When Socialist Mayor's Won't Let Police Provide Law and Order the Patriots Like "Kenosha Kid" Will Stand Up


May 23, 2014
Video shows he was there to clean graffiti and provide medical help for those attacked by Marxist rioters and looters. They pulled weapons on him and tried to kill him. "Kenosha Kid" was justified by self-defense. The communist rioters were the aggressors.
Video shows he was there to clean graffiti and provide medical help for those attacked by Marxist rioters and looters. They pulled weapons on him and tried to kill him. "Kenosha Kid" was justified by self-defense. The communist rioters were the aggressors.

Just from what I've seen on TV, that's about right. It sure looks like reasonable doubt to me that the minor was acting in self defense against the Convicted Pederast Rosenbaum.

This looks like a real abuse of power and violation of Master Rittenhouse's civil rights, particularly with how fast they came down with charges.

The truth is that if a Child Molester came after me as a teenager, I would have done the same dam thing.
The left thinks they can take over the streets and force their agenda on the rest of the country. Wait until the Democrats try to keep Antifa and BLM under control and fail miserably. Anarchists don't care about the Democrat's "agenda"! They're intent on destroying our democracy. The "mob" always turns on those that tolerate them!
Video shows he was there to clean graffiti and provide medical help for those attacked by Marxist rioters and looters. They pulled weapons on him and tried to kill him. "Kenosha Kid" was justified by self-defense. The communist rioters were the aggressors.

You cowards are going to do a damn thing, you idolize this kid because he did what you dream about doing.
Video shows he was there to clean graffiti and provide medical help for those attacked by Marxist rioters and looters. They pulled weapons on him and tried to kill him. "Kenosha Kid" was justified by self-defense. The communist rioters were the aggressors.

You cowards are going to do a damn thing, you idolize this kid because he did what you dream about doing.
He is just the beginning.
The left thinks they can take over the streets and force their agenda on the rest of the country. Wait until the Democrats try to keep Antifa and BLM under control and fail miserably. Anarchists don't care about the Democrat's "agenda"! They're intent on destroying our democracy. The "mob" always turns on those that tolerate them!
All they want to do is loot, burn, and violate others rights.
The 'kenosha kid', the white segregationist in Salt Lake City, and the three in Portland are just the start of the vicious right being arrested for riot.
Are you nuts----he was not a white segregationist and the videos of the attack clearly show that the boy was under attack and that the FELONS were trying to CRANIUM him ----aka kill him.

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