What’s the Democratic Nominee Going to Attack Trump On?

The Democrats will be running on health care, jobs, education and infrastructure, and Trump's record.

So, they have nothing?

Oh indeed they do. Trump's complete failure to keep his promises. His border policies have caused illegal border crossings to spike to their highest levels in 15 years. His trade policies have caused exports to decline, and trade deficits to widen, his economic policies have resulted in the highest deficits in history, his tariffs have increased prices.

Democrats have passed more than 30 bills since January to cut prescription prices, improve healthcare, raise the minimum wage, protect voters' rights, ban gerrymandering, and a whole range of policies to improve the lives of working Americans. None of which McConnell will even bring to the floor of the Senate.

Every issue that Trump has focussed on, has been made worse by his policies.

His border policies? What a fucking dumbass! He has been trying to get the Democrats to fix the laws. Did you just wake up from a drug-induced coma?

So what are the bill numbers of these pieces of legislation? I know about the minimum wage bill, and that is all because no one in their right mind would have voted for them. You have been parroting the DNC again! All you have is lies and half-truths at best.

How can you ban gerrymandering when that is a state function? Dumbass! You are no better than the other libtards you elected who never ever read the Constitution!

The immigration laws do not need fixing. They are perfectly fine as they are now. What Trump is trying to do is subvert the laws.

The federal government can ban gerrymandering in federal elections. Why don't you try reading the Constitution. It talks about Congress' power of the purse and their oversight functions. You don't believe in the Constitution when it prevents you from doing what you want to do.
This is gonna be delicious.

1. Health care--MEDICARE FOR ALL!!! A gazillion trillion dollars in ten years WINNING

2. JOBS, sure. MINIMUM WAGE HIKE, dead in the water

3. Education, let's see what they've got

4. Infrastructure, Trump has tried this, they weren't interested

5. "Trump's record" This is REALLY what they will do: cry about racism, misogyny and "mean tweets".

I hope everyone has noticed that prominent Dems are seriously very worried about the election that is in one year and a handful of months. The Dems are hurting, bad.
The minimum wage hike that they never bothered to do when they had both houses and the Oval Office? The one they waited til they could pass it in only one house of congress knowing it would never become law but that they could add to their record to run on and fool voters? Is that the one you’re talking about?

There was already a bill passed in 2007 that was increasing the minimum wage in steps. The last being in 2009. Efforts after that were defeated by Republicans.
oh a bill passed in 2007 when a republican president was in office. What happened to this bill when the Democrats had both houses including a super majority in the senate and Obama in office? Probably the same thing that happened to the universal health care they’ve been promising forever now. Wake up.

In 2007 the Democrats ran both houses.

The increases were in steps. The last being June or July ion 2009.

The ACA insured millions more.

And the ACA screwed millions.

Millions gained insurance so it was helpful. Does it have issues? Yes however instead of working to fix the problems, Republicans have made it worse deliberately because they can't repeal it.
The Democrats will be running on health care, jobs, education and infrastructure, and Trump's record.

How can they? They haven't done anything on any of those.

Neither has Trump. Trump promised to repeal and replace Obamacare with "better, cheaper, healthcare for all". He promised protection for those with pre-existing conditions. Trump has delivered: no replacement for Obamacare, higher premiums, higher deductibles, no coverage for women's reproductive health issues, and a lawsuit to repeal protections for those with the pre-existing conditions is wending its way through the courts on it's way to the Supreme Court, and 5 million people have lost their health insurance since Trump took office.

Trump promised to bring back manufacturing jobs: Trump has delivered market chaos with his trade wars. Trade deficits are increasing on all fronts - China, Europe and Canada, and US employers are no longer investing in plants, equipment or jobs, because they cannot plan the investments, when the President has a bad news day and slaps tariffs on their trading partners.

The manufacturing sector has officially enter a recession because all such investment has ceased. The Chinese are o longer buying real estate of opening manufactuing plants in the US, due to the ongoing trade war, which means the Foxconn deal, the $50 billion dollar investment, and the 30,000 jobs promised, are gone too, as is all of the tax dollars that the government of Wisconsin, and the government of the United States paid to Foxconn to secure that investment, is gone too. Foxconn got millions of US taxpayers' money up front, put it in their pockets, and walked away.

