When I Comes To Governing......


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
.....well, Democrats have a message for those want stocked shelves in grocery stores, products in demand, lower priced gasoline....

Washington Post Columnist to American Consumers: You're ...​

https://www.nationalreview.com › corner › washington-...

A fitting slogan for Democrats in 2022: 'Try to Lower Your Expectations!'

We've heard this before when Democrats were in charge:

Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to ...​

https://www.aei.org › economics › team-obama-sorry-a...

Jun 12, 2014 — In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, ...

Obama Warns of 'New Normal' for Economy - WSJ​

https://www.wsj.com › articles › BL-WB-25841

Nov 7, 2010 — President Barack Obamawarned in an interview on CBS's 60 Minutes about the danger of a “new normal” taking hold of the economy – an ...

Opinion | Obama's New Normal - The New York Times​

https://www.nytimes.com › Opinion › Sunday Review

Sep 29, 2012 — In this new normal, Ronald Brownstein reports in the National Journal, “a slim majority of Americans now say they define getting ahead as ...

I bet there's a translation for that in East Germany and the old Soviet Union.
When East Germans went to purchase a car, they had to "lower their expectations".....


Produced without major changes for nearly 30 years, the Trabant became the most common automobile in East Germany. It came to symbolize the country during the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, as images of East Germans crossing the border into West Germany were broadcast around the globe.

Trabant - Wikipedia​

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Trabant


....the man who goes to buy a car in Moscow, pays for it, and is told by the salesman that he can collect it on a particular date in 10 years' time. The buyer thinks for a moment and then asks: 'Morning or afternoon?' The salesman, astonished by the question, asks: 'What difference does it make?' And the buyer answers: 'Well, the plumber is coming in the morning.'

Vote Democrat, and prepare for the 'new normal.'

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