When does the Two Minute Hate end?

No worries. I appreciate the apology and the name these days appears to be warranted if only because I advocate civility.
Now, now...I will defend you all day long as not being a 'troll' for advocating 'civility'.
ever? Will we ever stop blaming Hillary Obama the media etc for all of our ills? Will there ever be a tiny crack of daylight when we ask ourselves whether our conservative principles and policies are actually being pushed to the side as secondary in favor of this irrational hate?

Will we ever start modeling the behavior that we would like to see in this country? Specifically a rational discourse about policy in which both conservatives and their opponents speak their minds firmly and with civility instead of stooping to the level of our political opponents on the left.

Why can't we show we are better than they by usin our dominance of D.C. to really just make policies they hate instead of all this blather about Hillary and Obama. They are yesterday's news. Within two years all you haters will have latched on to some new targets. Cuomo. Biden. Warren. Franken. And if we haven't legislated by then we have wasted a golden opportunity by just wallowing in this hatred.
So, lets start this civil discourse by asking this important question.

Why does talk of civility occur ONLY when Democrats are out of power?
I've been talking about it since 1980 so I'm not sure your view of history is the same as mine.
Good for you. Now spread the word to the left.
ever? Will we ever stop blaming Hillary Obama the media etc for all of our ills? Will there ever be a tiny crack of daylight when we ask ourselves whether our conservative principles and policies are actually being pushed to the side as secondary in favor of this irrational hate?

Will we ever start modeling the behavior that we would like to see in this country? Specifically a rational discourse about policy in which both conservatives and their opponents speak their minds firmly and with civility instead of stooping to the level of our political opponents on the left.

Why can't we show we are better than they by usin our dominance of D.C. to really just make policies they hate instead of all this blather about Hillary and Obama. They are yesterday's news. Within two years all you haters will have latched on to some new targets. Cuomo. Biden. Warren. Franken. And if we haven't legislated by then we have wasted a golden opportunity by just wallowing in this hatred.
So, lets start this civil discourse by asking this important question.

Why does talk of civility occur ONLY when Democrats are out of power?
I've been talking about it since 1980 so I'm not sure your view of history is the same as mine.
Good for you. Now spread the word to the left.
Been trying since 1977. It helps when we behave like we would want them to behave, I've found.
ever? Will we ever stop blaming Hillary Obama the media etc for all of our ills? Will there ever be a tiny crack of daylight when we ask ourselves whether our conservative principles and policies are actually being pushed to the side as secondary in favor of this irrational hate?

Will we ever start modeling the behavior that we would like to see in this country? Specifically a rational discourse about policy in which both conservatives and their opponents speak their minds firmly and with civility instead of stooping to the level of our political opponents on the left.

Why can't we show we are better than they by usin our dominance of D.C. to really just make policies they hate instead of all this blather about Hillary and Obama. They are yesterday's news. Within two years all you haters will have latched on to some new targets. Cuomo. Biden. Warren. Franken. And if we haven't legislated by then we have wasted a golden opportunity by just wallowing in this hatred.
So, lets start this civil discourse by asking this important question.

Why does talk of civility occur ONLY when Democrats are out of power?
I've been talking about it since 1980 so I'm not sure your view of history is the same as mine.
Good for you. Now spread the word to the left.
Been trying since 1977. It helps when we behave like we would want them to behave, I've found.
Then you have discovered wrong.

When we behaved as we wanted others to behave, they ignored it and attacked anyone they disagreed with.
When we treated them as we wanted to be treated, we were attacked and called vile names.
When we debated any issue, they not only became personal with the insults, they began making up lies about us and promoting that in the schools.
When we pushed back, they screamed we were being uncivil and uncivilized.
When we began using their tactics, they screamed we were not adhering to our principles, while not holding themselves to any principles.

I could go on and on.

The fact remains. They will not act civil regardless of the setting, and to try and be civil with them is nothing more than an effort to be liked by people who will never like us.

I will be civil if the other person is civil. The very moment they question My character, My motive, My intellect, or My morals, the gloves come off and incivility will ensue. Each and every time; I will be civil, even to those whom I've flagged as not worthy of anything but a rap to the head with a lead pipe until they act like barbarians.

I will not, however; fool myself into believing that there can be a civil debate in this nation. It has already been proven that there cannot.
oh. That makes it ok for us to do the same. I see.
...but thank you for admitting you snowflakes DO actually do it.
I think it's hysterical being a decades long conservative who has actually worked and put conservative policies in place to be called a "troll" and a "snowflake" by people who I am guessing haven't done much politically except whine about Democratic policies and the media.
Look at the above post you copied, pasted, and responded to....

WHY DO YOU HAVE TO LIE? By your own post you prove I did not call you a 'troll'. But based on THIS and now that you have mentioned it.....?!
I was called a troll up above and you called me a snowflake. I am not lying. I was providing a summary of only two of the insults I received in this chain by "people." Your faux Outrage is misplaced. Read the posts. Good grief that's all you've got to say on this?
Dude..... Quit thinking like an idiot and people will stop calling you one.
ever? Will we ever stop blaming Hillary Obama the media etc for all of our ills?


Almost a DECADE after Bush completely left the political scene snowflakes were / are still invoking Bush's name, blaming him for every problem they can.

