When there's "nothing going on"...

The first rocket to be fired from Gaza in 4 months was launched on 23rd of April 2015. Zionist Israel "retaliated" with air raids on Gaza; no one was hurt on either side...
"Damn those evil Palestinians, breaking the ceasfire agreement by firing a rocket into poor tiny Israel who were "forced" to "retaliate" in "self defence", I suspect the stories will run in the media. What is never reported, however, is what goes on when there's nothing going on.

Nothing going on you say?
From January 2015 until April 26, 172 attacks against the Jerusalem Border Police and SWAT teams were recorded. 148 Molotov cocktails and 15 explosive devices have been thrown at Border Police, 1 shooting incident, 4 stabbing attempts or attacks and 4 "car rampage" attacks have been launched. Many policemen have been injured in these clashes.

So 344 arab muslim attacks on Israeli's are not breaches of the cease fire agreement according to challenged, but arresting an illegal immigrant is. He needs to get some help for his condition, the doctors might put him on proper meds and not on the stuff he buys at festivals.

See post #20 Also attacks against the Occupying forces in the West Bank, have nothing to do with the Gaza ceasfire agreement.
Arab Palestinians tend to see the world and events as isolated incidents, snapshots in time yet historically significant, and particular moments being pivotal in nature. Unlike the Israelis --- that tend to look for unifying concepts --- the Arab Palestinian focus on parts, rather than on the whole (actions of a small cell are not required to be in the best interest of the family, tribe, people or culture). A productive terrorist attack --- whether it by at the Munich Olympics or a Jerusalem synagogue, attacking worshippers praying inside with meat cleavers and a gun --- is an honorable objective; without regard to the impact on the reputation of the culture. When Saleh al-Arouri, a senior official, and a founder of Hamas's military wing --- the al-Qassam Brigades (named after Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, AKA: al-Qassam Brigades, EQB), praised the Brigade and “blessed the heroic action” in the kidnapping and slaying of three Israeli teens in the West Bank --- demostrating the level of depravity (moral corruption and wickedness demonstrated by a lack of spiritual values within the Islamic Resistance Movement) the Arab Palestinian has accepted as a societal norm in their culture.

Unsubstantiated opinion.
Prior to the 1948 War of Independence, the HoAP were the armed opposition opponents in a civil war with the Jewish citizenry; opposing Jewish independence pursuant to UN Guidance and endorsement.
Factually inaccurate, the UN never "endorsed" an independant Israel prior to 1949, and even then under conditions that the Zionist state subsequently reneged upon.
Since the State of Palestine (alla 1988) has not entered into a good faith effort in reconciliation and has no recognition of "Israel" and the legitimacy of its presence on any part of Palestine; using this as a basis for continued hostile activity, the internationally recognized State of Israel has had little alternative but to establish such measures as necessary to protect its citizenry and sovereignty from the Islamic Resistance Movement and the supporting Jihadist and Fedayeen.
Again, a matter of interpretation as the state of Palestine is as much recognised internationally as is Zionist Israel, furthermore Zionist Israel has not recognised Palestine and occupies and controls Palestinian territory, de facto denying Palestinians their right of self-determination. Palestinian acts of resistance are legitimate, unlike Zionist attempts at collective punishment and reprisal.
The first rocket to be fired from Gaza in 4 months was launched on 23rd of April 2015. Zionist Israel "retaliated" with air raids on Gaza; no one was hurt on either side...
"Damn those evil Palestinians, breaking the ceasfire agreement by firing a rocket into poor tiny Israel who were "forced" to "retaliate" in "self defence", I suspect the stories will run in the media. What is never reported, however, is what goes on when there's nothing going on.

Nothing going on you say?
From January 2015 until April 26, 172 attacks against the Jerusalem Border Police and SWAT teams were recorded. 148 Molotov cocktails and 15 explosive devices have been thrown at Border Police, 1 shooting incident, 4 stabbing attempts or attacks and 4 "car rampage" attacks have been launched. Many policemen have been injured in these clashes.
All of which are legitimate acts of resistance against an occupying and colonising power. None of these attacks justify the Zionist attacks listed in the OP.

