First of all, pleasure to be here, i'm brand new and wanted to make a point that I felt wasn't really being made at present.
War on Terror.
Not going too well really, jumped into afganistan. al-quaeda split up and ran all over the place. A battle won but certainly not the war.
So now we're in a position that we know there are terrorists plotting out there, but where? Could even be in the states, cell mentality means a group of people can gang together get help from others utilizing the wonderful technology of the net and create havoc all over the world.
So what the hell are we actually doing?
The problem is that this is very unconventunal warfare, a lot like the problems with WW1 where the generals had never come up against an equal power before (it had all been easy African Tribes which is why everyone said "it'll all be over by Christmas" when it blatently wasn't going to be) . Complete tactical stalemate and millions died as a result.
I think we have exactly the same problem at present. "Pacifying" Iraq and putting pressure on governments that supposedly "support" terror does nothing but fuel the flames of terror.
To think that Osama previously had to convince people to join him, now fundamnetalists are gathering all over the world happy to join in the Jihad.
If we are to look at recent Islamic papers, they all call for the coallition forces to pull out of Iraq immediately, obviously recent military campaigns are not very popular amoungst the Muslim population of the world, which is also the prime recruiting ground for fundamental terrorists, we should certainly note this point.
Okay here's a crazy idea. How about we stop.
If we're going to look on this as ther religeous war that Bush "crusade" and Osama "Jihad" both seem to want (it's the only reason Bush is going to get re-elected) and are heading towards, why dont we look at our holy books?
The bible says "turn the other cheek". A message that has repeatedly been ignored by the U.S and other western civilisations.
To give statistics to support this claim:
Union Pacific: 7 workers were murdered by the Sioux tribe.
Retaliation: The entire Sioux tribe pretty much wiped out, no negotiation.
Israel since 1990: 975 Israelis dead through suicide bombers.
Retaliation: 2000 Palestinians dead.
9/11: 3,000 people killed.
Retaliation: Just looking at the Iraq war 6,000 Iraqi CIVILIANS were killed from 50 bombing campaigns led by incorrect intelligence form U.S forces.
Fallujah: 4 brutally murdered
Retailiation: 450 Iraqis killed.
Okay so the forces of the Western civilisations are winning on body count, but how would people feel about losing for a little while?
Okay this sounds crazy, but lets look at Iran for a second.
The Shah was put in place by western governments as a preventive measure due to a disliked selection through democratic elections.
Result: Fall of the Shah in the late seventies and a funndamentalist state declared.
Okay that was intervention and the result was bad.
Lets look at non- intervention.
2001 - Present - Iran
Student movement, Womens movement, population calling for fair elections, political freedom, the dismantlement of the fundamentalist state.
Wow thats pretty good, and no western government had to spend any taxes (your money) on it at all!
Why is this? Culture.
I dont know if anyone here has played civilisation 3 but it's a fantastic game and explains my point very well.
In the game, each city you have has a culture radius, this radius is increased by building universites, churches and such like.
If the cultural radius extends into another cities border of an opponent in the game there is a chance that the city will actually convert to your side!
Okay lets apply this example to reality. The Berlin wall.
The wall fell because citizens in the east weren't happy with the living conditions, they wanted what people had in the western side of the city. How did they know about this and how could they compare? Well, they were able to pick up radio stations from the west side of the city in the east side, and eventually this inequality led to fall of the wall by the people en-mass.
The media and culture that people consume world wide is 90% american, think about it, the jobs already being done! But military campaigns taint this media, people dis-associate themselves from it because of the military connection (i've certainly consumed less american media since 2001, and i'm not a muslim!).
I apply this to terrorism now.
If the western forces are not fighting, invading, "pacifying" (call it what you will) Osama will have very few recruits to choose from, less experitise, less people willing to die for the cause (e.g suicide bombers), but if the war continues as it does Osama is gonna have many, many people to throw at the west and we will all live in terror.
War on Terror should perhaps be re-phrased to war on Hydra. The hydra being the Mythical creature that grows back it's head whenever it is cut off. Perhaps a better example in Fantasia where one broom becomes two if "pacified".
