What’s the Democratic Nominee Going to Attack Trump On?

That is not true. His hourly people are paid that or more.

Your distortion comes from those on salary that work over 40 hours a week not by requirement.
Do we know it wasn’t by requirement? Who works an extra 20 hours a week for free by choice?
Those believing in a cause....as in politics.
Ok so then why are they complaining about their hourly rate then if they’re choosing to work longer hours which reduces their hourly average rate of pay?

The only people complaining were Republicans trying ty say Bernie doesn't pay $15/HR/.

Either keep up or shut up.
Bernie the Commie wasn’t paying his people $15.
Stop lying.
Leftard rags:

Sanders campaign battles with staff demanding $15 hourly pay - which the candidate says should be federal minimum

Bernie Sanders’ campaign staff demanding $15 hourly pay: Report

Bernie Sanders’s staff doesn’t make the $15 minimum wage he’s campaigning on

So, if the minimum wage is $15/hr, the minimum salary would be $31,200/yr.
Do we know it wasn’t by requirement? Who works an extra 20 hours a week for free by choice?
Those believing in a cause....as in politics.
Ok so then why are they complaining about their hourly rate then if they’re choosing to work longer hours which reduces their hourly average rate of pay?

The only people complaining were Republicans trying ty say Bernie doesn't pay $15/HR/.

Either keep up or shut up.
Bernie the Commie wasn’t paying his people $15.
Stop lying.
Leftard rags:

Sanders campaign battles with staff demanding $15 hourly pay - which the candidate says should be federal minimum

Bernie Sanders’ campaign staff demanding $15 hourly pay: Report

Bernie Sanders’s staff doesn’t make the $15 minimum wage he’s campaigning on

So, if the minimum wage is $15/hr, the minimum salary would be $31,200/yr.
Bernie gave them their $15 finally.
And cut their hours so now they make less per week.

That is not true. His hourly people are paid that or more.

Your distortion comes from those on salary that work over 40 hours a week not by requirement.
Do we know it wasn’t by requirement? Who works an extra 20 hours a week for free by choice?
Those believing in a cause....as in politics.
Ok so then why are they complaining about their hourly rate then if they’re choosing to work longer hours which reduces their hourly average rate of pay?
Dave likes to make excuses for paying people less than a living wage.
Lying fuck. I said that your statement was dishonest. Bernie pays some of his campaign workers a salary. Assfuck you converted that to an hourly wage when assfuck you has no clue on the required work week.
Great, so McDonalds just needs to put everyone on salary.
The Democrats will be running on health care, jobs, education and infrastructure, and Trump's record.

This is gonna be delicious.

1. Health care--MEDICARE FOR ALL!!! A gazillion trillion dollars in ten years WINNING

2. JOBS, sure. MINIMUM WAGE HIKE, dead in the water

3. Education, let's see what they've got

4. Infrastructure, Trump has tried this, they weren't interested

5. "Trump's record" This is REALLY what they will do: cry about racism, misogyny and "mean tweets".

I hope everyone has noticed that prominent Dems are seriously very worried about the election that is in one year and a handful of months. The Dems are hurting, bad.

1. No more $18,000 per year health insurance premiums. Costs will drop by a minimum of 20% just by wiping out the insurance company's cut. Americans currently pay twice as much as any other nation for healthcare, and still 30 million people have no coverage. American exceptionalism is getting fleeced and getting no value for the money you pay.

2. Minimum wage hike has already been passed.

3. Anything would be better than Betsy DeVos, and the gang that couldn't shoot straight. Teacher all over the country have been demonstrating against low pay and lack of resources. The Republican strategy has been to starve the schools and underpay the teachers, until the entire system got so bad it collapses and people vote for charter schools. It's almost that bad now and parents are pushing back for better public schools for ALL children.

4. Trump hasn't tried anything. Every time he announces infrastructure week, there's some other crisis, or another one of his associates goes on trial and Trump goes chasing some new squirrel. Trump tried to tie infrastructure spending to his border wall, and that's just not going to fly.