Then bombing the homes of the participants is also legitimate to stop them from attempted murder. The attacks on the Israelis do justify the attacks by the Israel Defence force unless you are so RACIST you don't believe the Jews have the right to defend themselves and should be wiped out.
Prior to the 1948 War of Independence, the HoAP were the armed opposition opponents in a civil war with the Jewish citizenry; opposing Jewish independence pursuant to UN Guidance and endorsement.
Factually inaccurate, the UN never "endorsed" an independant Israel prior to 1949, and even then under conditions that the Zionist state subsequently reneged upon.

WRONG they took over the MANDATE from the LoN in 1945 and the UN accepted the terms of the MANDATE. They acted outside of their authority when they partitioned Jewish Palestine to appease the arab muslims, they should have dictated the terms to the arab muslims and enforced them with a task force. That is the only thing they understand
Since the State of Palestine (alla 1988) has not entered into a good faith effort in reconciliation and has no recognition of "Israel" and the legitimacy of its presence on any part of Palestine; using this as a basis for continued hostile activity, the internationally recognized State of Israel has had little alternative but to establish such measures as necessary to protect its citizenry and sovereignty from the Islamic Resistance Movement and the supporting Jihadist and Fedayeen.
Again, a matter of interpretation as the state of Palestine is as much recognised internationally as is Zionist Israel, furthermore Zionist Israel has not recognised Palestine and occupies and controls Palestinian territory, de facto denying Palestinians their right of self-determination. Palestinian acts of resistance are legitimate, unlike Zionist attempts at collective punishment and reprisal.

Read your history and stop posting RACIST LIES. Israel recognised Palestine as far back as 1999 as part of the Oslo accords. No one is stopping the Palestinians from self determination but themselves as they know they will lose all the money they mooch from the world and have to start paying their way. The terrorist attacks on Isrealis is not legitimate and the UN and NGO's have condemned them as such. Only rabid NAZI JEW HATERS don't see it that way and see the Israeli responses as war crimes and/or collective punishment.
Challenger, et al,

I'm not sure you understand what a "legitimate attack" or "legitimate acts of resistance" means.

The first rocket to be fired from Gaza in 4 months was launched on 23rd of April 2015. Zionist Israel "retaliated" with air raids on Gaza; no one was hurt on either side...
"Damn those evil Palestinians, breaking the ceasfire agreement by firing a rocket into poor tiny Israel who were "forced" to "retaliate" in "self defence", I suspect the stories will run in the media. What is never reported, however, is what goes on when there's nothing going on.

Nothing going on you say?
From January 2015 until April 26, 172 attacks against the Jerusalem Border Police and SWAT teams were recorded. 148 Molotov cocktails and 15 explosive devices have been thrown at Border Police, 1 shooting incident, 4 stabbing attempts or attacks and 4 "car rampage" attacks have been launched. Many policemen have been injured in these clashes.
All of which are legitimate acts of resistance against an occupying and colonising power. None of these attacks justify the Zionist attacks listed in the OP.

In any event, even you have to understand that ANY attack by the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP), against the Israelis (occupation force or civilians unconnected to the IDF) is improper and against International Humanitarian Law (IHL). The HoAP has no special dispensation to conduct any acts of violence against any civilians (Israeli or otherwise) and has not special right to operate against the Occupation Force (Israeli or otherwise).

Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.
Article 68

Protected persons who commit an offence which is solely intended to harm the Occupying Power, but which does not constitute an attempt on the life or limb of members of the occupying forces or administration, nor a grave collective danger, nor seriously damage the property of the occupying forces or administration or the installations used by them, shall be liable to internment or simple imprisonment, provided the duration of such internment or imprisonment is proportionate to the offence committed. Furthermore, internment or imprisonment shall, for such offences, be the only measure adopted for depriving protected persons of liberty. The courts provided for under Article 66 of the present Convention may at their discretion convert a sentence of imprisonment to one of internment for the same period.
The penal provisions promulgated by the Occupying Power in accordance with Articles 64 and 65 may impose the death penalty on a protected person only in cases where the person is guilty of espionage, of serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offences which have caused the death of one or more persons, provided that such offences were punishable by death under the law of the occupied territory in force before the occupation began.