When Justin Trudeau signed the US/Canada/Mexico trade agreement, he joked that it should be called the Canada/US/Mexico Trade Agreement because Canada was the big winner in this deal. In May, Canada posted it's first ever TRADE SURPLUS WITH THE USA.

Donald Trump, the "great negotiator", is just winning on every front.

Education: Trump gave America Betsy DeVos - a woman whose family "donated" $1 million to Republican Senators, to confirm her as Education Secretary. Since her appointment, DeVos has stumbled from one embarassing moment to another in the Education portfolio, as she continues to demonstrate her spectacular lack of qualifcations for, or ability to carry out this work. The woman can't even put out a grammatically correct press release, and US education rankings continue to drop like a stone compared to the rest of the first world. Meanwhile, at home, Trump took away the $500 tax deduction from teachers who spend money out of their own pockets for class room supplies.

Infrastructure: Trump promised to be the "Infrastructure President" ("I love to build things"). And he does love to build things and put his name on them. American infrastructure is crumbling. The Army Corps of Engineers has issued report after report about bridges, dams, and levies in danger of catastrophic failure, and there have been an alarming number of bridge collapses, sink holes, and other failures of infrastructure after generations of neglect by successive Administrations more concerned with tax cuts for millionaires, than infrastructure and investment. Since then, Trump hasn't made a single proposal for infrastructure spending, despite having said that he would put an infrastructure plan in place on "Day One" of his administration.

Trump's record: Chaos on the Border, Highest deficits and spending in history, with nothing to show for it for the 40% of the American people. Trump promised every worker would get a $4000 raise from the tax cuts. It didn't happen. He promised a fair shake for the American worker. He delivered nazis marching in the streets chanting "The Jews will not replace us". He promised safety and security. He delivered an increase in mass shootings and hate driven terrorism against minorities, many of whom cite Trump as their "inspiration".

Trump is the guy who was going to "Make America Great Again". Instead his language, his rhetoric, and his policies are designed to "Make America Hate Again".

Waddaboutism lives. We're talking about democrats. Of course, you could claim Trump as a democrat if you want to.

A President has to run on his record. The opposition has to show they can do better. Democrats history, their legislative record, and their agenda which puts the American working people first, shows what the Democrats are doing for them, versus what the Republicans have done to them. And continue to do to them with their completely discredited "trickle down" economics.

Trump promised the tax cuts would provide "growth on steriods" and a $4000 raise for working Americans. He delivered "Deficits on steriods", a 3% raise (not enough to pay for his tariffs), along wiith lower job and GDP growth than Obama. Trump can't run on the promise of bringing back manufacturing jobs, and draining the Swamp, because he's driving away investment in jobs with his policies, and presides over the most corrupt Administration since before the Great Depression.

The whole reason Trump is trying to run on his racism is to detract from his abyssmal record. Democrats let Trump control the debate last time, they won't get fooled again, and neither with the American people.
The Democratic Party will have to go after the President on his vitriolic rhetoric as well as his profligate spending. The public needs to make a choice between having a rebarbative shock jock occupying the WH or someone who will say less and allow their actions to speak for themselves. Unless the economy shifts downward, it will be a Sisyphean task.
Listen Bernie is just learning what it’s like to have to budget your revenue and still be able to stay viable. You can force him to pay his people more but if the campaign chest only has so much to spend he’s going to be losing his shirt real soon. This is good education for him.

Campaigning isn't a "business" nor is it required to show a profit, even if that's how Donald Trump ran his campaign, and profitted millions from the free labour of Manafort, and others, while he billed his campaign and his donors for use of his jet, use of his venues, and every single dollar that Trump Corporation could possibly wring out of the Republican Party, and it's donors.

I find it laughable that conservatives are applauding a Republican Administration for "raising the minimum wage in 2007". The Democrats held both the House and Senate in 2007. The Democratic House and Senate passed the 2007 minimum wage increase, as well as the 2009 minimum wage increase under Obama. Since Obama lost the House and Senate in 2010, Republicans have steadfastly refused to raise the minimum wage.

