What would America be like if the anti-Abortion types win?

Well that's a stupid point.

Stephen Hawkins was not viable for 30 or 40 years of a very productive life.

i guess if you call that living... The thing was, Hawking had a choice. He was told of his prognosis up front.

As opposed to a fetus with brittle bone syndrome who will live a very short and painful life, but you nutters will INSIST on bringing it into the world anyway.
Anyone got a rational discussion to the OP?

I’m all for Blacks and Wetbacks having as many abortions as possible...in fact, I hope they push their already rediculous numbers way off the charts. I think we should rally in the ghettos and barrios to encourage more abortion. Let’s do this Joe!
This is what anti abortion idiots don’t understand. It’s future liberals being aborted.

You don’t care if Muslim, Mexican or blacks get aborted right?

I kind of care.

Can't really explain why.

It's not like leftardz give a fuck about conservatives kids.
I love it when conservatives suffer from voting republican..

Their jobs goes overseas, their insurance won’t cover their pre existing conditions, cuts to their social security and Medicare, when their taxes are raised to pay for tax breaks we gave the rich
What a load of bullshit. If the pro life people win, each state will make its own abortion laws, just as they did before the Roe v. Wade mutilation of our Constitution. Some states will allow abortions and some states won't, so if a woman who lived in a state that didn't allow abortions wanted one, she would have to take a bus to a state that did allow them, and if she didn't have the bus fare, pro abortion fanatics like yourself would be happy to buy her a bus ticket.

But here's the problem with that...

Poor women in red states wouldn't be able to get abortions, but wealthy women in red states could take a trip.

Does this seem fair to you? It would seem that if anyone should be compelled to have a baby, it should be the affluent person, who has the resources to take care of it.
That's not the case. Poor women in states that do not allow abortion can take a bus to a state that allows them. Even poor people can take sick days.

Poor women don't have the money to take off work, leave the state, leave their children in the care of others, and jump through all of the legal hoops, unnecessary tests, and degradation that the state will put her through because she can't afford to have a baby.

I love it how men think that doing all of this is just so easy for people of limited resources.
So stop giving money to Planned Parenthood and give it to moms. You’re desire to murder children is sick.

Your kind stopped giving money to moms. Years ago. You don’t provide anything to young mothers. You expect poor family to give birth to children they can’t afford and that you only care about before they’re born.

Your kind stopped giving money to moms. Years ago. You don’t provide anything to young mothers. You expect poor family to give birth to children they can’t afford and that you only care about before they’re born.

My kind gives and works for charities for the needy at a 9:1 ratio of your ‘that’s the governments job’ kind.
Well that's a stupid point.

Stephen Hawkins was not viable for 30 or 40 years of a very productive life.

i guess if you call that living... The thing was, Hawking had a choice. He was told of his prognosis up front.

As opposed to a fetus with brittle bone syndrome who will live a very short and painful life, but you nutters will INSIST on bringing it into the world anyway.
So you want to play God and execute every human you deem unworthy of living.

You make Hitler blush with shame.
All their screaming about "infanticide" aside, do you ever wonder what our country would look like if the Anti-Choice fanatics got their way.

Well, thanks to the modern miracles of actually understanding there is a rest of the world out there, we have a real life example.

The Philippines, former American Colony, has exactly the kind of anti-choice laws you guys want.

How's that working out.. Well, let's review.

Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in the Philippines

• The Philippines abortion law is among the strictest in the world. Abortion is illegal under all circumstances and there are no explicit exceptions. Nonetheless, because of high levels of unintended pregnancy, abortion is common in the country. Projections that were based on the national abortion rate in 2000 (the most recent available) and that took into account population increase estimated that 560,000 abortions occurred in 2008 and 610,000 abortions took place in 2012.[2,8,9]

• About 1,000 Filipino women die each year from abortion complications, which contributes to the nation’s high maternal mortality rate. Projections that were based on data from 2000 indicate that 100,000 women were hospitalized for abortion complications in 2012; countless others suffered complications that went untreated.[4,9]

• The stigma surrounding abortion makes it difficult for women to seek postabortion care. Some women report feeling shamed and intimidated by health care workers and in some cases, women are not given pain relievers or anesthetics or are denied treatment all together. Others report being threatened that they would be turned over to the police.[5,8]

A Caliphate.

Obamas gone
I asked this....and you slithered away from it.

Is there any argument for the "right" of a woman to authorize the killing of her unborn baby that would not apply to her authorizing the similar slaughter of a year old that she was breastfeeding?

'cause....if there isn't, and one is murder, so, then, is the other.

That's called logic.

again, do you suffer from some OCD where you are compelled to do this?

There is an argument. Fetuses aren't viable... therefore there's no real issue with terminating them.


