Whatever happened to "Republicans"???


Dumbcon swoops in with a neg rep!

thanks for showing you are still nothing but a fucking moron

seriously dude, HOW do you have so much time to defend your man-crush, George Dumbya Bush???

15 thousand posts? 60 Posts a day, or whatever?

And almost all of them are about defending bush and the bush republican party?

Get a hobby, man!
thanks for showing what a pussy bitch you are by complaining about a neg rep in public

what a fucking moron
not hardly
im not pissed off at anyone on here
i LAUGH MY ASS OFF at your amazing stupidity
and you THINK you are smart

Point to my stupidity, then. Just because you say so doesn't make it so. Why don't you ever debate my points? All you do is insult, which makes YOU the stupid one, boy.
you fill this thread with stupidity

Red Dawn wrote:

I think DiveCon has a man crush on George Bush.

the dude has like 15,000 posts, or 50 posts a day, or whatever, and 90% of his posts are all about defending, deflecting, or running interference for the George Bush-Tom Delay-Sarah Palin republican party. Who has that kind of time to defend George Bush and Dick Cheney? Seriously, it must be hours every single day Divecon is out there defending his Hero.

I thought you were not a Republican? See, I'm not the only one who thinks you are FOS. :lol:

Bush was in Michigan last night and he admitted de-regulations were the problem. I guess now it is time to distance yourself from him again.

Just chalk him up as a bad president like his dad and move on. Stick to Reagan. At least you can argue that he didn't suck, even though "all politicians" suck. Just not Reagan. And not Bush. Because you were stuck defending his every decision for 8 straight years. Only one decision you didn't like and that was giving the bankers $750Billion. But the first 3 trillion he blew, you didn't mind that.
Point to my stupidity, then. Just because you say so doesn't make it so. Why don't you ever debate my points? All you do is insult, which makes YOU the stupid one, boy.
you fill this thread with stupidity

Red Dawn wrote:

I think DiveCon has a man crush on George Bush.

the dude has like 15,000 posts, or 50 posts a day, or whatever, and 90% of his posts are all about defending, deflecting, or running interference for the George Bush-Tom Delay-Sarah Palin republican party. Who has that kind of time to defend George Bush and Dick Cheney? Seriously, it must be hours every single day Divecon is out there defending his Hero.

I thought you were not a Republican? See, I'm not the only one who thinks you are FOS. :lol:

Bush was in Michigan last night and he admitted de-regulations were the problem. I guess now it is time to distance yourself from him again.

Just chalk him up as a bad president like his dad and move on. Stick to Reagan. At least you can argue that he didn't suck, even though "all politicians" suck. Just not Reagan. And not Bush. Because you were stuck defending his every decision for 8 straight years. Only one decision you didn't like and that was giving the bankers $750Billion. But the first 3 trillion he blew, you didn't mind that.
no, asshole, i have always stated that i AM a registered republican and never once said any different
just because you are a fucking moron doesnt change my registration

and i challenge you to find a post of mine where i ever claimed i wasnt a republican

and as to that asshole red dawn, he has his head so far up Obama's ass he wouldnt know what the fuck is the truth
i've never defended anything but thew truth
you fucking morons think that defending the truth is defending the man
i never voted for ANY Bush in a primary other than Jeb when i lived in Florida
and that was for Governor
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I think DiveCon has a man crush on George Bush.

the dude has like 15,000 posts, or 50 posts a day, or whatever, and 90% of his posts are all about defending, deflecting, or running interference for the George Bush-Tom Delay-Sarah Palin republican party. Who has that kind of time to defend George Bush and Dick Cheney? Seriously, it must be hours every single day Divecon is out there defending his Hero.

Actually, I've never seen him take a real position on anything. Just a bunch of childish sandbox bullying.
I think DiveCon has a man crush on George Bush.

the dude has like 15,000 posts, or 50 posts a day, or whatever, and 90% of his posts are all about defending, deflecting, or running interference for the George Bush-Tom Delay-Sarah Palin republican party. Who has that kind of time to defend George Bush and Dick Cheney? Seriously, it must be hours every single day Divecon is out there defending his Hero.

Actually, I've never seen him take a real position on anything. Just a bunch of childish sandbox bullying.
a moron like you would never see it
I was looking for a new poll I saw which indicates that only in the South do Republicans continue to attract potential voters based on their dramatic shift away from moderation. I can't find it, so this one will do. If the "new" Republicans (the reinvented conservative idealogues) intend to get their act together and start winning elections, they'd better hurry.

GOP Losses Span Nearly All Demographic Groups

Seriously, seems to me that between you, Ravi, Chris, most of the threads regarding GOP are coming from the left. Why would that be? Could it be that you all are understanding and sweating the problems from the hope & change administration? Couldn't be. They've done nothing wrong, well except just about everything....

