When do white males become men?

Still with the epithets???...
Look how powerless you in America...at one time you held of Black people in your hands...now...reduced to selling wolf tickets...lol.

I like her dental work....
I think it funny that your people were slaves. Oh, did I use the past tense there?

What I really mean to say is I think it fucking funny how you fucking animals are still fucking owned.

I am also relieved to know you will never get it. I do know there are a few exceptions. You fucking animals call them uncle Toms.

You will never get it. I don't there the "missing link" is a mystery. Is it?

Did I get to you yet?

Relieved, that you (especially you too) will never get it. Have fun in your enslavement.

Proof of the declining influence and power of the white trash segment....

My people at least had influence, you never had it. Still waiting for your evidence of all the brothers banging wives of white men, I have plenty of links showing low black IQ, what do you have other than your lying kunt mouth?
Either low IQ or just plain stupidity
Still with the epithets???...lol.
Look how powerless you have become in America...at one time you held the lives of Black people in your hands...now...reduced to selling wolf tickets...lol.

I like her dental work....
I think it funny that your people were slaves. Oh, did I use the past tense there?

What I really mean to say is I think it fucking funny how you fucking animals are still fucking owned.

I am also relieved to know you will never get it. I do know there are a few exceptions. You fucking animals call them uncle Toms.

You will never get it. I don't there the "missing link" is a mystery. Is it?

Did I get to you yet?

Relieved, that you (especially you too) will never get it. Have fun in your enslavement.

Proof of the declining influence and power of the white trash segment....

My people at least had influence, you never had it. Still waiting for your evidence of all the brothers banging wives of white men, I have plenty of links showing low black IQ, what do you have other than your lying kunt mouth?
Either stupidity or just plain low white trash IQ would lead you to believe that the minuscule power you had in this country was nothing but a token hand out from white elites to make you feel good about yourself...
Now that that artificial dick has been taken out your mouth and others more able are surpassing you socially and economicallt you are reduced to crying like a little BITCH...

Sexual Relations Between Elite White Women and Enslaved Men in the Antebellum South: A Socio-Historical Analysis
White women whose affairs with slaves were made known faced varying degrees of public humiliation. When a planter’s daughter or wife was discovered to be pregnant by a slave, great pains were taken to cover up the pregnancy. The resulting child might have been sold into slavery, but infanticide was not an uncommon means of avoiding scandal

Indeed, in private, many plantation women were unhappy with their lack of freedom and the expectation that they remain dutiful, obedient, pleasant, and cheerful while their husbands had affairs with or raped female slaves.2 Knowing that the mixed-race slave children who surrounded them were their husbands’ offspring was both humiliating and heartbreaking.

Sexual Relations Between Elite White Women and Enslaved Men in the Antebellum South: A Socio-Historical Analysis

Yeah, we've been fucking white women since the founding of this country...need more????

You claim to have done things yet you're still 2nd rate and always will be.

Interesting topic, I am learning a lot about the maturity of these black men at least.

Their best 'weapon' is to use the white woman black guy lie/meme which we have 0 data on, and using the link completely ignores that white men had them enslaved and were banging any black woman they wanted.

Can't win any sort of real debate, so it is lies and personal shit. If we were in the same room, no question these two would be violent. The other baboon actually challenged me to some sort of intellectual contest to prove his superiority, with the topic of his choice of course, which I guess is his work in voice over internet (think cable guy). That mentality is incredibly juvenile.
I think it funny that your people were slaves. Oh, did I use the past tense there?

What I really mean to say is I think it fucking funny how you fucking animals are still fucking owned.

I am also relieved to know you will never get it. I do know there are a few exceptions. You fucking animals call them uncle Toms.

You will never get it. I don't there the "missing link" is a mystery. Is it?

Did I get to you yet?

Relieved, that you (especially you too) will never get it. Have fun in your enslavement.

Proof of the declining influence and power of the white trash segment....

