When The Good Ship ‘Democrat’ Ran Aground.

Or....There no longer is a Democrat Party

And poor Captain Nancy-Bligh has had to walk the plank!

What it means is that the last remnant of the Democrat Party being an American political party has been eradicated. The old Liberal war cry ‘Better Red Than Dead’ has come to pass….both options.....'Red' and 'Dead.'
There is no longer any doubt that the current iteration of this party is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald than it is to John F. Kennedy.

But don’t cheer just yet. It hurts all Americans.

1.Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded in 1991 by Bernie Sanders-the openly socialist then Congressman from Vermont, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the radical Washington DC based "think tank" Institute for Policy Studies (IPS).
Many members were and continue to be linked to DSA and/or the Communist Party USA, IPS or other radical organizations.
From small beginnings the CPC has grown to embrace more than 80 members of Congress and three in the Senate. Congressional Progressive Caucus - KeyWiki

2. I can trace it back even further, but, focus on Bernie….” he spawned the CPC himself nearly three decades ago. With respect to 2020, Democrat Party is embracing the ideas of Sanders and the Squad, as well as the person of the octogenarian and his ideological progeny. As liberal comedian and political observer Bill Maher pithily describes it, his fellow Leftists are “coming across as unserious people who are going to take away all your money so migrants from Honduras can go to college for free and get a major in ‘America sucks.’”
They portray support for anything less than open, “decriminalized” borders as heartless, immoral and un-American. Democrats have by and large endorsed AOC’s Green New Deal, and the decarbonization and therefore deindustrialization of our economy, believing that absent the abolition of capitalism and the redistribution of its remaining fruits, the Earth will end in about a decade. Where 2020 candidates stand on the Green New Deal and climate policy

The Democratic Party now also supports third-trimester abortions—if not outright infanticide upon delivery—for all who seek it, including illegal aliens Ilhan Omar: America Has a Responsibility to Provide Abortions to Illegal Immigrants

Who is it Democrat voters bow the neck and the knee to?

3. Pelosi WAS in charge.....not anymore.
PROTESTERS WITH THE environmental group Sunrise marched on Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi’s office on Tuesday. The group, made up of young people pushing for urgent action on climate change, planned to send a clear message to party leadership just one week after Democrats regained control of the House.”

4. Before 2019 even began, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined the Sunrise Movement and the Justice Democrats activist group she led, in a climate change sit-in held at Speaker Pelosi’s office. This was the first sign of the insubordination to come—an insubordination based in a belief that the establishment was no match for the freshmen insurgents.

Poor Captain Nancy thought she could hold the rebels back…..wrong.

Your silly Asian ass better hope the day never comes when there is no democratic party.
That would be the best thing for america.
Or....There no longer is a Democrat Party

And poor Captain Nancy-Bligh has had to walk the plank!

What it means is that the last remnant of the Democrat Party being an American political party has been eradicated. The old Liberal war cry ‘Better Red Than Dead’ has come to pass….both options.....'Red' and 'Dead.'
There is no longer any doubt that the current iteration of this party is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald than it is to John F. Kennedy.

But don’t cheer just yet. It hurts all Americans.

1.Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded in 1991 by Bernie Sanders-the openly socialist then Congressman from Vermont, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the radical Washington DC based "think tank" Institute for Policy Studies (IPS).
Many members were and continue to be linked to DSA and/or the Communist Party USA, IPS or other radical organizations.
From small beginnings the CPC has grown to embrace more than 80 members of Congress and three in the Senate. Congressional Progressive Caucus - KeyWiki

2. I can trace it back even further, but, focus on Bernie….” he spawned the CPC himself nearly three decades ago. With respect to 2020, Democrat Party is embracing the ideas of Sanders and the Squad, as well as the person of the octogenarian and his ideological progeny. As liberal comedian and political observer Bill Maher pithily describes it, his fellow Leftists are “coming across as unserious people who are going to take away all your money so migrants from Honduras can go to college for free and get a major in ‘America sucks.’”
They portray support for anything less than open, “decriminalized” borders as heartless, immoral and un-American. Democrats have by and large endorsed AOC’s Green New Deal, and the decarbonization and therefore deindustrialization of our economy, believing that absent the abolition of capitalism and the redistribution of its remaining fruits, the Earth will end in about a decade. Where 2020 candidates stand on the Green New Deal and climate policy

The Democratic Party now also supports third-trimester abortions—if not outright infanticide upon delivery—for all who seek it, including illegal aliens Ilhan Omar: America Has a Responsibility to Provide Abortions to Illegal Immigrants

Who is it Democrat voters bow the neck and the knee to?

3. Pelosi WAS in charge.....not anymore.
PROTESTERS WITH THE environmental group Sunrise marched on Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi’s office on Tuesday. The group, made up of young people pushing for urgent action on climate change, planned to send a clear message to party leadership just one week after Democrats regained control of the House.”

4. Before 2019 even began, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined the Sunrise Movement and the Justice Democrats activist group she led, in a climate change sit-in held at Speaker Pelosi’s office. This was the first sign of the insubordination to come—an insubordination based in a belief that the establishment was no match for the freshmen insurgents.

Poor Captain Nancy thought she could hold the rebels back…..wrong.

Your silly Asian ass better hope the day never comes when there is no democratic party.
Your silly Asian ass better hope the day never comes when there is no democratic party.
Yeah, Asian Americans love being locked up in Concentration Camps by Democrats.
Asians were locked up in concentration camps by whites. Both parties supported the interment of asians.

Japanese internment camps were the sites of the forced relocation and incarceration of people of Japanese ancestry in the Western United States during the Second World War and established in direct response to the Pearl Harbor attack. They remain arguably the most notorious example of war-time hysteria driving public policy decisions based on paranoia and fear-mongering than fact-based security threats.

On December 7th 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. US citizens feared another attack and war hysteria seized the country. State representatives put pressure on President Roosevelt to take action against those of Japanese descent living in the US.

On February 19th, 1942, Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. Under the terms of the Order, some 120,000 people of Japanese descent living in the US were removed from their homes and placed in internment camps. The US justified their action by claiming that there was a danger of those of Japanese descent spying for the Japanese. However more than two thirds of those interned were American citizens and half of them were children. None had ever shown disloyalty to the nation. In some cases family members were separated and put in different camps. During the entire war only ten people were convicted of spying for Japan and these were all Caucasian.

You republicans sure love race baiting. You tell us blacks how we are in a democratic plantation and you tell Asians they are in democratic concentration camps. Meanwhile you are white supremacists.
Blacks are wising up and leaving your racist party.
When the Republican Party ran aground

Eisenhower, then Nixon, then Reagan, then Bush the elder- BOTH sides constitute a duopoly of actors pretending to be something they aren't to keep voters divided into tools or enemies.
Intellectual honesty is a wonderful tool- it helps gain credibility regardless of the political stripe one wears.
Being a partisan serves one purpose and one purpose only- guess what that is.
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One of the great speeches of all time was delivered at the Asian Law Caucus Banquet in April of 1990, by Dr. Mari J. Matsuda. I was not there to hear the speech. I read it one day online. I wish I had been there. This was a powerful speech, a call out to the pride and history of her people. The title was: “We Will Not Be Used: Are Asian-Americans the Racial Bourgeoisie?”

“Living in 19th century Europe, Marx thought mostly in terms of class. Living in 20th century America, in the land where racism found a home, I am thinking about race. Is there a racial equivalent of the economic bourgeoisie? I fear there may be, and I fear it may be us.

If white, historically, is the top of the racial hierarchy in America, and black, historically, is the bottom, will yellow assume the place of the racial middle? The role of the racial middle is a critical one. It can reinforce white supremacy if the middle deludes itself into thinking it can be just like white if it tries hard enough. Conversely, the middle can dismantle white supremacy if it refuses to be the middle, if it refuses to buy into racial hierarchy, if it refuses to abandon communities of Black and Brown people, choosing instead to form alliances with them.”

She continues:

When Asian-Americans manage to do well, their success is used against others. Internally, it is used to erase the continuing poverty and social dislocation within Asian-American communities. The media is full of stories of Asian-American whiz kids. Their successes are used to erase our problems and to disavow any responsibility for them. The dominant culture doesn’t know about drug abuse in our communities, about our high school dropouts, our AIDS victims.

