What Will Never Be Again


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The one that lives in books and in history.

1. Want to read about it, about the glowing respect of those outside our nation, what was 'a shining city on a hill'? It's in the works of our birthday boy today:

Alexis de Tocqueville, (born July 29, 1805, Paris, France—died April 16, 1859, Cannes), political scientist, historian, and politician, best known for Democracy in America, 4 vol. (1835–40), a perceptive analysis of the political and social system of the United States in the early 19th century.

2. The 'entry fee' to understanding what we were, and what we will be should Trump lose the election, is having read Tocqueville's study of America about the time of our nation's creation, Democracy in America. If you haven't read it, if you don't read books, you are inadvertently working for America's enemies, the Democrat Party.

3. Tocqueville actually warned of Liberalism, and how it would use materialism to corrupt society.
Alexis de Tocqueville, writing “Democracy in America” in the 1830’s, described “an immense, tutelary power, which takes sole charge of assuring their enjoyment and of watching over their fate.” As he predicted, this power is “absolute, attentive to detail, regular, provident, and gentle,” and it “works willingly for their happiness, but it wishes to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness. It provides for their security, foresees and supplies their needs, guides them in their principal affairs, directs their industry, regulates their testaments, divides their inheritances.” It is entirely proper to ask, as he asked, whether it can “relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking and of the effort associated with living.”

4. Tocqueville foresaw that the human “soul” would enter into a “long repose.” In the process, “individual energy” would be “almost extinguished”; and, when action was required, men would “rely on others,” in a new and unprecedented “species of servitude.”

5. And what would the alternative look like? Decentralized administration, local self-government, civic associations, an unfettered press, Biblical religion, and the marital solidarity characteristic of Jacksonian America, enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, put into practical form through the Constitution, and given an authoritative interpretation in ‘The Federalist.’

[from The Heritage Foundation]

Tocqueville did his job, in telling what was, and warning of what will be.
Too many of us don't do our job.
Then vs when....

"If Donald Trump is not re-elected, we face the likely reality of America never being the same again. What do I mean by that? If Joe Biden becomes president, we are going to see illegal immigrants become citizens… that’s millions of votes for the Democrat Party. We’ll see felons getting the right to vote, which will be more votes for the Democrat Party. We’ll see mail-in ballots be expanded… again, this will expand the number of Democrat voters. We’ll see Washington DC become a state, which, again, will give the Dems two more Senators. We have to understand the ramifications of a Biden presidency, and it’s more than just the next four years. "
"... the prescient de Tocqueville describes the seductive embrace of the collective, “a network of petty regulations—complicated, minute, and uniform, the rule of a technocratic elite armed with authority conferred by a liberal, quasi-democratic regime —through which even the most original minds and the most vigorous souls know not how to make their way past the crowd and emerge into the light of day.

It does not break wills; it softens them, bends them, and directs them; rarely does it force one to act, but it constantly opposes itself to one’s acting on one’s own; it does not destroy; it prevents things from being born; it does not tyrannize, it gets in the way, it curtails, it enervates, it extinguishes, it stupefies, and finally it reduces each nation to nothing more than a herd of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd." 404 Not Found - Hillsdale College
Then vs when....

"If Donald Trump is not re-elected, we face the likely reality of America never being the same again. What do I mean by that? If Joe Biden becomes president, we are going to see illegal immigrants become citizens… that’s millions of votes for the Democrat Party. We’ll see felons getting the right to vote, which will be more votes for the Democrat Party. We’ll see mail-in ballots be expanded… again, this will expand the number of Democrat voters. We’ll see Washington DC become a state, which, again, will give the Dems two more Senators. We have to understand the ramifications of a Biden presidency, and it’s more than just the next four years. "
Like America has not changed for the worst under Trump.
Then vs when....

"If Donald Trump is not re-elected, we face the likely reality of America never being the same again. What do I mean by that? If Joe Biden becomes president, we are going to see illegal immigrants become citizens… that’s millions of votes for the Democrat Party. We’ll see felons getting the right to vote, which will be more votes for the Democrat Party. We’ll see mail-in ballots be expanded… again, this will expand the number of Democrat voters. We’ll see Washington DC become a state, which, again, will give the Dems two more Senators. We have to understand the ramifications of a Biden presidency, and it’s more than just the next four years. "
Like America has not changed for the worst under Trump.

