What’s Not To Like????


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The title, tongue in cheek, refers to the fact that too many voters vote on the basis of personal likes or dislikes of the candidate, when policies are really the only legitimate basis for voting for President.

Trump if the only legitimate choice, based not on personal traits, but on achievements. And that brings me to Conrad Black’s book,


Black writes:

1.”Those who oppose Trump generally do not understand how desperate and disgusted almost half of Americans are at the most inept twenty-year streak of presidential misgovernment in American history that preceded the 2016 election. These decades of fruitless war, bone- cracking recession, humanitarian disasters, collapsing alliances, oceanic deficits, and the erosion of economic growth and private sector industrial investment to a third or a quarter of levels under Ronald Reagan, could rattle any American’s patriotic self-confidence.

2. Trump is a throw- back to Reagan in that he rejects the chic defeatism of the establishment; and despite all the media and Democratic Party and Never-Trump calumny of him, his political program is essentially conventional, moderate, conservative wisdom lifted in large part from the policy recommendations of thoroughly respectable conservative think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation. Trump speaks to Americans fearful of decline. He wants, as his slogan says, to make America great again.

3. … those unaffected by the decline of America, that decline was invisible; to those who were affected by it, it is a challenge and a constant fear for their own welfare and national pride. The Democrats have had no policy for some years except to denigrate their opponents, and try to bribe and anesthetize a comatose lumpenproletariat addicted to state benefit. Their nomination of Hillary Clinton showed that they did not realize how many Americans rejected this vision of America.”

And along came Trump.

4. “With heavy interventions from the White House, Trump’s tax reductions and reforms inched through both Houses of Congress, were slightly modified, went to reconciliation, and were adopted. Corporate taxes were cut to 21 percent, most Americans were left off the federal income tax rolls, and more than 80 percent of those who remained would see their taxes reduced. Tax forms would be highly simplified, and American companies were given incentives to return up to three trillion dollars of overseas profits to the United States.”

But wait…..

….there’s more!
The title, tongue in cheek, refers to the fact that too many voters vote on the basis of personal likes or dislikes of the candidate, when policies are really the only legitimate basis for voting for President.

Trump if the only legitimate choice, based not on personal traits, but on achievements. And that brings me to Conrad Black’s book,

View attachment 397760

Black writes:

1.”Those who oppose Trump generally do not understand how desperate and disgusted almost half of Americans are at the most inept twenty-year streak of presidential misgovernment in American history that preceded the 2016 election. These decades of fruitless war, bone- cracking recession, humanitarian disasters, collapsing alliances, oceanic deficits, and the erosion of economic growth and private sector industrial investment to a third or a quarter of levels under Ronald Reagan, could rattle any American’s patriotic self-confidence.

2. Trump is a throw- back to Reagan in that he rejects the chic defeatism of the establishment; and despite all the media and Democratic Party and Never-Trump calumny of him, his political program is essentially conventional, moderate, conservative wisdom lifted in large part from the policy recommendations of thoroughly respectable conservative think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation. Trump speaks to Americans fearful of decline. He wants, as his slogan says, to make America great again.

3. … those unaffected by the decline of America, that decline was invisible; to those who were affected by it, it is a challenge and a constant fear for their own welfare and national pride. The Democrats have had no policy for some years except to denigrate their opponents, and try to bribe and anesthetize a comatose lumpenproletariat addicted to state benefit. Their nomination of Hillary Clinton showed that they did not realize how many Americans rejected this vision of America.”

And along came Trump.

4. “With heavy interventions from the White House, Trump’s tax reductions and reforms inched through both Houses of Congress, were slightly modified, went to reconciliation, and were adopted. Corporate taxes were cut to 21 percent, most Americans were left off the federal income tax rolls, and more than 80 percent of those who remained would see their taxes reduced. Tax forms would be highly simplified, and American companies were given incentives to return up to three trillion dollars of overseas profits to the United States.”

But wait…..

….there’s more!
Fantastic post, PC. Thank you.:)
The title, tongue in cheek, refers to the fact that too many voters vote on the basis of personal likes or dislikes of the candidate, when policies are really the only legitimate basis for voting for President.

Trump if the only legitimate choice, based not on personal traits, but on achievements. And that brings me to Conrad Black’s book,

View attachment 397760

Black writes:

1.”Those who oppose Trump generally do not understand how desperate and disgusted almost half of Americans are at the most inept twenty-year streak of presidential misgovernment in American history that preceded the 2016 election. These decades of fruitless war, bone- cracking recession, humanitarian disasters, collapsing alliances, oceanic deficits, and the erosion of economic growth and private sector industrial investment to a third or a quarter of levels under Ronald Reagan, could rattle any American’s patriotic self-confidence.

2. Trump is a throw- back to Reagan in that he rejects the chic defeatism of the establishment; and despite all the media and Democratic Party and Never-Trump calumny of him, his political program is essentially conventional, moderate, conservative wisdom lifted in large part from the policy recommendations of thoroughly respectable conservative think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation. Trump speaks to Americans fearful of decline. He wants, as his slogan says, to make America great again.

