Whatever happened to "Republicans"???

have another vinegar and water, douchebag, and find someone who speaks french to translate for you.
damn, i cant rep you yet

Is this why you guys have such high rep points? LOL.

Begging for reps and giving them out for nothing.

Little bitches. I'm going to neg rep you. Independent. :eusa_liar: my ass.
go for it, asshole
its not like i have never recieved a neg rep before
and you wont see me bitching about it in a public forum like you whiny assholes do

of course you couldnt
you are BOTH fucking morons

Feel better? Do you ever have anything substantive to say?
i'm still waiting for you to have some

I'm not here to teach you how to read. There are very few here who only get one-line bitch slaps from me, and since you apparently don't understand anything deeper, you'll just have to have your fun with the comebacks.

Gawd, even "Dude" although I disagree entirely with him at least can articulate a position.
Are you and your persecution complex on Prozac??

If not, you really oughtta be.

You guys said that back when I was telling you that Bush lied us into Iraq.

You said this back when we said the GOP was sending jobs overseas and it was going to ruin the economy. You argued with us, until it ruined the economy. And then you blamed us? So you might want to look into your own persecution complex. Or your projecting problem.

We still haven't looked into the $4 oil prices that happened last year to determine for sure if that was all speculation/gouging or if it was really S&D. Because that has a lot to do with the economy we have now too. But you never talk about that. You talk about Fanny Mae.

I know, this is all too much info for you. Lets go back to calling names.

At least you understand the $750 billion bailout was a scam, right? This is the closest I have ever come to getting right wingers to admit that corporations/bankers are the problem. Until that, they were brainwashed to think that government was the only problem. They didn't believe that corporations work against us. Then I had to show them the history of union and why they came into existance. It wasn't because corporations were overpaying us.

Don't argue that dems are just as bad, because thats not the point. The point is getting you to admit the corporations/bankers are the problem. and that the GOP are the party of bankers. But if you are going to say Dems are just as bad, then you have to be willing to admit what they are bad for. Being in bed with corporate special interest. And those special interest groups get the politicians to work for their needs, not the needs of America as a whole.

So you are for big business and small government? Then you are a fool. Sucker.
Nice to see Trent Lott's rotting corpse being dredged up when it suits some particular purpose.
yeah, he was a racist piece of shit otherwise
just like her using that quote from Jack Kemp
shes a piece of shit for using that as if she would have EVER supported the kind of things he did

People like you don't have a clue about true Republican principles. Count me among those who was once a huge supporter of Colin Powell and was disappointed that he wouldn't run for president. He still has my support because his brand is what real Republicanism is all about--not the crap being shoveled by the "new" right wing of the GOP under the greedy guise of "conservatism." Jack Kemp was a GREAT Republican, but undoubtedly too wimpy for the likes of somebody like you. Trent Lott is a good listener to all sides of an issue and didn't make judgments based on extreme bias. Thankfully, there are still a few SANE Republicans left in Washington, too. Lindsey Graham and yes, even John McCain.
damn, i cant rep you yet

Is this why you guys have such high rep points? LOL.

Begging for reps and giving them out for nothing.

Little bitches. I'm going to neg rep you. Independent. :eusa_liar: my ass.
go for it, asshole
its not like i have never recieved a neg rep before
and you wont see me bitching about it in a public forum like you whiny assholes do


No! I'm with you on that one Dive. I think it is so funny when people cry about getting neg repped.

PS. I didn't neg rep you.
Are you and your persecution complex on Prozac??

If not, you really oughtta be.

You guys said that back when I was telling you that Bush lied us into Iraq.

You said this back when we said the GOP was sending jobs overseas and it was going to ruin the economy. You argued with us, until it ruined the economy. And then you blamed us? So you might want to look into your own persecution complex. Or your projecting problem...maumaumaublabberblabberblabber.....

I wasn't posting here back then, or anywhere else you were (mercifully), so you have NFI what I was thinking or saying, numbnuts.

Now, go refill your 'scrip.
Nice to see Trent Lott's rotting corpse being dredged up when it suits some particular purpose.
yeah, he was a racist piece of shit otherwise
just like her using that quote from Jack Kemp
shes a piece of shit for using that as if she would have EVER supported the kind of things he did

People like you don't have a clue about true Republican principles. Count me among those who was once a huge supporter of Colin Powell and was disappointed that he wouldn't run for president. He still has my support because his brand is what real Republicanism is all about--not the crap being shoveled by the "new" right wing of the GOP under the greedy guise of "conservatism." Jack Kemp was a GREAT Republican, but undoubtedly too wimpy for the likes of somebody like you. Trent Lott is a good listener to all sides of an issue and didn't make judgments based on extreme bias. Thankfully, there are still a few SANE Republicans left in Washington, too. Lindsey Graham and yes, even John McCain.

Yea! The new republicans used TNT to break into your bank and steal your hard earned money.

