What would you have done with Afghanistan?


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
I hate how Biden handled it. I would have contacted the UN and stated that there needs to be a UN task force in place to protect young women who have only known Democratic rule for 20 yrs but now will become sex slaves. It’s really sad. With a UN task force there the Afghan army likely doesn’t quit/surrender. And the US doesn’t have to bear the brunt of the cost. If the UN refused then I would publicly shame them and exit the UN and eventually (winter time) exit Afghanistan. The way Biden did it, we look like the incompetent bad guys. Every girl that gets tortured and raped is on Bidens hands.


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As there are currently thousands of Americans and allies stuck in Afghanistan, we should send in a HUGE number of troops and evacuation aircraft, evacuate those Americans and allies, and evacuate all Afghani women that are sick of living under that lifestyle.
After all evacuees and troops are out, then just nuke the entire nation into a thoroughly radioactive quarantine zone.
I hate how Biden handled it. I would have contacted the UN and stated that there needs to be a UN task force in place to protect young women who have only known Democratic rule for 20 yrs but now will become sex slaves. It’s really sad. With a UN task force there the Afghan army likely doesn’t quit/surrender. And the US doesn’t have to bear the brunt of the cost. If the UN refused then I would publicly shame them and exit the UN and eventually (winter time) exit Afghanistan. The way Biden did it, we look like the incompetent bad guys. Every girl that gets tortured and raped is on Bidens hands.

The Afghan government didnt want a large scale draw down until now. They cited a lack of confidence in the government if he had done it earlier and provided more troops. Biden should have never listened to them or agreed with the fucked up provisions negotiated by Drumpf. The Afghan government was dirty and corrupt and thats why their military folded like a deck of cheap cards.
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I hate how Biden handled it. I would have contacted the UN and stated that there needs to be a UN task force in place to protect young women who have only known Democratic rule for 20 yrs but now will become sex slaves. It’s really sad. With a UN task force there the Afghan army likely doesn’t quit/surrender. And the US doesn’t have to bear the brunt of the cost. If the UN refused then I would publicly shame them and exit the UN and eventually (winter time) exit Afghanistan. The way Biden did it, we look like the incompetent bad guys. Every girl that gets tortured and raped is on Bidens hands.


How do you convince a UN task force to stay and defend a country when you are pulling your troops out?
The Afghan government didnt want a large scale draw down until now. They cited a lack of confidence in the government if he had did it earlier and provided more troops. Biden should have never listened to them or agreed with the fucked provisions negotiated by Drumpf.
What would you have done? Read the thread.
That would have been fine but we cannot go back in time so what would have done in 2021?
Well, you asked.

A lot of the military hardware (Hum-Vs, APCs, helicopters, etc.) should have been evacuated months ago,....As should have the civilians....Any remaining U.S. citizens should have been moved to within a secured perimeter.....Bagram Air Base should still be a secure airfield.

Xiden bugged out of the whole country like a cheap date on a one-night stand.
We are part of the UN we would be part of the task force. Just would not be solo.
Ok that makes sense. So wouldn't have withdrew our troops, you would have kept our presence and simply ask for UN support. Is that what you would have done?

You agree that Trumps plan and execution and Bidens plan and execution led to this shit show?
It doesn't matter what we "would have done". We depend on the people we elect to do the right thing and so far the CIA has failed us as usual, the U.N. is just a global warming extortion gang and the Biden administration is clueless.
I hate how Biden handled it. I would have contacted the UN and stated that there needs to be a UN task force in place to protect young women who have only known Democratic rule for 20 yrs but now will become sex slaves. It’s really sad. With a UN task force there the Afghan army likely doesn’t quit/surrender. And the US doesn’t have to bear the brunt of the cost. If the UN refused then I would publicly shame them and exit the UN and eventually (winter time) exit Afghanistan. The way Biden did it, we look like the incompetent bad guys. Every girl that gets tortured and raped is on Bidens hands.



Not this.

If for some reason there was a problem with the Trump plan...develop your own...but don't cancel and forget.
Biden had no plan. As with most things...the border...inflation...crime

He is a fucking idiot....and his administration is as well.
How do you convince a UN task force to stay and defend a country when you are pulling your troops out?
well, you obviously just shame them somehow.

It’s a bold move, but let’s see how it plays out.
I hate how Biden handled it. I would have contacted the UN and stated that there needs to be a UN task force in place to protect young women who have only known Democratic rule for 20 yrs but now will become sex slaves. It’s really sad. With a UN task force there the Afghan army likely doesn’t quit/surrender. And the US doesn’t have to bear the brunt of the cost. If the UN refused then I would publicly shame them and exit the UN and eventually (winter time) exit Afghanistan. The way Biden did it, we look like the incompetent bad guys. Every girl that gets tortured and raped is on Bidens hands.


Would have heeded the advice of the late former Congressman Charlie Wilson.
Would have left in 2002, warning the Taliban that another can of whoopass is coming their way if they harbored jihadist scum.
I agreed, but I'm not sure a warning would be sufficient. I thought W screwed up in not going into Bora Bora at the onset, once they refused to hand over OBL, but that was a tactical decision to not have casualties, so no hindsight from me.

I thought the drone war was necessary. Our armed forces killed all Taliban leadership and forced the Taliban to Pak to regroup. Maybe that was 2002, I don't remember. But after our military accomplished that, imo it was mission accomplished, although staying on to kill OBL was not, imo, a waste.

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