Suggestions that some segments of the Asian-American community need special help are greeted with suspicion and disbelief. External to our communities, our successes are used to deny racism and to put down other groups. African-Americans and Latinos and poor whites are told, “look at those Asians — anyone can make it in this country if they really try.” The cruelty of telling this to crack babies, to workers displaced by runaway shops, and to families waiting in line at homeless shelters, is not something I want associated with my genealogy.

There is more:

Yes, my ancestors made it in this country, but they made it against the odds. In my genealogy and probably in yours, are people who went to bed hungry, who lost land to the tax collector, who worked to exhaustion and ill-health, who faced pain and relocation with the bitter stoicism we call, in Japanese, “gaman.” Many who came the hard road of our ancestors didn’t make it. Their bones are still in the mountains by the tunnels they blasted for the railroad, still in the fields where they stooped over the short-handled hoe, still in the graveyards of Europe, where they fought for a democracy that didn’t include them. Asian success was success with a dark, painful price.

To use that success to discount the hardship facing poor and working people in this country today is a sacrilege to the memory of our ancestors. It is an insult to today’s Asian-American immigrants, who work the double-triple shift, who know no leisure, who crowd two and three families to a home, who put children and old-folks alike to work at struggling family businesses or at home doing piece-work until midnight. Yes, we take pride in our success, but we should also remember the cost. The success that is our pride is not to be given over as a weapon to use against other struggling communities. I hope we will not be used to blame the poor for their poverty.

Still, there is more:

Nor should we be used to deny employment or educational opportunities to others. A recent exchange of editorials and letters in the Asian-American press reveals confusion over affirmative action. Racist anti-Asian quotas at the universities can give quotas a bad name in our community. At the same time, quotas have been the only way we’ve been able to walk through the door of persistently discriminatory institutions like the San Francisco fire department.

We need affirmative action because there are still employers who see an Asian face and see a person unfit for a leadership position. In every field where we have attained a measure of success, we are underrepresented in the real power positions. And yet, we are in danger of being manipulated into opposing affirmative action by those who say affirmative action hurts Asian-Americans.

She goes on to say:

What’s really going on here? When university administrators have secret quotas to keep down Asian admissions, this is because Asians are seen as destroying the predominantly white character of the university. Under this mentality, we can’t let in all those Asian over-achievers and maintain affirmative action for other minority groups. We can’t do both because that will mean either that our universities lose their predominantly white character, or that we have to fund more and better universities. To either of those prospects, I say, “why not?” And I condemn the voices from our own community that are translating legitimate anger at ceilings on Asian admissions into unthinking opposition to affirmative action floors needed to fight racism.

In a period when rates of educational attainment for minorities and working class Americans are going down, in a period when America is lagging behind other developed nations in literacy and learning, I hope we will not be used to deny educational opportunities to the disadvantaged and to preserve success only for the privileged.

The crescendo:

I love my Asian brothers, but I’ve lost my patience with malingering homophobia and sexism, and especially with using white racism as an excuse to resist change. You know, the “I have to be Bruce Lee because the white man wants me to be Tonto” line. Yes, the J-town boys with their black leather jackets are adorable, but the pathetic need to put down straight women, gays, and lesbians is not. To anyone in our communities who wants to bring their anger home, let’s say, “cut it out.” We will not be used against each other.

If you know Hawaiian music, you know of the ha’ina line that tells of a song about to end. This speech is about to end. It will end by recalling echoes of Asian-American resistance.

In anti-eviction struggles in Chinatowns from coast to coast and in Hawaii we heard the song, “We Shall Not Be Moved.” For the 90’s, I want to sing, “We Shall Not Be Used.” I want to remember the times when Asian-Americans stood side-by-side with African-Americans, Latinos, and progressive whites to demand social justice. I want to remember the multi-racial ILWU (International Longshoremen and Warehousemen’s Workers’ Union) that ended the plantation system in Hawaii. I want to remember the multi-racial sugar beet strikes in California that brought together Japanese, Filipino and Chicano workers to fulfill their dreams of a better life. I want to remember the American Committee for the Protection of the Foreign Born that brought together progressive Okinawan, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and European immigrants to fight McCarthyism and deportation of political activists. I want to remember the San Francisco State College strike, and the Asian-American students who stood their ground in a multi-racial coalition to bring about ethnic studies and lasting changes in American academic life, changes that make it possible for me, as a scholar, to tell the truth as I see it.

Dr. Matsuda broke ‘em off something as it is said. This speech is one poli chic should listen to and heed.
That speech was..... stirring. I get the gist but not what the speaker was trying to accomplish if it was something other than "white man bad". So to refresh some memories don't forget how the Irish were treated when they came here in great numbers or how jews (who are also white) were despised and kept out- and I'd also say the red man was at the bottom of the totem pole in US History-

What many, and apparently even scholars, refuse to recognize is the rules can and will be broken, written or unspoken makes no difference. They will be broken and someone (like scholars) who profess a lot of knowledge would be better served IF they encouraged vs discouraging with self serving speeches- personally, even as a "white man" (with Indian blood) I encourage ANYONE and everyone who will listen to beat the suckers at their own game - no matter who "the suckers" are or what Party they associate with.
A saying I read on a Church marquee said it all- putting out anothers light doesn't make your's shine brighter- that applies to everyone, especially scholars and partisan hacks.
We also shouldn't forget how some Irish (if they were self hating enough) managed to escape that persecution by dropping that accent and changing that last name....

And thru the magic of "labeling" -- white supremacists just decided to put their beefs against the Irish aside and declare them as white like the rest of them....to consolidate power against the "darkies" of course...

They did this for Italians and other Europeans too.....

Blacks had a harder time pulling off this "passing for white" thing....so some of them decided to be docile minstrels instead for acceptance...

"Blacks had a harder time pulling off this "passing for white" thing....so some of them decided to be docile minstrels instead for acceptance... "


A minute ago you were sayin' you were part of the 'hip hop world'......

There's no loyalty any longer......
Or....There no longer is a Democrat Party

And poor Captain Nancy-Bligh has had to walk the plank!

What it means is that the last remnant of the Democrat Party being an American political party has been eradicated. The old Liberal war cry ‘Better Red Than Dead’ has come to pass….both options.....'Red' and 'Dead.'
There is no longer any doubt that the current iteration of this party is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald than it is to John F. Kennedy.

But don’t cheer just yet. It hurts all Americans.

1.Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded in 1991 by Bernie Sanders-the openly socialist then Congressman from Vermont, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the radical Washington DC based "think tank" Institute for Policy Studies (IPS).
Many members were and continue to be linked to DSA and/or the Communist Party USA, IPS or other radical organizations.
From small beginnings the CPC has grown to embrace more than 80 members of Congress and three in the Senate. Congressional Progressive Caucus - KeyWiki

2. I can trace it back even further, but, focus on Bernie….” he spawned the CPC himself nearly three decades ago. With respect to 2020, Democrat Party is embracing the ideas of Sanders and the Squad, as well as the person of the octogenarian and his ideological progeny. As liberal comedian and political observer Bill Maher pithily describes it, his fellow Leftists are “coming across as unserious people who are going to take away all your money so migrants from Honduras can go to college for free and get a major in ‘America sucks.’”
They portray support for anything less than open, “decriminalized” borders as heartless, immoral and un-American. Democrats have by and large endorsed AOC’s Green New Deal, and the decarbonization and therefore deindustrialization of our economy, believing that absent the abolition of capitalism and the redistribution of its remaining fruits, the Earth will end in about a decade. Where 2020 candidates stand on the Green New Deal and climate policy

The Democratic Party now also supports third-trimester abortions—if not outright infanticide upon delivery—for all who seek it, including illegal aliens Ilhan Omar: America Has a Responsibility to Provide Abortions to Illegal Immigrants

Who is it Democrat voters bow the neck and the knee to?

3. Pelosi WAS in charge.....not anymore.
PROTESTERS WITH THE environmental group Sunrise marched on Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi’s office on Tuesday. The group, made up of young people pushing for urgent action on climate change, planned to send a clear message to party leadership just one week after Democrats regained control of the House.”

4. Before 2019 even began, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined the Sunrise Movement and the Justice Democrats activist group she led, in a climate change sit-in held at Speaker Pelosi’s office. This was the first sign of the insubordination to come—an insubordination based in a belief that the establishment was no match for the freshmen insurgents.

