What we've learned about Romney thanks to the Obama team:

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Romney likes dirty air
Romney likes dirty water
Romney likes e-coli
Romney likes to torture dogs
Romney likes to torture fags
Romney never paid taxes
Romney outsources
Romney is a felon
Romney wants to kill your grandparents
Romney wants to take everyone's Medicare away
Romney is a murderer
Romney wants to return to the days of slavery
Romney hates poor people

Democrats have become a disgraceful party and deserves to be removed from power. And before you call me a troll remember it was Obama that did all the above trolling. What an embarrassment.
Romney likes dirty air
Romney likes dirty water
Romney likes e-coli
Romney likes to torture dogs
Romney likes to torture fags
Romney never paid taxes
Romney outsources
Romney is a felon
Romney wants to kill your grandparents
Romney wants to take everyone's Medicare away
Romney is a murderer
Romney wants to return to the days of slavery
Romney hates poor people

Democrats have become a disgraceful party and deserves to be removed from power. And before you call me a troll remember it was Obama that did all the above trolling. What an embarrassment.

The bolded portions are what I believe are true.
Romney likes dirty air
Romney likes dirty water
Romney likes e-coli
Romney likes to torture dogs
Romney likes to torture fags
Romney never paid taxes
Romney outsources
Romney is a felon
Romney wants to kill your grandparents
Romney wants to take everyone's Medicare away
Romney is a murderer
Romney wants to return to the days of slavery
Romney hates poor people

Democrats have become a disgraceful party and deserves to be removed from power. And before you call me a troll remember it was Obama that did all the above trolling. What an embarrassment.

Yeah, damn them for bringing up negatives about a person who wants our vote for president. I guess you are just mad because those things are true and you have to resort to making shit up. You know like the idea that Obama was not born in the US. Or taking phrases out of context and reversing their meaning. Or claiming that it is uneccesary to know the personality and bullshit a presidential candidate does in their life.

WAH! Obama and the democrats were mean to mittens. Mommy please punish them for saying mean things. Mommy, are you there mommy?
Romney likes dirty air
Romney likes dirty water
Romney likes e-coli
Romney likes to torture dogs
Romney likes to torture fags
Romney never paid taxes
Romney outsources
Romney is a felon
Romney wants to kill your grandparents
Romney wants to take everyone's Medicare away
Romney is a murderer
Romney wants to return to the days of slavery
Romney hates poor people

Democrats have become a disgraceful party and deserves to be removed from power. And before you call me a troll remember it was Obama that did all the above trolling. What an embarrassment.

You don't expect the trash here to actually have a conscience. Look at the shit they post. They have the intellectual capacity of an 18 month old. They troll here during the night from deep in their mommy's basements. They have no life and no future...thanks to the guy they actually defend.
Romney likes dirty air
Romney likes dirty water
Romney likes e-coli
Romney likes to torture dogs
Romney likes to torture fags
Romney never paid taxes
Romney outsources
Romney is a felon
Romney wants to kill your grandparents
Romney wants to take everyone's Medicare away
Romney is a murderer
Romney wants to return to the days of slavery
Romney hates poor people

Democrats have become a disgraceful party and deserves to be removed from power. And before you call me a troll remember it was Obama that did all the above trolling. What an embarrassment.

This is the guy you nominated, even though a lot of people in the primaries told you it was a horrible idea.

Romney is the one who told us the Dog Story, like that was something to be proud of his management skills.
Romney likes dirty air
Romney likes dirty water
Romney likes e-coli
Romney likes to torture dogs
Romney likes to torture fags
Romney never paid taxes
Romney outsources
Romney is a felon
Romney wants to kill your grandparents
Romney wants to take everyone's Medicare away
Romney is a murderer
Romney wants to return to the days of slavery
Romney hates poor people

Democrats have become a disgraceful party and deserves to be removed from power. And before you call me a troll remember it was Obama that did all the above trolling. What an embarrassment.

The bolded portions are what I believe are true.


