What's wrong with the US justice system?

The United States is broken and with the next president who is a wacko conman it will get even worse.

Obama set the bar so low, only a far left drone would make such comments not based on anything other than their religious dogma.
Has the conman Trump released his tax returns yet, I wonder. He is such a loudmouth conman that he probably believes he is the smartest man in the United States because he is a billionaire who pays no taxes.

Why does that matter? Only to a far left drone running a debunked religious narrative, doe sit matter!
The loudmouth billionaire conman is a freeloader who pays no taxes. And the Americans who voted for him need their heads examined.
The United States is broken and with the next president who is a wacko conman it will get even worse.

Obama set the bar so low, only a far left drone would make such comments not based on anything other than their religious dogma.
Has the conman Trump released his tax returns yet, I wonder. He is such a loudmouth conman that he probably believes he is the smartest man in the United States because he is a billionaire who pays no taxes.
I don't think the IRS stopped auditing him yet.....
Imagine, a loudmouth conman billionaire who paid no taxes in the last 20 years. How obscene.

More far left debunked religious dogma!

But then again they wanted a crook to be president, so this goes to show the hypocrisy of the far left drones!
The United States is broken and with the next president who is a wacko conman it will get even worse.

Obama set the bar so low, only a far left drone would make such comments not based on anything other than their religious dogma.
Has the conman Trump released his tax returns yet, I wonder. He is such a loudmouth conman that he probably believes he is the smartest man in the United States because he is a billionaire who pays no taxes.

Why does that matter? Only to a far left drone running a debunked religious narrative, doe sit matter!
The loudmouth billionaire conman is a freeloader who pays no taxes. And the Americans who voted for him need their heads examined.

And the far left drones continue to prove my comments!

The far left is so irony impaired!
The United States is broken and with the next president who is a wacko conman it will get even worse.

Obama set the bar so low, only a far left drone would make such comments not based on anything other than their religious dogma.
Has the conman Trump released his tax returns yet, I wonder. He is such a loudmouth conman that he probably believes he is the smartest man in the United States because he is a billionaire who pays no taxes.

Why does that matter? Only to a far left drone running a debunked religious narrative, doe sit matter!
The loudmouth billionaire conman is a freeloader who pays no taxes. And the Americans who voted for him need their heads examined.
But,,your Hillary lost.....
Obama is far left, Pelosi is far left, the new wanna be head of the DNC is far left..
Pardon me for being so blunt, but if they are your idea of "Far Left" then you really don't know shit.
And you have just proven you are a far left drone!
When you look into your little bucket of "commentary" ....... that thing you stick your hand into and come out with a fistful of replies to sprinkle around ..... the only thing you find in it is "Far Left!". I'm right, you know I am right. If you actually met someone who is really "Far Left", you wouldn't even know it.
Obama is far left, Pelosi is far left, the new wanna be head of the DNC is far left..
Pardon me for being so blunt, but if they are your idea of "Far Left" then you really don't know shit.
And you have just proven you are a far left drone!
When you look into your little bucket of "commentary" ....... that thing you stick your hand into and come out with a fistful of replies to sprinkle around ..... the only thing you find in it is "Far Left!". I'm right, you know I am right. If you actually met someone who is really "Far Left", you wouldn't even know it.

Yes only a far left drone would deny that there is no far left in the US!

"Far left"? What far left? Stop watching Joe McCarthy re-runs. There is no far left in the US.
Obama is far left, Pelosi is far left, the new wanna be head of the DNC is far left..
Pardon me for being so blunt, but if they are your idea of "Far Left" then you really don't know shit.
And you have just proven you are a far left drone!
When you look into your little bucket of "commentary" ....... that thing you stick your hand into and come out with a fistful of replies to sprinkle around ..... the only thing you find in it is "Far Left!". I'm right, you know I am right. If you actually met someone who is really "Far Left", you wouldn't even know it.

Yes only a far left drone would deny that their is no far left in the US!