Only to the extent that you Leftists have attacked our cities and closed down enterprise.
The one that lives in books and in history.

1. Want to read about it, about the glowing respect of those outside our nation, what was 'a shining city on a hill'? It's in the works of our birthday boy today:
View attachment 368637
Alexis de Tocqueville, (born July 29, 1805, Paris, France—died April 16, 1859, Cannes), political scientist, historian, and politician, best known for Democracy in America, 4 vol. (1835–40), a perceptive analysis of the political and social system of the United States in the early 19th century.

2. The 'entry fee' to understanding what we were, and what we will be should Trump lose the election, is having read Tocqueville's study of America about the time of our nation's creation, Democracy in America. If you haven't read it, if you don't read books, you are inadvertently working for America's enemies, the Democrat Party.

3. Tocqueville actually warned of Liberalism, and how it would use materialism to corrupt society.
Alexis de Tocqueville, writing “Democracy in America” in the 1830’s, described “an immense, tutelary power, which takes sole charge of assuring their enjoyment and of watching over their fate.” As he predicted, this power is “absolute, attentive to detail, regular, provident, and gentle,” and it “works willingly for their happiness, but it wishes to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness. It provides for their security, foresees and supplies their needs, guides them in their principal affairs, directs their industry, regulates their testaments, divides their inheritances.” It is entirely proper to ask, as he asked, whether it can “relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking and of the effort associated with living.”

4. Tocqueville foresaw that the human “soul” would enter into a “long repose.” In the process, “individual energy” would be “almost extinguished”; and, when action was required, men would “rely on others,” in a new and unprecedented “species of servitude.”

5. And what would the alternative look like? Decentralized administration, local self-government, civic associations, an unfettered press, Biblical religion, and the marital solidarity characteristic of Jacksonian America, enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, put into practical form through the Constitution, and given an authoritative interpretation in ‘The Federalist.’

[from The Heritage Foundation]

Tocqueville did his job, in telling what was, and warning of what will be.
Too many of us don't do our job.
I think it is our 'America First' attitude and our 'go it alone' foreign policies that have cost us the respect of the world.
The one that lives in books and in history.

1. Want to read about it, about the glowing respect of those outside our nation, what was 'a shining city on a hill'? It's in the works of our birthday boy today:
View attachment 368637
Alexis de Tocqueville, (born July 29, 1805, Paris, France—died April 16, 1859, Cannes), political scientist, historian, and politician, best known for Democracy in America, 4 vol. (1835–40), a perceptive analysis of the political and social system of the United States in the early 19th century.

2. The 'entry fee' to understanding what we were, and what we will be should Trump lose the election, is having read Tocqueville's study of America about the time of our nation's creation, Democracy in America. If you haven't read it, if you don't read books, you are inadvertently working for America's enemies, the Democrat Party.

3. Tocqueville actually warned of Liberalism, and how it would use materialism to corrupt society.
Alexis de Tocqueville, writing “Democracy in America” in the 1830’s, described “an immense, tutelary power, which takes sole charge of assuring their enjoyment and of watching over their fate.” As he predicted, this power is “absolute, attentive to detail, regular, provident, and gentle,” and it “works willingly for their happiness, but it wishes to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness. It provides for their security, foresees and supplies their needs, guides them in their principal affairs, directs their industry, regulates their testaments, divides their inheritances.” It is entirely proper to ask, as he asked, whether it can “relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking and of the effort associated with living.”

4. Tocqueville foresaw that the human “soul” would enter into a “long repose.” In the process, “individual energy” would be “almost extinguished”; and, when action was required, men would “rely on others,” in a new and unprecedented “species of servitude.”

5. And what would the alternative look like? Decentralized administration, local self-government, civic associations, an unfettered press, Biblical religion, and the marital solidarity characteristic of Jacksonian America, enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, put into practical form through the Constitution, and given an authoritative interpretation in ‘The Federalist.’

[from The Heritage Foundation]

Tocqueville did his job, in telling what was, and warning of what will be.
Too many of us don't do our job.
I think it is our 'America First' attitude and our 'go it alone' foreign policies that have cost us the respect of the world.

"...that have cost us the respect of the world."

