When will Biden/MSM/Democrats Apologize for Lying about Illegal Immigrants Being Whipped at the Border?

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
I noticed our President hasn't. Let's go over the story:

1. A photographer takes a photo during a horse turning, which one of the reigns flails outward, while catching an illegal immigrant.
2. The leftist media invent the narrative that the border patrol agents have whips, and use their imagination to fill in the gaps and create a juicy story.
3. Every mainstream media pundit show led with Headline News about how our border patrol agents are whipping illegal immigrants at the border all week when it wasn't happening.
4. The photographer who took the photo said he never saw anyone get whipped
5. The actual video of the exact encounter was released, and showed the border patrol agent merely turn the horse, get off the horse, and grab the guy by the shirt.
6. The media ignored proof of the truth, and continue to peddle misinformation.
7. Joe Biden fails to do any research, and tells the entire country that our border agents are whipping people at the border when they aren't, and then proceeds to attack and malign border patrol agents for doing what they didn't do.

Notice the bold lines. This is commonplace in leftist media today. Invent BS, lead every hour with the BS, ignore proof that your BS is BS, etc. You have to be a really big idiot to fall for that one, but Biden did, because apparently he, or his "people", get their intel from CNN.

Much like the Nicholas Sandmann case, or the Duke Lacrosse Scandal... yet another media maelstrom of lies in the name of a political narrative and cause, this time accompanied by the Democrat party.

So when will Biden say he's sorry to the people he maligned? When will he censor himself for such harmful misinformation? Will Facebook and Twitter push down Biden's exposure online because he's now a routine source of "misinformation"? Should he be banned from Twitter like Trump?

RIP to the Fact-Checking industry since Donald Trump left office. They've all gone completely limp.. and crawled into their caves. This is the difference between a Dem President lying and a GOP president lying.
- Biden lies twice before getting out of bed, and not a peep. FOX is talking about it but to the left that means it's by definition wrong. FOX could report water is made of 2 Hydrogen, 1 Oxygen and they would reject it.
- Trump would say he had 3 omelettes in his egg, when it was really 2, and CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NYT, etc, would all have an immediate "fact check", and then report it many times every hour about how Trump lied... along with so many celebs, academica nuts raging on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. about how horrific it is that a president would lie... followed by Youtube/Facebook/Twitter censoring Trump in general because he dared to tell "misinformation" about his omelette this morning.. and then making sure algorithms suppress anyone who is promoting Trump.

All of this over omelettes. Yes, the "lies" that the left would focus on about Trump were often this ridiculous.. but they had to have it to bolster their invented check-mark system.

Notice, it's not about whether a president lies. For the left, they just don't like it when a GOP or Conservative lies. They are just fine, quiet, and content with Joe Biden lying. So if you ever see Biden, Pelosi, Harris, Schumer etc act (yes, it's an act) outraged about a lie, just do the appropriate thing and laugh at them. And if you see a proud, leftist, pro-Democrat activist acting (another act) outraged because a GOP/Conservative didn't tell the truth... again, have a chuckle, and demand to know where their outrage was during these times while Biden is in office, lying his ass off at a record pace. It's not good to lie in office, but if Conservatives are elevated anywhere, it's that we can always admit that politicians of both parties lie, and it's sadly a part of politics. From what I can tell, leftists refuse to admit that Democrats lie, because lying is only something the people they don't like do... it's very childish.
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Everything Xiden touches turns to shit. The border, Hellfires for kids in AFG, Haitians all over the US, infected migrants all over the US, the government shuts down, his infrastructure bills fail, and the mid-terms look to be a GOP whitewash. Then for good measure Xiden threatens the US border guard doing his job. His record of always being wrong is still intact.
I noticed our President hasn't. Let's go over the story:

1. A photographer takes a photo during a horse turning, which one of the reigns flails outward, while catching an illegal immigrant.
2. The leftist media invent that the border patrol agents have whips, and use their imagination to fill in the gaps and create a juicy story.
3. Every mainstream media pundit show talked about how our border patrol agents are whipping illegal immigrants at the border all week when it wasn't happening.
4. The photographer who took the photo said he never saw anyone get whipped
5. The actual video of the exact encounter was released, and showed the border patrol agent merely turn the horse, get off the horse, and grab the guy by the shirt.
6. The media ignore proof of the truth, and continue to peddle misinformation.
7. Joe Biden fails to do any research, and tells the entire country that our border agents are whipping people at the border when they aren't, and then proceeds to attack and malign border patrol agents for doing what they didn't do.

You have to be a really big idiot to fall for that one, but Biden did, because apparently he, or his "people", get their intel from CNN.