The death penalty may not be pronounced against a protected person unless the attention of the court has been particularly called to the fact that since the accused is not a national of the Occupying Power, he is not bound to it by any duty of allegiance.

In any case, the death penalty may not be pronounced against a protected person who was under eighteen years of age at the time of the offence.​

The containment of HoAP is legitimate in that it is instituted to protect against the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States --- which the HoAP fail to abide. The physical quarantine and the prevention of illegal arms sales/transfers helps to stabilize peace and security in the region.

Most Respectfully,
Since the State of Palestine (alla 1988) has not entered into a good faith effort in reconciliation and has no recognition of "Israel" and the legitimacy of its presence on any part of Palestine; using this as a basis for continued hostile activity, the internationally recognized State of Israel has had little alternative but to establish such measures as necessary to protect its citizenry and sovereignty from the Islamic Resistance Movement and the supporting Jihadist and Fedayeen.
Again, a matter of interpretation as the state of Palestine is as much recognised internationally as is Zionist Israel, furthermore Zionist Israel has not recognised Palestine and occupies and controls Palestinian territory, de facto denying Palestinians their right of self-determination. Palestinian acts of resistance are legitimate, unlike Zionist attempts at collective punishment and reprisal.

Can you give some specific exampels of Palestinians acts of 'resistance'

:lol: :lol:

You really are a sucker for Palestinian propaganda. Bigtime ! Resistance? hahaha.
The first rocket to be fired from Gaza in 4 months was launched on 23rd of April 2015. Zionist Israel "retaliated" with air raids on Gaza; no one was hurt on either side...
"Damn those evil Palestinians, breaking the ceasfire agreement by firing a rocket into poor tiny Israel who were "forced" to "retaliate" in "self defence", I suspect the stories will run in the media. What is never reported, however, is what goes on when there's nothing going on.

Nothing going on you say?
From January 2015 until April 26, 172 attacks against the Jerusalem Border Police and SWAT teams were recorded. 148 Molotov cocktails and 15 explosive devices have been thrown at Border Police, 1 shooting incident, 4 stabbing attempts or attacks and 4 "car rampage" attacks have been launched. Many policemen have been injured in these clashes.
All of which are legitimate acts of resistance against an occupying and colonising power. None of these attacks justify the Zionist attacks listed in the OP.

Then bombing the homes of the participants is also legitimate to stop them from attempted murder. The attacks on the Israelis do justify the attacks by the Israel Defence force unless you are so RACIST you don't believe the Jews have the right to defend themselves and should be wiped out.

No it isn't. The occupying power has no right to murder people or to demolish homes in order to prevent attacks against itself. That is collective punishment and a war crime or cime against humanity, depending on the circumstances.
Since the State of Palestine (alla 1988) has not entered into a good faith effort in reconciliation and has no recognition of "Israel" and the legitimacy of its presence on any part of Palestine; using this as a basis for continued hostile activity, the internationally recognized State of Israel has had little alternative but to establish such measures as necessary to protect its citizenry and sovereignty from the Islamic Resistance Movement and the supporting Jihadist and Fedayeen.
Again, a matter of interpretation as the state of Palestine is as much recognised internationally as is Zionist Israel, furthermore Zionist Israel has not recognised Palestine and occupies and controls Palestinian territory, de facto denying Palestinians their right of self-determination. Palestinian acts of resistance are legitimate, unlike Zionist attempts at collective punishment and reprisal.

Can you give some specific exampels of Palestinians acts of 'resistance'

:lol: :lol:

You really are a sucker for Palestinian propaganda. Bigtime ! Resistance? hahaha.

See post #17, all those mentioned are legitimate acts of resistance.
n any event, even you have to understand that ANY attack by the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP), against the Israelis (occupation force or civilians unconnected to the IDF) is improper and against International Humanitarian Law (IHL). The HoAP has no special dispensation to conduct any acts of violence against any civilians (Israeli or otherwise) and has not special right to operate against the Occupation Force (Israeli or otherwise).

