When Trump is reelected, what will the Democrats try to impeach him for next ?

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
We know it's how they roll, since they forgot how to legislate or anything else we sent them to Washington to do.

Maybe they'll try to impeach him for inciting a race war.
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After the 2020 elections, there will not be enough Democraps in Congress to mount a viable impeachment effort.

Unless Mr. Trump somehow really does commit an actual, impeachable offense, any attempts to impeach him after that point will be DOA.

What few Democraps remain will have no choice, finally, but to accept the results of the 2016 and 2020 elections.
After the 2020 elections, there will not be enough Democraps in Congress to mount a viable impeachment effort.

Unless Mr. Trump somehow really does commit an actual, impeachable offense, any attempts to impeach him after that point will be DOA.

What few Democraps remain will have no choice, finally, but to accept the results of the 2016 and 2020 elections.
Good point, Bob. You're absolutely correct.
We know it's how they roll, since they forgot how to legislate or anything else we sent them to Washington to do.

Maybe they'll try to impeach him for inciting a race war.

after the hit the left is pulling theyve lost the independent vote ...their aint going to be enough in congress to impeach him ....the left just lost the election and both houses of congress ...and probably numerous governorships.
Democrats need to be voted out of office. All of them. They can drink chardonnay at Nancy Pelosi's winery and remember when dey wuz kangs.

People were already furious at the democrat lockdown. This democrat uprising is going to destroy the party maybe for generations. Maybe forever.
Democrats need to be voted out of office. All of them. They can drink chardonnay at Nancy Pelosi's winery and remember when dey wuz kangs.

People were already furious at the democrat lockdown. This democrat uprising is going to destroy the party maybe for generations. Maybe forever.

Will be hard for them to deny what they are after this.
With heavy pro-Trump majorities in both houses of congress any new coup attempts will be treated as the treason they area. There has been NO abolition of the death penalty for traitors.
I figure it won't be a big issue over the next 4 years. The Democrats won't find it useful to tear down his image anymore and then after the 2022 mid-term elections he's a lame duck with Republicans jockeying over who'll head the party come 2024.
I figure it won't be a big issue over the next 4 years. The Democrats won't find it useful to tear down his image anymore and then after the 2022 mid-term elections he's a lame duck with Republicans jockeying over who'll head the party come 2024.
When the Durham indictments start coming out, let's see how the
Democrats handle that damage control first.

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