Much like the Nicholas Sandmann case, or the Duke Lacrosse Scandal... yet another media maelstrom of lies in the name of a political narrative and cause, this time accompanied by the Democrat party.

So when will Biden say he's sorry to the people he maligned? When will he censor himself for such harmful misinformation? Will Facebook and Twitter push down Biden's exposure online because he's now a routine source of "misinformation"? Should he be banned from Twitter like Trump?

RIP to the Fact-Checking industry since Donald Trump left office. They've all gone completely limp.. and crawled into their caves. Biden lies twice before getting out of bed, and not a peep. Trump would say he had 3 omelettes in his egg, when it was really 2, and CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NYT, etc, would all have an immediate "fact check", and then report it many times every hour about how Trump lied... along with so many celebs, academica nuts raging on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. about how horrific it is that a president would lie...

Notice, it's not about whether a president lies. For the left, they just don't like it when a GOP or Conservative lies. They are just fine, quiet, and content with Joe Biden lying. So if you ever see Biden, Pelosi, Harris, Schumer etc act (yes, it's an act) outraged about a lie, just do the appropriate thing and laugh at them. And if you see a proud, leftist, pro-Democrat activist acting (another act) outraged because a GOP/Conservative didn't tell the truth... again, have a chuckle, and demand to know where their outrage was during these times while Biden is in office, lying his ass off at a record pace.

Fat Chance that will never happen.... this perpetual liar cannot even take an honest breathe much less speak one truthful phrase.
McKenzie and Milley proved that today and the George Stephanopoulos video confirms that Joey Xi lied to the American PEOPLE.
The Border Patrol Cowboys were whipping immigrants! I saw it on live TV. They were using long reins as whips. They also appeared to be enjoying it. It was disgusting and unconscionable.

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I noticed our President hasn't. Let's go over the story:

1. A photographer takes a photo during a horse turning, which one of the reigns flails outward, while catching an illegal immigrant.
2. The leftist media invent the narrative that the border patrol agents have whips, and use their imagination to fill in the gaps and create a juicy story.
3. Every mainstream media pundit show led with Headline News about how our border patrol agents are whipping illegal immigrants at the border all week when it wasn't happening.
4. The photographer who took the photo said he never saw anyone get whipped
5. The actual video of the exact encounter was released, and showed the border patrol agent merely turn the horse, get off the horse, and grab the guy by the shirt.
6. The media ignored proof of the truth, and continue to peddle misinformation.
7. Joe Biden fails to do any research, and tells the entire country that our border agents are whipping people at the border when they aren't, and then proceeds to attack and malign border patrol agents for doing what they didn't do.

Notice the bold lines. This is commonplace in leftist media today. Invent BS, lead every hour with the BS, ignore proof that your BS is BS, etc. You have to be a really big idiot to fall for that one, but Biden did, because apparently he, or his "people", get their intel from CNN.

Much like the Nicholas Sandmann case, or the Duke Lacrosse Scandal... yet another media maelstrom of lies in the name of a political narrative and cause, this time accompanied by the Democrat party.

So when will Biden say he's sorry to the people he maligned? When will he censor himself for such harmful misinformation? Will Facebook and Twitter push down Biden's exposure online because he's now a routine source of "misinformation"? Should he be banned from Twitter like Trump?

RIP to the Fact-Checking industry since Donald Trump left office. They've all gone completely limp.. and crawled into their caves. This is the difference between a Dem President lying and a GOP president lying.
- Biden lies twice before getting out of bed, and not a peep. FOX is talking about it but to the left that means it's by definition wrong. FOX could report water is made of 2 Hydrogen, 1 Oxygen and they would reject it.
- Trump would say he had 3 omelettes in his egg, when it was really 2, and CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NYT, etc, would all have an immediate "fact check", and then report it many times every hour about how Trump lied... along with so many celebs, academica nuts raging on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. about how horrific it is that a president would lie... followed by Youtube/Facebook/Twitter censoring Trump in general because he dared to tell "misinformation" about his omelette this morning.. and then making sure algorithms suppress anyone who is promoting Trump.

All of this over omelettes. Yes, the "lies" that the left would focus on about Trump were often this ridiculous.. but they had to have it to bolster their invented check-mark system.

