When The Parents Go To Jail

A pity we can’t just agree that family seperation is an unnecessary policy used for punitive purposes.
If your child was separated from you by a kidnapper would you be thrilled when she was returned to him?

Agree...the Trump Administration is acting in the role of a kidnspper using the child as a means to extort the mother into giving up her rights and self deporting.
WOW... that is a fantastical leap U are making, flying in the face of established law enforcement protocol stemming back to the Roman Empire or before...Certainly in the American colonies from well before 1776.
Actually no....they are using reunification with the children as a means of pressuring the mothers to quickly give up their claims to asylum and self deport in hopes of reunification.
That is your opinion and perhaps accusations made by avowed open border proponents. It is subjective speculation unless you can present incontrovertible evidence such as a video or recording for objective corroboration.
Ah so you discount news articles.
This latest load of liberal crapola is liberals INSISTING the children of ILLEGALS be released to their parents. But THEIR parents ARE IN JAIL. So who do you release them to liberals? The nearest American CITIZEN relative? They ALREADY do that. The nearest ILLEGAL relative? Can't do that. Orphanage? Possible but you idiots complain.

When a AMERICAN CITIZEN goes to prison nobody stands up and says "You can't because they have kids"... When a AMERICAN CITIZEN goes to prison and has kids if there is NO LEGAL family the kids go into state care. In this case those kids should be shipped BACK to Mexico for Mexican state care.

Now I myself am sorry those kids are in those makeshift orphanages. But the ILLEGAL action of their parents put them there. Not me Not Trump THEY DID. IF you get caught in a drug bust WITH your child YOU go to jail and THEY go to juvie until a FAMILY MEMBER picks them up. We SHOULD be busing those kids BACK to Meico DAILY because that IS where family IS and where THEIR government IS.

^ low-intelligence trumpanzee supporting locking up children.

So what would you do with them while their parents are in jail?
Often when the crime is minor, and the parent is the so,e caretaker of a dependent, judges will opt for electronic confinement instead of jail while they are awaiting their hearings.

Whats to stop em from cutting it off and disappearing?
What is to stop anyone from doing so?

People who live in this country have anchors.
Jobs,family,houses.....are they going to throw that all away?
^ low-intelligence trumpanzee supporting locking up children.
^^ Loser Obamatan loves her some human trafficking.
A pity we can’t just agree that family seperation is an unnecessary policy used for punitive purposes.
Absolutely NOT! the separation is not the point! It is an unfortunate result of crime committed by the mother or father of a minor, nothing more, nothing less.
Yes. It IS THE POINT. Have you not been reading the statements made by Kelly, Sessions and Trump? 100 % seperation is a policy designed to act as a deterrent, not a by product
Well Sheite, I would hope that the prospect of possibly loosing your child might weigh heavily on a parent prior to overtly flaunting the sovereignty of a foreign nations borders and known laws! That is not the same as leveraging a criminal already incarcerated with dangling their children's well being as a carrot from a stick. There is absolutely NO ambiguity in the ramifications of entering this country illegally and the protocols that have been in place for decades in processing those who come here alone or with minor dependents. Hopefully new legislation will continue to make the ramifications and deportations more severe and immediate!
^ low-intelligence trumpanzee supporting locking up children.

So what would you do with them while their parents are in jail?
Often when the crime is minor, and the parent is the so,e caretaker of a dependent, judges will opt for electronic confinement instead of jail while they are awaiting their hearings.

Whats to stop em from cutting it off and disappearing?
What is to stop anyone from doing so?