Poor Captain Nancy thought she could hold the rebels back…..wrong.

Your silly Asian ass better hope the day never comes when there is no democratic party.
That would be the best thing for america.

Take care!

Look what is replacing them.
Or....There no longer is a Democrat Party

And poor Captain Nancy-Bligh has had to walk the plank!

What it means is that the last remnant of the Democrat Party being an American political party has been eradicated. The old Liberal war cry ‘Better Red Than Dead’ has come to pass….both options.....'Red' and 'Dead.'
There is no longer any doubt that the current iteration of this party is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald than it is to John F. Kennedy.

But don’t cheer just yet. It hurts all Americans.

1.Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded in 1991 by Bernie Sanders-the openly socialist then Congressman from Vermont, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the radical Washington DC based "think tank" Institute for Policy Studies (IPS).
Many members were and continue to be linked to DSA and/or the Communist Party USA, IPS or other radical organizations.
From small beginnings the CPC has grown to embrace more than 80 members of Congress and three in the Senate. Congressional Progressive Caucus - KeyWiki

2. I can trace it back even further, but, focus on Bernie….” he spawned the CPC himself nearly three decades ago. With respect to 2020, Democrat Party is embracing the ideas of Sanders and the Squad, as well as the person of the octogenarian and his ideological progeny. As liberal comedian and political observer Bill Maher pithily describes it, his fellow Leftists are “coming across as unserious people who are going to take away all your money so migrants from Honduras can go to college for free and get a major in ‘America sucks.’”
They portray support for anything less than open, “decriminalized” borders as heartless, immoral and un-American. Democrats have by and large endorsed AOC’s Green New Deal, and the decarbonization and therefore deindustrialization of our economy, believing that absent the abolition of capitalism and the redistribution of its remaining fruits, the Earth will end in about a decade. Where 2020 candidates stand on the Green New Deal and climate policy

The Democratic Party now also supports third-trimester abortions—if not outright infanticide upon delivery—for all who seek it, including illegal aliens Ilhan Omar: America Has a Responsibility to Provide Abortions to Illegal Immigrants

Who is it Democrat voters bow the neck and the knee to?

3. Pelosi WAS in charge.....not anymore.
PROTESTERS WITH THE environmental group Sunrise marched on Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi’s office on Tuesday. The group, made up of young people pushing for urgent action on climate change, planned to send a clear message to party leadership just one week after Democrats regained control of the House.”

4. Before 2019 even began, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined the Sunrise Movement and the Justice Democrats activist group she led, in a climate change sit-in held at Speaker Pelosi’s office. This was the first sign of the insubordination to come—an insubordination based in a belief that the establishment was no match for the freshmen insurgents.

Poor Captain Nancy thought she could hold the rebels back…..wrong.

Your silly Asian ass better hope the day never comes when there is no democratic party.
Your silly Asian ass better hope the day never comes when there is no democratic party.
Yeah, Asian Americans love being locked up in Concentration Camps by Democrats.
Asians were locked up in concentration camps by whites. Both parties supported the interment of asians.

Japanese internment camps were the sites of the forced relocation and incarceration of people of Japanese ancestry in the Western United States during the Second World War and established in direct response to the Pearl Harbor attack. They remain arguably the most notorious example of war-time hysteria driving public policy decisions based on paranoia and fear-mongering than fact-based security threats.

On December 7th 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. US citizens feared another attack and war hysteria seized the country. State representatives put pressure on President Roosevelt to take action against those of Japanese descent living in the US.

On February 19th, 1942, Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. Under the terms of the Order, some 120,000 people of Japanese descent living in the US were removed from their homes and placed in internment camps. The US justified their action by claiming that there was a danger of those of Japanese descent spying for the Japanese. However more than two thirds of those interned were American citizens and half of them were children. None had ever shown disloyalty to the nation. In some cases family members were separated and put in different camps. During the entire war only ten people were convicted of spying for Japan and these were all Caucasian.

You republicans sure love race baiting. You tell us blacks how we are in a democratic plantation and you tell Asians they are in democratic concentration camps. Meanwhile you are white supremacists.
i cant believe you just said republicans love race baiting ! :puhleeze:
Pelosi tried to pretend she was still in charge of the party.

6. “Later, during an April 2016 interview for CBS’ “60 Minutes,” Lesley Stahl spoke to Speaker Pelosi of “AOC, and her group” as constituting one wing of the Democratic Party. Pelosi replied, “That’s, like, five people.” This came on the heels of a thinly veiled dig from Pelosi at AOC et al., as reported in USA Today, that: “While there are people who have a large number of Twitter followers, what’s important is that we have a large number of votes on the floor of the House.” She should not have had to belittle the Squad if it was really such a powerless group, and she would shortly pay a political price for so doing. “

In the summer of 2019, the Squad sought to scuttle Speaker Pelosi’s plan to agree to the Senate-led bipartisan emergency border package, defying her demand to vote in favor of the legislation in an embarrassing rebuke to party leadership. As Speaker Pelosi described it, “A vote against this bill is a vote for Donald Trump and his inhumane, outside-the-circle-of-civilized attitude toward the children.”

Ultimately the progressive revolt prevented the Democrats from uniting behind an alternative to the Senate’s package in what The New York Times called a “striking defeat” for Speaker Pelosi.”
Weingarten, Op.Cit.

"...a “striking defeat” for Speaker Pelosi.”

If one is a knee-jerk Democrat voter....as most of 'em are, they will vote in November for the destruction of the nation they hate most in the world.....America.
One of the great speeches of all time was delivered at the Asian Law Caucus Banquet in April of 1990, by Dr. Mari J. Matsuda. I was not there to hear the speech. I read it one day online. I wish I had been there. This was a powerful speech, a call out to the pride and history of her people. The title was: “We Will Not Be Used: Are Asian-Americans the Racial Bourgeoisie?”

“Living in 19th century Europe, Marx thought mostly in terms of class. Living in 20th century America, in the land where racism found a home, I am thinking about race. Is there a racial equivalent of the economic bourgeoisie? I fear there may be, and I fear it may be us.

If white, historically, is the top of the racial hierarchy in America, and black, historically, is the bottom, will yellow assume the place of the racial middle? The role of the racial middle is a critical one. It can reinforce white supremacy if the middle deludes itself into thinking it can be just like white if it tries hard enough. Conversely, the middle can dismantle white supremacy if it refuses to be the middle, if it refuses to buy into racial hierarchy, if it refuses to abandon communities of Black and Brown people, choosing instead to form alliances with them.”

She continues:

When Asian-Americans manage to do well, their success is used against others. Internally, it is used to erase the continuing poverty and social dislocation within Asian-American communities. The media is full of stories of Asian-American whiz kids. Their successes are used to erase our problems and to disavow any responsibility for them. The dominant culture doesn’t know about drug abuse in our communities, about our high school dropouts, our AIDS victims.

Suggestions that some segments of the Asian-American community need special help are greeted with suspicion and disbelief. External to our communities, our successes are used to deny racism and to put down other groups. African-Americans and Latinos and poor whites are told, “look at those Asians — anyone can make it in this country if they really try.” The cruelty of telling this to crack babies, to workers displaced by runaway shops, and to families waiting in line at homeless shelters, is not something I want associated with my genealogy.

There is more:

Yes, my ancestors made it in this country, but they made it against the odds. In my genealogy and probably in yours, are people who went to bed hungry, who lost land to the tax collector, who worked to exhaustion and ill-health, who faced pain and relocation with the bitter stoicism we call, in Japanese, “gaman.” Many who came the hard road of our ancestors didn’t make it. Their bones are still in the mountains by the tunnels they blasted for the railroad, still in the fields where they stooped over the short-handled hoe, still in the graveyards of Europe, where they fought for a democracy that didn’t include them. Asian success was success with a dark, painful price.

To use that success to discount the hardship facing poor and working people in this country today is a sacrilege to the memory of our ancestors. It is an insult to today’s Asian-American immigrants, who work the double-triple shift, who know no leisure, who crowd two and three families to a home, who put children and old-folks alike to work at struggling family businesses or at home doing piece-work until midnight. Yes, we take pride in our success, but we should also remember the cost. The success that is our pride is not to be given over as a weapon to use against other struggling communities. I hope we will not be used to blame the poor for their poverty.