Obama did sign an Executive Order to force low wage companies to pay overtime to "management employees" making less than $45,000 per year, which would have given raises to hundreds of thousands of low wage workers, but Trump repealled that order, just as it was about to take effect, literally snatching food out of the mouths of the lowest paid workers in America.

Democrats are going to be running on all of Trump's broken promises to low wage workers.
Do you understand what an expense budget is? You don’t seem to have any idea. It’s not surprising considering that’s not what they’re teaching people in school.
The minimum wage hike that they never bothered to do when they had both houses and the Oval Office? The one they waited til they could pass it in only one house of congress knowing it would never become law but that they could add to their record to run on and fool voters? Is that the one you’re talking about?

There was already a bill passed in 2007 that was increasing the minimum wage in steps. The last being in 2009. Efforts after that were defeated by Republicans.
Bernie can’t even pay his people $15/hr.
That is not true. His hourly people are paid that or more.

Your distortion comes from those on salary that work over 40 hours a week not by requirement.
Do we know it wasn’t by requirement? Who works an extra 20 hours a week for free by choice?
Those believing in a cause....as in politics.
Ok so then why are they complaining about their hourly rate then if they’re choosing to work longer hours which reduces their hourly average rate of pay?
There was already a bill passed in 2007 that was increasing the minimum wage in steps. The last being in 2009. Efforts after that were defeated by Republicans.
Bernie can’t even pay his people $15/hr.
That is not true. His hourly people are paid that or more.

Your distortion comes from those on salary that work over 40 hours a week not by requirement.
Do we know it wasn’t by requirement? Who works an extra 20 hours a week for free by choice?
Those believing in a cause....as in politics.
Ok so then why are they complaining about their hourly rate then if they’re choosing to work longer hours which reduces their hourly average rate of pay?
Dave likes to make excuses for paying people less than a living wage.
Bernie can’t even pay his people $15/hr.
That is not true. His hourly people are paid that or more.

Your distortion comes from those on salary that work over 40 hours a week not by requirement.
Do we know it wasn’t by requirement? Who works an extra 20 hours a week for free by choice?
Those believing in a cause....as in politics.
Ok so then why are they complaining about their hourly rate then if they’re choosing to work longer hours which reduces their hourly average rate of pay?
Dave likes to make excuses for paying people less than a living wage.
That’s the best part about this. He’s only paying them 36k but the argument is about the average hourly rate instead of the total amount when they’re on salary and can’t make a single extra dollar with more hours. 36k is still not a living wage whether you get it in $15/hr increments or $100/hr increments. Hooefukly Bernie is learning that it’s nkt just as easy as saying pay people more. Yes there are some very greedy companies who can absolutely afford to pay people more but what about all the companies who can’t? I have a friend who believes if you can’t afford to pay someone a living wage you shouldn’t be in business. Regardless of how ridiculous that statement is on its own and how economically short sighted it is, if that’s your logic then apply it to the campaign as well. If you can’t afford to pay your campaign staff a living wage then you shouldn’t be running for president.
Democrats have never cared about the debt of they would have impeached Obama.

Democrats are preventing the wall, separating families, and caused the spike in asylum seekers.

Ending the Iran deal prevented Iran from building a nuke because now they don't have the money!

The only obstruction of justice is being done by the Democrats in Congress!
There is good debt and bad debt.

Trump is completely ineffective and can't get anything done except by executive action. Zero leadership, lots of whining.

You should tell that to Iran since they are proceeding towards a nuke anyway.

Not according to the Mueller report.

(Sucks when reality conflicts with ideology, doesn't it?)

So where is this bad debt? I saw plenty of it during the Obama junta!

Ineffective? Wake up and smell the coffee, dumbass! We are rockin' the world right now, and you have wet your panties!

Iran was always proceeding towards a nuke dumbass! They were just doing so in secret with Obama's idiotic agreement promising we would never look over their shoulder to see if they were actually complying with the agreement, which they were not!

Where was it in the Mueller report? You libtards have lied about that for so long, you actually believe it. The report found no obstruction of justice, period. Mueller is not going to give you a damn thing more on Wednesday. I hope the suicide prevent hotlines are laying on extra staff for this week as they will probably need them for all the liberal butthurt that will rise again when Mueller disappoints you again!
You are seriously uninformed. I don't know where you get your news but it ain't working for you.

