When did progs become lovers of fabrication?


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
U.S.A. gone wild
I suspect the internet, 24/7 news and people with bad intent were the catalysts........The examples are numerous, here are a few:

A. Progressive implies progress and everything progs stand for is regression, and really, they stand for a regressive mind and a dumbing down.

B. The only liberals left are those who are 50 years and older. Liberalism led to some great things, such as civil rights, great music, Hollywood, art and comedy. Progs are actively destroying all of those things, including the creative mind. Additionally, they claim they're for civil rights, the Constitution and such, but in action those things don't apply to those with opposing views.

C. We need Mexicans to do the work, which is code for Mexicans are beneath us and Americans are too lazy to work.

D. Gender is subjective, and there are many many gender types.

E. The definition of a family is two men and "their" children.

F. Trump is a traitor, just cuz.

G. Trump won due to Russian collusion. Meanwhile, the only evidence of collusion involves the Russians and Democrats. More importantly, the internet censors conservatives and their views, but somehow it's Trump and the Russians who are "attacking our democracy".

H. A wall is immoral and won't work. I'm Indian, I think I'll grab a beer and you'll see how cool I am, because I recognize the make-up of leftists is tarded.

I. Trump must be impeached, just cuz. Trump is a bad POTUS because the objective has no value.

J. Those with opposing views are racist, because content is unimportant.

K. Trump said some are probably good people, progs desire that he said white supremacists are good people.

L. Kavanaugh is a rapist simply because he's a white male. Evidence is unimportant and neither is character. Meanwhile progs claim they're liberal.

M. Women are victims despite they dominating the work force. Men are toxic, especially white men.

N. The benefits immigrants offer our society outweighs the costs. Illegals are more valuable than American citizens.

O. Republicans only care about the wealthy. Meanwhile the wealthiest people among us are progs, the wealthiest zip codes are progs, and conservatives give more to charity.

P. Democrats are for the common people. Yet our new House will concentrate ALL EFFORTS toward appearances for destroying Trump.

Q. California leads the path in progress, as they demonstrate how to become a socialist oligarchy

R. The gestapo in action (e.g. progs, ANTIFA, internet) is in response to the gestapo in abstract, which are conservatives.
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They have been rewriting history for ages, it has just become even easier with the internet
They have been rewriting history for ages, it has just become even easier with the internet
I think it is actually giving them more exposure so people can see how whacky they are. Unless of course one is also a whackjob and when that is the case they seem to be clueless in portraying that they are gaining ground; without knowing how many more are becoming aware everyday how sick their minds are.
Another question is, how long have progs been this spineless? A good example is this thread. The more truth be told the more it's ignored.

That's a rhetorical question. Fabrications and spineless might be mutually dependent.

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