What right has she to kill a separate and unique human being?????

The right that it's HER BODY and HER DECISION.

Look, the problem is, the science has already moved beyond the argument, we have abortion pills now...

What right do you have to tell her she has to give birth to a child she doesn't want?

You see, this is the question I keep asking you nutters, how are you going to enforce a law that 70% of the population thinks is stupid and will actively oppose?

If the crazy person you're replying to actually thinks a zygote, embryo or fetus is the same thing as a 1 year old child then let that fetus be the same as a 1 year old child.

That 1 year old child is out of it's mother's body, can breathe and eat on it's own. All of it's organs are in place and finishing developing.

So take that zygote, embryo or fetus from the woman's body and let it behave like that 1 year old child. Let it breathe and eat all on it's own. If it's the same as a 1 year old child then there will be no problem.

There will be a problem because that zygote, embryo and fetus don't have the organs to be able to function like all living human beings can.

It's a clump of cells. It has no heart, lungs, brain or nervous system. No liver or kidneys or digestive system. It has no hands or feet or any way to eat or breathe.

So anyone who tries to lie and equates a zygote, embryo or fetus to a 1 year old child is comparing applies to oranges and lying through their teeth.

They are completely different things.

Sooooo....you dropped by for an education?

Excellent.....and not a moment too soon, you ignorant buffoon.

Take notes, so you don't make the same mistake again.

1. “The formation, maturation and meeting of a male and female sex cell are all preliminary to their actual union into a combined cell, or zygote, which definitely marks the beginning of a new individual. The penetration of the ovum by the spermatozoon, and the coming together and pooling of their respective nuclei, constitutes the process of fertilization.”
Ronan O’Rahilly and Fabiola Miller, Human Embryology and Teratology, 3rd edition. New York: Wiley-Liss, 2001. p. 8.

2. “Although life is a continuous process, fertilization… is a critical landmark because, under ordinary circumstances, a new genetically distinct human organism is formed when the chromosomes of the male and female pronuclei blend in the oocyte.”

“[All] organisms, however large and complex they might be as full grown, begin life as a single cell. This is true for the human being, for instance, who begins life as a fertilized ovum.

"After fertilization has taken place a new human being has come into being...[this] is no longer a matter of taste or opinion, it is not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence...." - Dr Jerome LeJeune, Professor of Genetics at the University of Descartes, Paris, discoverer of the chromosome pattern of Down's Syndrome, and Nobel Prize Winner

"An individual human life begins at conception when a sperm cell from the father fuses with an egg cell from the mother, to form a new cell, the zygote, the first embryonic stage. The zygote grows and divides into two daughter cells, each of which grows and divides into two grand-daughter cells, and this cell growth/division process continues on, over and over again. The zygote is the start of a biological continuum that automatically grows and develops, passing gradually and sequentially through the stages we call foetus, baby, child, adult, old person and ending eventually in death. The full genetic instructions to guide the development of the continuum, in interaction with its environment, are present in the zygote. Every stage along the continuum is biologically human and each point along the continuum has the full human properties appropriate to that point." - Dr. William Reville, University College Cork, Ireland

Now....get gone.....you nauseate me.
“The Gosnell case reveals the state of much of Western society. It is lost without a compass. Cigarette packets warn that ‘Smoking can harm unborn babies’. No doubt it can, but abortion does more. Planned Parenthood even has an advertisement: ‘Your baby will thank you.’ This can only mystify anyone who retains any capacity to think.

In 2012 two Victorian doctors advocated what they called ‘after-birth abortion’. Planned Parenthood representative, Alisa LaPolt Snow, told the Florida Legislature that if a child was aborted but survived the abortion, the decision as to what to do with the child should be left up to the woman, her family, and physician. We have been manoeuvred about by slogans to the point where critical standards have almost collapsed around us.

Ultimately, Gosnell’s ‘crime’ in the eyes of the state was that he was unsuccessful in killing the children in the womb, so he resorted to doing it outside the womb. If he had succeeded in the first place, he would never have been charged. Peter Singer has long argued in favour of infanticide because the distinction between the child in the womb and the child outside is not enough to warrant the law’s protection. His logic is impeccable; his ethics are frightening.

Speaking generally, we no longer see life as guarded by the commandment ‘You shall not murder’. It is now determined by the desire of someone else. That is what pro-choice means.

There is no argument in favour of abortion which is not also an argument in favour of infanticide.”
Abortion: Kermit Gosnell and the slide to infanticide. · Caldron Pool
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And it began with the French Revolution....as did the Russian Revolution, and that of Mao.

The central fallacy is that society can replace religion and morality with science and reason.

Science tells us what we can do, not what we should do: hence, abortion and infanticide.

