When Newt mentioned going to the moon he was crazy, but when Obama mentioned goin to

Seriously? The ConservaRepubLitarians here can't figure out the difference between an exploratory mission and starting the country of Newtopia on the moon? Seriously? Really folks????
Why do all posters with a variant of "independent" in their usernames invariably toe the leftist line?

We only seem that way because the "Right" has become such an extreme bunch of brain-washed whackjobs, we seem that way in comparison.

This is easy to prove.
Let me guess -- it's so easy, you're not going to do it.
Seriously? The ConservaRepubLitarians here can't figure out the difference between an exploratory mission and starting the country of Newtopia on the moon? Seriously? Really folks????

You've watched one too many episodes of family guy. Rejoin us here in reality.

Nah, it's not that. It's that if you can't see the difference between space exploration and colonizing the moon because of who proposed it, then you're just a whackjob blinded by party / ideology.

What are you going to say when it happens?

It will happen. Will you be left behind on the partisan train that only goes in circles? Probably on the L in Chicago I bet.
You've watched one too many episodes of family guy. Rejoin us here in reality.

Nah, it's not that. It's that if you can't see the difference between space exploration and colonizing the moon because of who proposed it, then you're just a whackjob blinded by party / ideology.

What are you going to say when it happens?

It will happen. Will you be left behind on the partisan train that only goes in circles? Probably on the L in Chicago I bet.
The "EL" is wonderful to drive underneath. Done it a couple times...:lol:
You've watched one too many episodes of family guy. Rejoin us here in reality.

Nah, it's not that. It's that if you can't see the difference between space exploration and colonizing the moon because of who proposed it, then you're just a whackjob blinded by party / ideology.

What are you going to say when it happens?

It will happen. Will you be left behind on the partisan train that only goes in circles? Probably on the L in Chicago I bet.

LOL! Not during your lifetime gramps.

Besides, I thought The ConservaRepubLitarian position is that this should only be done by the private sector anyway?
In this thread, as in the other thread a couple months ago about colonizing the moon, it seems as though leftists hate science and conservatives love it.

This coming from the guy who thinks the Moon is habitable. :lol::lol::lol::rofl:
I showed you it was.

Why do you hate science?

No, you didn't. The Moon is not habitable. It was bad enough that I had to tell you this once; unbelievable that I have to repeat myself. The. Moon. Is. Not. Habitable. For somebody who claims to know science, you sure have a funny way of showing it.
Do you guys realize that we would save untold amounts of money launching all of our space programs from the moon rather than earth? The moon has very little gravity to escape thus meaning the cost of escaping earths atmosphere would be non existent? Did you also know that the fuel we use to escape earth is abundantly available on the moon? And the kicker is........IT'S FUCKIN FREE. Did you know that viewing deep space would be ten times easier because we wouldn't have to peer THROUGH the reflective particles in earths atmosphere? Did you know the rare earth minerals that are abundant on the moon could be transported back for next to nothing because of earths gravity?

I could give you more but you'll just ignore them. Besides you've given me NO REASONS not to colonize the moon. Well besides Newt said it so I hate it.

Carry on.
This coming from the guy who thinks the Moon is habitable. :lol::lol::lol::rofl:
I showed you it was.

Why do you hate science?

No, you didn't. The Moon is not habitable. It was bad enough that I had to tell you this once; unbelievable that I have to repeat myself. The. Moon. Is. Not. Habitable. For somebody who claims to know science, you sure have a funny way of showing it.
Space is not habitable, but there are people living in orbit right now.

Did you really think you had a point? Because you don't.
Do you guys realize that we would save untold amounts of money launching all of our space programs from the moon rather than earth? The moon has very little gravity to escape thus meaning the cost of escaping earths atmosphere would be non existent? Did you also know that the fuel we use to escape earth is abundantly available on the moon? And the kicker is........IT'S FUCKIN FREE. Did you know that viewing deep space would be ten times easier because we wouldn't have to peer THROUGH the reflective particles in earths atmosphere? Did you know the rare earth minerals that are abundant on the moon could be transported back for next to nothing because of earths gravity?

I could give you more but you'll just ignore them. Besides you've given me NO REASONS not to colonize the moon. Well besides Newt said it so I hate it.