Still, there is more:

Nor should we be used to deny employment or educational opportunities to others. A recent exchange of editorials and letters in the Asian-American press reveals confusion over affirmative action. Racist anti-Asian quotas at the universities can give quotas a bad name in our community. At the same time, quotas have been the only way we’ve been able to walk through the door of persistently discriminatory institutions like the San Francisco fire department.

We need affirmative action because there are still employers who see an Asian face and see a person unfit for a leadership position. In every field where we have attained a measure of success, we are underrepresented in the real power positions. And yet, we are in danger of being manipulated into opposing affirmative action by those who say affirmative action hurts Asian-Americans.

She goes on to say:

What’s really going on here? When university administrators have secret quotas to keep down Asian admissions, this is because Asians are seen as destroying the predominantly white character of the university. Under this mentality, we can’t let in all those Asian over-achievers and maintain affirmative action for other minority groups. We can’t do both because that will mean either that our universities lose their predominantly white character, or that we have to fund more and better universities. To either of those prospects, I say, “why not?” And I condemn the voices from our own community that are translating legitimate anger at ceilings on Asian admissions into unthinking opposition to affirmative action floors needed to fight racism.

In a period when rates of educational attainment for minorities and working class Americans are going down, in a period when America is lagging behind other developed nations in literacy and learning, I hope we will not be used to deny educational opportunities to the disadvantaged and to preserve success only for the privileged.

The crescendo:

I love my Asian brothers, but I’ve lost my patience with malingering homophobia and sexism, and especially with using white racism as an excuse to resist change. You know, the “I have to be Bruce Lee because the white man wants me to be Tonto” line. Yes, the J-town boys with their black leather jackets are adorable, but the pathetic need to put down straight women, gays, and lesbians is not. To anyone in our communities who wants to bring their anger home, let’s say, “cut it out.” We will not be used against each other.

If you know Hawaiian music, you know of the ha’ina line that tells of a song about to end. This speech is about to end. It will end by recalling echoes of Asian-American resistance.

In anti-eviction struggles in Chinatowns from coast to coast and in Hawaii we heard the song, “We Shall Not Be Moved.” For the 90’s, I want to sing, “We Shall Not Be Used.” I want to remember the times when Asian-Americans stood side-by-side with African-Americans, Latinos, and progressive whites to demand social justice. I want to remember the multi-racial ILWU (International Longshoremen and Warehousemen’s Workers’ Union) that ended the plantation system in Hawaii. I want to remember the multi-racial sugar beet strikes in California that brought together Japanese, Filipino and Chicano workers to fulfill their dreams of a better life. I want to remember the American Committee for the Protection of the Foreign Born that brought together progressive Okinawan, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and European immigrants to fight McCarthyism and deportation of political activists. I want to remember the San Francisco State College strike, and the Asian-American students who stood their ground in a multi-racial coalition to bring about ethnic studies and lasting changes in American academic life, changes that make it possible for me, as a scholar, to tell the truth as I see it.

Dr. Matsuda broke ‘em off something as it is said. This speech is one poli chic should listen to and heed.
That speech was..... stirring. I get the gist but not what the speaker was trying to accomplish if it was something other than "white man bad". So to refresh some memories don't forget how the Irish were treated when they came here in great numbers or how jews (who are also white) were despised and kept out- and I'd also say the red man was at the bottom of the totem pole in US History-

What many, and apparently even scholars, refuse to recognize is the rules can and will be broken, written or unspoken makes no difference. They will be broken and someone (like scholars) who profess a lot of knowledge would be better served IF they encouraged vs discouraging with self serving speeches- personally, even as a "white man" (with Indian blood) I encourage ANYONE and everyone who will listen to beat the suckers at their own game - no matter who "the suckers" are or what Party they associate with.
A saying I read on a Church marquee said it all- putting out anothers light doesn't make your's shine brighter- that applies to everyone, especially scholars and partisan hacks.
We also shouldn't forget how some Irish (if they were self hating enough) managed to escape that persecution by dropping that accent and changing that last name....

And thru the magic of "labeling" -- white supremacists just decided to put their beefs against the Irish aside and declare them as white like the rest of them....to consolidate power against the "darkies" of course...

They did this for Italians and other Europeans too.....

Blacks had a harder time pulling off this "passing for white" thing....so some of them decided to be docile minstrels instead for acceptance...

"Blacks had a harder time pulling off this "passing for white" thing....so some of them decided to be docile minstrels instead for acceptance... "


A minute ago you were sayin' you were part of the 'hip hop world'......

There's no loyalty any longer......
Let me know when you can refute a single thing I said??

If he proves himself a man, and … acquires wealth and cleans himself up — very well, we might receive him in a generation or two. But at present he is far beneath us, and the burden of proof rests with him. They ultimately met that burden and crucial to their success was that they were not black and they actively helped in maintaining a racist society. ” -- they were talking about European immigrants......

But wait...there is more....

"Greeks, for example, fretted about being mistaken for Puerto Ricans, mulattoes or Mexicans. J.D. Ross, an Alabama politician, dubbed himself the “white man’s candidate” and campaigned on Greek disenfranchisement. In Utah, Greek and Italian copper miners were classified as “nonwhite.” White workers in Steelton, Pennsylvania, refused to take “hunky jobs” — jobs traditionally held by Hungarians — even during the poor economy of 1908, preferring unemployment. "

So like I said -- there were blacks who tried to pass for white........if you were fair-skinned enough, you could pass for white and avoid the discrimination that blacks endured....

My great grandmother was very very fair-skinned -- but that came about due to her mother being raped -- so she found it a slap in the face to deny her black mother in order to pass just to be accepted by the same folks who raped her mother.....

  • Thanks
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Or....There no longer is a Democrat Party

And poor Captain Nancy-Bligh has had to walk the plank!

What it means is that the last remnant of the Democrat Party being an American political party has been eradicated. The old Liberal war cry ‘Better Red Than Dead’ has come to pass….both options.....'Red' and 'Dead.'
There is no longer any doubt that the current iteration of this party is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald than it is to John F. Kennedy.

But don’t cheer just yet. It hurts all Americans.

1.Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded in 1991 by Bernie Sanders-the openly socialist then Congressman from Vermont, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the radical Washington DC based "think tank" Institute for Policy Studies (IPS).
Many members were and continue to be linked to DSA and/or the Communist Party USA, IPS or other radical organizations.
From small beginnings the CPC has grown to embrace more than 80 members of Congress and three in the Senate. Congressional Progressive Caucus - KeyWiki

2. I can trace it back even further, but, focus on Bernie….” he spawned the CPC himself nearly three decades ago. With respect to 2020, Democrat Party is embracing the ideas of Sanders and the Squad, as well as the person of the octogenarian and his ideological progeny. As liberal comedian and political observer Bill Maher pithily describes it, his fellow Leftists are “coming across as unserious people who are going to take away all your money so migrants from Honduras can go to college for free and get a major in ‘America sucks.’”
They portray support for anything less than open, “decriminalized” borders as heartless, immoral and un-American. Democrats have by and large endorsed AOC’s Green New Deal, and the decarbonization and therefore deindustrialization of our economy, believing that absent the abolition of capitalism and the redistribution of its remaining fruits, the Earth will end in about a decade. Where 2020 candidates stand on the Green New Deal and climate policy

The Democratic Party now also supports third-trimester abortions—if not outright infanticide upon delivery—for all who seek it, including illegal aliens Ilhan Omar: America Has a Responsibility to Provide Abortions to Illegal Immigrants

Who is it Democrat voters bow the neck and the knee to?

3. Pelosi WAS in charge.....not anymore.
PROTESTERS WITH THE environmental group Sunrise marched on Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi’s office on Tuesday. The group, made up of young people pushing for urgent action on climate change, planned to send a clear message to party leadership just one week after Democrats regained control of the House.”

4. Before 2019 even began, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined the Sunrise Movement and the Justice Democrats activist group she led, in a climate change sit-in held at Speaker Pelosi’s office. This was the first sign of the insubordination to come—an insubordination based in a belief that the establishment was no match for the freshmen insurgents.

Poor Captain Nancy thought she could hold the rebels back…..wrong.