Dennis Prager:
"If there's no God - making ourselves the source of ethics for everybody, or declaring that nobody can be the source of ethics for anybody, and therefore morality is, again, purely subjective.

Abortion may be legal, and a woman’s right….but this doesn’t it is ethically right. The Greeks believed in a version of same in which they placed deformed babies on the hillside. The reason I use the Greek example of ugly children is not because we do it today, but because they had reason on their side.

Reason supports a lot of things, as for example, a very liberal position on abortion. If there is no God, "Love your neighbor as yourself" is just a good idea. That's why it is written, incidentally, in Leviticus, "Love your neighbor as yourself, I am God." I, God, tell you to be decent to other people."
All their screaming about "infanticide" aside, do you ever wonder what our country would look like if the Anti-Choice fanatics got their way.

Well, thanks to the modern miracles of actually understanding there is a rest of the world out there, we have a real life example.

The Philippines, former American Colony, has exactly the kind of anti-choice laws you guys want.

How's that working out.. Well, let's review.

Unintended Pregnancy and Unsafe Abortion in the Philippines

• The Philippines abortion law is among the strictest in the world. Abortion is illegal under all circumstances and there are no explicit exceptions. Nonetheless, because of high levels of unintended pregnancy, abortion is common in the country. Projections that were based on the national abortion rate in 2000 (the most recent available) and that took into account population increase estimated that 560,000 abortions occurred in 2008 and 610,000 abortions took place in 2012.[2,8,9]

• About 1,000 Filipino women die each year from abortion complications, which contributes to the nation’s high maternal mortality rate. Projections that were based on data from 2000 indicate that 100,000 women were hospitalized for abortion complications in 2012; countless others suffered complications that went untreated.[4,9]

• The stigma surrounding abortion makes it difficult for women to seek postabortion care. Some women report feeling shamed and intimidated by health care workers and in some cases, women are not given pain relievers or anesthetics or are denied treatment all together. Others report being threatened that they would be turned over to the police.[5,8]


Now Joe says we need to be like the Philippines ? I can see how he would what with all the natives killing each other in droves where he lives. Maybe we start executing folks when cought with an ounce of meth or a fat sack of weed? Honestly, this OP is nothing more then a pitiful attempt to harvest hugs. Camp/Campmbell must be having a sad face day.
The OP's argument simplified: "People are going to commit murder anyway, so it should be legal".
If we do away with abortion demand, for the sake of convenience then that would mean that parents would have to start taking responsibility for their actions.

Liberals hate to do that. Responsibility for a Liberal is like the Devil.
The OP's argument simplified: "People are going to commit murder anyway, so it should be legal".


There was this statue of Nathan Hale outside my buddy's dorm room at Yale....


And that OP?

Remember that for those with the OP's political perspective, laws are just for the little people....the other side....right up to and including infanticide.
So you want to play God and execute every human you deem unworthy of living.

You make Hitler blush with shame.

No, I would leave that choice to the people who would have to raise a child with a severe disability and watch it suffer. And then I would hope they wouldn't be sadists and make the right decision.

But reality check...90% of people who find out their fetuses are going to have Down Syndrome abort. Are they all "Hitler" in your mind? Or are they just folks who got dealt a shitty hand by genetics and made the best decision they could?
What are you claiming that George Bush said about Willie Horton that was untrue?

Well, to start with, his name wasn't "Willie", it was William. But Willie sounded more ghetto, so they went with that.

He also said that Mike Dukakis came up withe misguided program that let him out on furlough, but that policy was developed by Dukakis' Republican predecessor, Francis Sargeant.

In short, Bush lied... but that's what his whole family does.
You liked Obama and his mother didn't want him.

Says who?

Never mind... who knows what kind of Birther crazy we'll here from this one.

Speaking of that...

"If there's no God - making ourselves the source of ethics for everybody, or declaring that nobody can be the source of ethics for anybody, and therefore morality is, again, purely subjective.

Morality is purely subjective if you have a God or not. The God of the Bible demanded that 'his people" murder girls who weren't virgins on their wedding nights (some of whom might have had fetuses inside of them. IN fact, probably most of them), people who worked on the sabbath, gay folks, people who happened to be on land the Israelites wanted... including women and children...

The Nazis wore belt buckles that read "Gott Mit Uns". You will be happy to know that the Nazis were the ONLY regime in the world that executed people for performing abortions, though.

Reason supports a lot of things, as for example, a very liberal position on abortion. If there is no God, "Love your neighbor as yourself" is just a good idea. That's why it is written, incidentally, in Leviticus, "Love your neighbor as yourself, I am God." I, God, tell you to be decent to other people."

Somebody tell that to the Amalekites, whom God ordered exterminated to the last man, woman and child, and turned his back on Saul for not also wanting to kill their cattle.

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