targeted prosecution is you supporting an end to democracy.
These people committed crimes. Their prosecution is their own fault.
What about the murder of Ashli Babbitt? That was a crime. That cop needs to be held accountable.
No, it wasn't, not only did the dumb bitch ignore signs saying the capitol was off limits to visitors, she breached a police line, then attempted to go through a window, with cops, with guns.
The stupid, gullible, Q NUT deserved to be put down, many more should have.
There was no warning. She was murdered. Period.
A sign.
Breaching a fence.
Breaching a police line.
Attempting to go through a broken out window, with cops, with guns, were not enough, "WARNING"?
If not, she should have been shot, for being that STUPID.
You condone murder for political reasons. You are not an American.
Evidently, you do.
5 people were killed and RWNJ's are trying to blame anything but the attempted insurrection.
According to RWNJ's the 4 others were killed by pre existing conditions, nothing to do with the riot.
Just so we know we can take you seriously; link us to all your bitching and denouncement of the BurnLootMurder charged killings.
Thanks in advance.
Why would I?
Not the same, retard.
Congress and senate was in session.
The seat of our federal government.
You're talking a picnic as opposed to dinner at the white house.
hahaha...thought so.
Just had to expose your retarded LefTard Logic....Carry on with the twisted caveats, we swear, we think you're a legitimate human being.
Let me guess, you're a Q NUT?
No 'guessing".
OR a Russian bot.
The Q narrative comes from the Left. It should be roundly ignored for the propaganda it is.
Except, Q NUTS repeat the QNUT/Russian propaganda all the time.
Like this retard.

“There was no insurrection, and to call it an insurrection, in my opinion, is a bald-faced lie,” said Rep. Andrew Clyde (R) of Georgia . “Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol and walked through Statuary Hall showed people in an orderly fashion staying between the stanchions and ropes taking videos and pictures. You know, if you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from January the 6th, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.”

Q NUTS are liars, just like their dear leader, they just aren't as good at it, THAT'S sad.

Saying Q over and over, doesn't change the fact that this is unequal application of justice and thus a violation of their civil rights.
SO, you support the equal zeal of a murder investigation and resources, of a black hooker in Memphis as should have been, applied to say Pablo Escobar?

I support the equal application of justice.

The rioters of 1/6, a small riot of a few hundred people, that lasted under 6 hours, should not be primary focus on federal law enforcement, while the riots of antifa and blm, which have numbered in the hundreds and lasted for weeks in some cases, are slow walked if not actually given a fucking pass.

That is my point. Do you want to address it, or would you like to avoid it some more?
That's an issue, RWNJ think they got a a "pass' over 5,000 people have been charged and arrested.

A few hundred people, a small riot, 6 hours, SHOULDN'T be a primary focus, on a FEDERAL building?

From federal prosecutors?

DC is federal, especially when it involves FEDERAL politicians.

You're trying to equate state crimes with FEDERAL crimes.

You must be one of those 'constitutional" Q NUTS.
No you are wrong.

The accurate and equivelant comparison is insurrection and violent revolt from the left which is ignored and excused .

"Ignored and excused"?

June 4 2020
More than 10,000 people have been arrested in protests decrying racism and police brutality in the wake of George Floyd’s death, according to an Associated Press tally of known arrests across the U.S.

The count has grown by the hundreds each day as protesters spilled into the streets and encountered a heavy police presence and curfews that give law enforcement stepped-up arrest powers.

Civil unrest and rioting doesn't equate with insurrection.
Repeating it 1,000s of times doesn't change it, well it works on FOX and the Trump cult.
CHAZ was a violent insurrection.

They were excused and ignored that is factr deal with it
You are FOS.
It's the Trump cult who are ignoring what they tried to do.

Republican efforts to downplay the Capitol riots on Jan. 6 have grown bolder, with Rep. Andrew Clyde, R-Ga., suggested
“Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol and walked through statuary hall showed people in an orderly fashion staying between the stanchions and roped and taking video and pictures,” he said.

“If you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from Jan. 6, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.”
DC when Trump was inaugurated. Funny how you support terrorists.
View attachment 489731View attachment 489732
Again you're FOS.
Using the George Floyd photos, then trying to imply the were from January 2017.
Gas lighting only works on other Trumpsters and Q NUTS.
More lies. Nobody has been charged of anything remotely close to your bullshit lie.
It’s not lies. These people told us exactly what they intended to do. Trump had his whole rally to talk about how he was going to reverse the election and stay in office. He’d been talking about it for months.
Zero have been charged with anything even remotely close to your bullshit.
Irrelevant. We know what they intended to do because they told us. Are you going to deny that? Going to rewrite history?
Yes, facts are irrelevant to you.
Yes, facts are irrelevant to you.
Some facts are irrelevant. They always are. The fact is the “protestors” and Trump told us exactly what their intent was. That’s not irrelevant. It’s ignored by people like you who want to rewrite history.
There’s good reason nobody’s been charged with anything close to your lies.
Your pretense that there is only one video of blm being racist and/or violent shows that you are not serious nor credible.
Actually I specifically stated the opposite of what you claim is my pretense.

I think there’s a big problem making sweeping judgements on anecdotal YouTube videos.

You specified ONE youtube video. That was you demonstrating how credible your words are.

Your claimed observation of how nice and not-racist the blm riots were, is dismissed.
I’m not going to claim that the woman’s actions are the only possible example of it, but claiming its representative of the movement is beyond rational.
It's clear I don't think this is the only video that can be produced, but it is the only video that has been produced.

The idea that you can determine what a movement comprised of millions of people is all about by any number of YouTube videos is beyond absurd. The fact that you're trying to pitch it is not credible.

Want to play a game?

In every post, you say, "you can't just tell what a movement is about, just from a number or youtube videos,..."

and in each of my responses, I will add another piece of supporting evidence,

and then in your post, you repeat your "you can't" statement, while adding the next piece.

Let's see what happens first, I run out of supporting evidence, or you start getting embarrassed by how stupid your statement is becoming.

My turn. Next piece of evidence. The many racist proclamations from the movements leaders.

Now you say, "you can't just"
In every post, you say, "you can't just tell what a movement is about, just from a number or youtube videos,..."

and in each of my responses, I will add another piece of supporting evidence,
And every time you will still fail to do anything but produce anecdotes because your attempt has a failed methodology.

Continuing to use that methodology isn’t going to magically change it.

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