Trump's record: Chaos on the border, children in cages, the most extreme weather in history, and Trump uses disaster funds to punish voters he doesn't like; widening trade deficits, deterioration of air and water quality, increase in right wing terrorism, attempts to abolish insurance guarantees for those with pre-existing conditions; defiance of court rulings, children dying on the borders, staffers and cabinet members fired for corruption; 40% of Americans are worse off than they were under Obama; manufacturing recession; coal declining.

No winning anywhere, except if you're wealthy.
What’s the Democratic Nominee Going to Attack Trump On?

most likely he will be on his feet,

The minimum wage hike that they never bothered to do when they had both houses and the Oval Office? The one they waited til they could pass it in only one house of congress knowing it would never become law but that they could add to their record to run on and fool voters? Is that the one you’re talking about?

There was already a bill passed in 2007 that was increasing the minimum wage in steps. The last being in 2009. Efforts after that were defeated by Republicans.
oh a bill passed in 2007 when a republican president was in office. What happened to this bill when the Democrats had both houses including a super majority in the senate and Obama in office? Probably the same thing that happened to the universal health care they’ve been promising forever now. Wake up.

In 2007 the Democrats ran both houses.

The increases were in steps. The last being June or July ion 2009.

The ACA insured millions more.

And the ACA screwed millions.

Millions gained insurance so it was helpful. Does it have issues? Yes however instead of working to fix the problems, Republicans have made it worse deliberately because they can't repeal it.

Gee, and millions of people have had to accept more expensive/less beneficial healthcare in order to pay for those to get insurance...dumbass.
Bernie can’t even pay his people $15/hr.
That is not true. His hourly people are paid that or more.

Your distortion comes from those on salary that work over 40 hours a week not by requirement.
Do we know it wasn’t by requirement? Who works an extra 20 hours a week for free by choice?
Those believing in a cause....as in politics.
Ok so then why are they complaining about their hourly rate then if they’re choosing to work longer hours which reduces their hourly average rate of pay?

The only people complaining were Republicans trying ty say Bernie doesn't pay $15/HR/.

Either keep up or shut up.
Oh my god his campaign staff raised the issue to begin with what the fuck is wrong with you people where do you get your information from? Holy shit
Bernie can’t even pay his people $15/hr.
That is not true. His hourly people are paid that or more.

Your distortion comes from those on salary that work over 40 hours a week not by requirement.
Do we know it wasn’t by requirement? Who works an extra 20 hours a week for free by choice?
Those believing in a cause....as in politics.
Ok so then why are they complaining about their hourly rate then if they’re choosing to work longer hours which reduces their hourly average rate of pay?

The only people complaining were Republicans trying ty say Bernie doesn't pay $15/HR/.

Either keep up or shut up.
Last I saw, Bernie is a millionaire who won't pay his employees a living wage. Must be a democrat.
Those believing in a cause....as in politics.
Ok so then why are they complaining about their hourly rate then if they’re choosing to work longer hours which reduces their hourly average rate of pay?

The only people complaining were Republicans trying ty say Bernie doesn't pay $15/HR/.

Either keep up or shut up.
Bernie the Commie wasn’t paying his people $15.
Stop lying.
Leftard rags:

Sanders campaign battles with staff demanding $15 hourly pay - which the candidate says should be federal minimum

Bernie Sanders’ campaign staff demanding $15 hourly pay: Report

Bernie Sanders’s staff doesn’t make the $15 minimum wage he’s campaigning on

So, if the minimum wage is $15/hr, the minimum salary would be $31,200/yr.
Bernie gave them their $15 finally.
And cut their hours so now they make less per week.

No they still make the same amount, 36k. They were on salary. So changing hours means literally nothing because the total income is still the same. And still not a living wage. Oh but they get benefits too. Cool I’ll trade my sick days at the grocery store for food to feed my kids..... :rolleyes:
The Democrats will be running on health care, jobs, education and infrastructure, and Trump's record.