Incorrect, there is in fact a copus of UN Security council resolutions that allow an occupied people a "special right to operate against the Occupation Force". I'll elaborate later.
Since the State of Palestine (alla 1988) has not entered into a good faith effort in reconciliation and has no recognition of "Israel" and the legitimacy of its presence on any part of Palestine; using this as a basis for continued hostile activity, the internationally recognized State of Israel has had little alternative but to establish such measures as necessary to protect its citizenry and sovereignty from the Islamic Resistance Movement and the supporting Jihadist and Fedayeen.
Again, a matter of interpretation as the state of Palestine is as much recognised internationally as is Zionist Israel, furthermore Zionist Israel has not recognised Palestine and occupies and controls Palestinian territory, de facto denying Palestinians their right of self-determination. Palestinian acts of resistance are legitimate, unlike Zionist attempts at collective punishment and reprisal.

Read your history and stop posting RACIST LIES. Israel recognised Palestine as far back as 1999 as part of the Oslo accords. No one is stopping the Palestinians from self determination but themselves as they know they will lose all the money they mooch from the world and have to start paying their way. The terrorist attacks on Isrealis is not legitimate and the UN and NGO's have condemned them as such. Only rabid NAZI JEW HATERS don't see it that way and see the Israeli responses as war crimes and/or collective punishment.

No they didn't, the most the Zionists have done so far is to recognise the PLO as representing the Palestinian people, it's not the same thing. A people under occupation or control by another cannot practice self determination.
Prior to the 1948 War of Independence, the HoAP were the armed opposition opponents in a civil war with the Jewish citizenry; opposing Jewish independence pursuant to UN Guidance and endorsement.
Factually inaccurate, the UN never "endorsed" an independant Israel prior to 1949, and even then under conditions that the Zionist state subsequently reneged upon.

WRONG they took over the MANDATE from the LoN in 1945 and the UN accepted the terms of the MANDATE. They acted outside of their authority when they partitioned Jewish Palestine to appease the arab muslims, they should have dictated the terms to the arab muslims and enforced them with a task force. That is the only thing they understand
The first rocket to be fired from Gaza in 4 months was launched on 23rd of April 2015. Zionist Israel "retaliated" with air raids on Gaza; no one was hurt on either side...
"Damn those evil Palestinians, breaking the ceasfire agreement by firing a rocket into poor tiny Israel who were "forced" to "retaliate" in "self defence", I suspect the stories will run in the media. What is never reported, however, is what goes on when there's nothing going on.

Nothing going on you say?
From January 2015 until April 26, 172 attacks against the Jerusalem Border Police and SWAT teams were recorded. 148 Molotov cocktails and 15 explosive devices have been thrown at Border Police, 1 shooting incident, 4 stabbing attempts or attacks and 4 "car rampage" attacks have been launched. Many policemen have been injured in these clashes.
All of which are legitimate acts of resistance against an occupying and colonising power. None of these attacks justify the Zionist attacks listed in the OP.

Then bombing the homes of the participants is also legitimate to stop them from attempted murder. The attacks on the Israelis do justify the attacks by the Israel Defence force unless you are so RACIST you don't believe the Jews have the right to defend themselves and should be wiped out.

No it isn't. The occupying power has no right to murder people or to demolish homes in order to prevent attacks against itself. That is collective punishment and a war crime or cime against humanity, depending on the circumstances.

So when where the arrests for these alleged murders made then as I cant find any evidence of any murders.

Try reading the Geneva conventions and you will see that Israel as the occupying power can demolish buildings suspected of being used for military purposes in the west bank. In gaza any building used by the terrorists is a valid legal military target.

Keep trying rat boy one day you might get it right
The first rocket to be fired from Gaza in 4 months was launched on 23rd of April 2015. Zionist Israel "retaliated" with air raids on Gaza; no one was hurt on either side...
"Damn those evil Palestinians, breaking the ceasfire agreement by firing a rocket into poor tiny Israel who were "forced" to "retaliate" in "self defence", I suspect the stories will run in the media. What is never reported, however, is what goes on when there's nothing going on.

Nothing going on you say?
From January 2015 until April 26, 172 attacks against the Jerusalem Border Police and SWAT teams were recorded. 148 Molotov cocktails and 15 explosive devices have been thrown at Border Police, 1 shooting incident, 4 stabbing attempts or attacks and 4 "car rampage" attacks have been launched. Many policemen have been injured in these clashes.

