What's up with dictator-Erdoğan Islamic-Turkey routine: hurling the Nazi / Hitler slurs?


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
The following are example of dictator Erdoğan's Turkey leadership Nazi rant. Such as:

  • In 2017 - against the Netherlands and then against Germany.
  • In 2018 - against Germany's Merkel as Hitler.
  • In 2020 - against Greece.
  • In 2022 - at some European countries.
  • In 2023 - against Sweden.



Against the Netherlands.
Then against Germany.

Turkey hurls “Nazi” allegations to boost its president’s support.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan reckons an anti-European frenzy will help him win a constitutional referendum
Mar 15th 2017

Erdogan: If You Call Me Dictator, I Will Call You Nazi
Mar 24, 2017 — Turkish president has said he would keep throwing Nazi slurs as long as he is called “a dictator,” refusing to tamp down his

Erdogan Calls Dutch ‘Nazi Remnants’ After Turkish Minister Is Barred

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey at a rally in Istanbul on Saturday. He threatened to retaliate against the Netherlands for denying the foreign minister permission to fly in.
By Alissa J. Rubin
March 11, 2017
PARIS — The Dutch government on Saturday intensified a diplomatic dispute between Turkey and its NATO allies in Europe by refusing to let the Turkish foreign minister fly into the Netherlands to campaign on behalf of a referendum that would augment the power of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey.

In response, Mr. Erdogan compared the Dutch to “fascists” and said they were “Nazi remnants,” echoing the description he used for the Germans last Sunday, after two Turkish politicians campaigning for Mr. Erdogan scrapped rallies when the German government told them it could not guarantee their safety.

Mr. Erdogan accused Germany of using “Nazi practices” to block him from campaigning, drawing a rebuke from the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, who called the comparison “completely unacceptable” and said the remarks trivialized the suffering of the Nazis’ victims.

Erdogan calls Dutch government ‘Nazis’ after Turkish foreign minister’s plane prevented from landing in Netherlands
Protests at Dutch embassy in Turkey as diplomatic row escalates

Lizzie Dearden, Harriet Agerholm
Saturday 11 March 2017


Germany Turkey Tensions on Rise following Nazi Comment by Erdogan
Mar 19, 2017 — Turkish President accuses German chancellor of Nazi practices in escalating war of words ahead of Turkish referendum.

Turkish President Erdogan calls Germany's Merkel “Nazi”
Mar 20, 2017 — Turkish President Erdogan calls Germany's Merkel “Nazi” ... YEREVAN, MARCH 20, ARMENPRESS. Ankara launched a new wave of anti-German rhetoric..

Germany says Erdogan has 'gone too far' with Nazi jibe.
Germany's FM Sigmar Gabriel branded Erdogan's comments "shocking"

AFP PTI Berlin
Last Updated : Mar 20 2017 | 4:06 AM

Germany rejects Erdogan's 'absurd' Nazi comparison, calls for calm.
By Andrea Shalal
March 6, 2017

Merkel: Turkish comments about Nazis trivialize to victims.
Published 7:49 AM PST, March 9, 2017
BERLIN (AP) — Comments from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other Turkish officials accusing Germany of “Nazi practices” cannot be tolerated and need to stop, Chancellor Angela Merkel told Parliament on Thursday.

In her strongest comments so far about Erdogan’s statement, Merkel said the Nazi comparisons were “sad” and “so incredibly misplaced that one really can’t comment, but they cannot be justified.”

“We will not allow the victims of the Nazis to be trivialized,” she said. “These comparisons with the Nazis must stop.”



Turkey daily portrays Merkel as Hitler, decries 'Nazi mentality'
Mar 26, 2018



With Nazi reference, Turkey's Erdogan escalates dispute with Greece over migrants.

Greece calls comments unhelpful, has denied accusations it has mistreated migrants
The Associated Press

Posted: March 11, 2020
Last Updated: March 11, 2020



Erdoğan likens removal of Dostoyevsky from curricula in Europe to ‘Nazi mindset’

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has called the removal of Dostoyevsky’s works from academic curricula in some European countries a "Nazi mindset." Meanwhile, social media users mocked Erdoğan for his pronunciation of Dostoyevsky as “Dostoviski,” as “viski” means “whisky” in Turkish.


Duvar English



Turkish FM Compares Sweden to Nazi Germany After Court Ruling.
[Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu].

The Turkish foreign minister’s remarks do not bode well for Sweden’s eventual accession into NATO.
Robert Semonsen
— April 6, 2023
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He may be a Carny Show barker, but he's in a position of power that makes him a serious danger to the Western world.
Caught you hiding together , Forum Nazi Outcasts .

Whining and bleating when someone shows scum Racists in their true colours .

Does the nasty Recep scare the bully boys who love Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing ?

Well , ain't that a shame .
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He may be a Carny Show barker, but he's in a position of power that makes him a serious danger to the Western world.
He is. And he is also often threatening the EU, that he will release masses of Arab-Syrian migrants...
Or the "cleansing" thing when asking them to evacuate for their safety.
That racist-luiza was very busy spamming stupidity here on forums on Christmas eve, when it was weihnacht in her Germany.

Sad loser - she "it": will probably repeat the same tonight.
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That racist-luiza was very busy spamming stupidity here on forums on Christmas eve, when it was weihnacht in her Germany.