Posting to yourself now?
The economy?

Trying to protect our borders?

Meeting with Kim in North Korea to lower the potential of nuclear war?

Russia this and Russia that?

Maybe an accusation of rape?

The Obama IRS let Trump cheat on his taxes?
How about waste, abuse, and corruption?

"The Trump administration is rife with corruption, waste, and abuse, as those in power seek to benefit themselves at the expense of the American people.

"The problem starts with President Donald Trump, who has used his position to enrich himself and his family; to hire former industry lobbyists and give them unwarranted influence over policy decisions that affect those industries; and to try to undermine an investigation into his shady dealings.

"That’s why the American people view the Trump administration as the most corrupt government institution in the United States."

Tracking Waste and Abuse in Trump’s Cabinet - Center for American Progress Action
Yeah, a Democrat running on spending waste. :auiqs.jpg::21::booze::laughing0301::lmao::lol:
Yeah, a Democrat running on spending waste. :auiqs.jpg::21::booze::laughing0301::lmao::lol:
Trump has been the most corrupt and incompetent POTUS in US History; will you SOB when he goes to prison?

List of federal political scandals in the United States - Wikipedia

"Executive Branch[edit]
  • Scott Pruitt (R) Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, resigned citing increasing numbers of investigations into his administration. The EPA's own Chief Ethics Official had been pushing for independent studies into Pruitt's actions and 13 other separate investigations were under way, including alleged corruption for personal gain, salary increases without White House approval, use of government staff on personal projects and unnecessary spending on offices and security. He resigned July 5, 2018[4][5][6]
  1. Albert Kelly (R) EPA Superfund Task Force Director and top aide to EPA Chief Scott Pruitt (R) resigned amid scrutiny of his previous actions as leader of a bank in Oklahoma which led to $125,000 fine and lifetime ban from banking. (2018)[7][8][9]
  2. Pasquale "Nino" Perrotta EPA Security Administrator resigned after allegations of lavish spending and improper contracts (2018)[10]
  3. Samantha Dravis (R) EPA Associate Administrator and Senior Counsel in the Office of Policy resigned abruptly after allegations of being a no show employee. (2018)[11][12][13]
  • George Papadopoulos (R) Foreign policy advisor pleaded guilty to making false statements to FBI agents relating to contacts he had with agents of the Russian government while working for the Trump campaign. He was sentenced to 14 days in prison, 12 months probation, and 200 hours community service.(2017)[14][15][16][17][18]..."
Is that why Democrats voted to NOT impeach Trump? :laughing0301:
Is that why Democrats voted to NOT impeach Trump?
Rich Democrats would rather lose elections than pay higher taxes.

How Nancy Pelosi Achieved a Net Worth of $120 Million
The economy?

Trying to protect our borders?

Meeting with Kim in North Korea to lower the potential of nuclear war?

Russia this and Russia that?

Maybe an accusation of rape?

The Obama IRS let Trump cheat on his taxes?
How about waste, abuse, and corruption?

"The Trump administration is rife with corruption, waste, and abuse, as those in power seek to benefit themselves at the expense of the American people.

"The problem starts with President Donald Trump, who has used his position to enrich himself and his family; to hire former industry lobbyists and give them unwarranted influence over policy decisions that affect those industries; and to try to undermine an investigation into his shady dealings.

"That’s why the American people view the Trump administration as the most corrupt government institution in the United States."

Tracking Waste and Abuse in Trump’s Cabinet - Center for American Progress Action
Yeah, a Democrat running on spending waste. :auiqs.jpg::21::booze::laughing0301::lmao::lol:
Yeah, a Democrat running on spending waste. :auiqs.jpg::21::booze::laughing0301::lmao::lol:
Trump has been the most corrupt and incompetent POTUS in US History; will you SOB when he goes to prison?