This is gonna be delicious.

1. Health care--MEDICARE FOR ALL!!! A gazillion trillion dollars in ten years WINNING

2. JOBS, sure. MINIMUM WAGE HIKE, dead in the water

3. Education, let's see what they've got

4. Infrastructure, Trump has tried this, they weren't interested

5. "Trump's record" This is REALLY what they will do: cry about racism, misogyny and "mean tweets".

I hope everyone has noticed that prominent Dems are seriously very worried about the election that is in one year and a handful of months. The Dems are hurting, bad.

1. No more $18,000 per year health insurance premiums. Costs will drop by a minimum of 20% just by wiping out the insurance company's cut. Americans currently pay twice as much as any other nation for healthcare, and still 30 million people have no coverage. American exceptionalism is getting fleeced and getting no value for the money you pay.

2. Minimum wage hike has already been passed.

3. Anything would be better than Betsy DeVos, and the gang that couldn't shoot straight. Teacher all over the country have been demonstrating against low pay and lack of resources. The Republican strategy has been to starve the schools and underpay the teachers, until the entire system got so bad it collapses and people vote for charter schools. It's almost that bad now and parents are pushing back for better public schools for ALL children.

4. Trump hasn't tried anything. Every time he announces infrastructure week, there's some other crisis, or another one of his associates goes on trial and Trump goes chasing some new squirrel. Trump tried to tie infrastructure spending to his border wall, and that's just not going to fly.

Trump's record: Chaos on the border, children in cages, the most extreme weather in history, and Trump uses disaster funds to punish voters he doesn't like; widening trade deficits, deterioration of air and water quality, increase in right wing terrorism, attempts to abolish insurance guarantees for those with pre-existing conditions; defiance of court rulings, children dying on the borders, staffers and cabinet members fired for corruption; 40% of Americans are worse off than they were under Obama; manufacturing recession; coal declining.

No winning anywhere, except if you're wealthy.
No more $18,000 per year health insurance premiums. Costs will drop by a minimum of 20% just by wiping out the insurance company's cut.

So Obama lies.
We’re still waiting for our $2,000 savings.
You really think voters are that stupid to fall for your Leftard shit again?
The Democrats will be running on health care, jobs, education and infrastructure, and Trump's record.

This is gonna be delicious.

1. Health care--MEDICARE FOR ALL!!! A gazillion trillion dollars in ten years WINNING

2. JOBS, sure. MINIMUM WAGE HIKE, dead in the water

3. Education, let's see what they've got

4. Infrastructure, Trump has tried this, they weren't interested

5. "Trump's record" This is REALLY what they will do: cry about racism, misogyny and "mean tweets".

I hope everyone has noticed that prominent Dems are seriously very worried about the election that is in one year and a handful of months. The Dems are hurting, bad.

1. No more $18,000 per year health insurance premiums. Costs will drop by a minimum of 20% just by wiping out the insurance company's cut. Americans currently pay twice as much as any other nation for healthcare, and still 30 million people have no coverage. American exceptionalism is getting fleeced and getting no value for the money you pay.

2. Minimum wage hike has already been passed.

3. Anything would be better than Betsy DeVos, and the gang that couldn't shoot straight. Teacher all over the country have been demonstrating against low pay and lack of resources. The Republican strategy has been to starve the schools and underpay the teachers, until the entire system got so bad it collapses and people vote for charter schools. It's almost that bad now and parents are pushing back for better public schools for ALL children.

4. Trump hasn't tried anything. Every time he announces infrastructure week, there's some other crisis, or another one of his associates goes on trial and Trump goes chasing some new squirrel. Trump tried to tie infrastructure spending to his border wall, and that's just not going to fly.

Trump's record: Chaos on the border, children in cages, the most extreme weather in history, and Trump uses disaster funds to punish voters he doesn't like; widening trade deficits, deterioration of air and water quality, increase in right wing terrorism, attempts to abolish insurance guarantees for those with pre-existing conditions; defiance of court rulings, children dying on the borders, staffers and cabinet members fired for corruption; 40% of Americans are worse off than they were under Obama; manufacturing recession; coal declining.

