When ten rounds aren't enough...


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Magazine bans are a bad idea. Many people think that in a self-defense situation, three or four rounds are going to stop an attacker. That is a fallacy.

In Hollywood, CA a machete-wielding subject attempted a car-jacking. When he was boxed in by several police cars, the subject fled. At one point, he turned and attacked the officer who was following him.

Watch what happened next...

Magazine bans are a bad idea. Many people think that in a self-defense situation, three or four rounds are going to stop an attacker. That is a fallacy.

In Hollywood, CA a machete-wielding subject attempted a car-jacking. When he was boxed in by several police cars, the subject fled. At one point, he turned and attacked the officer who was following him.

Watch what happened next...

Which is why I carry 31 rounds of …..Never know when a liberal Zombie will show up. Please oh, please you libs, visit Gov. Newsom and Rep Pelosi, and play whack a lib with a machete.

Nobody says police should not have more than ten rounds
Nobody says police should not have more than ten rounds
What about civilians? Dont they have a right to protect themselves as well? Why would you limit their ammo when clearly some situations call for more than 10 rounds?

Cops have a duty to enter a dangerous situation and engage a suspect
Unless he’s black. Then the police are supposed give him flowers while the perp tries to kill him.
Magazine bans are a bad idea. Many people think that in a self-defense situation, three or four rounds are going to stop an attacker. That is a fallacy.

In Hollywood, CA a machete-wielding subject attempted a car-jacking. When he was boxed in by several police cars, the subject fled. At one point, he turned and attacked the officer who was following him.

Watch what happened next...

I’m sure liberals feel the man was pushed to that point because of Whitey.
10 rounds is an arbitrary and capricious limit on the rights to keeps and bears arms; it is impossible to demonstrate the necessity for, and the efficacy of, limiting magazine capacity to 10.
Anti-gun loons don't care, they simply want as many restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms as they can get.
^^^ If cops don't have the duty to protect everyone else, what is the actual point of the badge then?

God bless you always!!!


The illusion of safety.

He's correct though. SCOTUS has ruled that police do not have a Constitutional duty to protect you. When in danger, the only person you truly can count on is yourself.

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