When a liberal crazy attempted to attack justice Kavanaugh, there was no claim of gay prostitution

did you read the article. What is with you fools. The truth is laid out with hard evidence and you deny the truth. You are living in an evil fantasy world and you are trying to bring more people into it.
The link didn’t work. Why is that my fault?
There's absolutely no doubt in my mind Kavanaugh isn't gay. What a dumb thread
You have to be kidding. You are naïve.
I don't think Kavanaugh is gay. I was saying when a left wing whacko tried to assassinate Kavanaugh, no one made up lies about Kavanaugh to make an excuse for a left wing whacko, trying to say it was not political it was something else.
So you’re angry cause you can’t copy and paste? LOL
I apologize for being angry with you. I loose my cool with stupid people, sometimes. Let me try and help you one more time. Try clicking on the link below.

Why don't you lazy minions do this research before you spread lies? It is really pathetic.

I am waiting for an apology, Nostra
There's absolutely no doubt in my mind Kavanaugh isn't gay. What a dumb thread
You have to be kidding. You are naïve.
I don't think Kavanaugh is gay. I was saying when a left wing whacko tried to assassinate Kavanaugh, no one made up lies about Kavanaugh to make an excuse for a left wing whacko, trying to say it was not political it was something else.
When a liberal crazy attempted to attack justice Kavanaugh, there was no claim of gay prostitution or any other nefarious reasoning.
It was condemned by all. There are crazies on both sides.
Why do the MAGA's lie to make excuses for their crazies.
I will tell you why. All the Trump MAGA minions are crazy.

Can you get us the facts on the illegal alien in the sanctuary city of Frisco, so we can make an educated opinion?
I mean, you sound like you got the scoop, want to share it so we can discuss it? :eusa_eh:
Why won’t they release video footage?
They will not release it because there is something embarrassing to the Pelosi’s on it.

I wonder if they are working on a fake version to release or will just wait until the midterms end.
I don't recall either Justice Kavenaugh or his assailant being in their underwear when police showed up.
The assailant was not in his underwear. You've been hoaxed.

And if someone broke into your house at 2 am, what would you be wearing?

Do any of you tards have any cognitive skills whatsoever?
1. Not a single Democrat condemned it.
2. Neither Kavanaugh nor the assassin was in their underwear at the time of the incident.
Wow. Look at you and fcneo using almost identical wording! If that doesn't prove you are all a bunch of parroting tards, nothing does.

So I will give you the identical response I gave him.

The assailant was not in his underwear. You've been hoaxed.

And if someone broke into your house at 2 am, what would you be wearing?

Do any of you tards have any cognitive skills whatsoever?

Any other bullshit you want to post?
No thanks. You tards are posting enough bullshit for everyone.
When a liberal crazy attempted to attack justice Kavanaugh, there was no claim of gay prostitution or any other nefarious reasoning.
It was condemned by all. There are crazies on both sides.
Why do the MAGA's lie to make excuses for their crazies.
I will tell you why. All the Trump MAGA minions are crazy.

There were two factors at play with the Pelosi attack.

First and foremost, the MAGA media and their fellow travelers had an urgent need to deflect from their culpability in the attack. Their whole schtick is to weaponize the weak-minded like DePape and the January 6 rioters. The best way to deflect from their part in all this is to go on the attack and make shit up to slander the victim.

Second, in the absence of information or facts, propagandists need to fill all that empty 24-hour "news" channel airtime with something. So they bloviate. They speculate. They manufacture bullshit by the truckload. Of course, they are careful to surround their lies with "maybes" and "could haves" and whatnot, but they know their intellectually challenged viewers will state their bullshit as fact.

And here we are.
Can you get us the facts on the illegal alien in the sanctuary city of Frisco, so we can make an educated opinion?
I mean, you sound like you got the scoop, want to share it so we can discuss it? :eusa_eh:
I have access to the same information as everyone else on this site. The lies I heard were concerning the fact it was not a break in but rather a gay prostitute called to the Pelosi house or already at the Pelosi house. I already have debunked the story with a couple articles you can reference on this thread. If you were to Google the Paul Pelosi attack you can find many similar articles.
It has come out the attacker was in the country illegally. That adds to the irony that we was a strong follower of the Trump lies about the election and other issues.
This information is available to all. If you search you can find many sources. Based on the sources and the number of sources that agree, it is fairly easy to determine the truth. Too many ignore the truth because it does not fit their false narrative. Why did you have to ask me?


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