No winning anywhere, except if you're wealthy.
No more $18,000 per year health insurance premiums. Costs will drop by a minimum of 20% just by wiping out the insurance company's cut.

So Obama lies.
We’re still waiting for our $2,000 savings.
You really think voters are that stupid to fall for your Leftard shit again?
I saved $9000 the first year of the exchanges.

You saved more than $2k through the slowing of the rise in premiums.
Those believing in a cause....as in politics.
Ok so then why are they complaining about their hourly rate then if they’re choosing to work longer hours which reduces their hourly average rate of pay?

The only people complaining were Republicans trying ty say Bernie doesn't pay $15/HR/.

Either keep up or shut up.
Bernie the Commie wasn’t paying his people $15.
Stop lying.
Leftard rags:

Sanders campaign battles with staff demanding $15 hourly pay - which the candidate says should be federal minimum

Bernie Sanders’ campaign staff demanding $15 hourly pay: Report

Bernie Sanders’s staff doesn’t make the $15 minimum wage he’s campaigning on

So, if the minimum wage is $15/hr, the minimum salary would be $31,200/yr.
Bernie gave them their $15 finally.
And cut their hours so now they make less per week.

Actually assfuck, he cit the hours of the salaried personnel.

Got more lies?
These are the same Democrats who want to impeach Trump even though he's done nothing wrong.
These are the same Democrats who want to impeach Trump even though he's done nothing wrong.
Nothing wrong??? The POS trump has done everything wrong Listen to Meuller and his deputy tomorrow to get an education OBSTRUCTION even if the lowlife pos barr couldn't find it
These are the same Democrats who want to impeach Trump even though he's done nothing wrong.

If by "nothing wrong" you mean lied to the American people about his Trump Tower Moscow plans; lied to the American people about knowing that the Russians hacked the DNC; firing Comey to stop the Russia Investigation; giving security clearances to more than 30 people who failed FBI background checks; whose staff had over 140 contacts with Russian officials, and agents of the Russian government during the 2016 election campaign; lied to the press, the FBI and the American people about contacts with Russians; Threatened and intimidated witnesses, dangled pardons, and tried to fire the special counsel; and is refusing to comply with Court Orders, Congressional oversight requests, or the US Constitution, then you're correct, he's "nothing wrong".
The Democrats will be running on health care, jobs, education and infrastructure, and Trump's record.

This is gonna be delicious.

1. Health care--MEDICARE FOR ALL!!! A gazillion trillion dollars in ten years WINNING

2. JOBS, sure. MINIMUM WAGE HIKE, dead in the water

3. Education, let's see what they've got

4. Infrastructure, Trump has tried this, they weren't interested

5. "Trump's record" This is REALLY what they will do: cry about racism, misogyny and "mean tweets".

I hope everyone has noticed that prominent Dems are seriously very worried about the election that is in one year and a handful of months. The Dems are hurting, bad.

1. No more $18,000 per year health insurance premiums. Costs will drop by a minimum of 20% just by wiping out the insurance company's cut. Americans currently pay twice as much as any other nation for healthcare, and still 30 million people have no coverage. American exceptionalism is getting fleeced and getting no value for the money you pay.

2. Minimum wage hike has already been passed.

3. Anything would be better than Betsy DeVos, and the gang that couldn't shoot straight. Teacher all over the country have been demonstrating against low pay and lack of resources. The Republican strategy has been to starve the schools and underpay the teachers, until the entire system got so bad it collapses and people vote for charter schools. It's almost that bad now and parents are pushing back for better public schools for ALL children.

4. Trump hasn't tried anything. Every time he announces infrastructure week, there's some other crisis, or another one of his associates goes on trial and Trump goes chasing some new squirrel. Trump tried to tie infrastructure spending to his border wall, and that's just not going to fly.