So that's why immigration has fallen to zero????

Then vs when....

"If Donald Trump is not re-elected, we face the likely reality of America never being the same again. What do I mean by that? If Joe Biden becomes president, we are going to see illegal immigrants become citizens… that’s millions of votes for the Democrat Party. We’ll see felons getting the right to vote, which will be more votes for the Democrat Party. We’ll see mail-in ballots be expanded… again, this will expand the number of Democrat voters. We’ll see Washington DC become a state, which, again, will give the Dems two more Senators. We have to understand the ramifications of a Biden presidency, and it’s more than just the next four years. "
Like America has not changed for the worst under Trump.

Only to the extent that you Leftists have attacked our cities and closed down enterprise.
And how WE closed down enterprise?
Then vs when....

"If Donald Trump is not re-elected, we face the likely reality of America never being the same again. What do I mean by that? If Joe Biden becomes president, we are going to see illegal immigrants become citizens… that’s millions of votes for the Democrat Party. We’ll see felons getting the right to vote, which will be more votes for the Democrat Party. We’ll see mail-in ballots be expanded… again, this will expand the number of Democrat voters. We’ll see Washington DC become a state, which, again, will give the Dems two more Senators. We have to understand the ramifications of a Biden presidency, and it’s more than just the next four years. "
Like America has not changed for the worst under Trump.

Only to the extent that you Leftists have attacked our cities and closed down enterprise.
And how WE closed down enterprise?

"New Jersey Shuts Down Businesses, Orders Residents To ‘Stay At Home’"

California closes indoor businesses as coronavirus cases rise ...

Coast to coast.

Then vs when....

"If Donald Trump is not re-elected, we face the likely reality of America never being the same again. What do I mean by that? If Joe Biden becomes president, we are going to see illegal immigrants become citizens… that’s millions of votes for the Democrat Party. We’ll see felons getting the right to vote, which will be more votes for the Democrat Party. We’ll see mail-in ballots be expanded… again, this will expand the number of Democrat voters. We’ll see Washington DC become a state, which, again, will give the Dems two more Senators. We have to understand the ramifications of a Biden presidency, and it’s more than just the next four years. "
I understand the GOP wants to limit democracy to only their supporters but why will mail-in ballots expand the number of Democrat voters? You'd think it just the opposite since cities are the bastion of the Dems and rural areas (which would require more travel time) tend to lean GOP?
Then vs when....

"If Donald Trump is not re-elected, we face the likely reality of America never being the same again. What do I mean by that? If Joe Biden becomes president, we are going to see illegal immigrants become citizens… that’s millions of votes for the Democrat Party. We’ll see felons getting the right to vote, which will be more votes for the Democrat Party. We’ll see mail-in ballots be expanded… again, this will expand the number of Democrat voters. We’ll see Washington DC become a state, which, again, will give the Dems two more Senators. We have to understand the ramifications of a Biden presidency, and it’s more than just the next four years. "
I understand the GOP wants to limit democracy to only their supporters but why will mail-in ballots expand the number of Democrat voters? You'd think it just the opposite since cities are the bastion of the Dems and rural areas (which would require more travel time) tend to lean GOP?

"I understand the GOP wants to limit democracy to only their supporters "

Link or your usual mode...lie.
The one that lives in books and in history.

1. Want to read about it, about the glowing respect of those outside our nation, what was 'a shining city on a hill'? It's in the works of our birthday boy today:
View attachment 368637
Alexis de Tocqueville, (born July 29, 1805, Paris, France—died April 16, 1859, Cannes), political scientist, historian, and politician, best known for Democracy in America, 4 vol. (1835–40), a perceptive analysis of the political and social system of the United States in the early 19th century.

2. The 'entry fee' to understanding what we were, and what we will be should Trump lose the election, is having read Tocqueville's study of America about the time of our nation's creation, Democracy in America. If you haven't read it, if you don't read books, you are inadvertently working for America's enemies, the Democrat Party.

3. Tocqueville actually warned of Liberalism, and how it would use materialism to corrupt society.
Alexis de Tocqueville, writing “Democracy in America” in the 1830’s, described “an immense, tutelary power, which takes sole charge of assuring their enjoyment and of watching over their fate.” As he predicted, this power is “absolute, attentive to detail, regular, provident, and gentle,” and it “works willingly for their happiness, but it wishes to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness. It provides for their security, foresees and supplies their needs, guides them in their principal affairs, directs their industry, regulates their testaments, divides their inheritances.” It is entirely proper to ask, as he asked, whether it can “relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking and of the effort associated with living.”

