What's your favorite planet out of the 3000+


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Reaction score
The Good insane United states of America
What's your favorite planet out of the 3,000+ confirmed planets and extraplanets that we know.

This is a tough one but I'd say Kepler 442b Kepler-442b - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia based on data we do have of it with a radius of 1.3 times are planets and a density close to ours...It is slightly cooler but still very favorable with it getting about 70% our solar flex.

My second favorite would probably be Gliese 667cc ;)
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I'll be boring and go with Saturn

Mars: Planet Comes Into Opposition, Will Be Closest to Earth for 1st Time Since 2005
Mars reached opposition, at which point it was on the direct opposite side of Earth as the sun, at 7:10 a.m. EDT Sunday. On May 30, Mars will be the closest it has been to Earth since 2005.
To stay on topic, I'd have to say Mars.

If I were to go off topic, I'd have to say Planet Hollywood
but Earth Girls Are Easy!
sorry Matthew... it's fun to ruin someone else's thread for a change...

Democrats will NEVER get you there...
On the encouraging side, Republicans have sometimes funded science better than Democrats, for instance showing notable generosity to the National Institutes of Health. And Trump has declared himself a fan of President Reagan, who was a strong promoter of federal involvement in science. “If we don't explore, others will, and we'll fall behind. This is why I've urged Congress to devote more money to research,” Reagan said in a 1988 radio address extolling the benefits of investment in basic research.

Reagan demonstrated his commitment by signing off on the International Space Station, the Superconducting Super Collider and the Strategic Defense Initiative, and he was a champion of NASA and space exploration. If Trump is as much like Reagan as he now suggests, he might support similarly impressive science projects."
Would President Trump be a science guy?: Column
What's your favorite planet out of the 3,000+ confirmed planets and extraplanets that we know.

This is a tough one but I'd say Kepler 442b Kepler-442b - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia based on data we do have of it with a radius of 1.3 times are planets and a density close to ours...It is slightly cooler but still very favorable with it getting about 70% our solar flex.

My second favorite would probably be Gliese 667cc ;)
At least the planet Kepler doesn't have the global warming crowd to contend with.
What's your favorite planet out of the 3,000+ confirmed planets and extraplanets that we know.

This is a tough one but I'd say Kepler 442b Kepler-442b - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia based on data we do have of it with a radius of 1.3 times are planets and a density close to ours...It is slightly cooler but still very favorable with it getting about 70% our solar flex.

My second favorite would probably be Gliese 667cc ;)
so when was the last time you were there?...i hear its great this time of the year....
What's your favorite planet out of the 3,000+ confirmed planets and extraplanets that we know.

This is a tough one but I'd say Kepler 442b Kepler-442b - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia based on data we do have of it with a radius of 1.3 times are planets and a density close to ours...It is slightly cooler but still very favorable with it getting about 70% our solar flex.

My second favorite would probably be Gliese 667cc ;)

The one responsible for all the volcanic activity, the whales and the fishes swimming off course, and naturally, all the climate change. . . .

That would be, of course, PLANET X!

The destroyer! :FIREdevil:


What's your favorite planet out of the 3,000+ confirmed planets and extraplanets that we know.

This is a tough one but I'd say Kepler 442b Kepler-442b - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia based on data we do have of it with a radius of 1.3 times are planets and a density close to ours...It is slightly cooler but still very favorable with it getting about 70% our solar flex.

My second favorite would probably be Gliese 667cc ;)

The Ringworld.
My favorite (exo)planet would depend on whether or not Gliese 581G was ever confirmed or debunked.
This is my favorite "discovery" of a planet so far. I never saw the heart shape people spoke of.

It is a tie between Melmac and Remulak.
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