List of federal political scandals in the United States - Wikipedia

"Executive Branch[edit]
  • Scott Pruitt (R) Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, resigned citing increasing numbers of investigations into his administration. The EPA's own Chief Ethics Official had been pushing for independent studies into Pruitt's actions and 13 other separate investigations were under way, including alleged corruption for personal gain, salary increases without White House approval, use of government staff on personal projects and unnecessary spending on offices and security. He resigned July 5, 2018[4][5][6]
  1. Albert Kelly (R) EPA Superfund Task Force Director and top aide to EPA Chief Scott Pruitt (R) resigned amid scrutiny of his previous actions as leader of a bank in Oklahoma which led to $125,000 fine and lifetime ban from banking. (2018)[7][8][9]
  2. Pasquale "Nino" Perrotta EPA Security Administrator resigned after allegations of lavish spending and improper contracts (2018)[10]
  3. Samantha Dravis (R) EPA Associate Administrator and Senior Counsel in the Office of Policy resigned abruptly after allegations of being a no show employee. (2018)[11][12][13]
  • George Papadopoulos (R) Foreign policy advisor pleaded guilty to making false statements to FBI agents relating to contacts he had with agents of the Russian government while working for the Trump campaign. He was sentenced to 14 days in prison, 12 months probation, and 200 hours community service.(2017)[14][15][16][17][18]..."
View attachment 270628

"This corruption extends throughout the administration. President Trump’s Cabinet—the wealthiest and least-experienced Cabinet in recent memory—has shown little regard for the needs of the American people or the responsibilities of public service.

"While seeking to substantially cut programs that millions of Americans depend on, a number of Cabinet members have spent lavishly on themselves at taxpayers’ expense.

"Given the extensive efforts of this administration to hide information from the American people, there is no way to determine the full extent of waste and abuse of public resources.

"But, based on spending that has been discovered to date, Trump’s Cabinet has spent more than $4.7 million on extravagant travel, pay raises to political cronies, and office upgrades.

"That amount is more than 79 times what the median American family earned in 2016.

"It’s enough money for the government to feed 1,700 seniors through the Meals on Wheels program for an entire year.

"It could fund public school for 375 students. It could provide 3.4 million meals to families that need nutritional assistance. Or it could provide Medicaid to 874 people."

Tracking Waste and Abuse in Trump’s Cabinet - Center for American Progress Action
The economy?

Trying to protect our borders?

Meeting with Kim in North Korea to lower the potential of nuclear war?

Russia this and Russia that?

Maybe an accusation of rape?

The Obama IRS let Trump cheat on his taxes?
How about waste, abuse, and corruption?

"The Trump administration is rife with corruption, waste, and abuse, as those in power seek to benefit themselves at the expense of the American people.

"The problem starts with President Donald Trump, who has used his position to enrich himself and his family; to hire former industry lobbyists and give them unwarranted influence over policy decisions that affect those industries; and to try to undermine an investigation into his shady dealings.

"That’s why the American people view the Trump administration as the most corrupt government institution in the United States."

Tracking Waste and Abuse in Trump’s Cabinet - Center for American Progress Action
Yeah, a Democrat running on spending waste. :auiqs.jpg::21::booze::laughing0301::lmao::lol:
Yeah, a Democrat running on spending waste. :auiqs.jpg::21::booze::laughing0301::lmao::lol:
Trump has been the most corrupt and incompetent POTUS in US History; will you SOB when he goes to prison?

List of federal political scandals in the United States - Wikipedia

"Executive Branch[edit]
  • Scott Pruitt (R) Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, resigned citing increasing numbers of investigations into his administration. The EPA's own Chief Ethics Official had been pushing for independent studies into Pruitt's actions and 13 other separate investigations were under way, including alleged corruption for personal gain, salary increases without White House approval, use of government staff on personal projects and unnecessary spending on offices and security. He resigned July 5, 2018[4][5][6]
  1. Albert Kelly (R) EPA Superfund Task Force Director and top aide to EPA Chief Scott Pruitt (R) resigned amid scrutiny of his previous actions as leader of a bank in Oklahoma which led to $125,000 fine and lifetime ban from banking. (2018)[7][8][9]
  2. Pasquale "Nino" Perrotta EPA Security Administrator resigned after allegations of lavish spending and improper contracts (2018)[10]
  3. Samantha Dravis (R) EPA Associate Administrator and Senior Counsel in the Office of Policy resigned abruptly after allegations of being a no show employee. (2018)[11][12][13]
  • George Papadopoulos (R) Foreign policy advisor pleaded guilty to making false statements to FBI agents relating to contacts he had with agents of the Russian government while working for the Trump campaign. He was sentenced to 14 days in prison, 12 months probation, and 200 hours community service.(2017)[14][15][16][17][18]..."
View attachment 270628

"This corruption extends throughout the administration. President Trump’s Cabinet—the wealthiest and least-experienced Cabinet in recent memory—has shown little regard for the needs of the American people or the responsibilities of public service.