You've defined the problem. The wakeup call to Republicans is ONLY being sounded by the left or those remaining Republicans who also want to see more moderation within your party. If you don't see that you don't stand a chance in hell of winning elections taking the unrealistic course of ridiculous uber conservatism and not facing up to today's reality, then I don't have much sympathy. I don't want Republicans to fail. Most of my family members are Republican, but they do not like the rigid course that the new "conservatives" are intending to take the party. That attitude is EVERYWHERE.
I was looking for a new poll I saw which indicates that only in the South do Republicans continue to attract potential voters based on their dramatic shift away from moderation. I can't find it, so this one will do. If the "new" Republicans (the reinvented conservative idealogues) intend to get their act together and start winning elections, they'd better hurry.

GOP Losses Span Nearly All Demographic Groups

Seriously, seems to me that between you, Ravi, Chris, most of the threads regarding GOP are coming from the left. Why would that be? Could it be that you all are understanding and sweating the problems from the hope & change administration? Couldn't be. They've done nothing wrong, well except just about everything....



Fall in line America.

Or else.....

How stupid.

Dumbcon swoops in with a neg rep!

thanks for showing you are still nothing but a fucking moron

seriously dude, HOW do you have so much time to defend your man-crush, George Dumbya Bush???

15 thousand posts? 60 Posts a day, or whatever?

And almost all of them are about defending bush and the bush republican party?

Get a hobby, man!

I think his hobby WAS pretending to be a professional diver. Now it's running all over message boards saying "YOU'RE A FUCKING MORON!!"

Dumbcon swoops in with a neg rep!

thanks for showing you are still nothing but a fucking moron

seriously dude, HOW do you have so much time to defend your man-crush, George Dumbya Bush???

15 thousand posts? 60 Posts a day, or whatever?

And almost all of them are about defending bush and the bush republican party?

Get a hobby, man!

I think his hobby WAS pretending to be a professional diver. Now it's running all over message boards saying "YOU'RE A FUCKING MORON!!"
another lie
when have i ever claimed to be a professional diver?


show me proof bitch or admit your lies
btw, you might want to look up what DiveCon means

Dumbcon swoops in with a neg rep!

seriously dude, HOW do you have so much time to defend your man-crush, George Dumbya Bush???

15 thousand posts? 60 Posts a day, or whatever?

And almost all of them are about defending bush and the bush republican party?

Get a hobby, man!

I think his hobby WAS pretending to be a professional diver. Now it's running all over message boards saying "YOU'RE A FUCKING MORON!!"
another lie
when have i ever claimed to be a professional diver?


show me proof bitch or admit your lies
btw, you might want to look up what DiveCon means

Uh, yeah? I just did. They're professionals, either from the technical aspect or the actual practice. Your point? Enlighten me.
I think his hobby WAS pretending to be a professional diver. Now it's running all over message boards saying "YOU'RE A FUCKING MORON!!"
another lie
when have i ever claimed to be a professional diver?


show me proof bitch or admit your lies
btw, you might want to look up what DiveCon means

Uh, yeah? I just did. They're professionals, either from the technical aspect or the actual practice. Your point? Enlighten me.
again, where have i ever claimed that

as for a DiveCon, they are recreational divers
and i AM one
i earned that title
you dont like it, FUCK OFF
Sorry Harry, I'm going to neg rep this cock sucker. THis is the perfect person who deserves a negative rep.

It isn't that I disagree with him. Its that he is the problem with our society.

dont let me down Bobo...

I love it! I have posted all over the place that the Federal Reserve gave the banks $2 trillion dollars and no one seems to care. Where are all you right wing tea bagging babies now who were crying over $750 billion? Your heads should explode thinking about how many zero's are in a fucking trillion.

Or you cried about $30 billion to GM and Chrysler?

You dumb fucks want them to go belly up but you want to keep the Federal Reserve in the hands of bankers, who can take as much from the kitty any time they want, and they don't even have to tell us.

I think this is a conflict in your tiny brains. You have spent so many years defending the big corporations/banks/wallstreet/corporations that you can't admit they are fucking you in the ass.

Its the Democrats!!!! :cuckoo:

Its Freddy Mack!!! :eusa_liar:

And again, so much for the fucking liberal media. I had to hear about this on the Thom Hartmann show. Not even MSNBC reported on this. Why isn't this fucking front page news???

I'll tell you why. Because the media and Republicans figured out a way to put all the blame on the Democrats. The GOP caused the crash, Bush asked for the money, but then the GOP in Congress didn't sign the fucking bill. And they said they would.

So the dems were expecting them to stab them in the backs, so the dems held back enough votes so that it needed more Republicans to sign in order to pass. So if Bush/Paulson/the Fed didn't get the money and the economy really did crash, then it would be the GOP's fault because only 25% of them signed it.

You guys either don't know how the game is played or you play dumb/ignorant. I have faith that you are just pretending to be dumb harry balls.

I post stories all the time that prove I'm right, about everything. And you guys just ignore them.
Carter was sabotaged by the corporations and rich because he didn't sellout to them. Look how the CIA set him up with that hostage situation. The CIA/GOP said, "hold those hostages until after the election" and then Ollie North sold them guns. Carter was going to win before that. No one took Reagan seriously at first. I saw the special on this on PBS. Carter did get crushed, but a year before the election, he wasn't losing.

He was too good/nice to be president.

