What'd you get/give for Christmas?


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2003
Reaction score
Aiken, SC
I gave my Dad season two of Miami Vice, one of his favorite shows. I gave my mom a Michael McDonald DVD and the Rolling Stones' "Forty Licks". And I took my roommate to see King Kong with me, but that wasn't that much of a present, considering I get into movies for free and can get one person in with me.

What I got:

This thing:

It's an MP3 player, holds 3000 songs. Plus it has an FM radio that you can record off of.

Please note that the above is just a picture that I found on the net, I have no clue what song that guy's listening to.





And, my aunt gave me a few guitar music books (The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Neil Young).

All in all, a great Christmas. How bout you?
Crock pot & a deep fryer w/ basket. My daughter got me five cassette tapes with nature sounds on them. My other daughter got me red glitter nail polish. Mom got me two kitchen chairs (my son used to enjoy tipping them backward and watching them crash onto the ceramic tile floor when he was a toddler. We have a complete new set now.)
A brand new dishwasher!!!!


krisy said:
A brand new dishwasher!!!!


Lucky Duck! Ours has been broken since this summer. But, my husband did do the dishes for me. That counted for points!
mom4 said:
Lucky Duck! Ours has been broken since this summer. But, my husband did do the dishes for me. That counted for points!

Definite points for the hubby doing dishes!!! Mine doesn't-it's the one job around the house he hates. I haven't had a dishwahser except about 2 years in our old apartment,I should say it only worked 2 of the 8 years we lived there. I can't wait to use it!!!
Just clothes and stuff....

I'm probably going to get a few things on my own, though. I was thinking of a cordless drill or perhaps an LED desk lamp (gotta have a new gadget!)...

If not that, then a large cannon that is big enough to hold a liberal, point at the moon, then see if he gets there.... :) :) :)
I got this sweet laptop. I got my wife a GPS device that gives directions in the car a new central vac w/installation. The kids made out like bandits. The eldest got a new tenspeed. My bio kids got a bike, and a piano.
I got 2 new Christmas sweaters; 3 new pajamas; 5 new books; a 'spa day'. Oldest son got some girlie calendar from the daughter and 'game cube'-whatever that is from me, with my youngest son buying that, memory cards, and gift cards to the store for more games. The daughter got the 'mini-mac', perfume gift set, and candle stuff. Youngest got his Verizon bill paid off, so his phone turned on; running shoes, and electric razor. He also got a calendar of outhouses.
Hey Clay, Looks like you 'cleaned up'!
I did. The jacket from my girlfriend was too much. I would have been happy with the dinner we had last night, everything else was a bonus.

My brother and I teamed up to send my parents away for two nights to here. They should enjoy it, if my dad can stop working long enough to go...
The ClayTaurus said:
I did. The jacket from my girlfriend was too much. I would have been happy with the dinner we had last night, everything else was a bonus.

My brother and I teamed up to send my parents away for two nights to here. They should enjoy it, if my dad can stop working long enough to go...

The trip for your parents, awesome. My folks went to the Hermitage for their 25th, talked about it for years! Whack the dad over the head. Priorities! Glad your Christmas was good!
Kathianne said:
The trip for your parents, awesome. My folks went to the Hermitage for their 25th, talked about it for years! Whack the dad over the head. Priorities! Glad your Christmas was good!
Yeah, the gift was part whack over the head. He backed out of an earlier trip my mom had planned, so we decided that he'd have a harder time backing out of something that would cause three times the guilt. :)

He actually seems really excited about it though, so should be fun. They'll be going at the height of cherry blossom season.
I got a Foreman grill with a bun warmer. Beat that, suckazzzzzz.......(I know, lame)
And silverware. I ASKED for money to help with text books. :(
Among other things, we are "giving each other" a new ceramic tile kitchen and dining room floor. Which I will choose, of course. :D

In addition, I gave my man one of his favorite single malts (The Balvenie Double Wood), a watch, and several Sherlock Holmes' DVD's and books.

For me: Barnes & Noble Gift card, perfume, and a new crock pot.

We gave our daughter a ton of stuff. She was very happy. We are blessed to be able to give.

We also sponsored a cat at our local Humane Society. We can never forget the animals.
Band of Brothers DVD for my father

America's Women: Four Hundred Years Of.... for my mom

Ralph Peters' "New Glory" for my mentor and second mom

The travel/history classics "From The Woods To The Water/A Time Of Gifts" and "The Man Who Tried To Save The World" for my brother and his wife

A "water wizardry" chemistry set for my friend's son

A game for my friend, a massage oil set for his wife, a box of chocolates for her sister and a leap frog learning piano for his son.

A silver necklace and pendant for my g/f and a fruit basket for her family.

I had a lot of fun picking gifts this year, I had a lot to be thankful for (a great g/f, a year rich with learning experiences, good health and good friends) so it was great to share some of my blessings with them.

I recieved a Mr. & Mrs. Smith DVD, seoul train documentary dvd, mother jones and foreign policy magazine subscriptions, books about ronald reagan, william f. buckley and isaiah berlin, and a journal of poems and drawings by children in darfur. I'm very grateful for all of these gifts, especially the last one.
NATO AIR said:
Band of Brothers DVD for my father

America's Women: Four Hundred Years Of.... for my mom

Ralph Peters' "New Glory" for my mentor and second mom

The travel/history classics "From The Woods To The Water/A Time Of Gifts" and "The Man Who Tried To Save The World" for my brother and his wife

A "water wizardry" chemistry set for my friend's son

A game for my friend, a massage oil set for his wife, a box of chocolates for her sister and a leap frog learning piano for his son.

A silver necklace and pendant for my g/f and a fruit basket for her family.

I had a lot of fun picking gifts this year, I had a lot to be thankful for (a great g/f, a year rich with learning experiences, good health and good friends) so it was great to share some of my blessings with them.

I recieved a Mr. & Mrs. Smith DVD, seoul train documentary dvd, mother jones and foreign policy magazine subscriptions, books about ronald reagan, william f. buckley and isaiah berlin, and a journal of poems and drawings by children in darfur. I'm very grateful for all of these gifts, especially the last one.

Peter's book is phenomenal! I'm beginning to see why you feel about Rumsfeld the way you do. It also hammers home why the military if used, must be allowed to 'go all out' to a point. The velvet touch doesn't cut it, until the point has been made. :thup:
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