"While seeking to substantially cut programs that millions of Americans depend on, a number of Cabinet members have spent lavishly on themselves at taxpayers’ expense.

"Given the extensive efforts of this administration to hide information from the American people, there is no way to determine the full extent of waste and abuse of public resources.

"But, based on spending that has been discovered to date, Trump’s Cabinet has spent more than $4.7 million on extravagant travel, pay raises to political cronies, and office upgrades.

"That amount is more than 79 times what the median American family earned in 2016.

"It’s enough money for the government to feed 1,700 seniors through the Meals on Wheels program for an entire year.

"It could fund public school for 375 students. It could provide 3.4 million meals to families that need nutritional assistance. Or it could provide Medicaid to 874 people."

Tracking Waste and Abuse in Trump’s Cabinet - Center for American Progress Action
I don't vote dipschitt, let alone genuflect to any mere politician.

And citing more pinko crackpot websites doesn't lend you anymore credibility...Which is none to begin with, so....
The economy?

Trying to protect our borders?

Meeting with Kim in North Korea to lower the potential of nuclear war?

Russia this and Russia that?

Maybe an accusation of rape?

The Obama IRS let Trump cheat on his taxes?
How about waste, abuse, and corruption?

"The Trump administration is rife with corruption, waste, and abuse, as those in power seek to benefit themselves at the expense of the American people.

"The problem starts with President Donald Trump, who has used his position to enrich himself and his family; to hire former industry lobbyists and give them unwarranted influence over policy decisions that affect those industries; and to try to undermine an investigation into his shady dealings.

"That’s why the American people view the Trump administration as the most corrupt government institution in the United States."

Tracking Waste and Abuse in Trump’s Cabinet - Center for American Progress Action
Yeah, a Democrat running on spending waste. :auiqs.jpg::21::booze::laughing0301::lmao::lol:
Yeah, a Democrat running on spending waste. :auiqs.jpg::21::booze::laughing0301::lmao::lol:
Trump has been the most corrupt and incompetent POTUS in US History; will you SOB when he goes to prison?

List of federal political scandals in the United States - Wikipedia

"Executive Branch[edit]
  • Scott Pruitt (R) Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, resigned citing increasing numbers of investigations into his administration. The EPA's own Chief Ethics Official had been pushing for independent studies into Pruitt's actions and 13 other separate investigations were under way, including alleged corruption for personal gain, salary increases without White House approval, use of government staff on personal projects and unnecessary spending on offices and security. He resigned July 5, 2018[4][5][6]
  1. Albert Kelly (R) EPA Superfund Task Force Director and top aide to EPA Chief Scott Pruitt (R) resigned amid scrutiny of his previous actions as leader of a bank in Oklahoma which led to $125,000 fine and lifetime ban from banking. (2018)[7][8][9]
  2. Pasquale "Nino" Perrotta EPA Security Administrator resigned after allegations of lavish spending and improper contracts (2018)[10]
  3. Samantha Dravis (R) EPA Associate Administrator and Senior Counsel in the Office of Policy resigned abruptly after allegations of being a no show employee. (2018)[11][12][13]
  • George Papadopoulos (R) Foreign policy advisor pleaded guilty to making false statements to FBI agents relating to contacts he had with agents of the Russian government while working for the Trump campaign. He was sentenced to 14 days in prison, 12 months probation, and 200 hours community service.(2017)[14][15][16][17][18]..."
View attachment 270628

"This corruption extends throughout the administration. President Trump’s Cabinet—the wealthiest and least-experienced Cabinet in recent memory—has shown little regard for the needs of the American people or the responsibilities of public service.

"While seeking to substantially cut programs that millions of Americans depend on, a number of Cabinet members have spent lavishly on themselves at taxpayers’ expense.