My people at least had influence, you never had it. Still waiting for your evidence of all the brothers banging wives of white men, I have plenty of links showing low black IQ, what do you have other than your lying kunt mouth?
Either low IQ or just plain stupidity
I think it funny that your people were slaves. Oh, did I use the past tense there?

What I really mean to say is I think it fucking funny how you fucking animals are still fucking owned.

I am also relieved to know you will never get it. I do know there are a few exceptions. You fucking animals call them uncle Toms.

You will never get it. I don't there the "missing link" is a mystery. Is it?

Did I get to you yet?

Relieved, that you (especially you too) will never get it. Have fun in your enslavement.

Proof of the declining influence and power of the white trash segment....

My people at least had influence, you never had it. Still waiting for your evidence of all the brothers banging wives of white men, I have plenty of links showing low black IQ, what do you have other than your lying kunt mouth?
Either stupidity or just plain low white trash IQ would lead you to believe that the minuscule power you had in this country was nothing but a token hand out from white elites to make you feel good about yourself...
Now that that artificial dick has been taken out your mouth and others more able are surpassing you socially and economicallt you are reduced to crying like a little BITCH...

Sexual Relations Between Elite White Women and Enslaved Men in the Antebellum South: A Socio-Historical Analysis
White women whose affairs with slaves were made known faced varying degrees of public humiliation. When a planter’s daughter or wife was discovered to be pregnant by a slave, great pains were taken to cover up the pregnancy. The resulting child might have been sold into slavery, but infanticide was not an uncommon means of avoiding scandal

Indeed, in private, many plantation women were unhappy with their lack of freedom and the expectation that they remain dutiful, obedient, pleasant, and cheerful while their husbands had affairs with or raped female slaves.2 Knowing that the mixed-race slave children who surrounded them were their husbands’ offspring was both humiliating and heartbreaking.

Sexual Relations Between Elite White Women and Enslaved Men in the Antebellum South: A Socio-Historical Analysis

Yeah, we've been fucking white women since the founding of this country...need more????

You claim to have done things yet you're still 2nd rate and always will be.

Interesting topic, I am learning a lot about the maturity of these black men at least.

Their best 'weapon' is to use the white woman black guy lie/meme which we have 0 data on, and using the link completely ignores that white men had them enslaved and were banging any black woman they wanted.

Can't win any sort of real debate, so it is lies and personal shit. If we were in the same room, no question these two would be violent. The other baboon actually challenged me to some sort of intellectual contest to prove his superiority, with the topic of his choice of course, which I guess is his work in voice over internet (think cable guy). That mentality is incredibly juvenile.

Maybe the topic of debate from the other one was how to cheat the welfare system.
Never tried walking on water but i will give it a try.

Don't you'll fail...

Get help for your white insecurities.

Don't you know? When your white your not insecure about the color of your skin...

it will make you a better interlocutor instead of a whiny childlike person..

Your intimidated by Whitey? I thought you BLM Keyboard Commandos were tough, strong, well versed in today's problems?

That you are not stressed. Keep up boy.

prove it liar, and prove you are not stressed
I already proved you are stressed.

nope, and you are obviously too uneducated to now what that proof would be
You cant tell me what is proof and expect me to take you seriously. I'm satisfied you are stressed.

a 'VOIP contest' to prove your intellect superior, LOL

I am still laughing at that, I am satisfied you are another lying lowlife afrocentric loser

I have learned quite a bit about your primitive intellect, and you sure do lie a lot.

What have YOU ever invented, accomplished, or developed to the betterment of mankind? You keep dodging the question.
White people think they set the rules. I'm here to make sure they know thats not even close to the truth.

No it's that more White people follow the rules, you have this backwards, like most things that come out of your mouth...

You're an embarrassment to the Black Community, but you would have to have some common sense to understand this...

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post your entire resume....

If you have any specific questions, just ask. In the meantime, you can answer the question you keep dodging.

posting your entire resume is a specific request, so do it

Why don't we start with YOU answering the question you've dodged many times already. After that you can ask about some detail you are curious about. Only someone as stupid as you would post their full resume in this forum, but I'll be happy to answer any serious question.

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