Trump's record: Chaos on the border, children in cages, the most extreme weather in history, and Trump uses disaster funds to punish voters he doesn't like; widening trade deficits, deterioration of air and water quality, increase in right wing terrorism, attempts to abolish insurance guarantees for those with pre-existing conditions; defiance of court rulings, children dying on the borders, staffers and cabinet members fired for corruption; 40% of Americans are worse off than they were under Obama; manufacturing recession; coal declining.

No winning anywhere, except if you're wealthy.
No more $18,000 per year health insurance premiums. Costs will drop by a minimum of 20% just by wiping out the insurance company's cut.

So Obama lies.
We’re still waiting for our $2,000 savings.
You really think voters are that stupid to fall for your Leftard shit again?
I saved $9000 the first year of the exchanges.

You saved more than $2k through the slowing of the rise in premiums.
My, like most Americans, saw our premiums rise 50-100%.
The economy?

Trying to protect our borders?

Meeting with Kim in North Korea to lower the potential of nuclear war?

Russia this and Russia that?

Maybe an accusation of rape?

The Obama IRS let Trump cheat on his taxes?
The circus is getting dull, time to move on.
The economy?

Trying to protect our borders?

Meeting with Kim in North Korea to lower the potential of nuclear war?

Russia this and Russia that?

Maybe an accusation of rape?

The Obama IRS let Trump cheat on his taxes?
The circus is getting dull, time to move on.
2020 Presidential Campaign is not a topic worth discussing?
The Democrats will be running on health care, jobs, education and infrastructure, and Trump's record.

This is gonna be delicious.

1. Health care--MEDICARE FOR ALL!!! A gazillion trillion dollars in ten years WINNING

2. JOBS, sure. MINIMUM WAGE HIKE, dead in the water

3. Education, let's see what they've got

4. Infrastructure, Trump has tried this, they weren't interested

5. "Trump's record" This is REALLY what they will do: cry about racism, misogyny and "mean tweets".

I hope everyone has noticed that prominent Dems are seriously very worried about the election that is in one year and a handful of months. The Dems are hurting, bad.

1. No more $18,000 per year health insurance premiums. Costs will drop by a minimum of 20% just by wiping out the insurance company's cut. Americans currently pay twice as much as any other nation for healthcare, and still 30 million people have no coverage. American exceptionalism is getting fleeced and getting no value for the money you pay.

2. Minimum wage hike has already been passed.

3. Anything would be better than Betsy DeVos, and the gang that couldn't shoot straight. Teacher all over the country have been demonstrating against low pay and lack of resources. The Republican strategy has been to starve the schools and underpay the teachers, until the entire system got so bad it collapses and people vote for charter schools. It's almost that bad now and parents are pushing back for better public schools for ALL children.

4. Trump hasn't tried anything. Every time he announces infrastructure week, there's some other crisis, or another one of his associates goes on trial and Trump goes chasing some new squirrel. Trump tried to tie infrastructure spending to his border wall, and that's just not going to fly.

Trump's record: Chaos on the border, children in cages, the most extreme weather in history, and Trump uses disaster funds to punish voters he doesn't like; widening trade deficits, deterioration of air and water quality, increase in right wing terrorism, attempts to abolish insurance guarantees for those with pre-existing conditions; defiance of court rulings, children dying on the borders, staffers and cabinet members fired for corruption; 40% of Americans are worse off than they were under Obama; manufacturing recession; coal declining.

No winning anywhere, except if you're wealthy.
No more $18,000 per year health insurance premiums. Costs will drop by a minimum of 20% just by wiping out the insurance company's cut.

So Obama lies.
We’re still waiting for our $2,000 savings.
You really think voters are that stupid to fall for your Leftard shit again?
I saved $9000 the first year of the exchanges.

You saved more than $2k through the slowing of the rise in premiums.
My, like most Americans, saw our premiums rise 50-100%.

The CBO said the ACA bent the curve of rising premiums so they did not go up as much as they had before thereby saving you money.

Did you buy as an indivudual?

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