Lindsey Graham and McCain are more slick about it. They pick the lock and sneak in.
Are you and your persecution complex on Prozac??

If not, you really oughtta be.

You guys said that back when I was telling you that Bush lied us into Iraq.

You said this back when we said the GOP was sending jobs overseas and it was going to ruin the economy. You argued with us, until it ruined the economy. And then you blamed us? So you might want to look into your own persecution complex. Or your projecting problem...maumaumaublabberblabberblabber.....

I wasn't posting here back then, or anywhere else you were (mercifully), so you have NFI what I was thinking or saying, numbnuts.

Now, go refill your 'scrip.

I didn't need to know you on November You know I'm right. It makes you mad that I know all about you after only a couple days.

Am I wrong? Tell me you weren't a HUGE Bush supporter. :eusa_liar:

I didn't need to know you in November 2008 to know who you voted for. McCain or Bob Barr. Either way, you're an idiot.
no, dumbass, Rasmussen is NOT a republican pollster

Ya think?

Scott Rasmussen received $95,500 from the Republican National Committee and $45,500 from the George W. Bush presidential campaign as a campaign consultant for the 2004 presidential election.

Scott Rasmussen is an Evangelical Christian and is president of the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, a not-for-profit corporation with historic ties to the United Methodist Church and the Wesleyan tradition. The Camp Meeting founded the town of Ocean Grove, New Jersey in 1869 and maintains a Christian seaside resort community providing opportunities for spiritual birth, growth, and renewal.

Excerpted from his Wikipedia entry.
see, thats part of your problem, you trust wikipedia

It figures you wouldn't even bother to ever reference the most extensive online encyclopedia, Wikipedia. If you were paying attention, it is no longer "easy" to edit the site, as evidenced by someone who tried (story follows). You would also know that even if you don't like Wikipedia's entries, you can always click on one of the sources noted at the bottom of each page. You do know how to click your mouse, I hope, and make something else magically appear on your screen? I would also suggest using an online thesaurus because you'll find a whole bunch of synonyms (same as) words so that you don't have to keep repeating "moron" in everything you post.

Student's Wikipedia Hoax - Traps Journalists
The quote had no referenced sources and was therefore taken down by moderators of Wikipedia within minutes.
Nice to see Trent Lott's rotting corpse being dredged up when it suits some particular purpose.

....its the fucking guy Daschle brought up,i suppose he could have mentioned someone who suits your taste better,BUT he had to use a Republican OR his story would have been POINTLESS....do you understand?.....if not let me know Mrs. Bobo....
Feel better? Do you ever have anything substantive to say?
i'm still waiting for you to have some

I'm not here to teach you how to read. There are very few here who only get one-line bitch slaps from me, and since you apparently don't understand anything deeper, you'll just have to have your fun with the comebacks.

Gawd, even "Dude" although I disagree entirely with him at least can articulate a position.
again i'll tell ya, if you dont like reading my posts, no one is making you
Are you and your persecution complex on Prozac??

If not, you really oughtta be.

You guys said that back when I was telling you that Bush lied us into Iraq.

You said this back when we said the GOP was sending jobs overseas and it was going to ruin the economy. You argued with us, until it ruined the economy. And then you blamed us? So you might want to look into your own persecution complex. Or your projecting problem...maumaumaublabberblabberblabber.....

I wasn't posting here back then, or anywhere else you were (mercifully), so you have NFI what I was thinking or saying, numbnuts.

Now, go refill your 'scrip.

PS. What I am doing is essentially what you right wingers did to the word Liberal. You think of it as a dirty word, right? Well look at what you Republicans/Conservatives did to this country. Anytime people hear the words conservative or deregulations or GOP, people start sweating and thinking that they are going to lose their jobs, their life savings, their home values, their healthcare, social security, or get attacked again like on 9-11, under the GOP's watch.

We have not been attacked on Obama's watch. I know you want us to be attacked on his watch, but so far Obama is doing a heck of a job, right?

Remember you bragged that Bush hadn't been hit again after 9-11? Does that mean Obama gets one free pass?

How come Clinton got impeached for lying but Bush didn't? :lol:

Dude, this is too easy. I'll leave you alone because you are really no match.

There are some right wingers on here who are good at spin. You? Not one of them.
Ya think?

Scott Rasmussen received $95,500 from the Republican National Committee and $45,500 from the George W. Bush presidential campaign as a campaign consultant for the 2004 presidential election.

Scott Rasmussen is an Evangelical Christian and is president of the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, a not-for-profit corporation with historic ties to the United Methodist Church and the Wesleyan tradition. The Camp Meeting founded the town of Ocean Grove, New Jersey in 1869 and maintains a Christian seaside resort community providing opportunities for spiritual birth, growth, and renewal.

