What will likely drive the resurgence of Covid in GOP States!


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2020
Sunny Florida
When I was at work yesterday something was going on that I didn't see coming. At the golf course tee times were booked solid which is highly unusual for this time of year. When I asked what was going on I was told that we were being inundated with people who were down in Florida from States that were still locked down. They're leaving places like Michigan, Massachusetts and New York for Florida where they can do things like play golf and go out to dinner! So you've got people from Covid hotspots heading to places that are further along in the recovery process because they're tired of self isolating where they're from. Now the question becomes...how much Covid are they bringing with them?
What will likely drive the resurgence of Covid in GOP States

An even greater effort at faking the numbers to scare the hell out of people....That's what.
I was going to say democrats taking Covid viles and seeding them in red states to reinfect the population so they could then blame Trump.

Never underestimate the dirty scum.
When I was at work yesterday something was going on that I didn't see coming. At the golf course tee times were booked solid which is highly unusual for this time of year. When I asked what was going on I was told that we were being inundated with people who were down in Florida from States that were still locked down. They're leaving places like Michigan, Massachusetts and New York for Florida where they can do things like play golf and go out to dinner! So you've got people from Covid hotspots heading to places that are further along in the recovery process because they're tired of self isolating where they're from. Now the question becomes...how much Covid are they bringing with them?

So basically, if cases spike in these red states and the numbers end up going up, then this will be a convenient place for blame. Not because the virus was already there and increased activity helped spread it.
If people are traveling from Covid "hot spots" to areas that have much lower infection rates then it's common sense that those lower rates will most likely increase.

My point was that citizens in States that have Governors locking down the population are heading for States where that isn't the case. They want to be HERE...because THERE is so bad!
What will likely drive the resurgence of Covid in GOP States

An even greater effort at faking the numbers to scare the hell out of people....That's what.
I was going to say democrats taking Covid viles and seeding them in red states to reinfect the population so they could then blame Trump.

Never underestimate the dirty scum.
From what I can see it's people with wealth that have either second homes down here in Florida or who can afford to rent a place for a few months. They may be Democrats...they may be Republicans...what they AREN'T is fans of how things are being handled where they are from!
We're going to open up rather quickly from what I'm seeing. People in Florida have learned how to cope with social distancing and all of the rest. Now they want to get back to as normal an existence as possible.

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