People who live in this country have anchors.
Jobs,family,houses.....are they going to throw that all away?
Most asylum seekers show up for their hearing. We are not talking murder or rape or crimes like that.
^ low-intelligence trumpanzee supporting locking up children.
^^ Loser Obamatan loves her some human trafficking.
A pity we can’t just agree that family seperation is an unnecessary policy used for punitive purposes.
Absolutely NOT! the separation is not the point! It is an unfortunate result of crime committed by the mother or father of a minor, nothing more, nothing less.
Yes. It IS THE POINT. Have you not been reading the statements made by Kelly, Sessions and Trump? 100 % seperation is a policy designed to act as a deterrent, not a by product
Well Sheite, I would hope that the prospect of possibly loosing your child might weigh heavily on a parent prior to overtly flaunting the sovereignty of a foreign nations borders and known laws! That is not the same as leveraging a criminal already incarcerated with dangling their children's well being as a carrot from a stick. There is absolutely NO ambiguity in the ramifications of entering this country illegally and the protocols that have been in place for decades in processing those who come here alone or with minor dependents. Hopefully new legislation will continue to make the ramifications and deportations more severe and immediate!
Flaunting? Kind of a funny term to use for people fleeing horrific situations but what ever floats your nativist boat.
So what would you do with them while their parents are in jail?
Often when the crime is minor, and the parent is the so,e caretaker of a dependent, judges will opt for electronic confinement instead of jail while they are awaiting their hearings.

Whats to stop em from cutting it off and disappearing?
What is to stop anyone from doing so?

People who live in this country have anchors.
Jobs,family,houses.....are they going to throw that all away?
Most asylum seekers show up for their hearing. We are not talking murder or rape or crimes like that.
Got a link for the bolded?

We're talking deportation.
^ low-intelligence trumpanzee supporting locking up children.
^^ Loser Obamatan loves her some human trafficking.
A pity we can’t just agree that family seperation is an unnecessary policy used for punitive purposes.
Absolutely NOT! the separation is not the point! It is an unfortunate result of crime committed by the mother or father of a minor, nothing more, nothing less.
Yes. It IS THE POINT. Have you not been reading the statements made by Kelly, Sessions and Trump? 100 % seperation is a policy designed to act as a deterrent, not a by product
Well Sheite, I would hope that the prospect of possibly loosing your child might weigh heavily on a parent prior to overtly flaunting the sovereignty of a foreign nations borders and known laws! That is not the same as leveraging a criminal already incarcerated with dangling their children's well being as a carrot from a stick. There is absolutely NO ambiguity in the ramifications of entering this country illegally and the protocols that have been in place for decades in processing those who come here alone or with minor dependents. Hopefully new legislation will continue to make the ramifications and deportations more severe and immediate!

Yes. It is.
Never said they did. However under federal law they have a right to claim asylum and a right to a hearing.

If you can get a visa to come to the United States, such as a tourist visa, or if you can make your way to a U.S. border post, you can theoretically apply for asylum immediately upon your arrival at the airport, seaport, or border station. (It’s impossible to apply from asylum from a country outside the United States.)

In terms of procedure, you would first tell the inspections officer that you fear returning to your country and that you wish to apply for asylum. If you convince the officer of your fear, you should be given what’s called a “credible fear interview” with a trained asylum officer. If that goes well, you’ll be allowed to apply for asylum, either while in detention or after release on bond.

Can You Request Asylum At U.S. Border or Entry Point? - AllLaw.com
Often when the crime is minor, and the parent is the so,e caretaker of a dependent, judges will opt for electronic confinement instead of jail while they are awaiting their hearings.

Whats to stop em from cutting it off and disappearing?
What is to stop anyone from doing so?

People who live in this country have anchors.
Jobs,family,houses.....are they going to throw that all away?
Most asylum seekers show up for their hearing. We are not talking murder or rape or crimes like that.
Got a link for the bolded?

We're talking deportation.
Majority of undocumented immigrants show up for court
Never said they did. However under federal law they have a right to claim asylum and a right to a hearing.

If you can get a visa to come to the United States, such as a tourist visa, or if you can make your way to a U.S. border post, you can theoretically apply for asylum immediately upon your arrival at the airport, seaport, or border station. (It’s impossible to apply from asylum from a country outside the United States.)

In terms of procedure, you would first tell the inspections officer that you fear returning to your country and that you wish to apply for asylum. If you convince the officer of your fear, you should be given what’s called a “credible fear interview” with a trained asylum officer. If that goes well, you’ll be allowed to apply for asylum, either while in detention or after release on bond.