3. … those unaffected by the decline of America, that decline was invisible; to those who were affected by it, it is a challenge and a constant fear for their own welfare and national pride. The Democrats have had no policy for some years except to denigrate their opponents, and try to bribe and anesthetize a comatose lumpenproletariat addicted to state benefit. Their nomination of Hillary Clinton showed that they did not realize how many Americans rejected this vision of America.”

And along came Trump.

4. “With heavy interventions from the White House, Trump’s tax reductions and reforms inched through both Houses of Congress, were slightly modified, went to reconciliation, and were adopted. Corporate taxes were cut to 21 percent, most Americans were left off the federal income tax rolls, and more than 80 percent of those who remained would see their taxes reduced. Tax forms would be highly simplified, and American companies were given incentives to return up to three trillion dollars of overseas profits to the United States.”

But wait…..

….there’s more!
Fantastic post, PC. Thank you.:)

Hope you are well.
5. Recall John Kerry leaving our foreign policy up to the rest of the world: “Kerry's vote to support the use of force in Iraq was given with strong stipulations that all other peaceful avenues be exhausted first, and that any action of force would be done in conjunction with a world coalition, and not just with the British.”
John Kerry 2004 presidential campaign - Wikipedia

Arguably better than the current Democrats, who rely on our enemies to dictate America’s foreign policy.

6. Not so, Trump:

“On December 21, the United Nations General Assembly voted 128 to nine, with thirty-five abstentions, that the United States had no right to move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

The American ambassador to the United Nations, former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, who has been an impressive spokesperson in that impossible place, warned that the United States “would not continue to pay for the ‘dubious privilege’ of being disrespected while bankrolling the U.N.”

On Christmas Day a 25 percent reduction ($285 million) in the annual U.S. contribution to the UN was announced, and there were suggestions that there would be economic reprisals against individual member countries who voted against the United States. Ambassador Haley promised that the vote would be remembered when, “as often happens, American assistance” is solicited by member countries.”
Conrad Black, “Donald J. Trump: A President Like No Other”
Still looking for that economic miracle Trump supposedly brought us.

Trump if the only legitimate choice, based not on personal traits, but on achievements. And that brings me to Conrad Black’s book,

This would be the same Conrad Black who went to prison for defrauding investors when he bought the Chicago Sun-Times?
The only people who like the blob—Trump not Jumbo—are other felons

Did you say felons???

They're the constituency of the Democrats.

Jail survey: 7 in 10 felons register as Democrats
....most convicts register Democratic, a key reason in why liberal lawmakers and governors are eager for them to get back into the voting booth after their release.

... in some states, felons register Democratic by more than six-to-one. In New York, for example, 61.5 percent of convicts are Democrats, just 9 percent Republican. They also cited a study that found 73 percent of convicts who turn out for presidential elections would vote Democrat.

the following Democrat-to-Republican breakdown in felon party registration patterns:

– New York: 61.5 percent register Democratic, 9 percent register Republican

– New Mexico: 51.9 percent Democratic, 10.2 percent Republican

– North Carolina: 54.6 percent Democratic, 10.2 percent Republican White House threatens to veto House energy bill

Put your hoof in your mouth again, huh?

Now, write soon, y'hear!
Still looking for that economic miracle Trump supposedly brought us.

View attachment 397776
Still looking for that economic miracle Trump supposedly brought us.

View attachment 397776

I've got your new photo ID.....

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It's ironic that you accuse me of having blinders on but you refuse to acknowledge any data that contradicts your fantasy.


Let's check:

“Trump’s policies had successfully revived the economy, reducing unemployment to fifty-year lows while raising wages and employment rates for minorities. The Trump economy was breaking stock market records—a hundred by the end of his second year in office. It was reviving America’s “lost” manufacturing industries, while making the nation energy independent and the number one energy producer in the world.”
Horowitz, Blitz, “Blitz”
Still looking for that economic miracle Trump supposedly brought us.

View attachment 397776
Still looking for that economic miracle Trump supposedly brought us.

View attachment 397776

I've got your new photo ID.....

View attachment 397777
It's ironic that you accuse me of having blinders on but you refuse to acknowledge any data that contradicts your fantasy.


Let's check:

“Trump’s policies had successfully revived the economy, reducing unemployment to fifty-year lows while raising wages and employment rates for minorities. The Trump economy was breaking stock market records—a hundred by the end of his second year in office. It was reviving America’s “lost” manufacturing industries, while making the nation energy independent and the number one energy producer in the world.”
Horowitz, Blitz, “Blitz”

Job creation again? I thought we went through this again.

No Trump miracle, just the continuation of the same trend we'd seen for the last decade.


Unemployment rate was falling for years before Trump took office. His policies changed nothing about the trajectory.