Your silly Asian ass better hope the day never comes when there is no democratic party.
Your silly Asian ass better hope the day never comes when there is no democratic party.
Yeah, Asian Americans love being locked up in Concentration Camps by Democrats.
Asians were locked up in concentration camps by whites. Both parties supported the interment of asians.

Japanese internment camps were the sites of the forced relocation and incarceration of people of Japanese ancestry in the Western United States during the Second World War and established in direct response to the Pearl Harbor attack. They remain arguably the most notorious example of war-time hysteria driving public policy decisions based on paranoia and fear-mongering than fact-based security threats.

On December 7th 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. US citizens feared another attack and war hysteria seized the country. State representatives put pressure on President Roosevelt to take action against those of Japanese descent living in the US.

On February 19th, 1942, Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. Under the terms of the Order, some 120,000 people of Japanese descent living in the US were removed from their homes and placed in internment camps. The US justified their action by claiming that there was a danger of those of Japanese descent spying for the Japanese. However more than two thirds of those interned were American citizens and half of them were children. None had ever shown disloyalty to the nation. In some cases family members were separated and put in different camps. During the entire war only ten people were convicted of spying for Japan and these were all Caucasian.

You republicans sure love race baiting. You tell us blacks how we are in a democratic plantation and you tell Asians they are in democratic concentration camps. Meanwhile you are white supremacists.
Blacks are wising up and leaving your racist party.

I am black and most blacks are independent but vote democrat for national elections. We know that the republican party is the racist party son.
Or....There no longer is a Democrat Party

And poor Captain Nancy-Bligh has had to walk the plank!

What it means is that the last remnant of the Democrat Party being an American political party has been eradicated. The old Liberal war cry ‘Better Red Than Dead’ has come to pass….both options.....'Red' and 'Dead.'
There is no longer any doubt that the current iteration of this party is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald than it is to John F. Kennedy.

But don’t cheer just yet. It hurts all Americans.

1.Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded in 1991 by Bernie Sanders-the openly socialist then Congressman from Vermont, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the radical Washington DC based "think tank" Institute for Policy Studies (IPS).
Many members were and continue to be linked to DSA and/or the Communist Party USA, IPS or other radical organizations.
From small beginnings the CPC has grown to embrace more than 80 members of Congress and three in the Senate. Congressional Progressive Caucus - KeyWiki

2. I can trace it back even further, but, focus on Bernie….” he spawned the CPC himself nearly three decades ago. With respect to 2020, Democrat Party is embracing the ideas of Sanders and the Squad, as well as the person of the octogenarian and his ideological progeny. As liberal comedian and political observer Bill Maher pithily describes it, his fellow Leftists are “coming across as unserious people who are going to take away all your money so migrants from Honduras can go to college for free and get a major in ‘America sucks.’”
They portray support for anything less than open, “decriminalized” borders as heartless, immoral and un-American. Democrats have by and large endorsed AOC’s Green New Deal, and the decarbonization and therefore deindustrialization of our economy, believing that absent the abolition of capitalism and the redistribution of its remaining fruits, the Earth will end in about a decade. Where 2020 candidates stand on the Green New Deal and climate policy

The Democratic Party now also supports third-trimester abortions—if not outright infanticide upon delivery—for all who seek it, including illegal aliens Ilhan Omar: America Has a Responsibility to Provide Abortions to Illegal Immigrants

Who is it Democrat voters bow the neck and the knee to?

3. Pelosi WAS in charge.....not anymore.
PROTESTERS WITH THE environmental group Sunrise marched on Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi’s office on Tuesday. The group, made up of young people pushing for urgent action on climate change, planned to send a clear message to party leadership just one week after Democrats regained control of the House.”

4. Before 2019 even began, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined the Sunrise Movement and the Justice Democrats activist group she led, in a climate change sit-in held at Speaker Pelosi’s office. This was the first sign of the insubordination to come—an insubordination based in a belief that the establishment was no match for the freshmen insurgents.

Poor Captain Nancy thought she could hold the rebels back…..wrong.

Your silly Asian ass better hope the day never comes when there is no democratic party.
That would be the best thing for america.
No it would not.
One of the great speeches of all time was delivered at the Asian Law Caucus Banquet in April of 1990, by Dr. Mari J. Matsuda. I was not there to hear the speech. I read it one day online. I wish I had been there. This was a powerful speech, a call out to the pride and history of her people. The title was: “We Will Not Be Used: Are Asian-Americans the Racial Bourgeoisie?”

“Living in 19th century Europe, Marx thought mostly in terms of class. Living in 20th century America, in the land where racism found a home, I am thinking about race. Is there a racial equivalent of the economic bourgeoisie? I fear there may be, and I fear it may be us.

If white, historically, is the top of the racial hierarchy in America, and black, historically, is the bottom, will yellow assume the place of the racial middle? The role of the racial middle is a critical one. It can reinforce white supremacy if the middle deludes itself into thinking it can be just like white if it tries hard enough. Conversely, the middle can dismantle white supremacy if it refuses to be the middle, if it refuses to buy into racial hierarchy, if it refuses to abandon communities of Black and Brown people, choosing instead to form alliances with them.”

She continues:

When Asian-Americans manage to do well, their success is used against others. Internally, it is used to erase the continuing poverty and social dislocation within Asian-American communities. The media is full of stories of Asian-American whiz kids. Their successes are used to erase our problems and to disavow any responsibility for them. The dominant culture doesn’t know about drug abuse in our communities, about our high school dropouts, our AIDS victims.

Suggestions that some segments of the Asian-American community need special help are greeted with suspicion and disbelief. External to our communities, our successes are used to deny racism and to put down other groups. African-Americans and Latinos and poor whites are told, “look at those Asians — anyone can make it in this country if they really try.” The cruelty of telling this to crack babies, to workers displaced by runaway shops, and to families waiting in line at homeless shelters, is not something I want associated with my genealogy.

There is more:

Yes, my ancestors made it in this country, but they made it against the odds. In my genealogy and probably in yours, are people who went to bed hungry, who lost land to the tax collector, who worked to exhaustion and ill-health, who faced pain and relocation with the bitter stoicism we call, in Japanese, “gaman.” Many who came the hard road of our ancestors didn’t make it. Their bones are still in the mountains by the tunnels they blasted for the railroad, still in the fields where they stooped over the short-handled hoe, still in the graveyards of Europe, where they fought for a democracy that didn’t include them. Asian success was success with a dark, painful price.

To use that success to discount the hardship facing poor and working people in this country today is a sacrilege to the memory of our ancestors. It is an insult to today’s Asian-American immigrants, who work the double-triple shift, who know no leisure, who crowd two and three families to a home, who put children and old-folks alike to work at struggling family businesses or at home doing piece-work until midnight. Yes, we take pride in our success, but we should also remember the cost. The success that is our pride is not to be given over as a weapon to use against other struggling communities. I hope we will not be used to blame the poor for their poverty.

Still, there is more:

Nor should we be used to deny employment or educational opportunities to others. A recent exchange of editorials and letters in the Asian-American press reveals confusion over affirmative action. Racist anti-Asian quotas at the universities can give quotas a bad name in our community. At the same time, quotas have been the only way we’ve been able to walk through the door of persistently discriminatory institutions like the San Francisco fire department.

We need affirmative action because there are still employers who see an Asian face and see a person unfit for a leadership position. In every field where we have attained a measure of success, we are underrepresented in the real power positions. And yet, we are in danger of being manipulated into opposing affirmative action by those who say affirmative action hurts Asian-Americans.

She goes on to say:

What’s really going on here? When university administrators have secret quotas to keep down Asian admissions, this is because Asians are seen as destroying the predominantly white character of the university. Under this mentality, we can’t let in all those Asian over-achievers and maintain affirmative action for other minority groups. We can’t do both because that will mean either that our universities lose their predominantly white character, or that we have to fund more and better universities. To either of those prospects, I say, “why not?” And I condemn the voices from our own community that are translating legitimate anger at ceilings on Asian admissions into unthinking opposition to affirmative action floors needed to fight racism.

In a period when rates of educational attainment for minorities and working class Americans are going down, in a period when America is lagging behind other developed nations in literacy and learning, I hope we will not be used to deny educational opportunities to the disadvantaged and to preserve success only for the privileged.

