When Do People Become All Knowing?


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2008
It seems to me that most liberals believe individuals can not take care of themselves and need the government to help them out. If this is true when do these same people who can't take care of themselves become all knowing and able to fix everyone elses problems?

Is it only when they become a Democrat? And why is it they have to take money away from a certain group of people to accomplish their goals. If their ideas and programs were such a great idea wouldn't people volunteer to get involved instead of having to be forced to get involved?
Nothing like making up strawman arguments and then arguing against them.

Obama's three main priorities are getting out of Iraq, universal healthcare, and American energy independence.

Getting out of Iraq will save us $120 billion dollars a year.

Every other Western democracy has universal healthcare, and they pay HALF per capita what we pay for healthcare. A single payer healthcare system has inherent cost savings because you are not paying liability lawyers, insurance companies, and Big Pharma. It is also more fair.

American energy independence is America's greatest security threat. A much bigger threat than 50 guys in a cave in Pakistan with no army, no navy, and no air force. Obama is going to encourage the development of alternative energy....something the two oil men in the White House have refused to do.
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And Obama's stances on those points are wrong

1) You get out of Iraq only when it's fledgling government is capable of maintaining it's free government and can handle it's own security
2) Universal healthcare is not the job of the government. You want it, fucking earn it.... take care of your own personal responsibilities including your healthcare
3) Obama is not about energy independence and ALL that it takes to get there. He would rather remain beholden to the enviro-nazis.

We have debunked the myths of 'universal healthcare' being cheaper AND of a superior quality
When Do People Become All Knowing?

Of course, I cannot speak for others who are all-knowing, but I believe I became all knowing at birth.

Sadly, my mostly-forgetting propensity kicked in at about the same time.
Nothing like making up strawman arguments and then arguing against them.

Obama's three main priorities are getting out of Iraq, universal healthcare, and American energy independence.

Getting out of Iraq will save us $120 billion dollars a year.

Every other Western democracy has universal healthcare, and they pay HALF per capita what we pay for healthcare. A single payer healthcare system has inherent cost savings because you are not paying liability lawyers, insurance companies, and Big Pharma. It is also more fair.

American energy independence is America's greatest security threat. A much bigger threat than 50 guys in a cave in Pakistan with no army, no navy, and no air force. Obama is going to encourage the development of alternative energy....something the two oil men in the White House have refused to do.

But when did Obama all of a sudden become the man with the answers? If people as a whole are unable to make good decisions, when did he gain this expertise?
Well your side sure has shown in the last 8 years that they don't have the answers.

It seems to me that most liberals believe individuals can not take care of themselves and need the government to help them out.

If you are not a liberal, don't presume to speak for most liberals.

I could just as well ask why most conservavtives are self centered selfish people who don't give a crap about their fellow Americans, but I won't because I am not most conservatives.:eusa_whistle:
And Obama's stances on those points are wrong

1) You get out of Iraq only when it's fledgling government is capable of maintaining it's free government and can handle it's own security
2) Universal healthcare is not the job of the government. You want it, fucking earn it.... take care of your own personal responsibilities including your healthcare
3) Obama is not about energy independence and ALL that it takes to get there. He would rather remain beholden to the enviro-nazis.

We have debunked the myths of 'universal healthcare' being cheaper AND of a superior quality

You really are a silly man.

Mythbusting Canadian Health Care -- Part I | OurFuture.org

You truly are a silly man

The quality of healthcare over all.. the ranking of our top knotch services that are readily available... our leadership in medical advances, new procedures, research etc.... none of this is in question...

And you naively believe that our standing at the top will continue in a system without incentive and in a system of socialized government control
It seems to me that most liberals believe individuals can not take care of themselves and need the government to help them out. If this is true when do these same people who can't take care of themselves become all knowing and able to fix everyone elses problems?

Is it only when they become a Democrat? And why is it they have to take money away from a certain group of people to accomplish their goals. If their ideas and programs were such a great idea wouldn't people volunteer to get involved instead of having to be forced to get involved?

When do people become all knowing?

When our forefather, Adam ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge, of good and evil. :D


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