Theres food for thought, what do ya reckon?
War on Terror.
Not going too well really, jumped into afganistan. al-quaeda split up and ran all over the place. A battle won but certainly not the war.
So now we're in a position that we know there are terrorists plotting out there, but where? Could even be in the states, cell mentality means a group of people can gang together get help from others utilizing the wonderful technology of the net and create havoc all over the world.
So what the hell are we actually doing?
The problem is that this is very unconventunal warfare, a lot like the problems with WW1 where the generals had never come up against an equal power before (it had all been easy African Tribes which is why everyone said "it'll all be over by Christmas" when it blatently wasn't going to be) . Complete tactical stalemate and millions died as a result.
I think we have exactly the same problem at present. "Pacifying" Iraq and putting pressure on governments that supposedly "support" terror does nothing but fuel the flames of terror.
To think that Osama previously had to convince people to join him, now fundamnetalists are gathering all over the world happy to join in the Jihad.
If we are to look at recent Islamic papers, they all call for the coallition forces to pull out of Iraq immediately, obviously recent military campaigns are not very popular amoungst the Muslim population of the world, which is also the prime recruiting ground for fundamental terrorists, we should certainly note this point.
Okay here's a crazy idea. How about we stop.
If we're going to look on this as ther religeous war that Bush "crusade" and Osama "Jihad" both seem to want (it's the only reason Bush is going to get re-elected) and are heading towards, why dont we look at our holy books?
The bible says "turn the other cheek". A message that has repeatedly been ignored by the U.S and other western civilisations.
To give statistics to support this claim:
Union Pacific: 7 workers were murdered by the Sioux tribe.
Retaliation: The entire Sioux tribe pretty much wiped out, no negotiation.
Israel since 1990: 975 Israelis dead through suicide bombers.
Retaliation: 2000 Palestinians dead.
9/11: 3,000 people killed.
Retaliation: Just looking at the Iraq war 6,000 Iraqi CIVILIANS were killed from 50 bombing campaigns led by incorrect intelligence form U.S forces.
Fallujah: 4 brutally murdered
Retailiation: 450 Iraqis killed.
Okay so the forces of the Western civilisations are winning on body count, but how would people feel about losing for a little while?
Okay this sounds crazy, but lets look at Iran for a second.
The Shah was put in place by western governments as a preventive measure due to a disliked selection through democratic elections.
Result: Fall of the Shah in the late seventies and a funndamentalist state declared.
Okay that was intervention and the result was bad.
Lets look at non- intervention.
2001 - Present - Iran
Student movement, Womens movement, population calling for fair elections, political freedom, the dismantlement of the fundamentalist state.
Wow thats pretty good, and no western government had to spend any taxes (your money) on it at all!
Why is this? Culture.
I dont know if anyone here has played civilisation 3 but it's a fantastic game and explains my point very well.
In the game, each city you have has a culture radius, this radius is increased by building universites, churches and such like.
If the cultural radius extends into another cities border of an opponent in the game there is a chance that the city will actually convert to your side!
Okay lets apply this example to reality. The Berlin wall.
The wall fell because citizens in the east weren't happy with the living conditions, they wanted what people had in the western side of the city. How did they know about this and how could they compare? Well, they were able to pick up radio stations from the west side of the city in the east side, and eventually this inequality led to fall of the wall by the people en-mass.
The media and culture that people consume world wide is 90% american, think about it, the jobs already being done! But military campaigns taint this media, people dis-associate themselves from it because of the military connection (i've certainly consumed less american media since 2001, and i'm not a muslim!).
I apply this to terrorism now.
If the western forces are not fighting, invading, "pacifying" (call it what you will) Osama will have very few recruits to choose from, less experitise, less people willing to die for the cause (e.g suicide bombers), but if the war continues as it does Osama is gonna have many, many people to throw at the west and we will all live in terror.
War on Terror should perhaps be re-phrased to war on Hydra. The hydra being the Mythical creature that grows back it's head whenever it is cut off. Perhaps a better example in Fantasia where one broom becomes two if "pacified".
Theres food for thought, what do ya reckon?