Clinton did well because he did sell out. And now righties get to say, "HE SIGNED NAFTA, HE SIGNED NAFTA."

And Obama better not try to fight the powers that be too hard or he might end up like Kennedy. Or, they can tank the stock market and raise gas prices before the 2012 election and get the public to vote for Mitt Romney. Watch and see their upcoming October surprise in 2012.

But I've already seen Obama do more for us than Bush did in 8 years. One example, not allowing the Credit card companies to do whatever they want. Not enough, but at least something. It was under Bush the credit card companies started these shady practices. Or maybe it started under Clinton/Newts watch. Whatever.

Anyways, I'm still waiting to see Obama address jobs in America. I didn't buy it when he said we would replace all the jobs that left with new green jobs. I won't go into why i'm not buying that, but it just isn't enough. We need to do something to bring manufacturing back to the US. Does that mean tariffs? If we have to, sure.

Carter might have been a nice guy....but he was a wuss....ive known nice guys who were not wussies...Carter was in the Navy....so i thought he would at least have one ball in his sack.....and i would sure like to see this country start manufacturing things like we used to....
bozo said:
If you are talking about the ones that left for the libertarian party, they believe that we didn't regulate enough.

Wow....Libertarians believe that we're not regulated enough?? :lol:

You really are a clueless imbecile, aren't you??

A month or so ago, Bobo won USMB's "Douchebag of the year" award. We voted on it and everything.:lol:

i hear Chrissy is the favorite in the next one....
Thanks Del. When our office got new computers, I must have gotten switched to version 2. I see them now. 42 new rep points??? I am soooo excited!!! All this time I thought I wasn't getting any good or bad and wondered why!!! I'll tally them and share.

sorry Bobo but ya sound kinda gay here.....NOT that there is anything wrong with that.....:eusa_eh:
Nope. I never liked him anyway. To me he sounded more like a bloviating Southern Republican, sans the accent. There are lots of Democrats I don't like, but we never seem to get around to those, what with the new epidemic of ODS replacing BDS.
list those dems you dont like

Nancy Pelosi
Jack Murtha
Dennis Kucinich
Charlie Rangel
Russ Feingold
Diane Feinstein
John Kerry
Robert Byrd (just too old)
hey wait!.....thats 2 from my state.....your being unfair.....:lol:
Carter was sabotaged by the corporations and rich because he didn't sellout to them. Look how the CIA set him up with that hostage situation. The CIA/GOP said, "hold those hostages until after the election" and then Ollie North sold them guns. Carter was going to win before that. No one took Reagan seriously at first. I saw the special on this on PBS. Carter did get crushed, but a year before the election, he wasn't losing.

He was too good/nice to be president.

Clinton did well because he did sell out. And now righties get to say, "HE SIGNED NAFTA, HE SIGNED NAFTA."

And Obama better not try to fight the powers that be too hard or he might end up like Kennedy. Or, they can tank the stock market and raise gas prices before the 2012 election and get the public to vote for Mitt Romney. Watch and see their upcoming October surprise in 2012.

But I've already seen Obama do more for us than Bush did in 8 years. One example, not allowing the Credit card companies to do whatever they want. Not enough, but at least something. It was under Bush the credit card companies started these shady practices. Or maybe it started under Clinton/Newts watch. Whatever.

Anyways, I'm still waiting to see Obama address jobs in America. I didn't buy it when he said we would replace all the jobs that left with new green jobs. I won't go into why i'm not buying that, but it just isn't enough. We need to do something to bring manufacturing back to the US. Does that mean tariffs? If we have to, sure.

Carter might have been a nice guy....but he was a wuss....ive known nice guys who were not wussies...Carter was in the Navy....so i thought he would at least have one ball in his sack.....and i would sure like to see this country start manufacturing things like we used to....

Do you know who Lee Atwater is? He was the Karl Rove before Rove was around. Lee was a son of a bitch.

Anyways, he and HW Bush, the GOP and Corporations like Big Oil are responsible for taking down Carter.

Your memory of history is distorted by right wing spin.

Without Lee Atwater, Reagan would have lost. He's even the guy who came up with Willie Horton to attack Dukakis.

And if Lee didn't die of a brain tumor, HW Bush might have beaten Clinton.

Atwater's most noteworthy campaign was the 1988 presidential election, where he served as campaign manager for Republican nominee George H.W. Bush. A particularly aggressive media program included a television advertisement produced by Floyd Brown related to the case of Willie Horton, a convicted murderer serving a life sentence in a Massachusetts prison who committed a rape while participating in a weekend furlough strongly supported by then-governor Michael Dukakis[

See Harry, this particular story is why today you guys think that Democrats are soft on crime. It all stems from bullshit.

Don't think it is bullshit?

Furloughs had been created by the previous Republican governor. Ironically, prison furlough programs had been long established in California during the governorship of Republican Ronald Reagan, prior to 1980. The Horton campaign undoubtedly helped George H.W. Bush overcome Dukakis's 17-percent lead in early public opinion polls and win both the electoral and popular vote by landslide margins.

Now do you see how you have been brainwashed and how wrong you are?

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