The crescendo:

I love my Asian brothers, but I’ve lost my patience with malingering homophobia and sexism, and especially with using white racism as an excuse to resist change. You know, the “I have to be Bruce Lee because the white man wants me to be Tonto” line. Yes, the J-town boys with their black leather jackets are adorable, but the pathetic need to put down straight women, gays, and lesbians is not. To anyone in our communities who wants to bring their anger home, let’s say, “cut it out.” We will not be used against each other.

If you know Hawaiian music, you know of the ha’ina line that tells of a song about to end. This speech is about to end. It will end by recalling echoes of Asian-American resistance.

In anti-eviction struggles in Chinatowns from coast to coast and in Hawaii we heard the song, “We Shall Not Be Moved.” For the 90’s, I want to sing, “We Shall Not Be Used.” I want to remember the times when Asian-Americans stood side-by-side with African-Americans, Latinos, and progressive whites to demand social justice. I want to remember the multi-racial ILWU (International Longshoremen and Warehousemen’s Workers’ Union) that ended the plantation system in Hawaii. I want to remember the multi-racial sugar beet strikes in California that brought together Japanese, Filipino and Chicano workers to fulfill their dreams of a better life. I want to remember the American Committee for the Protection of the Foreign Born that brought together progressive Okinawan, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and European immigrants to fight McCarthyism and deportation of political activists. I want to remember the San Francisco State College strike, and the Asian-American students who stood their ground in a multi-racial coalition to bring about ethnic studies and lasting changes in American academic life, changes that make it possible for me, as a scholar, to tell the truth as I see it.

Dr. Matsuda broke ‘em off something as it is said. This speech is one poli chic should listen to and heed.
That speech was..... stirring. I get the gist but not what the speaker was trying to accomplish if it was something other than "white man bad". So to refresh some memories don't forget how the Irish were treated when they came here in great numbers or how jews (who are also white) were despised and kept out- and I'd also say the red man was at the bottom of the totem pole in US History-

What many, and apparently even scholars, refuse to recognize is the rules can and will be broken, written or unspoken makes no difference. They will be broken and someone (like scholars) who profess a lot of knowledge would be better served IF they encouraged vs discouraging with self serving speeches- personally, even as a "white man" (with Indian blood) I encourage ANYONE and everyone who will listen to beat the suckers at their own game - no matter who "the suckers" are or what Party they associate with.
A saying I read on a Church marquee said it all- putting out anothers light doesn't make your's shine brighter- that applies to everyone, especially scholars and partisan hacks.
We also shouldn't forget how some Irish (if they were self hating enough) managed to escape that persecution by dropping that accent and changing that last name....

And thru the magic of "labeling" -- white supremacists just decided to put their beefs against the Irish aside and declare them as white like the rest of them....to consolidate power against the "darkies" of course...

They did this for Italians and other Europeans too.....

Blacks had a harder time pulling off this "passing for white" thing....so some of them decided to be docile minstrels instead for acceptance...

"Blacks had a harder time pulling off this "passing for white" thing....so some of them decided to be docile minstrels instead for acceptance... "


A minute ago you were sayin' you were part of the 'hip hop world'......

There's no loyalty any longer......
Let me know when you can refute a single thing I said??

If he proves himself a man, and … acquires wealth and cleans himself up — very well, we might receive him in a generation or two. But at present he is far beneath us, and the burden of proof rests with him. They ultimately met that burden and crucial to their success was that they were not black and they actively helped in maintaining a racist society. ” -- they were talking about European immigrants......

But wait...there is more....

"Greeks, for example, fretted about being mistaken for Puerto Ricans, mulattoes or Mexicans. J.D. Ross, an Alabama politician, dubbed himself the “white man’s candidate” and campaigned on Greek disenfranchisement. In Utah, Greek and Italian copper miners were classified as “nonwhite.” White workers in Steelton, Pennsylvania, refused to take “hunky jobs” — jobs traditionally held by Hungarians — even during the poor economy of 1908, preferring unemployment. "

So like I said -- there were blacks who tried to pass for white........if you were fair-skinned enough, you could pass for white and avoid the discrimination that blacks endured....

My great grandmother was very very fair-skinned -- but that came about due to her mother being raped -- so she found it a slap in the face to deny her black mother in order to pass just to be accepted by the same folks who raped her mother.....


This is what brought you crawling in......

When The Good Ship ‘Democrat’ Ran Aground.

Or....There no longer is a Democrat Party

And poor Captain Nancy-Bligh has had to walk the plank!

What it means is that the last remnant of the Democrat Party being an American political party has been eradicated. The old Liberal war cry ‘Better Red Than Dead’ has come to pass….both options.....'Red' and 'Dead.'
There is no longer any doubt that the current iteration of this party is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald than it is to John F. Kennedy.

But don’t cheer just yet. It hurts all Americans.

1.Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded in 1991 by Bernie Sanders-the openly socialist then Congressman from Vermont, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the radical Washington DC based "think tank" Institute for Policy Studies (IPS).
Many members were and continue to be linked to DSA and/or the Communist Party USA, IPS or other radical organizations.
From small beginnings the CPC has grown to embrace more than 80 members of Congress and three in the Senate. Congressional Progressive Caucus - KeyWiki

2. I can trace it back even further, but, focus on Bernie….” he spawned the CPC himself nearly three decades ago. With respect to 2020, Democrat Party is embracing the ideas of Sanders and the Squad, as well as the person of the octogenarian and his ideological progeny. As liberal comedian and political observer Bill Maher pithily describes it, his fellow Leftists are “coming across as unserious people who are going to take away all your money so migrants from Honduras can go to college for free and get a major in ‘America sucks.’”

What Bill Maher gets completely wrong

Bill Maher said, "All the Democrats have to do to win is to come off less crazy than Trump — and, of course, they're blowing it." But Julian Zelizer argues that playing it safe could cause Democrats to lose the White House in 2020.


They portray support for anything less than open, “decriminalized” borders as heartless, immoral and un-American. Democrats have by and large endorsed AOC’s Green New Deal, and the decarbonization and therefore deindustrialization of our economy, believing that absent the abolition of capitalism and the redistribution of its remaining fruits, the Earth will end in about a decade. Where 2020 candidates stand on the Green New Deal and climate policy

CNN’s Presidential Climate Change Town Hall Was Insane

Democrats are proposing climate-change policies that would not only require massive societal upheaval but mass coercion to enforce.


The Democratic Party now also supports third-trimester abortions—if not outright infanticide upon delivery—for all who seek it, including illegal aliens Ilhan Omar: America Has a Responsibility to Provide Abortions to Illegal Immigrants

Who is it Democrat voters bow the neck and the knee to?

3. Pelosi WAS in charge.....not anymore.
PROTESTERS WITH THE environmental group Sunrise marched on Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi’s office on Tuesday. The group, made up of young people pushing for urgent action on climate change, planned to send a clear message to party leadership just one week after Democrats regained control of the House.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Joins Environmental Activists in Protest at Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi’s Office

Ocasio-Cortez’s decision to break with decorum and join the protesters could, paradoxically, open up space for her to support Pelosi on the House floor.


4. Before 2019 even began, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined the Sunrise Movement and the Justice Democrats activist group she led, in a climate change sit-in held at Speaker Pelosi’s office. This was the first sign of the insubordination to come—an insubordination based in a belief that the establishment was no match for the freshmen insurgents.

Ocasio-Cortez joins climate change sit-in at Pelosi's office

Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined 150 youth activists in a Tuesday sit-in at House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's Capitol Hill office, where the group called for congressional action on climate change.


Poor Captain Nancy thought she could hold the rebels back…..wrong.

Clearly everything in every one of my posts is 100% true, correct and accurate.
Or....There no longer is a Democrat Party

And poor Captain Nancy-Bligh has had to walk the plank!

What it means is that the last remnant of the Democrat Party being an American political party has been eradicated. The old Liberal war cry ‘Better Red Than Dead’ has come to pass….both options.....'Red' and 'Dead.'
There is no longer any doubt that the current iteration of this party is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald than it is to John F. Kennedy.

But don’t cheer just yet. It hurts all Americans.