Carry on.
And that's really all they've got.
This coming from the guy who thinks the Moon is habitable. :lol::lol::lol::rofl:
I showed you it was.

Why do you hate science?

No, you didn't. The Moon is not habitable. It was bad enough that I had to tell you this once; unbelievable that I have to repeat myself. The. Moon. Is. Not. Habitable. For somebody who claims to know science, you sure have a funny way of showing it.

Natural satellite habitability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Scientists generally consider the probability of life on natural satellites within our own solar system to be remote, though the possibility has not been ruled out. Within our solar system's habitable zone the only such objects are The Moon (Luna), Phobos and Deimos and none have either an atmosphere or water in liquid form.
Natural satellites are considered potential candidates for space colonization by humans as humans can inhabit moons through artificial environment, having already briefly inhabited our moon (Luna). However artificial environments are not considered in the definition of habitability.
This coming from the guy who thinks the Moon is habitable. :lol::lol::lol::rofl:
I showed you it was.

Why do you hate science?

No, you didn't. The Moon is not habitable. It was bad enough that I had to tell you this once; unbelievable that I have to repeat myself. The. Moon. Is. Not. Habitable. For somebody who claims to know science, you sure have a funny way of showing it.
I'll take "What is the International Space Station for $1,000 Alex..."
This coming from the guy who thinks the Moon is habitable. :lol::lol::lol::rofl:
I showed you it was.

Why do you hate science?

No, you didn't. The Moon is not habitable. It was bad enough that I had to tell you this once; unbelievable that I have to repeat myself. The. Moon. Is. Not. Habitable. For somebody who claims to know science, you sure have a funny way of showing it.

Take off your partisan spectacles and read......

Colonization of the Moon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or look up any number of hundreds of links on the subject, including NASA.
I showed you it was.

Why do you hate science?

No, you didn't. The Moon is not habitable. It was bad enough that I had to tell you this once; unbelievable that I have to repeat myself. The. Moon. Is. Not. Habitable. For somebody who claims to know science, you sure have a funny way of showing it.

Natural satellite habitability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Scientists generally consider the probability of life on natural satellites within our own solar system to be remote, though the possibility has not been ruled out. Within our solar system's habitable zone the only such objects are The Moon (Luna), Phobos and Deimos and none have either an atmosphere or water in liquid form.
Natural satellites are considered potential candidates for space colonization by humans as humans can inhabit moons through artificial environment, having already briefly inhabited our moon (Luna). However artificial environments are not considered in the definition of habitability.
Well, looks like Obama's Mars mission is out of the question, then.

Or is that different? Somehow?
I showed you it was.

Why do you hate science?

No, you didn't. The Moon is not habitable. It was bad enough that I had to tell you this once; unbelievable that I have to repeat myself. The. Moon. Is. Not. Habitable. For somebody who claims to know science, you sure have a funny way of showing it.

Natural satellite habitability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Scientists generally consider the probability of life on natural satellites within our own solar system to be remote, though the possibility has not been ruled out. Within our solar system's habitable zone the only such objects are The Moon (Luna), Phobos and Deimos and none have either an atmosphere or water in liquid form.
Natural satellites are considered potential candidates for space colonization by humans as humans can inhabit moons through artificial environment, having already briefly inhabited our moon (Luna). However artificial environments are not considered in the definition of habitability.

What part of 'has NOT been ruled out' did you fail to see?

I showed you it was.

Why do you hate science?

No, you didn't. The Moon is not habitable. It was bad enough that I had to tell you this once; unbelievable that I have to repeat myself. The. Moon. Is. Not. Habitable. For somebody who claims to know science, you sure have a funny way of showing it.
I'll take "What is the International Space Station for $1,000 Alex..."
Obviously, it doesn't exist, because people can't live in vacuum.

Right, Josef?
I showed you it was.

Why do you hate science?

No, you didn't. The Moon is not habitable. It was bad enough that I had to tell you this once; unbelievable that I have to repeat myself. The. Moon. Is. Not. Habitable. For somebody who claims to know science, you sure have a funny way of showing it.

Take off your partisan spectacles and read......