Can't you find a message board about your country. Get lost
Romney likes dirty air
Romney likes dirty water
Romney likes e-coli
Romney likes to torture dogs
Romney likes to torture fags
Romney never paid taxes
Romney outsources
Romney is a felon
Romney wants to kill your grandparents
Romney wants to take everyone's Medicare away
Romney is a murderer
Romney wants to return to the days of slavery
Romney hates poor people

Democrats have become a disgraceful party and deserves to be removed from power. And before you call me a troll remember it was Obama that did all the above trolling. What an embarrassment.

The bolded portions are what I believe are true.

You're a bigger moron than I thought.
Romney likes dirty air
Romney likes dirty water
Romney likes e-coli
Romney likes to torture dogs
Romney likes to torture fags
Romney never paid taxes
Romney outsources
Romney is a felon
Romney wants to kill your grandparents
Romney wants to take everyone's Medicare away
Romney is a murderer
Romney wants to return to the days of slavery
Romney hates poor people...

Yeah, damn them for bringing up negatives about a person who wants our vote for president. I guess you are just mad because those things are true and you have to resort to making shit up....

One of these post is NOT like the other...Oh, wait!?!? I think that's wrong. They are BOTH lies!
President Civility campaigned in 08 on changing the way Washington operates and a promise to bring a new tone to politics.

Well he delivered. Just not in the direction we all thought he would based on his promises. This isn't campaigning as usual it's low brow gutter sniping that is beneath the office he holds. It reminds me of the days when my two daughters would fight over the same boy. Of course they were just kids so it's to be expected but what of Obama? Is this really the level of discourse we are willing to accept from the highest office of responsibility in our nation?
Romney likes dirty air
Romney likes dirty water
Romney likes e-coli
Romney likes to torture dogs
Romney likes to torture fags
Romney never paid taxes
Romney outsources
Romney is a felon
Romney wants to kill your grandparents
Romney wants to take everyone's Medicare away
Romney is a murderer
Romney wants to return to the days of slavery
Romney hates poor people

Democrats have become a disgraceful party and deserves to be removed from power. And before you call me a troll remember it was Obama that did all the above trolling. What an embarrassment.

The bolded portions are what I believe are true.

You're a fucking idiot
President Civility campaigned in 08 on changing the way Washington operates and a promise to bring a new tone to politics.

Well he delivered. Just not in the direction we all thought he would based on his promises. This isn't campaigning as usual it's low brow gutter sniping that is beneath the office he holds. It reminds me of the days when my two daughters would fight over the same boy. Of course they were just kids so it's to be expected but what of Obama? Is this really the level of discourse we are willing to accept from the highest office of responsibility in our nation?

He's still not done sinking, Obama will run the most negative campaign in history, more negative than he's already done which itself is a record.

He called Romney a "felon"
Romney likes dirty air
Romney likes dirty water
Romney likes e-coli
Romney likes to torture dogs
Romney likes to torture fags
Romney never paid taxes
Romney outsources
Romney is a felon
Romney wants to kill your grandparents
Romney wants to take everyone's Medicare away
Romney is a murderer
Romney wants to return to the days of slavery
Romney hates poor people

Democrats have become a disgraceful party and deserves to be removed from power. And before you call me a troll remember it was Obama that did all the above trolling. What an embarrassment.

The bolded portions are what I believe are true.

You're a fucking idiot

Nope, Noomi has been "organized" into believing Obama actually cares about people. The reality is all he cares about is their vote so he can remain the Supreme Master of America and the World.

We all know how much better off those on Chicago's South side are since they were "organized", the American people deserve the same treatment they got.
President Civility campaigned in 08 on changing the way Washington operates and a promise to bring a new tone to politics.

Well he delivered. Just not in the direction we all thought he would based on his promises. This isn't campaigning as usual it's low brow gutter sniping that is beneath the office he holds. It reminds me of the days when my two daughters would fight over the same boy. Of course they were just kids so it's to be expected but what of Obama? Is this really the level of discourse we are willing to accept from the highest office of responsibility in our nation?

obama did say that Chicago was an example for the nation. He's practicing Chicago style politics.

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