1.Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded in 1991 by Bernie Sanders-the openly socialist then Congressman from Vermont, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the radical Washington DC based "think tank" Institute for Policy Studies (IPS).
Many members were and continue to be linked to DSA and/or the Communist Party USA, IPS or other radical organizations.
From small beginnings the CPC has grown to embrace more than 80 members of Congress and three in the Senate. Congressional Progressive Caucus - KeyWiki

2. I can trace it back even further, but, focus on Bernie….” he spawned the CPC himself nearly three decades ago. With respect to 2020, Democrat Party is embracing the ideas of Sanders and the Squad, as well as the person of the octogenarian and his ideological progeny. As liberal comedian and political observer Bill Maher pithily describes it, his fellow Leftists are “coming across as unserious people who are going to take away all your money so migrants from Honduras can go to college for free and get a major in ‘America sucks.’”
They portray support for anything less than open, “decriminalized” borders as heartless, immoral and un-American. Democrats have by and large endorsed AOC’s Green New Deal, and the decarbonization and therefore deindustrialization of our economy, believing that absent the abolition of capitalism and the redistribution of its remaining fruits, the Earth will end in about a decade. Where 2020 candidates stand on the Green New Deal and climate policy

The Democratic Party now also supports third-trimester abortions—if not outright infanticide upon delivery—for all who seek it, including illegal aliens Ilhan Omar: America Has a Responsibility to Provide Abortions to Illegal Immigrants

Who is it Democrat voters bow the neck and the knee to?

3. Pelosi WAS in charge.....not anymore.
PROTESTERS WITH THE environmental group Sunrise marched on Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi’s office on Tuesday. The group, made up of young people pushing for urgent action on climate change, planned to send a clear message to party leadership just one week after Democrats regained control of the House.”

4. Before 2019 even began, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined the Sunrise Movement and the Justice Democrats activist group she led, in a climate change sit-in held at Speaker Pelosi’s office. This was the first sign of the insubordination to come—an insubordination based in a belief that the establishment was no match for the freshmen insurgents.

Poor Captain Nancy thought she could hold the rebels back…..wrong.

Your silly Asian ass better hope the day never comes when there is no democratic party.
Your silly Asian ass better hope the day never comes when there is no democratic party.
Yeah, Asian Americans love being locked up in Concentration Camps by Democrats.
Asians were locked up in concentration camps by whites. Both parties supported the interment of asians.

Japanese internment camps were the sites of the forced relocation and incarceration of people of Japanese ancestry in the Western United States during the Second World War and established in direct response to the Pearl Harbor attack. They remain arguably the most notorious example of war-time hysteria driving public policy decisions based on paranoia and fear-mongering than fact-based security threats.

On December 7th 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. US citizens feared another attack and war hysteria seized the country. State representatives put pressure on President Roosevelt to take action against those of Japanese descent living in the US.

On February 19th, 1942, Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. Under the terms of the Order, some 120,000 people of Japanese descent living in the US were removed from their homes and placed in internment camps. The US justified their action by claiming that there was a danger of those of Japanese descent spying for the Japanese. However more than two thirds of those interned were American citizens and half of them were children. None had ever shown disloyalty to the nation. In some cases family members were separated and put in different camps. During the entire war only ten people were convicted of spying for Japan and these were all Caucasian.

You republicans sure love race baiting. You tell us blacks how we are in a democratic plantation and you tell Asians they are in democratic concentration camps. Meanwhile you are white supremacists.
Blacks are wising up and leaving your racist party.

I am black and most blacks are independent but vote democrat for national elections. We know that the republican party is the racist party son.

Here's your remedial:

1. The Democrats are, and have always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, the party that stood in schoolhouse doors to block black school children….until Republicans sent in the 101st airborne

2. It is the party of Jefferson Davis, the KKK, Planned Parenthood, concentration camps for American citizens, and restrictions on free speech.

3. It is the party of Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree, and of James Hodgkinson, and of Communist Bernie Sanders, of pretend genders.

4. The Democrat Party is the oldest racist organization in America, the trail of tears, the author of Jim Crow and the bigotry of low expectations, filibustered against women getting the vote and killed every anti-lynching bill to get to Congress

5. The Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

6. It is the party of anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, and of the first Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress.

7. It is the party that admits its future depends on flooding the country with illegal aliens, and telling them to vote.

8. It is the party that couldn't suck up to the Castro Brothers enough, and treats the Bill of Rights like a Chinese menu..

9. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

10. The Democrats are the party that looks at the mayhem their gun laws have produced in Chicago, ……and this is their model for the nation.

11. I should mention that the Democrat Party was used as a model by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party….another ‘feather’ in the party’s cap?

12. The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism.

13. It's the party of felons over law-abiding actual citizens

Good thing you slithered in for your daily education, huh?
Or....There no longer is a Democrat Party

And poor Captain Nancy-Bligh has had to walk the plank!

What it means is that the last remnant of the Democrat Party being an American political party has been eradicated. The old Liberal war cry ‘Better Red Than Dead’ has come to pass….both options.....'Red' and 'Dead.'
There is no longer any doubt that the current iteration of this party is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald than it is to John F. Kennedy.

But don’t cheer just yet. It hurts all Americans.

1.Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded in 1991 by Bernie Sanders-the openly socialist then Congressman from Vermont, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the radical Washington DC based "think tank" Institute for Policy Studies (IPS).
Many members were and continue to be linked to DSA and/or the Communist Party USA, IPS or other radical organizations.
From small beginnings the CPC has grown to embrace more than 80 members of Congress and three in the Senate. Congressional Progressive Caucus - KeyWiki

2. I can trace it back even further, but, focus on Bernie….” he spawned the CPC himself nearly three decades ago. With respect to 2020, Democrat Party is embracing the ideas of Sanders and the Squad, as well as the person of the octogenarian and his ideological progeny. As liberal comedian and political observer Bill Maher pithily describes it, his fellow Leftists are “coming across as unserious people who are going to take away all your money so migrants from Honduras can go to college for free and get a major in ‘America sucks.’”
They portray support for anything less than open, “decriminalized” borders as heartless, immoral and un-American. Democrats have by and large endorsed AOC’s Green New Deal, and the decarbonization and therefore deindustrialization of our economy, believing that absent the abolition of capitalism and the redistribution of its remaining fruits, the Earth will end in about a decade. Where 2020 candidates stand on the Green New Deal and climate policy

The Democratic Party now also supports third-trimester abortions—if not outright infanticide upon delivery—for all who seek it, including illegal aliens Ilhan Omar: America Has a Responsibility to Provide Abortions to Illegal Immigrants

Who is it Democrat voters bow the neck and the knee to?

3. Pelosi WAS in charge.....not anymore.
PROTESTERS WITH THE environmental group Sunrise marched on Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi’s office on Tuesday. The group, made up of young people pushing for urgent action on climate change, planned to send a clear message to party leadership just one week after Democrats regained control of the House.”

4. Before 2019 even began, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined the Sunrise Movement and the Justice Democrats activist group she led, in a climate change sit-in held at Speaker Pelosi’s office. This was the first sign of the insubordination to come—an insubordination based in a belief that the establishment was no match for the freshmen insurgents.

Poor Captain Nancy thought she could hold the rebels back…..wrong.

Your silly Asian ass better hope the day never comes when there is no democratic party.

Your silly bigoted ass should just shut the heck up.
Or....There no longer is a Democrat Party

And poor Captain Nancy-Bligh has had to walk the plank!

What it means is that the last remnant of the Democrat Party being an American political party has been eradicated. The old Liberal war cry ‘Better Red Than Dead’ has come to pass….both options.....'Red' and 'Dead.'
There is no longer any doubt that the current iteration of this party is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald than it is to John F. Kennedy.

But don’t cheer just yet. It hurts all Americans.

1.Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded in 1991 by Bernie Sanders-the openly socialist then Congressman from Vermont, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the radical Washington DC based "think tank" Institute for Policy Studies (IPS).
Many members were and continue to be linked to DSA and/or the Communist Party USA, IPS or other radical organizations.
From small beginnings the CPC has grown to embrace more than 80 members of Congress and three in the Senate. Congressional Progressive Caucus - KeyWiki

2. I can trace it back even further, but, focus on Bernie….” he spawned the CPC himself nearly three decades ago. With respect to 2020, Democrat Party is embracing the ideas of Sanders and the Squad, as well as the person of the octogenarian and his ideological progeny. As liberal comedian and political observer Bill Maher pithily describes it, his fellow Leftists are “coming across as unserious people who are going to take away all your money so migrants from Honduras can go to college for free and get a major in ‘America sucks.’”
They portray support for anything less than open, “decriminalized” borders as heartless, immoral and un-American. Democrats have by and large endorsed AOC’s Green New Deal, and the decarbonization and therefore deindustrialization of our economy, believing that absent the abolition of capitalism and the redistribution of its remaining fruits, the Earth will end in about a decade. Where 2020 candidates stand on the Green New Deal and climate policy

The Democratic Party now also supports third-trimester abortions—if not outright infanticide upon delivery—for all who seek it, including illegal aliens Ilhan Omar: America Has a Responsibility to Provide Abortions to Illegal Immigrants

Who is it Democrat voters bow the neck and the knee to?