Colonization of the Moon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or look up any number of hundreds of links on the subject, including NASA.
NASA? Pffft. What do THEY know about space? You need to listen to a REAL expert: Barack Obama.

Right, Josef?
No, you didn't. The Moon is not habitable. It was bad enough that I had to tell you this once; unbelievable that I have to repeat myself. The. Moon. Is. Not. Habitable. For somebody who claims to know science, you sure have a funny way of showing it.

Natural satellite habitability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Scientists generally consider the probability of life on natural satellites within our own solar system to be remote, though the possibility has not been ruled out. Within our solar system's habitable zone the only such objects are The Moon (Luna), Phobos and Deimos and none have either an atmosphere or water in liquid form.
Natural satellites are considered potential candidates for space colonization by humans as humans can inhabit moons through artificial environment, having already briefly inhabited our moon (Luna). However artificial environments are not considered in the definition of habitability.
Well, looks like Obama's Mars mission is out of the question, then.

Or is that different? Somehow?
Obama said so...that's why. Why not Jupiter? Neptune? (Yes I know the surface pressure of those 'almost suns' would kill humans...but I gotta ask...
I showed you it was.

Why do you hate science?

No, you didn't. The Moon is not habitable. It was bad enough that I had to tell you this once; unbelievable that I have to repeat myself. The. Moon. Is. Not. Habitable. For somebody who claims to know science, you sure have a funny way of showing it.
Space is not habitable, but there are people living in orbit right now.

Did you really think you had a point? Because you don't.

Yeah, my point is that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I can live in a space station floating in the earth's orbit, but that doesn't make space habitable. In order for a planet or moon to be habitable, it requires liquid water and an atmosphere that can sustain life. ARtificial atmospheres don't make a planet habitable.

I can't believe that you're actually arguing over this. :lol::lol::lol:
No, you didn't. The Moon is not habitable. It was bad enough that I had to tell you this once; unbelievable that I have to repeat myself. The. Moon. Is. Not. Habitable. For somebody who claims to know science, you sure have a funny way of showing it.

Natural satellite habitability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Scientists generally consider the probability of life on natural satellites within our own solar system to be remote, though the possibility has not been ruled out. Within our solar system's habitable zone the only such objects are The Moon (Luna), Phobos and Deimos and none have either an atmosphere or water in liquid form.
Natural satellites are considered potential candidates for space colonization by humans as humans can inhabit moons through artificial environment, having already briefly inhabited our moon (Luna). However artificial environments are not considered in the definition of habitability.
Well, looks like Obama's Mars mission is out of the question, then.

Or is that different? Somehow?

Did Obama say that Mars is habitable? No.
Natural satellite habitability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Scientists generally consider the probability of life on natural satellites within our own solar system to be remote, though the possibility has not been ruled out. Within our solar system's habitable zone the only such objects are The Moon (Luna), Phobos and Deimos and none have either an atmosphere or water in liquid form.
Natural satellites are considered potential candidates for space colonization by humans as humans can inhabit moons through artificial environment, having already briefly inhabited our moon (Luna). However artificial environments are not considered in the definition of habitability.
Well, looks like Obama's Mars mission is out of the question, then.

Or is that different? Somehow?
Obama said so...that's why. Why not Jupiter? Neptune? (Yes I know the surface pressure of those 'almost suns' would kill humans...but I gotta ask...
Obviously, there are Democrat donors on Mars.
No, you didn't. The Moon is not habitable. It was bad enough that I had to tell you this once; unbelievable that I have to repeat myself. The. Moon. Is. Not. Habitable. For somebody who claims to know science, you sure have a funny way of showing it.

Natural satellite habitability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Scientists generally consider the probability of life on natural satellites within our own solar system to be remote, though the possibility has not been ruled out. Within our solar system's habitable zone the only such objects are The Moon (Luna), Phobos and Deimos and none have either an atmosphere or water in liquid form.
Natural satellites are considered potential candidates for space colonization by humans as humans can inhabit moons through artificial environment, having already briefly inhabited our moon (Luna). However artificial environments are not considered in the definition of habitability.

What part of 'has NOT been ruled out' did you fail to see?


What part of "artificial environments are not considered in the definition of habitability" do you not understand?

*Mor. On.*

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