So 344 arab muslim attacks on Israeli's are not breaches of the cease fire agreement according to challenged, but arresting an illegal immigrant is. He needs to get some help for his condition, the doctors might put him on proper meds and not on the stuff he buys at festivals.

See post #20 Also attacks against the Occupying forces in the West Bank, have nothing to do with the Gaza ceasfire agreement.

Nice of you to admit that the problems lie with hamas, and they are the ones making the people homeless
The first rocket to be fired from Gaza in 4 months was launched on 23rd of April 2015. Zionist Israel "retaliated" with air raids on Gaza; no one was hurt on either side. Zionist Israel however used the excuse to close the border crossings into Gaza. Israeli army strikes targets in Gaza after rocket fired toward Israel - Diplomacy and Defense - Israel News Haaretz

"Damn those evil Palestinians, breaking the ceasfire agreement by firing a rocket into poor tiny Israel who were "forced" to "retaliate" in "self defence", I suspect the stories will run in the media. What is never reported, however, is what goes on when there's nothing going on. Well before that rocket was launched here's a record of IDF activity in 2015:
02 January Open fire on bird-hunters near Khan Yunis - No injuries
02 January Open fire on demonstrators near Jabaliya - 1 injured
03 January Shooting at fishermen - 1 injured
03 January Incursion near Beit Lahiya, raze land, gunfire - No injuries
14 January Open fire on farmers near Khan Yunis - No injuries
15 January Open fire on farmers near Khan Yunis - No injuries
15 January 1 Palestinian arrested at Erez Crossing
16 January Open fire in north - 1 injured
19 January Open fire on fishermen - No injuries
21 January Open fire on fishermen - 1 injured
25 January Open fire on homes near Khan Yunis - No injuries
26 January Open fire on fishermen, one boat sank, 4 arrested (released after 2 days, 10 arrested in Jan)
27 January Open fire on lands near Khan Yunis - No injuries
28 January Open fire on fields near Khan Yunis - No injuries
29 January Open fire on fishermen - No injuries
31 January Open fire on fishermen - No injuries

01 February Open fire on protesters near fence - No injuries
02 February Open fire on fishermen, damage to one boat - No injuries
03 February Open fire on farmers in central Gaza Strip - No injuries
09 February Open fire on protest near Gaza City - No injuries
09 February Incursion, raze land - No injuries
10 February 1 Palestinian arrested at Erez Crossing
13 February Open fire on farmers and homes near Khan Younis - damage but no injuries
13 February Open fire on farmers again - No injuries
17 February Open fire at farmers - No injuries
18 February Open fire at farmers in central Gaza Strip - No injuries
22 February Open fire at farmers - No injuries
24 February Open fire on farmers - No injuries
24 February Open fire on fishermen - No injuries
25 February Open fire on farmers - No injuries
28 February Arrest 2 on border (26 arrested entering illegally looking for work since start of 2015)
28 February Open fire on fishermen - No injuries

02 March Open fire on fishermen - No injuries
04 March Open fire on fishermen, damage one boat - No injuries
05 March Open fire on fishermen, 3 arrested - 2 injuries
06 March Open fire on Palestinians on agricultural lands - No injuries
07 March Open fire on fishermen - 2 arrested, 1 killed
10 March Open fire on shore - No injuries
10 March Open fire on farmers - No injuries
11 March Incursion to level land in central Gaza, shots fired - No injuries
12 March Open fire on Palestinians near Khan Yunis - No injuries
13 March Open fire on lands - No injuries
15 March Open fire on farmers near Khan Younis - No injuries
15 March 1 Palestinian arrested at Erez Crossing
17 March Open fire on farmers near Gaza City - No injuries
17 March Open fire on agricultural worker's car - damage - No injuries
18 March Open fire on farmers near al-Bureij r.c. - No injuries
18 March Open fire on farmers near Khuzaa - No injuries
18 March Incursion in northern Gaza - No injuries
19 March Incursion to level land near Rafah - No injuries
19 March Open fire on fishermen - one boat damaged - No injuries
20 March Open fire on Palestinians near Khan Younis - injured 2
21 March Open fire on fishermen - No injuries
27 March Open fire on agricultural lands near Khan Yunis - No injuries
27 March Open fire on agricultural lands near Rafah - No injuries
27 March fired tear gas at Palestinians near Khan Younis - 3 injuries
29 March Open fire on protesters near Khan Yunis - No injuries
30 March Open fire on Palestinians near Khan Yunis - 2 injuries
30 March Open fire on Palestinians near Khan Yunis - 1 injury
31 March 3 Palestinians arrested at Erez Crossing