Barry and Hillary REFUSE to go away. Obama and his administration are in the paper almost every day, exposed as being behind / connected to almost every new anti-Trump scam that gets exposed / debunked....and Hillary is STILL on her "This Is Who I blame For My Losing The Election" Tour because she is trying to remain 'relevant' so she can try to become the 1st 3-Time LOSER in Presidential Election.

And poor wittle snowfwakes are crying, "When will the mean ol' Conservatives stop tawking 'bout Baa-wee and Hiwawy?!"

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I believe that actually Williams Jennings Bryan already has the three time loser spot.
I like your name, it suits you. All that you ask for will happen when you stop calling others " haters" and when you expect your news media to tell the truth, all the truth and nothing but the truth. Til then? Just keep trolling!
I get it. You're making a joke about my screen name. That's funny. Never heard it before. The news media doesn't seem to have fooled any of us here on USMB. So what makes you think the rest of the nation is so dull that they don't consume their news with skepticism?

PS It is so ironic that a plea for civility and substantive discussion is now dismissed as "trolling". We are truly through the looking glass.
No dear! What is ironic is your plea for civility while at the same time calling other people haters! You were just too stupid to pick up on that huh?
I like your name, it suits you. All that you ask for will happen when you stop calling others " haters" and when you expect your news media to tell the truth, all the truth and nothing but the truth. Til then? Just keep trolling!
I get it. You're making a joke about my screen name. That's funny. Never heard it before. The news media doesn't seem to have fooled any of us here on USMB. So what makes you think the rest of the nation is so dull that they don't consume their news with skepticism?

PS It is so ironic that a plea for civility and substantive discussion is now dismissed as "trolling". We are truly through the looking glass.
No dear! What is ironic is your plea for civility while at the same time calling other people haters! You were just too stupid to pick up on that huh?
Kindly show me where I called someone a "hater" and I will apologize. To spew hate is different from it being one's identity.
Been along awhile sense either side has given an even break on any thing. the Garland deal may have pushed that point over the edge for this last round of infighting.
ever? Will we ever stop blaming Hillary Obama the media etc for all of our ills? Will there ever be a tiny crack of daylight when we ask ourselves whether our conservative principles and policies are actually being pushed to the side as secondary in favor of this irrational hate?

Will we ever start modeling the behavior that we would like to see in this country? Specifically a rational discourse about policy in which both conservatives and their opponents speak their minds firmly and with civility instead of stooping to the level of our political opponents on the left.

Why can't we show we are better than they by usin our dominance of D.C. to really just make policies they hate instead of all this blather about Hillary and Obama. They are yesterday's news. Within two years all you haters will have latched on to some new targets. Cuomo. Biden. Warren. Franken. And if we haven't legislated by then we have wasted a golden opportunity by just wallowing in this hatred.

In 18 more months. ;)

Will we ever stop blaming Hillary Obama the media etc for all of our ills? Will there ever be a tiny crack of daylight when we ask ourselves whether our conservative principles and policies are actually being pushed to the side as secondary in favor of this irrational hate?

"Blaming Hillary Obama for all of our ills" is relatively nonexistent when compared with the Blame Bush mantra that lasted for eight years. As to "irrational hate," this too is almost the exclusive province of the Left in this country and their media allies.
I am not sure he is suggesting there be no rules in politics -he is just stating a fact. Democrats over the years have made politics a 'blood sport', a competition not just in winning an election but in completely destroying the other person personally.

Democrats tried to completely destroy Herman Cain by pulling out all kinds of false claims from women coming out of the woodwork . When he and his wife decided the Presidency wasn't worth that, he pulled out. As soon as he pulled out, every single one of those women went away, every law suit went away, the all-in media fell silent about any of those accusations.

Democrats are still trying to do the same thing to Trump, but for the 1st time they are doing it to a candidate / winner AFTER he has already won. The level of hatred and vile retribution for beating Hillary is at an unprecedented level. Instead of licking their wounds, this time they are seditiously trying to destroy a US President.
That's funny. A religious megalomaniac was responsible for that awful debacle, not a godless commie. Didn't the murder/suicide begin after they murdered Democratic Rep. Leo Ryan?

Jim Jones was a commie you imbecile. If he had any faith, it has no bearing on the fact that he dragged 1000 of the world's dumbest mother fuckers to a commune and then manipulated them into killing themselves and each other.

He damn sure wasn't a republicrat.

Will we ever stop blaming Hillary Obama the media etc for all of our ills? Will there ever be a tiny crack of daylight when we ask ourselves whether our conservative principles and policies are actually being pushed to the side as secondary in favor of this irrational hate?

"Blaming Hillary Obama for all of our ills" is relatively nonexistent when compared with the Blame Bush mantra that lasted for eight years. As to "irrational hate," this too is almost the exclusive province of the Left in this country and their media allies.
"They started it."
Will we ever stop blaming Hillary Obama the media etc for all of our ills? Will there ever be a tiny crack of daylight when we ask ourselves whether our conservative principles and policies are actually being pushed to the side as secondary in favor of this irrational hate?

"Blaming Hillary Obama for all of our ills" is relatively nonexistent when compared with the Blame Bush mantra that lasted for eight years. As to "irrational hate," this too is almost the exclusive province of the Left in this country and their media allies.
"They started it."
You deserve to be put on "ignore."

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