Can You Request Asylum At U.S. Border or Entry Point? - AllLaw.com
You can also apply for asylum from any point in the US.
The wanton flaunting of our Nation's borders tells us that the consequences are insipid and benign. I am a proponent of banning indefinitely application for US ingress to all those deported or until there are no more legal applicants in line. To make it simpler to understand, I would be fine with starting out with new illegal immigration policy in the mold of another Nation. Coyote, what is the most accepting, hospitable and welcoming Country or Nation U can think of? What is their process for handling illegals? Then tell me if you would be satisfied with the US adopting their policy...
You can also apply for asylum from any point in the US.

What do you mean by any point?

People With Visas or Other Entry Documents Can Wait Until They're in the U.S. to Apply for Asylum
If the border inspections officer allows you into the U.S. on a visa or other entry document (without your having requested asylum yet), then the way to apply for asylum is to mail in an application, with supporting documentation, on Form I-589. You'll have a year from your entry date to do this. The form and instructions are available for free download on the USCIS website (www.uscis.gov). Also see Asylum or Refugee Status: How to Apply.

However, if at all possible, you should get help from an attorney. Applying for asylum is a complex process. You must prove not only your fear of what might happen to you upon returning to your home country, but that you were persecuted based on one of five recognized grounds (race, religion, political opinion, nationality, or particular social group), and that you yourself are not barred from the U.S. due to past crimes, persecution of others, resettlement in a third country, and so forth.

A good asylum application is accompanied by things like news clippings showing conditions in the home country, medical or psychiatric reports, affidavits from witnesses or experts, and more. An attorney can help with all that (and you may be able to find one who volunteers some or all of his or her time.)

Can You Request Asylum At U.S. Border or Entry Point? - AllLaw.com
The wanton flaunting of our Nation's borders tells us that the consequences are insipid and benign. I am a proponent of banning indefinitely application for US ingress to all those deported or until there are no more legal applicants in line. To make it simpler to understand, I would be fine with starting out with new illegal immigration policy in the mold of another Nation. Coyote, what is the most accepting, hospitable and welcoming Country or Nation U can think of? What is their process for handling illegals? Then tell me if you would be satisfied with the US adopting their policy...
That is fine...but don’t use forced child seperation as a lever. That is barberic.
You can also apply for asylum from any point in the US.

What do you mean by any point?

People With Visas or Other Entry Documents Can Wait Until They're in the U.S. to Apply for Asylum
If the border inspections officer allows you into the U.S. on a visa or other entry document (without your having requested asylum yet), then the way to apply for asylum is to mail in an application, with supporting documentation, on Form I-589. You'll have a year from your entry date to do this. The form and instructions are available for free download on the USCIS website (www.uscis.gov). Also see Asylum or Refugee Status: How to Apply.

However, if at all possible, you should get help from an attorney. Applying for asylum is a complex process. You must prove not only your fear of what might happen to you upon returning to your home country, but that you were persecuted based on one of five recognized grounds (race, religion, political opinion, nationality, or particular social group), and that you yourself are not barred from the U.S. due to past crimes, persecution of others, resettlement in a third country, and so forth.

A good asylum application is accompanied by things like news clippings showing conditions in the home country, medical or psychiatric reports, affidavits from witnesses or experts, and more. An attorney can help with all that (and you may be able to find one who volunteers some or all of his or her time.)

Can You Request Asylum At U.S. Border or Entry Point? - AllLaw.com
You don’t have to enter legally to be able to request asylum.
So what would you do with them while their parents are in jail?
Often when the crime is minor, and the parent is the so,e caretaker of a dependent, judges will opt for electronic confinement instead of jail while they are awaiting their hearings.

Whats to stop em from cutting it off and disappearing?
What is to stop anyone from doing so?

People who live in this country have anchors.
Jobs,family,houses.....are they going to throw that all away?
Most asylum seekers show up for their hearing. We are not talking murder or rape or crimes like that.

No they dont.

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