When Whites become a minority in America

less than 1/10,000th of 1 percent of all arrests for murder in 2018 were black men
Say what?! Math really isnt your thing. :laugh:

That would mean that black people commit less than 1 in 1,000,000 murders. How many murders do you think there were in 2018? I mean if blacks only committed 300 murders in 2018, that would mean 300,000,000 other murders happened that year. Everyone would be dead. Lol!
I understand that you want to keep pretending because it makes you feel like you matter, but the numbers exist.
Well what are you waiting for? Give us a link. To be clear, we are discussing this quote by you...

"less than 1/10,000th of 1 percent of all arrests for murder in 2018 were black men"

Every time I hear racist blacks talk about whites becoming the "minority"...I see an evil spark in their eyes of payback and retribution for their imaginary grievances (white privilege or being kep down by da man).

The fact is whites will ONLY be a minority if you lump all other races/groups together against white people.

Sure, if you lump black, yellow & red together the numbers will eventually exceed whites...but who really gives a shit?
Now...I wonder why they would think that way......................
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less than 1/10,000th of 1 percent of all arrests for murder in 2018 were black men
Say what?! Math really isnt your thing. :laugh:

That would mean that black people commit less than 1 in 1,000,000 murders. How many murders do you think there were in 2018? I mean if blacks only committed 300 murders in 2018, that would mean 300,000,000 other murders happened that year. Everyone would be dead. Lol!
I understand that you want to keep pretending because it makes you feel like you matter, but the numbers exist.
Well what are you waiting for? Give us a link. To be clear, we are discussing this quote by you...

"less than 1/10,000th of 1 percent of all arrests for murder in 2018 were black men"

We will discuss this instead of the unedited mistake I made that you want to use.

Blacks arrested for murder in 2018 equaled less than 1/10,000th of 1 percent of US population. Do you white boys understand that? There were 4778 blacks arrested for murder out of a US population of 330 million people. Catch what I am saying white boys? I'm saying that 13 percent of the mother fucking population were not responsible for 50 percent of the murders. Less than 1/2 of 100th of a percent of the US population died by murder in 2018. Less than 1/10,000th of the population were responsible for approximately 1/4 of 100th of a percent of the deaths in America. 31 percent of whites in America hold white supremacist views. Math is not a problem for me, but it seems that math knowledge is not required for stormfront membership.

That came from using table 43 of the UCR along with US Population date for 2018. The 31 percent came from information derived from IPSOS and the University of Virginia. Your opion comes from a simpleton analysis that did not include a detailed look at the statists nor did you compare any numbers against the overall US population in order to come to a more accurate assessment. And that's because an accurate assessment blows your little white supremacy argument out of the water.

That argument is dead. We have the numbers. The numbers show us the number of violent crimes and the number of people by race that are arrested for them. All who are not arrested are not participating in crime so they cannot be counted unless you want to present a racist argument. The numbers of arrests show that less than 1 percent of the population were arrested and they were black. It shows that 2.5 percent of the population arrested were white. In any set of numbers 2.5 percent is double one percent. This is 2019, next week it will be 2020. If you can't do math, go take a class.

Less than 1 100th of one percent of all Americans died from murder in 2018. So your argument is purely a racist argument built on a belief in white supremacy There were 8,957 murder arrests in 2018. That 53 percent your racist ass talks about equals 4,778 blacks. In 2018 the black population was 47.8 million. Less than 1/10,000th of the overall black population was arrested for murder. Approximately 330 million people make up the total US population. The ability to do grade school level division debunks your racist bullshit. 4,778/330,000,000= 0.00014% of the US population arrested for murder. And when you talk about that only category you have that you can use to argue your lie, the difference between black and white murder numbers in 2018 was 825. Now if you want to talk about a cultural problem with killing, whites can't say shit given the millions of blacks that have died because of white culture. That 825 doesn't come close to making a dent in the lead whites have in regard to murder.

The 2018 Uniform Crime Report
"Every time I hear racist blacks talk about whites becoming the "minority"...I see an evil spark in their eyes of payback and retribution for their imaginary grievances (white privilege or being kep down by da man).

The fact is whites will ONLY be a minority if you lump all other races/groups together against white people.

Sure, if you lump black, yellow & red together the numbers will eventually exceed whites...but who really gives a shit?"

First off, you haven't heard any black racists say anything. And we aren't supposed to be angry about 400 years of continuing white racism? But you guys can be mad about having to pay taxes as required by law. Whites are a minority worldwide. The grievances are real. You know that because you create them.
And we aren't supposed to be angry about 400 years of continuing white racism?

Question: WHO is "WE"?

PRO BLACK Mental Health, gazi kodzo.png

⚠️ Strong IGNORANT HATEFUL Language

Is "WE" responsible for raising & socializing perfectly health newborns maturing into angry, HATEFUL teen & adult citizens like this apparent emotionally troubled adult:

Jesse Lee Peterson gets DRAGGED by #ProBlack Revolutionary Gazi Kodzo

Click Here: Jesse Lee Peterson gets DRAGGED by Black Revolutionary Gazi Kodzo - Streamable

Are these women included in the population of "WE" that PRO BLACK IM2 is referring to?

Black women are destroying themselves & black men:

Click Here: Recognize Prevent Child Abuse

What will it be like to live as a white minority in America?

What will it be like when most of our government officials are not white?

What will it be like when the great majority of policeman are not white?