Excerpted from his Wikipedia entry.
see, thats part of your problem, you trust wikipedia

It figures you wouldn't even bother to ever reference the most extensive online encyclopedia, Wikipedia. If you were paying attention, it is no longer "easy" to edit the site, as evidenced by someone who tried (story follows). You would also know that even if you don't like Wikipedia's entries, you can always click on one of the sources noted at the bottom of each page. You do know how to click your mouse, I hope, and make something else magically appear on your screen? I would also suggest using an online thesaurus because you'll find a whole bunch of synonyms (same as) words so that you don't have to keep repeating "moron" in everything you post.

Student's Wikipedia Hoax - Traps Journalists
The quote had no referenced sources and was therefore taken down by moderators of Wikipedia within minutes.
LOL ok, you can trust wiki sites if you want to
i'll still only use them as a point to find other legit sources
Ya think?

Scott Rasmussen received $95,500 from the Republican National Committee and $45,500 from the George W. Bush presidential campaign as a campaign consultant for the 2004 presidential election.

Scott Rasmussen is an Evangelical Christian and is president of the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, a not-for-profit corporation with historic ties to the United Methodist Church and the Wesleyan tradition. The Camp Meeting founded the town of Ocean Grove, New Jersey in 1869 and maintains a Christian seaside resort community providing opportunities for spiritual birth, growth, and renewal.

Excerpted from his Wikipedia entry.
see, thats part of your problem, you trust wikipedia

It figures you wouldn't even bother to ever reference the most extensive online encyclopedia, Wikipedia. If you were paying attention, it is no longer "easy" to edit the site, as evidenced by someone who tried (story follows). You would also know that even if you don't like Wikipedia's entries, you can always click on one of the sources noted at the bottom of each page. You do know how to click your mouse, I hope, and make something else magically appear on your screen? I would also suggest using an online thesaurus because you'll find a whole bunch of synonyms (same as) words so that you don't have to keep repeating "moron" in everything you post.

Student's Wikipedia Hoax - Traps Journalists
The quote had no referenced sources and was therefore taken down by moderators of Wikipedia within minutes.

Dive always questions the source when someone proves him to be a dumb shit. Pos rep for you.
see, thats part of your problem, you trust wikipedia

It figures you wouldn't even bother to ever reference the most extensive online encyclopedia, Wikipedia. If you were paying attention, it is no longer "easy" to edit the site, as evidenced by someone who tried (story follows). You would also know that even if you don't like Wikipedia's entries, you can always click on one of the sources noted at the bottom of each page. You do know how to click your mouse, I hope, and make something else magically appear on your screen? I would also suggest using an online thesaurus because you'll find a whole bunch of synonyms (same as) words so that you don't have to keep repeating "moron" in everything you post.

Student's Wikipedia Hoax - Traps Journalists
The quote had no referenced sources and was therefore taken down by moderators of Wikipedia within minutes.
LOL ok, you can trust wiki sites if you want to
i'll still only use them as a point to find other legit sources

What legit sources?

yeah, he was a racist piece of shit otherwise
just like her using that quote from Jack Kemp
shes a piece of shit for using that as if she would have EVER supported the kind of things he did

People like you don't have a clue about true Republican principles. Count me among those who was once a huge supporter of Colin Powell and was disappointed that he wouldn't run for president. He still has my support because his brand is what real Republicanism is all about--not the crap being shoveled by the "new" right wing of the GOP under the greedy guise of "conservatism." Jack Kemp was a GREAT Republican, but undoubtedly too wimpy for the likes of somebody like you. Trent Lott is a good listener to all sides of an issue and didn't make judgments based on extreme bias. Thankfully, there are still a few SANE Republicans left in Washington, too. Lindsey Graham and yes, even John McCain.

Yea! The new republicans used TNT to break into your bank and steal your hard earned money.

Lindsey Graham and McCain are more slick about it. They pick the lock and sneak in.

They still have to be faithful to their party, but both of them are compromisers, not brick walls. And as long as we have the 2-party system (and it's not going away anytime soon), there needs to be give and take on both sides of the aisle. The "brick walls" in Washington are the ones who keep the revolutionary wannabes locked and loaded. Nice.
Nice to see Trent Lott's rotting corpse being dredged up when it suits some particular purpose.
yeah, he was a racist piece of shit otherwise
just like her using that quote from Jack Kemp
shes a piece of shit for using that as if she would have EVER supported the kind of things he did

People like you don't have a clue about true Republican principles. Count me among those who was once a huge supporter of Colin Powell and was disappointed that he wouldn't run for president. He still has my support because his brand is what real Republicanism is all about--not the crap being shoveled by the "new" right wing of the GOP under the greedy guise of "conservatism." Jack Kemp was a GREAT Republican, but undoubtedly too wimpy for the likes of somebody like you. Trent Lott is a good listener to all sides of an issue and didn't make judgments based on extreme bias. Thankfully, there are still a few SANE Republicans left in Washington, too. Lindsey Graham and yes, even John McCain.
you aren't even CLOSE to a conservative
and Jack Kemp was the epitome of a conservative

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