4. Tocqueville foresaw that the human “soul” would enter into a “long repose.” In the process, “individual energy” would be “almost extinguished”; and, when action was required, men would “rely on others,” in a new and unprecedented “species of servitude.”

5. And what would the alternative look like? Decentralized administration, local self-government, civic associations, an unfettered press, Biblical religion, and the marital solidarity characteristic of Jacksonian America, enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, put into practical form through the Constitution, and given an authoritative interpretation in ‘The Federalist.’

[from The Heritage Foundation]

Tocqueville did his job, in telling what was, and warning of what will be.
Too many of us don't do our job.
I think it is our 'America First' attitude and our 'go it alone' foreign policies that have cost us the respect of the world.

"...that have cost us the respect of the world."

So that's why immigration has fallen to zero????

I guess the world may not respect our morality but they do respect our money. I think they used to respect our freedoms and tolerance but I think that is history.
Then vs when....

"If Donald Trump is not re-elected, we face the likely reality of America never being the same again. What do I mean by that? If Joe Biden becomes president, we are going to see illegal immigrants become citizens… that’s millions of votes for the Democrat Party. We’ll see felons getting the right to vote, which will be more votes for the Democrat Party. We’ll see mail-in ballots be expanded… again, this will expand the number of Democrat voters. We’ll see Washington DC become a state, which, again, will give the Dems two more Senators. We have to understand the ramifications of a Biden presidency, and it’s more than just the next four years. "
Like America has not changed for the worst under Trump.

Only to the extent that you Leftists have attacked our cities and closed down enterprise.
And how WE closed down enterprise?

"New Jersey Shuts Down Businesses, Orders Residents To ‘Stay At Home’"

California closes indoor businesses as coronavirus cases rise ...

Coast to coast.

It is happening all over the world. Wake up you stupid Trumpette.
The one that lives in books and in history.

1. Want to read about it, about the glowing respect of those outside our nation, what was 'a shining city on a hill'? It's in the works of our birthday boy today:
View attachment 368637
Alexis de Tocqueville, (born July 29, 1805, Paris, France—died April 16, 1859, Cannes), political scientist, historian, and politician, best known for Democracy in America, 4 vol. (1835–40), a perceptive analysis of the political and social system of the United States in the early 19th century.

2. The 'entry fee' to understanding what we were, and what we will be should Trump lose the election, is having read Tocqueville's study of America about the time of our nation's creation, Democracy in America. If you haven't read it, if you don't read books, you are inadvertently working for America's enemies, the Democrat Party.

3. Tocqueville actually warned of Liberalism, and how it would use materialism to corrupt society.
Alexis de Tocqueville, writing “Democracy in America” in the 1830’s, described “an immense, tutelary power, which takes sole charge of assuring their enjoyment and of watching over their fate.” As he predicted, this power is “absolute, attentive to detail, regular, provident, and gentle,” and it “works willingly for their happiness, but it wishes to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness. It provides for their security, foresees and supplies their needs, guides them in their principal affairs, directs their industry, regulates their testaments, divides their inheritances.” It is entirely proper to ask, as he asked, whether it can “relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking and of the effort associated with living.”

4. Tocqueville foresaw that the human “soul” would enter into a “long repose.” In the process, “individual energy” would be “almost extinguished”; and, when action was required, men would “rely on others,” in a new and unprecedented “species of servitude.”

5. And what would the alternative look like? Decentralized administration, local self-government, civic associations, an unfettered press, Biblical religion, and the marital solidarity characteristic of Jacksonian America, enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, put into practical form through the Constitution, and given an authoritative interpretation in ‘The Federalist.’

[from The Heritage Foundation]

Tocqueville did his job, in telling what was, and warning of what will be.
Too many of us don't do our job.
I think it is our 'America First' attitude and our 'go it alone' foreign policies that have cost us the respect of the world.

"...that have cost us the respect of the world."

So that's why immigration has fallen to zero????

I guess the world may not respect our morality but they do respect our money. I think they used to respect our freedoms and tolerance but I think that is history.