Notice, it's not about whether a president lies. For the left, they just don't like it when a GOP or Conservative lies. They are just fine, quiet, and content with Joe Biden lying. So if you ever see Biden, Pelosi, Harris, Schumer etc act (yes, it's an act) outraged about a lie, just do the appropriate thing and laugh at them. And if you see a proud, leftist, pro-Democrat activist acting (another act) outraged because a GOP/Conservative didn't tell the truth... again, have a chuckle, and demand to know where their outrage was during these times while Biden is in office, lying his ass off at a record pace. It's not good to lie in office, but if Conservatives are elevated anywhere, it's that we can always admit that politicians of both parties lie, and it's sadly a part of politics. From what I can tell, leftists refuse to admit that Democrats lie, because lying is only something the people they don't like do... it's very childish.
Biden will just act like he forgets he ever said it.
Of course they will not apologize. They barely even acknowledge when they are incorrect and even then the message is still pushed even when its basis is proven to be a lie.

Of course, the same people that eat this shit up will tell us all how terrible FOX news is while holding CNN up as 'news.'

None of the supposed 'news' sources are actually news - it is almost 100 percent invented bullshit.

Every time the news hits on something I have intermate and behind the scene information I find that the news is an outright fabrication. Every single time.
Biden is a little too pre-occupied dodging Austin's, Milley's, & McKenzie's testimony of how Biden repeatedly lied to the American people about his historic Afghanistan withdrawal disaster to worry about his blatant lies told about the mounted USBP agents.

I noticed our President hasn't. Let's go over the story:

1. A photographer takes a photo during a horse turning, which one of the reigns flails outward, while catching an illegal immigrant.
2. The leftist media invent the narrative that the border patrol agents have whips, and use their imagination to fill in the gaps and create a juicy story.
3. Every mainstream media pundit show led with Headline News about how our border patrol agents are whipping illegal immigrants at the border all week when it wasn't happening.
4. The photographer who took the photo said he never saw anyone get whipped
5. The actual video of the exact encounter was released, and showed the border patrol agent merely turn the horse, get off the horse, and grab the guy by the shirt.
6. The media ignored proof of the truth, and continue to peddle misinformation.
7. Joe Biden fails to do any research, and tells the entire country that our border agents are whipping people at the border when they aren't, and then proceeds to attack and malign border patrol agents for doing what they didn't do.

Notice the bold lines. This is commonplace in leftist media today. Invent BS, lead every hour with the BS, ignore proof that your BS is BS, etc. You have to be a really big idiot to fall for that one, but Biden did, because apparently he, or his "people", get their intel from CNN.

Much like the Nicholas Sandmann case, or the Duke Lacrosse Scandal... yet another media maelstrom of lies in the name of a political narrative and cause, this time accompanied by the Democrat party.

So when will Biden say he's sorry to the people he maligned? When will he censor himself for such harmful misinformation? Will Facebook and Twitter push down Biden's exposure online because he's now a routine source of "misinformation"? Should he be banned from Twitter like Trump?

RIP to the Fact-Checking industry since Donald Trump left office. They've all gone completely limp.. and crawled into their caves. This is the difference between a Dem President lying and a GOP president lying.
- Biden lies twice before getting out of bed, and not a peep. FOX is talking about it but to the left that means it's by definition wrong. FOX could report water is made of 2 Hydrogen, 1 Oxygen and they would reject it.
- Trump would say he had 3 omelettes in his egg, when it was really 2, and CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NYT, etc, would all have an immediate "fact check", and then report it many times every hour about how Trump lied... along with so many celebs, academica nuts raging on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. about how horrific it is that a president would lie... followed by Youtube/Facebook/Twitter censoring Trump in general because he dared to tell "misinformation" about his omelette this morning.. and then making sure algorithms suppress anyone who is promoting Trump.

All of this over omelettes. Yes, the "lies" that the left would focus on about Trump were often this ridiculous.. but they had to have it to bolster their invented check-mark system.

Notice, it's not about whether a president lies. For the left, they just don't like it when a GOP or Conservative lies. They are just fine, quiet, and content with Joe Biden lying. So if you ever see Biden, Pelosi, Harris, Schumer etc act (yes, it's an act) outraged about a lie, just do the appropriate thing and laugh at them. And if you see a proud, leftist, pro-Democrat activist acting (another act) outraged because a GOP/Conservative didn't tell the truth... again, have a chuckle, and demand to know where their outrage was during these times while Biden is in office, lying his ass off at a record pace. It's not good to lie in office, but if Conservatives are elevated anywhere, it's that we can always admit that politicians of both parties lie, and it's sadly a part of politics. From what I can tell, leftists refuse to admit that Democrats lie, because lying is only something the people they don't like do... it's very childish.
Leftists aren't Democrat or pro-Democrat, but some excellent points.

To answer the question, no apology will be forthcoming, because all Democrat energy is being expended on cooking up the next lie to feed their Nazi-like derangement.
The Border Patrol Cowboys were whipping immigrants! I saw it on live TV. They were using long reins as whips. They also appeared to be enjoying it. It was disgusting and unconscionable.
And of course you are simply lying to the USMB forum again, as usual.

