What would help the black community?


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021
What could society do for the black community in order for them to be happy, successful and grateful to be part of this society?

The way I see it we could clear their police records when it comes to drugs and traffic offenses. I think the main thing holding down young blacks is probably the inability to gain employment after getting charged for some drugs or being dumb behind the wheel. This would go along ways towards helping advance blacks.
What could society do for the black community in order for them to be happy, successful and grateful to be part of this society?

The way I see it we could clear their police records when it comes to drugs and traffic offenses. I think the main thing holding down young blacks is probably the inability to gain employment after getting charged for some drugs or being dumb behind the wheel. This would go along ways towards helping advance blacks.

Ten million gallons of white paint . . .
Only African Americans can decide what is the best for them. The Majority trying to decide for Minority is classical Arrogance.
Since we're supposely the ones with the power how is it arrogance? We could pass a bill and have Biden sign it giving clearly their records for drugs and the basic traffic offenses.
Oh boy. Another dumb ass white race bait thread. How about whites stop asking silly questions and get to work ending racism in their community.

Because you guys like to think other races are just glad and happy, when the reality is that hispanics, asians, native americans, people of middle eastern descent and pacific islanders are all pissed at what whites have done to them.
Oh boy. Another dumb ass white race bait thread. How about whites stop asking silly questions and get to work ending racism in their community.

Because you guys like to think other races are just glad and happy, when the reality is that hispanics, asians, native americans, people of middle eastern descent and pacific islanders are all pissed at what whites have done to them.
What did we do to them besides expect higher standards and those standards are why they cross deserts to come here for a better life. Those standards make such a better life possible in the first place.

So you're saying we whites have to bow down to you and be second class to you?
What did we do to them besides expect higher standards and those standards are why they cross deserts to come here for a better life. Those standards make such a better life possible in the first place.

So you're saying we whites have to bow down to you and be second class to you?
You are a true idiot. You need to go study history and not the Critical White Supremacy Theory. And one thing we will NOT do is bow down to you and be second class to you. So as long as you and others like you carry your little fucked up white boy attitudes, the fight will be on. So bring your ice skates, because unless those like you change, this fight is going to go past the day hell freezes over.
What could society do for the black community in order for them to be happy, successful and grateful to be part of this society?

The way I see it we could clear their police records when it comes to drugs and traffic offenses. I think the main thing holding down young blacks is probably the inability to gain employment after getting charged for some drugs or being dumb behind the wheel. This would go along ways towards helping advance blacks.

Maybe stop blaming Whitey for all their problems would be a nice start. :D
You are a true idiot. You need to go study history and not the Critical White Supremacy Theory. And one thing we will NOT do is bow down to you and be second class to you. So as long as you and others like you carry your little fucked up white boy attitudes, the fight will be on. So bring your ice skates, because unless those like you change, this fight is going to go past the day hell freezes over.
If this is your attitude then why should whites accept you and wish to be your brother? You don't give us a chance and just shit on us every chance you get.

As for history, slavery and mistreatment are universal practices across the races. The aztecs had slavery, asians had slavery, arabs had slavery and yes your people had slavery. Blacks enslaved their own people and sold them all over the world. Whites do everything in our power to be fair to your people and go out of our way to provide you and your people with a place in our society. All you can show us is you hate us because we did the same thing as your people did for thousands of years...I know your cut throat and hate it that we care about human rights and your people never did right up until we filled your people with the idea that they had rights...Yep, human rights and the abolishment of slavery are white ideas.
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What could society do for the black community in order for them to be happy, successful and grateful to be part of this society?

The way I see it we could clear their police records when it comes to drugs and traffic offenses. I think the main thing holding down young blacks is probably the inability to gain employment after getting charged for some drugs or being dumb behind the wheel. This would go along ways towards helping advance blacks.
I sort of agree with you in part.

The drug war is bullshit, and we know the democrook KKK party used it as an excuse to put hundreds of thousands of blacks in prison for attempting to capitalize in markets that only existed because there were no regulations beyond an absolute ban that was ignored by everyone. Bed wetters will pretend Nixon established the Drug War, but the harshest legislation and punishments came from the mindset of the likes of hitlary who referred to blacks as "super predators" and that potato Xiden who helped ram ill conceived laws through congress.

The cultural aspect that encouraged young black males to resist police, and generally take an adverse stance to law in general was established by media elites such as music producers and entertainment corporates. In the 1950's such endeavors would have been recognized by black leaders and undermined, but the democrook party nipped that foundation first, and as religion was undermined in the black community, wanton violence and disrespect for law increased.

If this is your attitude then why should whites accept you and wish to be your brother? You don't give us a chance and just shit on us every chance you get.