"Far left"? What far left? Stop watching Joe McCarthy re-runs. There is no far left in the US.
The LWNJs never fully understood where they stood...now they are terrified of where they stand after a plurality of America clearly pointed out where the LWNJs are standing to them...

Trump .... crushing political corruption has been his promise from the beginning of his campaign. Will he keep his promise? We'll see.
Doubtful. How is he going to stop political corruption? His first thing was to ban lobbyists from giving him money. But Obama was far tougher than Trump on that one.
I understand all of that, but there has to be a starting point. Do you not agree that past presidents have been mere puppets of a clandestine power in the US? Whenever Bush or Obama (or whoever) did something outrageous and seemingly totally insane have you never wondered if the agenda was advantageous to "someone"? Right.

So if Trump has behind-the-scenes clout .... so much that he can actually call the shots himself then he will be fulfilling the roll of what a president is suppose to represent: RUNNING THE COUNTRY. Once you have someone in your face running the country then the rest is up to the quality of Democratic principle, and how much of it can you muster. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and if you pull it off you might be able to see to it that all of your leaders "from now on" will be just as Democratic. Is it only a dream of mine or ..... can it be done?

Question is, is Trump having his strings pulled? Second question is, is Trump the sort of person who has been pulling string before.

Other questions are, does Trump have enough power as president to even do what he wants? Could what happened to John Quincy Adams happen to Trump? Literally being told if he doesn't toe the line on certain things he'll never get anything done and will lose in 4 years time and go down as a failure?
Trump .... crushing political corruption has been his promise from the beginning of his campaign. Will he keep his promise? We'll see.
Doubtful. How is he going to stop political corruption? His first thing was to ban lobbyists from giving him money. But Obama was far tougher than Trump on that one.
I understand all of that, but there has to be a starting point. Do you not agree that past presidents have been mere puppets of a clandestine power in the US? Whenever Bush or Obama (or whoever) did something outrageous and seemingly totally insane have you never wondered if the agenda was advantageous to "someone"? Right.

So if Trump has behind-the-scenes clout .... so much that he can actually call the shots himself then he will be fulfilling the roll of what a president is suppose to represent: RUNNING THE COUNTRY. Once you have someone in your face running the country then the rest is up to the quality of Democratic principle, and how much of it can you muster. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and if you pull it off you might be able to see to it that all of your leaders "from now on" will be just as Democratic. Is it only a dream of mine or ..... can it be done?

Question is, is Trump having his strings pulled? Second question is, is Trump the sort of person who has been pulling string before.

Other questions are, does Trump have enough power as president to even do what he wants? Could what happened to John Quincy Adams happen to Trump? Literally being told if he doesn't toe the line on certain things he'll never get anything done and will lose in 4 years time and go down as a failure?
Trump will soon have Obamas pen and phone....remember, the things you LWNJs celebrated.....
The US has one of the highest, if not the highest, per capita prison populations. Within the first world it has the highest murder rate, generally 4 times higher than most other countries. Some people say locking people up solves the problem. But the problem is WORSE.

Here's a video of a guy who went to prison and then came out, and he talks about what it's like to be a guy who has left prison. Basically he says that people don't want him a part of their society, and he's left to rot. Crime becomes the only choice because he can't get a job or an apartment. In the US rehabilitation isn't great, in places like Louisiana rehabilitation is not what they want as they want people back in prison because the state pays them to have them in their private prisons.

If you want the US to be a better place, things like this need sorting out.

Start naming solutions.
IF it is so great in other countries, why is it so great?

Do they have less laws?

Do they have less enforcement of those laws?

Is their rehabilitation efforts better? Not implied better, better?

Is there already too many low educated/low skilled workers and the import of even more will lead to further incarceration?

The racial makeup of America verses most other countries a cause?

Do other countries have more reason to not violate the law? Are their countries being over run by illegal drugs?

Really, the cause must be known before the solution can be determined.
The US has one of the highest, if not the highest, per capita prison populations. Within the first world it has the highest murder rate, generally 4 times higher than most other countries. Some people say locking people up solves the problem. But the problem is WORSE.