3. Pelosi WAS in charge.....not anymore.
PROTESTERS WITH THE environmental group Sunrise marched on Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi’s office on Tuesday. The group, made up of young people pushing for urgent action on climate change, planned to send a clear message to party leadership just one week after Democrats regained control of the House.”

4. Before 2019 even began, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined the Sunrise Movement and the Justice Democrats activist group she led, in a climate change sit-in held at Speaker Pelosi’s office. This was the first sign of the insubordination to come—an insubordination based in a belief that the establishment was no match for the freshmen insurgents.

Poor Captain Nancy thought she could hold the rebels back…..wrong.

Your silly Asian ass better hope the day never comes when there is no democratic party.
Your silly Asian ass better hope the day never comes when there is no democratic party.
Yeah, Asian Americans love being locked up in Concentration Camps by Democrats.
Asians were locked up in concentration camps by whites. Both parties supported the interment of asians.

Japanese internment camps were the sites of the forced relocation and incarceration of people of Japanese ancestry in the Western United States during the Second World War and established in direct response to the Pearl Harbor attack. They remain arguably the most notorious example of war-time hysteria driving public policy decisions based on paranoia and fear-mongering than fact-based security threats.

On December 7th 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. US citizens feared another attack and war hysteria seized the country. State representatives put pressure on President Roosevelt to take action against those of Japanese descent living in the US.

On February 19th, 1942, Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066. Under the terms of the Order, some 120,000 people of Japanese descent living in the US were removed from their homes and placed in internment camps. The US justified their action by claiming that there was a danger of those of Japanese descent spying for the Japanese. However more than two thirds of those interned were American citizens and half of them were children. None had ever shown disloyalty to the nation. In some cases family members were separated and put in different camps. During the entire war only ten people were convicted of spying for Japan and these were all Caucasian.

You republicans sure love race baiting. You tell us blacks how we are in a democratic plantation and you tell Asians they are in democratic concentration camps. Meanwhile you are white supremacists.
Blacks are wising up and leaving your racist party.

I am black and most blacks are independent but vote democrat for national elections. We know that the republican party is the racist party son.
It's the democrats that bring race into everything. Not republicans, your response proves you cannot think on your own. See what pelosi wants you to think for today and get back to me.
Or....There no longer is a Democrat Party

And poor Captain Nancy-Bligh has had to walk the plank!

What it means is that the last remnant of the Democrat Party being an American political party has been eradicated. The old Liberal war cry ‘Better Red Than Dead’ has come to pass….both options.....'Red' and 'Dead.'
There is no longer any doubt that the current iteration of this party is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald than it is to John F. Kennedy.

But don’t cheer just yet. It hurts all Americans.

1.Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded in 1991 by Bernie Sanders-the openly socialist then Congressman from Vermont, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the radical Washington DC based "think tank" Institute for Policy Studies (IPS).
Many members were and continue to be linked to DSA and/or the Communist Party USA, IPS or other radical organizations.
From small beginnings the CPC has grown to embrace more than 80 members of Congress and three in the Senate. Congressional Progressive Caucus - KeyWiki

2. I can trace it back even further, but, focus on Bernie….” he spawned the CPC himself nearly three decades ago. With respect to 2020, Democrat Party is embracing the ideas of Sanders and the Squad, as well as the person of the octogenarian and his ideological progeny. As liberal comedian and political observer Bill Maher pithily describes it, his fellow Leftists are “coming across as unserious people who are going to take away all your money so migrants from Honduras can go to college for free and get a major in ‘America sucks.’”
They portray support for anything less than open, “decriminalized” borders as heartless, immoral and un-American. Democrats have by and large endorsed AOC’s Green New Deal, and the decarbonization and therefore deindustrialization of our economy, believing that absent the abolition of capitalism and the redistribution of its remaining fruits, the Earth will end in about a decade. Where 2020 candidates stand on the Green New Deal and climate policy

The Democratic Party now also supports third-trimester abortions—if not outright infanticide upon delivery—for all who seek it, including illegal aliens Ilhan Omar: America Has a Responsibility to Provide Abortions to Illegal Immigrants

Who is it Democrat voters bow the neck and the knee to?

3. Pelosi WAS in charge.....not anymore.
PROTESTERS WITH THE environmental group Sunrise marched on Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi’s office on Tuesday. The group, made up of young people pushing for urgent action on climate change, planned to send a clear message to party leadership just one week after Democrats regained control of the House.”

4. Before 2019 even began, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined the Sunrise Movement and the Justice Democrats activist group she led, in a climate change sit-in held at Speaker Pelosi’s office. This was the first sign of the insubordination to come—an insubordination based in a belief that the establishment was no match for the freshmen insurgents.

Poor Captain Nancy thought she could hold the rebels back…..wrong.

Your silly Asian ass better hope the day never comes when there is no democratic party.

Your silly bigoted ass should just shut the heck up.

(Pssssst.....don't chase him away......havin' fun slappin' him around!)
Or....There no longer is a Democrat Party

And poor Captain Nancy-Bligh has had to walk the plank!

What it means is that the last remnant of the Democrat Party being an American political party has been eradicated. The old Liberal war cry ‘Better Red Than Dead’ has come to pass….both options.....'Red' and 'Dead.'
There is no longer any doubt that the current iteration of this party is closer to Lee Harvey Oswald than it is to John F. Kennedy.

But don’t cheer just yet. It hurts all Americans.

1.Congressional Progressive Caucus was founded in 1991 by Bernie Sanders-the openly socialist then Congressman from Vermont, Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the radical Washington DC based "think tank" Institute for Policy Studies (IPS).
Many members were and continue to be linked to DSA and/or the Communist Party USA, IPS or other radical organizations.
From small beginnings the CPC has grown to embrace more than 80 members of Congress and three in the Senate. Congressional Progressive Caucus - KeyWiki

2. I can trace it back even further, but, focus on Bernie….” he spawned the CPC himself nearly three decades ago. With respect to 2020, Democrat Party is embracing the ideas of Sanders and the Squad, as well as the person of the octogenarian and his ideological progeny. As liberal comedian and political observer Bill Maher pithily describes it, his fellow Leftists are “coming across as unserious people who are going to take away all your money so migrants from Honduras can go to college for free and get a major in ‘America sucks.’”
They portray support for anything less than open, “decriminalized” borders as heartless, immoral and un-American. Democrats have by and large endorsed AOC’s Green New Deal, and the decarbonization and therefore deindustrialization of our economy, believing that absent the abolition of capitalism and the redistribution of its remaining fruits, the Earth will end in about a decade. Where 2020 candidates stand on the Green New Deal and climate policy

The Democratic Party now also supports third-trimester abortions—if not outright infanticide upon delivery—for all who seek it, including illegal aliens Ilhan Omar: America Has a Responsibility to Provide Abortions to Illegal Immigrants

Who is it Democrat voters bow the neck and the knee to?

3. Pelosi WAS in charge.....not anymore.
PROTESTERS WITH THE environmental group Sunrise marched on Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi’s office on Tuesday. The group, made up of young people pushing for urgent action on climate change, planned to send a clear message to party leadership just one week after Democrats regained control of the House.”

4. Before 2019 even began, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined the Sunrise Movement and the Justice Democrats activist group she led, in a climate change sit-in held at Speaker Pelosi’s office. This was the first sign of the insubordination to come—an insubordination based in a belief that the establishment was no match for the freshmen insurgents.

Poor Captain Nancy thought she could hold the rebels back…..wrong.

Your silly Asian ass better hope the day never comes when there is no democratic party.
That would be the best thing for america.
No it would not.
Oh yes it would, almost all of the hate would be removed in American.

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