As for history, slavery and mistreatment are universal practices across the races. The aztecs had slavery, asians had slavery, arabs had slavery and yes your people had slavery. Blacks enslaved their own people and sold them all over the world. Whites do everything in our power to be fair to your people and go out of our way to provide you and your people with a place in our society. All you can show us is you hate us because we did the same thing as your people did for thousands of years...I know your cut throat and hate it that we care about human rights and your people never did right up until we filled your people with the idea that they had rights...Yep, human rights and the abolishment of slavery are white ideas.
You're the one who started this. And spare me the everybody was a slave excuse.. Every nation in history has faced some kind of terrorism too but we won't see any excuses about that. African slavery did not go the way you describe and America is not your society. Whites did not do as our people have done for thousands of years and slavery has not been all that was done. Everything you have said here is a lie. Blacks were first to end slavery. It was done in Haiti.

The idea of human rights originated in Africa since all documentation shows that Africa is the place where everything began. I know it bothers you but that's the way it is. You might want to do some study about slavery in Africa and don't read books by whites, you've read enough of that. Because there are 2 sides to this and the side you present is inaccurate.

“One major author on the slave trade (appropriately titled Sins of Our Fathers) explained how many white people urged him to state that the trade was the responsibility of African chiefs, and that Europeans merely turned up to buy captives- as though without European demand there would have been captives sitting on the beach by the millions! - Walter Rodney
Give up the crutch of slavery.
You mean collapse the foundation of the democrook party.

Such a catastrophe would collapse the federal gov't...

It would lead the DNC being dissolved entirely and then to a conflict between the GOP, The RINOs and libertarians.

I think it would be a great idea because freedom always wins.

Give up the crutch of slavery.
Citygroup did a study focusing on U.S. GDP from 2000 until 2020. The study revealed huge losses in GDP due to continuing discrimination against blacks in business revenue, education, housing credit, and income. The study determined that since the year 2000, continuing discriminatory practices in the four areas mentioned in the prior sentence resulted in a loss of 16 trillion dollars in GDP.25 The breakdown is as follows:

“Closing the Black racial wage gap 20 years ago might have provided an additional $2.7 trillion in income available for consumption and investment.

Improving access to housing credit might have added an additional 770,000 Black homeowners over the last 20 years, with combined sales and expenditures adding another $218 billion to GDP over that time.

Facilitating increased access to higher education (college, graduate, and vocational schools) for Black students might have bolstered lifetime incomes that in aggregate sums to $90 to $113 billion.

Providing fair and equitable lending to Black entrepreneurs might have resulted in the creation of an additional $13 trillion in business revenue over the last 20 years. This could have been used for investments in labor, technology, capital equipment, and structures and 6.1 million jobs might have been created per year.”

Quit pretending this is about slavery.
What could society do for the black community in order for them to be happy, successful and grateful to be part of this society?

The way I see it we could clear their police records when it comes to drugs and traffic offenses. I think the main thing holding down young blacks is probably the inability to gain employment after getting charged for some drugs or being dumb behind the wheel. This would go along ways towards helping advance blacks.
Slavery could single handedly end black unemployment....
I’m from the U.K. at school I was in a very mixed bag of students, in my class were 7 Jamaicans, 4 Muslim, 3 Chinese, 1 black South African.
We were all bottom of the pile sorts, we after 5 years of education more or less had the same education, many of the foreign boys had better grades than I did, I was middle to bottom, nothing special, I was below average I guess.
What I’m trying to say is each and every boy in my class had the same tools to get on in life, I had less because I was an undiagnosed autistic boy who just acted normal.
Many of my Jamaican classmates have gone on to do well for themselves, a few are business men, others have companies, a few are executives and director within companies.
Some of us couldn’t even understand English grammar, yet we’ve gone on and carved a life out for ourselves without needing to cross the line into criminality.
The bottom line is; if you’ve got the sincere motivation to do well, it doesn’t matter how far down the ladder you are you will succeed in life.
Being black in my opinion won’t hold you back in life.
I’m from the U.K. at school I was in a very mixed bag of students, in my class were 7 Jamaicans, 4 Muslim, 3 Chinese, 1 black South African.
We were all bottom of the pile sorts, we after 5 years of education more or less had the same education, many of the foreign boys had better grades than I did, I was middle to bottom, nothing special, I was below average I guess.
What I’m trying to say is each and every boy in my class had the same tools to get on in life, I had less because I was an undiagnosed autistic boy who just acted normal.
Many of my Jamaican classmates have gone on to do well for themselves, a few are business men, others have companies, a few are executives and director within companies.
Some of us couldn’t even understand English grammar, yet we’ve gone on and carved a life out for ourselves without needing to cross the line into criminality.
The bottom line is; if you’ve got the sincere motivation to do well, it doesn’t matter how far down the ladder you are you will succeed in life.
Being black in my opinion won’t hold you back in life.
Why do people who have never been black make these comments? Britain is a little different than America but when you look at U.K. stats in the B.A.M.E category, it doesn't produce a pretty picture.

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