"Given the extensive efforts of this administration to hide information from the American people, there is no way to determine the full extent of waste and abuse of public resources.

"But, based on spending that has been discovered to date, Trump’s Cabinet has spent more than $4.7 million on extravagant travel, pay raises to political cronies, and office upgrades.

"That amount is more than 79 times what the median American family earned in 2016.

"It’s enough money for the government to feed 1,700 seniors through the Meals on Wheels program for an entire year.

"It could fund public school for 375 students. It could provide 3.4 million meals to families that need nutritional assistance. Or it could provide Medicaid to 874 people."

Tracking Waste and Abuse in Trump’s Cabinet - Center for American Progress Action
Your “nonpartisan” website:
The Democrats will be running on health care, jobs, education and infrastructure, and Trump's record.

How can they? They haven't done anything on any of those.

Neither has Trump. Trump promised to repeal and replace Obamacare with "better, cheaper, healthcare for all". He promised protection for those with pre-existing conditions. Trump has delivered: no replacement for Obamacare, higher premiums, higher deductibles, no coverage for women's reproductive health issues, and a lawsuit to repeal protections for those with the pre-existing conditions is wending its way through the courts on it's way to the Supreme Court, and 5 million people have lost their health insurance since Trump took office.

Trump promised to bring back manufacturing jobs: Trump has delivered market chaos with his trade wars. Trade deficits are increasing on all fronts - China, Europe and Canada, and US employers are no longer investing in plants, equipment or jobs, because they cannot plan the investments, when the President has a bad news day and slaps tariffs on their trading partners.

The manufacturing sector has officially enter a recession because all such investment has ceased. The Chinese are o longer buying real estate of opening manufactuing plants in the US, due to the ongoing trade war, which means the Foxconn deal, the $50 billion dollar investment, and the 30,000 jobs promised, are gone too, as is all of the tax dollars that the government of Wisconsin, and the government of the United States paid to Foxconn to secure that investment, is gone too. Foxconn got millions of US taxpayers' money up front, put it in their pockets, and walked away.

When Justin Trudeau signed the US/Canada/Mexico trade agreement, he joked that it should be called the Canada/US/Mexico Trade Agreement because Canada was the big winner in this deal. In May, Canada posted it's first ever TRADE SURPLUS WITH THE USA.

Donald Trump, the "great negotiator", is just winning on every front.

Education: Trump gave America Betsy DeVos - a woman whose family "donated" $1 million to Republican Senators, to confirm her as Education Secretary. Since her appointment, DeVos has stumbled from one embarassing moment to another in the Education portfolio, as she continues to demonstrate her spectacular lack of qualifcations for, or ability to carry out this work. The woman can't even put out a grammatically correct press release, and US education rankings continue to drop like a stone compared to the rest of the first world. Meanwhile, at home, Trump took away the $500 tax deduction from teachers who spend money out of their own pockets for class room supplies.

Infrastructure: Trump promised to be the "Infrastructure President" ("I love to build things"). And he does love to build things and put his name on them. American infrastructure is crumbling. The Army Corps of Engineers has issued report after report about bridges, dams, and levies in danger of catastrophic failure, and there have been an alarming number of bridge collapses, sink holes, and other failures of infrastructure after generations of neglect by successive Administrations more concerned with tax cuts for millionaires, than infrastructure and investment. Since then, Trump hasn't made a single proposal for infrastructure spending, despite having said that he would put an infrastructure plan in place on "Day One" of his administration.

Trump's record: Chaos on the Border, Highest deficits and spending in history, with nothing to show for it for the 40% of the American people. Trump promised every worker would get a $4000 raise from the tax cuts. It didn't happen. He promised a fair shake for the American worker. He delivered nazis marching in the streets chanting "The Jews will not replace us". He promised safety and security. He delivered an increase in mass shootings and hate driven terrorism against minorities, many of whom cite Trump as their "inspiration".

Trump is the guy who was going to "Make America Great Again". Instead his language, his rhetoric, and his policies are designed to "Make America Hate Again".

Waddaboutism lives. We're talking about democrats. Of course, you could claim Trump as a democrat if you want to.