Here's a video of a guy who went to prison and then came out, and he talks about what it's like to be a guy who has left prison. Basically he says that people don't want him a part of their society, and he's left to rot. Crime becomes the only choice because he can't get a job or an apartment. In the US rehabilitation isn't great, in places like Louisiana rehabilitation is not what they want as they want people back in prison because the state pays them to have them in their private prisons.

If you want the US to be a better place, things like this need sorting out.

It may be too, PC for the right wing. But, the problem is, simply, the cognitive dissonance of the fantastical, right wing.

We need to solve for simple poverty on an at-will basis in our capital economy.

Would Persons in our Republic have the capital problems we currently do, if we had recourse to unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, simply for the sake of equal protection of the law and public morals.
The US has one of the highest, if not the highest, per capita prison populations. Within the first world it has the highest murder rate, generally 4 times higher than most other countries. Some people say locking people up solves the problem. But the problem is WORSE.

Here's a video of a guy who went to prison and then came out, and he talks about what it's like to be a guy who has left prison. Basically he says that people don't want him a part of their society, and he's left to rot. Crime becomes the only choice because he can't get a job or an apartment. In the US rehabilitation isn't great, in places like Louisiana rehabilitation is not what they want as they want people back in prison because the state pays them to have them in their private prisons.

If you want the US to be a better place, things like this need sorting out.

Start naming solutions.

Change education so that it teaches skills that kids will need when they're adults.
Restrict guns massively so the police can do their job without the fear of being shot the whole damn time.
Change prisons so they rehabilitate and make sure there are ways for ex-prisoners who have served their time to get back into society.
Change society in general to try and make it less selfish.
Change the way people vote so that representatives represent the people and not the rich so that policies like these can exist.
Question is, is Trump having his strings pulled?
Good question.

Second question is, is Trump the sort of person who has been pulling string before.
VERY good question.

Other questions are, does Trump have enough power as president to even do what he wants?
Also a good question.

Could what happened to John Quincy Adams happen to Trump? Literally being told if he doesn't toe the line on certain things he'll never get anything done and will lose in 4 years time and go down as a failure?
As I said, all president since Eisenhower (plus one or two earlier as Adams, even more?) have faced the same dilemma, and folded.

The only thing we say is that Trump "Talks the talk". We can only wait and see if he can "walk the walk". We'll have to wait until he 'saddles up' and rides into D.C. before we find out.
What's wrong with the US justice system?

A crooked, socialist-agenda-hell-bent despot who has tepeatedly violated the Constitution, Rule of Law, and his oath of office is in charge of it.

There is no accountability, and criminals - from politicians and Cabinet members all the way down to human traffickers / international ams dealers / illegals / Sanctuary Cities - are protected.

Barry has run the most lawless administration in US History.
Question is, is Trump having his strings pulled?
Good question.

Second question is, is Trump the sort of person who has been pulling string before.
VERY good question.

Other questions are, does Trump have enough power as president to even do what he wants?
Also a good question.

Could what happened to John Quincy Adams happen to Trump? Literally being told if he doesn't toe the line on certain things he'll never get anything done and will lose in 4 years time and go down as a failure?
As I said, all president since Eisenhower (plus one or two earlier as Adams, even more?) have faced the same dilemma, and folded.

The only thing we say is that Trump "Talks the talk". We can only wait and see if he can "walk the walk". We'll have to wait until he 'saddles up' and rides into D.C. before we find out.
I believe a true Capitalist should have merely financed his own cruiser and simply "taken care of business" in the Middle East; to merely and humbly be, the Capitalist of the Right.
IF it is so great in other countries, why is it so great?
Why? Socialist Democracy. That is to say both Socialism and Democracy in equally high levels. People like to call such countries "nanny states". The expression is used in a slanderous tone, but doing your utmost to secure jobs, income, housing, civil rights, and high standard of living for your countrymen all contribute to "quality of life". What is it, may I ask, that you think contributes to criminal behaviour?

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