What's wrong with the US justice system?

Kill all the murderers, drug dealers, and rapists.
Thin out the herd.

Imagine you got accused of being a rapist, but you didn't do it, then what?

Well you would have to be more careful, but it would depend.

Sure, but I know of someone who went to Australia, had sex with a girl, got locked up for nearly a year there because she accused him of rape. He didn't get convicted, but you don't have to have done it to get convicted.
Kill all the murderers, drug dealers, and rapists.
Thin out the herd.
If what Oreo says is true >>>>>>>>>>>>>
Because "private prisons" are business for profit. Of course we want to lock up and keep locked up violent offenders--but we end up with a lot in prison for non violent crimes. That's the issue. Sometimes community service is better than a jail sentence.
..... then once you've "killed all the murders, drug dealers, and rapists" (as you say) .... then it won't be long until they come after you to fill the cells.
What's wrong with the US justice system?
Like everything else of consequence in the US .... it's run by The Mob.
Like your beloved Russia.
Not true. I spent this past week-end with my good friend Vladmir Putin, at his dacha, where we discussed this for hours. Your name came up twice and we are convinced that you are a paid government shill willing to say anything, if it will please your Whine House & Pentagram handlers.


That definitely isn't his dacha, sorry.... but anyway, anything that comes from Putin is clearly wrong.
That's a weird place, I haven't been in there, but it's supposed to have all these small narrow spaces and doesn't seem huge inside.

That's a weird place, I haven't been in there, but it's supposed to have all these small narrow spaces and doesn't seem huge inside.
I've been there. I don't think it's "weird". It's beautiful. Anyway, "all these small narrow spaces and doesn't seem huge inside" could also describe the Statue of Liberty. I've been there too.
What's wrong with the US justice system?
Like everything else of consequence in the US .... it's run by The Mob.
Like your beloved Russia.
Not true. I spent this past week-end with my good friend Vladmir Putin, at his dacha, where we discussed this for hours. Your name came up twice and we are convinced that you are a paid government shill willing to say anything, if it will please your Whine House & Pentagram handlers.


That definitely isn't his dacha, sorry.... but anyway, anything that comes from Putin is clearly wrong.
That's a weird place, I haven't been in there, but it's supposed to have all these small narrow spaces and doesn't seem huge inside.

I've been inside, yeah, it's kind of interesting in there, it doesn't feel that big because parts are separated. I don't remember that much about it, not that special.
What's wrong with the US justice system?
Like everything else of consequence in the US .... it's run by The Mob.
Like your beloved Russia.
Not true. I spent this past week-end with my good friend Vladmir Putin, at his dacha, where we discussed this for hours. Your name came up twice and we are convinced that you are a paid government shill willing to say anything, if it will please your Whine House & Pentagram handlers.


That definitely isn't his dacha, sorry.... but anyway, anything that comes from Putin is clearly wrong.
That's a weird place, I haven't been in there, but it's supposed to have all these small narrow spaces and doesn't seem huge inside.

I've been inside, yeah, it's kind of interesting in there, it doesn't feel that big because parts are separated. I don't remember that much about it, not that special.
I've been to a few Byzantine churches in the eastern countries. Most of them are small and sparse inside except for paintings and icons. The onion domes are only window dressing.
The US has one of the highest, if not the highest, per capita prison populations. Within the first world it has the highest murder rate, generally 4 times higher than most other countries. Some people say locking people up solves the problem. But the problem is WORSE.

Here's a video of a guy who went to prison and then came out, and he talks about what it's like to be a guy who has left prison. Basically he says that people don't want him a part of their society, and he's left to rot. Crime becomes the only choice because he can't get a job or an apartment. In the US rehabilitation isn't great, in places like Louisiana rehabilitation is not what they want as they want people back in prison because the state pays them to have them in their private prisons.

If you want the US to be a better place, things like this need sorting out.

Because "private prisons" are business for profit. Of course we want to lock up and keep locked up violent offenders--but we end up with a lot in prison for non violent crimes. That's the issue. Sometimes community service is better than a jail sentence.

If you watch the video you'll see that he's talking about the problems of what happen AFTER he got out, he couldn't get accommodation, a job, anything like that, simply because he'd been caught in possession of drugs. Yes, not locking people up might help this problem, as these people haven't been scared by the prison tag, but still...