Sad loser - she "it": will probably repeat the same tonight.
Caught you hiding together , Forum Nazi Outcasts .

Whining and bleating when someone shows scum Racists in their true colours .

Does the nasty Recep scare the bully boys who love Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing ?

Well , ain't that a shame .
All the while, he himself actually has a Hitler-problem...


Erdogan’s Hitler Problem.
The Turkish presidency is seeking to clarify President Erdogan's recent remarks in which he favorably compared his vision of an executive presidency with Nazi Germany. This is not the first time he has said outrageous things only to walk them back.
Blog Post by Steven A. Cook,
January 4, 2016 11:30 am (EST)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has a Hitler problem. When he was asked last Friday to comment on his strong desire to establish what Turks call an “executive presidency” and how that might affect the “unitary structure” of the Turkish state, Erdogan replied, “There are already examples in the world. You can see it when you look at Hitler’s Germany.” In the firestorm of criticism that followed, the Turkish presidency sought to clarify Erdogan’s remark. The Guardian quoted an anonymous official stating, “There are good and poor examples of presidential systems and the important thing is to put checks and balances in place…Nazi Germany, lacking proper institutional arrangements, was obviously one of the most disgraceful examples in history.” The same official also accused the president’s opponents of purposefully distorting his remarks. Fair enough, but one has to wonder why Nazi Germany was the first example Erdogan could think of...
All the while, he himself actually has a Hitler-problem...


Erdogan’s Hitler Problem.
The Turkish presidency is seeking to clarify President Erdogan's recent remarks in which he favorably compared his vision of an executive presidency with Nazi Germany. This is not the first time he has said outrageous things only to walk them back.
Blog Post by Steven A. Cook,
January 4, 2016 11:30 am (EST)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has a Hitler problem. When he was asked last Friday to comment on his strong desire to establish what Turks call an “executive presidency” and how that might affect the “unitary structure” of the Turkish state, Erdogan replied, “There are already examples in the world. You can see it when you look at Hitler’s Germany.” In the firestorm of criticism that followed, the Turkish presidency sought to clarify Erdogan’s remark. The Guardian quoted an anonymous official stating, “There are good and poor examples of presidential systems and the important thing is to put checks and balances in place…Nazi Germany, lacking proper institutional arrangements, was obviously one of the most disgraceful examples in history.” The same official also accused the president’s opponents of purposefully distorting his remarks. Fair enough, but one has to wonder why Nazi Germany was the first example Erdogan could think of...
The definition of hypocrisy.
Israel must be destroyed,’ said chief Middle East advisor to Turkey’s President Erdogan,” by Abdullah Bozkurt, Nordic Monitor, February 15, 2024:

The person responsible for shaping Turkey’s foreign policy in the Middle East in the office of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been revealed to have called for the destruction of Israel, as uncovered by a Nordic Monitor investigation.
Sefer Turan, a 62-year-old pro-Iranian Islamist and a chief advisor to the Turkish president, has openly denied Israel’s right to exist, stating, “We must consistently and at every opportunity inform the public that there is no such state called Israel.”
Turan’s remarks were made in June 1997 during a panel discussion concerning the closure of the Palestine Solidarity and Friendship Association (Filistin Dayanışma ve Dostluk Derneği, FDD) by Turkish authorities. The FDD was identified as a front organization sponsored by the Iranian mullah regime in Turkey, aimed at channeling funds to armed Palestinian jihadist groups, organizing rallies against Israel and promoting antisemitism in Turkey.
Turan, one of the architects of the FDD, vehemently criticized the government’s decision to shut down the organization. He also condemned the peace initiatives launched in Madrid in 1991 that aimed to foster peace between Israel and Palestine, along with several Arab nations. The Madrid conference, co-sponsored by the US and the Soviet Union, eventually resulted in the signing of the Oslo I Accord in 1993 and the peace treaty between Jordan and Israel in 1994.
“We must openly reveal our identity and, if necessary, endure the risks,” Turan emphasized, further stating, “Nothing ends with the closure of the FDD.”
The driving force behind the creation of the FDD was a propaganda magazine named Yörünge, which received funding from the Iranian regime and was operated by pro-Iranian Turkish Islamists. Some members of this group had undergone training by Iranian intelligence in handling arms and explosives. Turkish authorities took action against the magazine, shutting it down and initiating criminal investigations and indictments against its staff.
The application for the establishment of the FDD was initially approved on July 1, 1995, during a preliminary process and later endorsed by the Interior Ministry in November 1995. However, a month after approval, the ministry requested that the FDD halt its operations until the Cabinet reviewed the application, citing concerns regarding the mention of international operations in the founding charter, which fell under the discretion of the Cabinet. On May 7, 1997 the government officially notified the FDD of its closure.
The FDD board members included Ahmet Varol, Remzi Çayır, Rıdvan Kaya, Nurettin Şirin, Fikret Özdemir and Ahmet Ağırakça, several of whom had longstanding ties with the Iranian Islamist Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force.
In fact, both Turan, working as chief aide to Erdogan at the time, and Şirin were suspects in a confidential investigation into the Quds Force network between 2011 and 2014. During this period their phones were tapped under court order as investigators sought to uncover an Iranian intelligence network in Turkey. The investigation aimed to determine any plots targeting Israeli, Jewish and Western interests in Turkey….

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