"I understand the GOP wants to limit democracy to only their supporters "

Link or your usual mode...lie.

You're admitting that you are a liar?

Everyone will be simply shocked.
Then vs when....

"If Donald Trump is not re-elected, we face the likely reality of America never being the same again. What do I mean by that? If Joe Biden becomes president, we are going to see illegal immigrants become citizens… that’s millions of votes for the Democrat Party. We’ll see felons getting the right to vote, which will be more votes for the Democrat Party. We’ll see mail-in ballots be expanded… again, this will expand the number of Democrat voters. We’ll see Washington DC become a state, which, again, will give the Dems two more Senators. We have to understand the ramifications of a Biden presidency, and it’s more than just the next four years. "
I understand the GOP wants to limit democracy to only their supporters but why will mail-in ballots expand the number of Democrat voters? You'd think it just the opposite since cities are the bastion of the Dems and rural areas (which would require more travel time) tend to lean GOP?

"I understand the GOP wants to limit democracy to only their supporters "

Link or your usual mode...lie.
Here's the link. It contains reasons to limit democracy like "that’s millions of votes for the Democrat Party", "more votes for the Democrat Party", "expand the number of Democrat voters", "give the Dems two more Senators".
The one that lives in books and in history.

1. Want to read about it, about the glowing respect of those outside our nation, what was 'a shining city on a hill'? It's in the works of our birthday boy today:
View attachment 368637
Alexis de Tocqueville, (born July 29, 1805, Paris, France—died April 16, 1859, Cannes), political scientist, historian, and politician, best known for Democracy in America, 4 vol. (1835–40), a perceptive analysis of the political and social system of the United States in the early 19th century.

2. The 'entry fee' to understanding what we were, and what we will be should Trump lose the election, is having read Tocqueville's study of America about the time of our nation's creation, Democracy in America. If you haven't read it, if you don't read books, you are inadvertently working for America's enemies, the Democrat Party.

3. Tocqueville actually warned of Liberalism, and how it would use materialism to corrupt society.
Alexis de Tocqueville, writing “Democracy in America” in the 1830’s, described “an immense, tutelary power, which takes sole charge of assuring their enjoyment and of watching over their fate.” As he predicted, this power is “absolute, attentive to detail, regular, provident, and gentle,” and it “works willingly for their happiness, but it wishes to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness. It provides for their security, foresees and supplies their needs, guides them in their principal affairs, directs their industry, regulates their testaments, divides their inheritances.” It is entirely proper to ask, as he asked, whether it can “relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking and of the effort associated with living.”

4. Tocqueville foresaw that the human “soul” would enter into a “long repose.” In the process, “individual energy” would be “almost extinguished”; and, when action was required, men would “rely on others,” in a new and unprecedented “species of servitude.”

5. And what would the alternative look like? Decentralized administration, local self-government, civic associations, an unfettered press, Biblical religion, and the marital solidarity characteristic of Jacksonian America, enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, put into practical form through the Constitution, and given an authoritative interpretation in ‘The Federalist.’

[from The Heritage Foundation]

Tocqueville did his job, in telling what was, and warning of what will be.
Too many of us don't do our job.
I think it is our 'America First' attitude and our 'go it alone' foreign policies that have cost us the respect of the world.

"...that have cost us the respect of the world."

So that's why immigration has fallen to zero????

I guess the world may not respect our morality but they do respect our money. I think they used to respect our freedoms and tolerance but I think that is history.
Link or your usual mode...lie.
Easy peasy: Link
Then vs when....

"If Donald Trump is not re-elected, we face the likely reality of America never being the same again. What do I mean by that? If Joe Biden becomes president, we are going to see illegal immigrants become citizens… that’s millions of votes for the Democrat Party. We’ll see felons getting the right to vote, which will be more votes for the Democrat Party. We’ll see mail-in ballots be expanded… again, this will expand the number of Democrat voters. We’ll see Washington DC become a state, which, again, will give the Dems two more Senators. We have to understand the ramifications of a Biden presidency, and it’s more than just the next four years. "
I understand the GOP wants to limit democracy to only their supporters but why will mail-in ballots expand the number of Democrat voters? You'd think it just the opposite since cities are the bastion of the Dems and rural areas (which would require more travel time) tend to lean GOP?