The arab muslims know the rules and still insist on breaking them. If Israel does not respond then they see it as a sign of weakness and escalate the infractions until full scale war breaks out and another 2,000 Palestinian terrorist militia get killed. The simple answer is to stick to the rules and there will be no corresponding action, if you and the arab muslims cant understand this then it is to late to save you.
RULES OF OCCUPATION.....sorry but to abide by them gives Israel legitimacy and Israel have NO CREDIBILITY,THEY ARE JUST AN OCCUPYING ILLIGITIMATE FORCE
The first rocket to be fired from Gaza in 4 months was launched on 23rd of April 2015. Zionist Israel "retaliated" with air raids on Gaza; no one was hurt on either side...
"Damn those evil Palestinians, breaking the ceasfire agreement by firing a rocket into poor tiny Israel who were "forced" to "retaliate" in "self defence", I suspect the stories will run in the media. What is never reported, however, is what goes on when there's nothing going on.

Nothing going on you say?
From January 2015 until April 26, 172 attacks against the Jerusalem Border Police and SWAT teams were recorded. 148 Molotov cocktails and 15 explosive devices have been thrown at Border Police, 1 shooting incident, 4 stabbing attempts or attacks and 4 "car rampage" attacks have been launched. Many policemen have been injured in these clashes.

So 344 arab muslim attacks on Israeli's are not breaches of the cease fire agreement according to challenged, but arresting an illegal immigrant is. He needs to get some help for his condition, the doctors might put him on proper meds and not on the stuff he buys at festivals.

See post #20 Also attacks against the Occupying forces in the West Bank, have nothing to do with the Gaza ceasfire agreement.

Nice of you to admit that the problems lie with hamas, and they are the ones making the people homeless
Prior to the 1948 War of Independence, the HoAP were the armed opposition opponents in a civil war with the Jewish citizenry; opposing Jewish independence pursuant to UN Guidance and endorsement.
Factually inaccurate, the UN never "endorsed" an independant Israel prior to 1949, and even then under conditions that the Zionist state subsequently reneged upon.

WRONG again rat boy as the LoN passed the reigns of authority to the UN in 1945, part of the handover was the Mandate of Palestine terms granting the Jews the land delineated in the Mandate. The UN could not renege on this solemn promise as it had entered into International law. So by the simple act of absorbing the LoN the UN by law "ENDORSED" an independent Jewish National Home.
Since the State of Palestine (alla 1988) has not entered into a good faith effort in reconciliation and has no recognition of "Israel" and the legitimacy of its presence on any part of Palestine; using this as a basis for continued hostile activity, the internationally recognized State of Israel has had little alternative but to establish such measures as necessary to protect its citizenry and sovereignty from the Islamic Resistance Movement and the supporting Jihadist and Fedayeen.
Again, a matter of interpretation as the state of Palestine is as much recognised internationally as is Zionist Israel, furthermore Zionist Israel has not recognised Palestine and occupies and controls Palestinian territory, de facto denying Palestinians their right of self-determination. Palestinian acts of resistance are legitimate, unlike Zionist attempts at collective punishment and reprisal.

Read your history and stop posting RACIST LIES. Israel recognised Palestine as far back as 1999 as part of the Oslo accords. No one is stopping the Palestinians from self determination but themselves as they know they will lose all the money they mooch from the world and have to start paying their way. The terrorist attacks on Isrealis is not legitimate and the UN and NGO's have condemned them as such. Only rabid NAZI JEW HATERS don't see it that way and see the Israeli responses as war crimes and/or collective punishment.

No they didn't, the most the Zionists have done so far is to recognise the PLO as representing the Palestinian people, it's not the same thing. A people under occupation or control by another cannot practice self determination.

WHO SAYS ? as Germany managed it in 1945, as did Japan

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