You didn't see anyone whipping immigrants, you stupid lying kunt..
I noticed our President hasn't. Let's go over the story:

1. A photographer takes a photo during a horse turning, which one of the reigns flails outward, while catching an illegal immigrant.
2. The leftist media invent the narrative that the border patrol agents have whips, and use their imagination to fill in the gaps and create a juicy story.
3. Every mainstream media pundit show led with Headline News about how our border patrol agents are whipping illegal immigrants at the border all week when it wasn't happening.
4. The photographer who took the photo said he never saw anyone get whipped
5. The actual video of the exact encounter was released, and showed the border patrol agent merely turn the horse, get off the horse, and grab the guy by the shirt.
6. The media ignored proof of the truth, and continue to peddle misinformation.
7. Joe Biden fails to do any research, and tells the entire country that our border agents are whipping people at the border when they aren't, and then proceeds to attack and malign border patrol agents for doing what they didn't do.

Notice the bold lines. This is commonplace in leftist media today. Invent BS, lead every hour with the BS, ignore proof that your BS is BS, etc. You have to be a really big idiot to fall for that one, but Biden did, because apparently he, or his "people", get their intel from CNN.

Much like the Nicholas Sandmann case, or the Duke Lacrosse Scandal... yet another media maelstrom of lies in the name of a political narrative and cause, this time accompanied by the Democrat party.

So when will Biden say he's sorry to the people he maligned? When will he censor himself for such harmful misinformation? Will Facebook and Twitter push down Biden's exposure online because he's now a routine source of "misinformation"? Should he be banned from Twitter like Trump?

RIP to the Fact-Checking industry since Donald Trump left office. They've all gone completely limp.. and crawled into their caves. This is the difference between a Dem President lying and a GOP president lying.
- Biden lies twice before getting out of bed, and not a peep. FOX is talking about it but to the left that means it's by definition wrong. FOX could report water is made of 2 Hydrogen, 1 Oxygen and they would reject it.
- Trump would say he had 3 omelettes in his egg, when it was really 2, and CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NYT, etc, would all have an immediate "fact check", and then report it many times every hour about how Trump lied... along with so many celebs, academica nuts raging on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. about how horrific it is that a president would lie... followed by Youtube/Facebook/Twitter censoring Trump in general because he dared to tell "misinformation" about his omelette this morning.. and then making sure algorithms suppress anyone who is promoting Trump.

All of this over omelettes. Yes, the "lies" that the left would focus on about Trump were often this ridiculous.. but they had to have it to bolster their invented check-mark system.

Notice, it's not about whether a president lies. For the left, they just don't like it when a GOP or Conservative lies. They are just fine, quiet, and content with Joe Biden lying. So if you ever see Biden, Pelosi, Harris, Schumer etc act (yes, it's an act) outraged about a lie, just do the appropriate thing and laugh at them. And if you see a proud, leftist, pro-Democrat activist acting (another act) outraged because a GOP/Conservative didn't tell the truth... again, have a chuckle, and demand to know where their outrage was during these times while Biden is in office, lying his ass off at a record pace. It's not good to lie in office, but if Conservatives are elevated anywhere, it's that we can always admit that politicians of both parties lie, and it's sadly a part of politics. From what I can tell, leftists refuse to admit that Democrats lie, because lying is only something the people they don't like do... it's very childish.
You want an apology from somebody, I assume somebody in charge, somebody in charge of something, because somebody took a picture that looked like somebody on horseback swinging whip or quirt, that apparently was the loose reins? How long have you had these feelings that people owed you something? It don't work that way buddy. Who are you going to take your complaint to? Somebody that answers to you? Who could that possibly be.
You are either normally weirded out, or are experiencing an event. Breath dude.
You want an apology from somebody, I assume somebody in charge, somebody in charge of something, because somebody took a picture that looked like somebody on horseback swinging whip or quirt, that apparently was the loose reins? How long have you had these feelings that people owed you something? It don't work that way buddy. Who are you going to take your complaint to? Somebody that answers to you? Who could that possibly be.
You are either normally weirded out, or are experiencing an event. Breath dude.
Who did the complaints go to when they lied about Trump? For four years, the left did NOT breathe.
The Border Patrol Cowboys were whipping immigrants! I saw it on live TV. They were using long reins as whips. They also appeared to be enjoying it. It was disgusting and unconscionable.

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So tell me,why is the guy in your first photo laughing? And it'd be kinda hard to whip someone when your hand is on the illegal kneegrow.

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