There was no miracle in manufacturing employment either.


Barely any noticeable difference in Trump's record vs Obama's.
Trump if the only legitimate choice, based not on personal traits, but on achievements. And that brings me to Conrad Black’s book,

This would be the same Conrad Black who went to prison for defrauding investors when he bought the Chicago Sun-Times?
I mean he didn't get $3.5 million from Russia to host coke filled parties with strippers he knocked up...but hey!
7. “Trump was no less a political hard-baller than his Democratic enemies: the bill retained the provisions that over-spending states like California, New York, and Illinois would have very reduced deductibility of state and local taxes against federal taxes.

Also retained by the final tax bill were modest taxes on the incomes of the vast endowments of America’s private universities. Many leading figures in the administration consider a large number of American universities to be infestations of the American self-hating Left where underworked and often seditious and over-stuffed faculties churn out under-trained and misdirected graduates, on campuses that frequently discourage freedom of expression. Much of American (and Western) academia was dedicated to the propagation of what the eminent British writer Malcolm Muggeridge fifty years ago called “the great liberal death wish.”

8. “The tax bill also struck out the most offensive core of Obamacare, the coercive mandate that fined those who were not insured. With this, Trump would begin the disembowelment of that measure, with which Obama had addicted much of the country to apparently free medical care while inciting skyrocketing premiums and the rupture of doctor-patient relations for millions of others.”
Conrad Black, Op. Cit.
9. “With Trump’s massive deregulation, economic growth rhetoric, and gradually solidifying promise of tax cuts and reform, economic growth had reached 3 percent, and would have exceeded that without the devastating hurricanes in Texas and Florida, and would approach 4 percent in 2018 (more than double the Obama-era growth rate).

Eleven months into his term, the Dow-Jones Industrial Average had set a new all-time record on sixty-two different days, and it broke twenty- five thousand on January 4, 2018, and twenty-six thousand two weeks later. That indicator had risen since the election by more than 40 percent at the end of January, representing more than six trillion dollars. The Democrats were reduced to their customary railings about a free ride for the rich and their hypocrisy about tax cuts worsening the national debt.”


On January 17, 2018, Trump announced his awards of the most “corrupt and dishonest” political journalists. Paul Krugman, of the New York Times, won with his election night prediction that the stock markets would “never recover” from Trump’s victory.” Ibid.
Compare Trump's record of achievements with Biden's refusal to tell you what he plans to do.


And, don't forget:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
There is such a thing as 'herd mentality', wherein a lot of people will vote for the person and party that their tribe has always voted for, no matter who it is. Then there are a large number of people who will vote for who they like or feel good about. Others will vote against someone based on race, gender, religion, height, weight, color or lack of hair, beauty or lack thereof, whatever. So many people in this country do not know what's going on or what's at stake and the unfortunate part is that they turn on their tv and hear/see what someone says on their favorite channel and that's how they vote. To be fair, many of them do not believe their vote matters anyway, to them everyone inside the beltway is corrupt. [Possibly true BTW.]

Lol, how many rational and logical people are left that actually know the policies and consequences of one candidate or party over the other? How many young voters have been indoctrinated in school from grade school on up and don't really know how to think for themselves? You know how the measurements for academic achievement in American schools is declining and has been for decades relative to education in other countries? I wonder sometimes if that is by design. We're teaching kids to be mindless idiots, at least in some places.

Throw in the voter fraud that I for one believe to be more of a problem than many think and it's isn't hard to see an uphill battle in next month's elections.
There is such a thing as 'herd mentality', wherein a lot of people will vote for the person and party that their tribe has always voted for, no matter who it is. Then there are a large number of people who will vote for who they like or feel good about. Others will vote against someone based on race, gender, religion, height, weight, color or lack of hair, beauty or lack thereof, whatever. So many people in this country do not know what's going on or what's at stake and the unfortunate part is that they turn on their tv and hear/see what someone says on their favorite channel and that's how they vote. To be fair, many of them do not believe their vote matters anyway, to them everyone inside the beltway is corrupt. [Possibly true BTW.]

Lol, how many rational and logical people are left that actually know the policies and consequences of one candidate or party over the other? How many young voters have been indoctrinated in school from grade school on up and don't really know how to think for themselves? You know how the measurements for academic achievement in American schools is declining and has been for decades relative to education in other countries? I wonder sometimes if that is by design. We're teaching kids to be mindless idiots, at least in some places.

Throw in the voter fraud that I for one believe to be more of a problem than many think and it's isn't hard to see an uphill battle in next month's elections.

You had me at the words 'herd' and 'tribe.'

"So many people in this country do not know what's going on ,,,"
Yup.....I have challenged our board Leftists to defend or explain this:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

"A new Cato Institute/YouGov national survey of 2,000 Americans finds that 62% of Americans say the political climate these days prevents them from saying things they believe because others might find them offensive. "

And this goes double for the cowards who are afraid to admit that they don't agree with their own party.

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