But he was caught with drugs. Did he really not know what his punishment was going to be?
The US has one of the highest, if not the highest, per capita prison populations. Within the first world it has the highest murder rate, generally 4 times higher than most other countries. Some people say locking people up solves the problem. But the problem is WORSE.

Here's a video of a guy who went to prison and then came out, and he talks about what it's like to be a guy who has left prison. Basically he says that people don't want him a part of their society, and he's left to rot. Crime becomes the only choice because he can't get a job or an apartment. In the US rehabilitation isn't great, in places like Louisiana rehabilitation is not what they want as they want people back in prison because the state pays them to have them in their private prisons.

If you want the US to be a better place, things like this need sorting out.

Because "private prisons" are business for profit. Of course we want to lock up and keep locked up violent offenders--but we end up with a lot in prison for non violent crimes. That's the issue. Sometimes community service is better than a jail sentence.

If you watch the video you'll see that he's talking about the problems of what happen AFTER he got out, he couldn't get accommodation, a job, anything like that, simply because he'd been caught in possession of drugs. Yes, not locking people up might help this problem, as these people haven't been scared by the prison tag, but still...

But he was caught with drugs. Did he really not know what his punishment was going to be?

That's not really the issue here. The issue is that the US has these people out there, their only real option is crime. Oh, great, producing criminals. So as soon as someone gets caught with drugs, many of these people don't hurt other people, all of a sudden they're forced into homelessness and crime.

Doesn't sound like the best way of dealing with things, does it?
The US has one of the highest, if not the highest, per capita prison populations. Within the first world it has the highest murder rate, generally 4 times higher than most other countries. Some people say locking people up solves the problem. But the problem is WORSE.

Here's a video of a guy who went to prison and then came out, and he talks about what it's like to be a guy who has left prison. Basically he says that people don't want him a part of their society, and he's left to rot. Crime becomes the only choice because he can't get a job or an apartment. In the US rehabilitation isn't great, in places like Louisiana rehabilitation is not what they want as they want people back in prison because the state pays them to have them in their private prisons.

If you want the US to be a better place, things like this need sorting out.

The justice system is almost broken everywhere with some little exceptions like Nordic European countries.
Rehabilitation is not effective for two reasons I think: the first one is that justice system is full of flaws and doesn't work right (due to inefficiency, corruption, etc...)
The second one is that some people are not rehabilitable at all. They're really born to be criminals. They can't be rehabilitate in a million years because they can't live without rob, kill, rape, fraud or whatever they do in their criminal lives. :(
The US has one of the highest, if not the highest, per capita prison populations. Within the first world it has the highest murder rate, generally 4 times higher than most other countries. Some people say locking people up solves the problem. But the problem is WORSE.

Here's a video of a guy who went to prison and then came out, and he talks about what it's like to be a guy who has left prison. Basically he says that people don't want him a part of their society, and he's left to rot. Crime becomes the only choice because he can't get a job or an apartment. In the US rehabilitation isn't great, in places like Louisiana rehabilitation is not what they want as they want people back in prison because the state pays them to have them in their private prisons.

If you want the US to be a better place, things like this need sorting out.

The justice system is almost broken everywhere with some little exceptions like Nordic European countries.
Rehabilitation is not effective for two reasons I think: the first one is that justice system is full of flaws and doesn't work right (due to inefficiency, corruption, etc...)
The second one is that some people are not rehabilitable at all. They're really born to be criminals. They can't be rehabilitate in a million years because they can't live without rob, kill, rape, fraud or whatever they do in their criminal lives. :(

Sure, justice is a hard one, getting the right balance. It's like being a school teacher with millions of kids in the same class.

Rehabilitation IS effective for many people. There's a reason why Louisiana's private prison system and Louisiana's high crime rights go hand in hand. Rehabilitation has been proven to work. The problem is that politicians, especially those on the right, like things to be quantifiable, and rehab doesn't always look so good. Catching criminals and sticking them in prison sounds good.

Prison Rehabilitation

"According to RAPt, analysis of police data had shown that less than one third (31%) of substance misusing prisoners who completed a RAPt programme while in prison had reoffended within 12 months of release, compared with a predicted re-offending rate of over 70%; however, fewer than 3% of prisoners identified with a drug problem currently had access to the programmes."

Rehab doesn't work for everyone. However when the right doesn't like something, the demand it either be 100% effective or not implement it at all, which is ridiculous. Getting people out of prisons and back working is something to be encouraged, and reduces crime, reduces spending on dealing with criminals and increases tax revenue.

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