Census Bureau projections show that the U.S. population will be “majority-minority” sometime between 2040 and 2050. Our research suggests that this will happen around 2044. Indeed, in 2020, there are projected to be more nonwhite children than white children in the U.S.

The nonwhite population is growing more rapidly than the white population. Minorities accounted for 92% of the U.S. population growth between 2010 and 2018, with Latinos comprising just under half of the nation’s overall growth.

Now of course whites riddled with white guilt will welcome this...... having no clue what life here will be like then and basically not even caring about it.

Perhaps most white people do not care. Most folks probably do not even think about it.

So what will life be like in 2040 for White Americans?

The US white majority will soon disappear forever

I don't care about blacks anymore. - The Race Card Project
Now...I wonder why they would think that way......................

They don't. Thunk thunks that way, projecting his... heart's content on them. And then, something very funny happens: He's horribly afraid of "their" retributive desires - the ones he projected in the first place.
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What will it be like to live as a white minority in America?
I doubt I'll ever see that and thankfully so. If that ever happens, America will have succeeded in turning itself from the once great shining city on the hill superpower standard for the world and protector of liberty everywhere into the next new shithole trash dump with a small minority living well behind gated communities and the other 95% living in a Chicago style ghetto of crime, overcrowding, ignorance, filth, and poverty.
Every time I hear racist blacks talk about whites becoming the "minority"...I see an evil spark in their eyes of payback and retribution for their imaginary grievances (white privilege or being kep down by da man).

The fact is whites will ONLY be a minority if you lump all other races/groups together against white people.

Sure, if you lump black, yellow & red together the numbers will eventually exceed whites...but who really gives a shit?
Now...I wonder why they would think that way......................

Because TV told them to think that way.
This is a very serious topic.

Eventually, the United States of America is on track to become a predominately non-Caucasian nation.

In my opinion (opinion!) our great-grandchildren will be living in a dysfunctional nation. (If they even decide to stay here.)

With the deepest respect, I look at present-day American cities and towns (no names are necessary) that are currently populated and run by people from the two largest (current) minority groups, and am dismayed by the level of crime, disorganization, and corruption.
Every time I hear racist blacks talk about whites becoming the "minority"...I see an evil spark in their eyes of payback and retribution for their imaginary grievances (white privilege or being kep down by da man).

The fact is whites will ONLY be a minority if you lump all other races/groups together against white people.

Sure, if you lump black, yellow & red together the numbers will eventually exceed whites...but who really gives a shit?
Now...I wonder why they would think that way......................

Because TV told them to think that way.
Actually it the behavior of whites like you that would cause it. Those like you just can't take responsibility for your actions.
This is a very serious topic.

Eventually, the United States of America is on track to become a predominately non-Caucasian nation.

In my opinion (opinion!) our great-grandchildren will be living in a dysfunctional nation. (If they even decide to stay here.)

With the deepest respect, I look at present-day American cities and towns (no names are necessary) that are currently populated and run by people from the two largest (current) minority groups, and am dismayed by the level of crime, disorganization, and corruption.
This nation has been dysfunctional for 243 years. You selectively have chosen to pick certain cities but a white man is president of this country and he's breaking the record of corruption that was held by another white man.
This is a very serious topic.

Eventually, the United States of America is on track to become a predominately non-Caucasian nation.

In my opinion (opinion!) our great-grandchildren will be living in a dysfunctional nation. (If they even decide to stay here.)

With the deepest respect, I look at present-day American cities and towns (no names are necessary) that are currently populated and run by people from the two largest (current) minority groups, and am dismayed by the level of crime, disorganization, and corruption.

You're allowed to leave. Go on now...

America has endured since long before you came along, and it will endure long after you and your obsession with race are forgotten. Changing demographics don't change the principles upon which my nation was founded.
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This nation has been dysfunctional for 243 years. .....

You're allowed to leave. Go on now...

America has endured since long before you came along, and it will endure long after you and your obsession with race are forgotten. Changing demographics don't change the principles upon which my nation was founded.
This nation has been dysfunctional for 243 years. .....

You're allowed to leave. Go on now...

America has endured since long before you came along, and it will endure long after you and your obsession with race are forgotten. Changing demographics don't change the principles upon which my nation was founded.
It has never been about race it’s been about culture,, you to stupid to understand how a nation functions.
....,, you [sic] to [sic] stupid to understand how a nation functions.

Read the thread title, and learn the English language if you expect to be allowed to stay in my country. I would tell you to learn what "culture" is (let alone American culture), but that would clearly be asking "too" much.

So many of those who whine about demographics don't understand of appreciate what America really is.
Actually it the behavior of whites like you that would cause it. Those like you just can't take responsibility for your actions.

What actions would that be?

Not giving blacks enough FREE MONEY?

That's called "extortion"! And it's illegal!
Do you white boys understand that? There were 4778 blacks arrested for murder out of a US population of 330 million people. Catch what I am saying white boys?

And IM2 sees no racism in his own statement.

In his warped little mind...if it's against whitey...it's not racist.

As I've said before IM2...you have become what you are fighting!
Do you white boys understand that? There were 4778 blacks arrested for murder out of a US population of 330 million people. Catch what I am saying white boys?

And IM2 sees no racism in his own statement.

In his warped little mind...if it's against whitey...it's not racist.

As I've said before IM2...you have become what you are fighting!
Wrong. I know what racism is and not what I want it to be depending on the day. It is not asking white boys who keep making racist remarks about blacks do they understand how wrong they are.

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