A President has to run on his record. The opposition has to show they can do better. Democrats history, their legislative record, and their agenda which puts the American working people first, shows what the Democrats are doing for them, versus what the Republicans have done to them. And continue to do to them with their completely discredited "trickle down" economics.

Trump promised the tax cuts would provide "growth on steriods" and a $4000 raise for working Americans. He delivered "Deficits on steriods", a 3% raise (not enough to pay for his tariffs), along wiith lower job and GDP growth than Obama. Trump can't run on the promise of bringing back manufacturing jobs, and draining the Swamp, because he's driving away investment in jobs with his policies, and presides over the most corrupt Administration since before the Great Depression.

The whole reason Trump is trying to run on his racism is to detract from his abyssmal record. Democrats let Trump control the debate last time, they won't get fooled again, and neither with the American people.

The thread's not about what Trump is going to run on. It's about what the democrats are going to run on, and the current crop doesn't have much they can point to. All they've done for the last two years is complain about Trump, and you're continuing that process. Now if they had spent the last two years crafting positive legislation that would address the issues that matter most to the electorate, they could point to it as examples of what they would do if they were elected president. Screaming "Trump is a poopyhead" for two years isn't terribly convincing.
For starts fake news on Foxconn.
Then most Americans are living payday to payday.
Prescription have gone up not down.
Infrastructure has not been done.
Global warming.
He want to take healthcare away from millions.
He want to raise Medicare and the GOP want to raise Medicare Part B deductible.
He want to cap Medicaid and give out block grants.
He is cutting all social programs.
He is wanting to privatize everything for his rich friends.
Pinaloop want free shit.
There was already a bill passed in 2007 that was increasing the minimum wage in steps. The last being in 2009. Efforts after that were defeated by Republicans.
Bernie can’t even pay his people $15/hr.
That is not true. His hourly people are paid that or more.

Your distortion comes from those on salary that work over 40 hours a week not by requirement.
Do we know it wasn’t by requirement? Who works an extra 20 hours a week for free by choice?
Those believing in a cause....as in politics.
Ok so then why are they complaining about their hourly rate then if they’re choosing to work longer hours which reduces their hourly average rate of pay?

The only people complaining were Republicans trying ty say Bernie doesn't pay $15/HR/.

Either keep up or shut up.
For starts fake news on Foxconn.
Then most Americans are living payday to payday.
Prescription have gone up not down.
Infrastructure has not been done.
Global warming.
He want to take healthcare away from millions.
He want to raise Medicare and the GOP want to raise Medicare Part B deductible.
He want to cap Medicaid and give out block grants.
He is cutting all social programs.
He is wanting to privatize everything for his rich friends.
Pinaloop want free shit.
I get it. Only Democrats get government benefits and all, Republicans work.

You assfucks have been spreading that lie for years.
Bernie can’t even pay his people $15/hr.
That is not true. His hourly people are paid that or more.

Your distortion comes from those on salary that work over 40 hours a week not by requirement.
Do we know it wasn’t by requirement? Who works an extra 20 hours a week for free by choice?
Those believing in a cause....as in politics.
Ok so then why are they complaining about their hourly rate then if they’re choosing to work longer hours which reduces their hourly average rate of pay?

The only people complaining were Republicans trying ty say Bernie doesn't pay $15/HR/.

Either keep up or shut up.
Bernie the Commie wasn’t paying his people $15.
Stop lying.
Leftard rags:

Sanders campaign battles with staff demanding $15 hourly pay - which the candidate says should be federal minimum

Bernie Sanders’ campaign staff demanding $15 hourly pay: Report

Bernie Sanders’s staff doesn’t make the $15 minimum wage he’s campaigning on
Bernie can’t even pay his people $15/hr.
That is not true. His hourly people are paid that or more.

Your distortion comes from those on salary that work over 40 hours a week not by requirement.
Do we know it wasn’t by requirement? Who works an extra 20 hours a week for free by choice?
Those believing in a cause....as in politics.
Ok so then why are they complaining about their hourly rate then if they’re choosing to work longer hours which reduces their hourly average rate of pay?
Dave likes to make excuses for paying people less than a living wage.
Lying fuck. I said that your statement was dishonest. Bernie pays some of his campaign workers a salary. Assfuck you converted that to an hourly wage when assfuck you has no clue on the required work week.

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