"I understand the GOP wants to limit democracy to only their supporters "

Link or your usual mode...lie.
Here's the link. It contains reasons to limit democracy like "that’s millions of votes for the Democrat Party", "more votes for the Democrat Party", "expand the number of Democrat voters", "give the Dems two more Senators".

"I understand the GOP wants to limit democracy to only their supporters "

I asked you to defend your lie......that link doesn't say that....

Second lie on the same subject.

You're pretty scummy, huh?
The one that lives in books and in history.

1. Want to read about it, about the glowing respect of those outside our nation, what was 'a shining city on a hill'? It's in the works of our birthday boy today:
View attachment 368637
Alexis de Tocqueville, (born July 29, 1805, Paris, France—died April 16, 1859, Cannes), political scientist, historian, and politician, best known for Democracy in America, 4 vol. (1835–40), a perceptive analysis of the political and social system of the United States in the early 19th century.

2. The 'entry fee' to understanding what we were, and what we will be should Trump lose the election, is having read Tocqueville's study of America about the time of our nation's creation, Democracy in America. If you haven't read it, if you don't read books, you are inadvertently working for America's enemies, the Democrat Party.

3. Tocqueville actually warned of Liberalism, and how it would use materialism to corrupt society.
Alexis de Tocqueville, writing “Democracy in America” in the 1830’s, described “an immense, tutelary power, which takes sole charge of assuring their enjoyment and of watching over their fate.” As he predicted, this power is “absolute, attentive to detail, regular, provident, and gentle,” and it “works willingly for their happiness, but it wishes to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness. It provides for their security, foresees and supplies their needs, guides them in their principal affairs, directs their industry, regulates their testaments, divides their inheritances.” It is entirely proper to ask, as he asked, whether it can “relieve them entirely of the trouble of thinking and of the effort associated with living.”

4. Tocqueville foresaw that the human “soul” would enter into a “long repose.” In the process, “individual energy” would be “almost extinguished”; and, when action was required, men would “rely on others,” in a new and unprecedented “species of servitude.”

5. And what would the alternative look like? Decentralized administration, local self-government, civic associations, an unfettered press, Biblical religion, and the marital solidarity characteristic of Jacksonian America, enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, put into practical form through the Constitution, and given an authoritative interpretation in ‘The Federalist.’

[from The Heritage Foundation]

Tocqueville did his job, in telling what was, and warning of what will be.
Too many of us don't do our job.
I think it is our 'America First' attitude and our 'go it alone' foreign policies that have cost us the respect of the world.

"...that have cost us the respect of the world."

So that's why immigration has fallen to zero????

I guess the world may not respect our morality but they do respect our money. I think they used to respect our freedoms and tolerance but I think that is history.
Link or your usual mode...lie.
Easy peasy: Link


Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

Immigration pressure indicts America-haters like you by smashing the custard pie of truth in your ugly kissers.
Then vs when....

"If Donald Trump is not re-elected, we face the likely reality of America never being the same again. What do I mean by that? If Joe Biden becomes president, we are going to see illegal immigrants become citizens… that’s millions of votes for the Democrat Party. We’ll see felons getting the right to vote, which will be more votes for the Democrat Party. We’ll see mail-in ballots be expanded… again, this will expand the number of Democrat voters. We’ll see Washington DC become a state, which, again, will give the Dems two more Senators. We have to understand the ramifications of a Biden presidency, and it’s more than just the next four years. "
I understand the GOP wants to limit democracy to only their supporters but why will mail-in ballots expand the number of Democrat voters? You'd think it just the opposite since cities are the bastion of the Dems and rural areas (which would require more travel time) tend to lean GOP?

"I understand the GOP wants to limit democracy to only their supporters "

Link or your usual mode...lie.
Here's the link. It contains reasons to limit democracy like "that’s millions of votes for the Democrat Party", "more votes for the Democrat Party", "expand the number of Democrat voters", "give the Dems two more Senators".

"I understand the GOP wants to limit democracy to only their supporters "

I asked you to defend your lie......that link doesn't say that....

Second lie on the same subject.

You're pretty scummy, huh?
Not the first time you refuse to believe your own eyes. I guess if you couldn't view the world through your ideology you'd be blind.

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