What we owe and are owed Kiese Laymon on Black revision, repayment, and renewal.


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
I'll gladly give them money but only if they leave America forever, and forever renounce their citizenship. Otherwise, fuck-off.

Their staying here shows how bad it isn't.

From a long and boring article.


Gunn reiterated that Black people, especially poor Black people, need checks for the checks we’ve been shorted since we were brought here. Until those checks are issued, Gunn says again, he has nothing to say to white folks about the failings of white folks when he himself has failed so many Black folks.


Without whites, blacks would still be but naked and living in a dung hut, so who owes who?
Let's calculate their reparations for slavery until 1864, and then calculate how much whites have lost to black stealing and murders since 1864.

Oh, noes! Looks like they owe US 14 trillion dollars!! :stir:

The zeitgeist is ready for reparations, so reparations it shall be.

And no American is going anywhere (except for a relatively few who may start leaving in the coming decades as the social situation continues to deteriorate in terms of law & order).

We ordinary people cannot gainsay FATE.

FATE shocked us all by allowing this COVID tragedy. So we had to suck it up.

Now FATE is allowing a wholesale change in American demographics. And the coming generations will have to suck that up, too.
I never met a black I ever owed a dime, I've never met one who wanted to try and take it either.
The idiots in that piece-of-shit piece I couldn’t even finish even when scanning, weren’t even born until 10 years after civil rights, affirmative action, great society, welfare and busing.
They’re a pair of neo-segregationist Marxist-dupe racists.
Why that shit was published by anyone is beyond me.
I'll gladly give them money but only if they leave America forever, and forever renounce their citizenship. Otherwise, fuck-off.

Their staying here shows how bad it isn't.

From a long and boring article.

Gunn reiterated that Black people, especially poor Black people, need checks for the checks we’ve been shorted since we were brought here. Until those checks are issued, Gunn says again, he has nothing to say to white folks about the failings of white folks when he himself has failed so many Black folks.

The truth is difficult for the racists in the white community.

So understand this:

My family lineage in America goes farther back than yours. I was born in this countrry and I have the first amendment right to make demands of this government whether your white ass likes it or not.

So if you can't abide by the first amendment, pack your bags and git.
I'll gladly give them money but only if they leave America forever, and forever renounce their citizenship. Otherwise, fuck-off.

Their staying here shows how bad it isn't.

From a long and boring article.

Gunn reiterated that Black people, especially poor Black people, need checks for the checks we’ve been shorted since we were brought here. Until those checks are issued, Gunn says again, he has nothing to say to white folks about the failings of white folks when he himself has failed so many Black folks.

The truth is difficult for the racists in the white community.

So understand this:

My family lineage in America goes farther back than yours. I was born in this countrry and I have the first amendment right to make demands of this government whether your white ass likes it or not.

So if you can't abide by the first amendment, pack your bags and git.

And you're still a whiney twat.
I'll gladly give them money but only if they leave America forever, and forever renounce their citizenship. Otherwise, fuck-off.

Their staying here shows how bad it isn't.

From a long and boring article.

Gunn reiterated that Black people, especially poor Black people, need checks for the checks we’ve been shorted since we were brought here. Until those checks are issued, Gunn says again, he has nothing to say to white folks about the failings of white folks when he himself has failed so many Black folks.

The truth is difficult for the racists in the white community.

So understand this:

My family lineage in America goes farther back than yours. I was born in this countrry and I have the first amendment right to make demands of this government whether your white ass likes it or not.

So if you can't abide by the first amendment, pack your bags and git.
No reparations, period. The biggest racists I have ever known are black.
Easily researchable information -

*Blacks in Africa are the ones that hunted blacks for slavery. Then they had the bright idea they could make money off of them by selling them to rich white men for slaves.

*Most blacks in the USA have never BEEN slaves, much less have any slaves in their family trees! Most blacks in the USA come from S. America, the Caribbean Islands, or Europe. The last known actual real slave in this country died in 1940. The last known surviving member of a black family that had a slave in their family tree died in the late 1970's (or so the radio article stated).
If blacks want free money for slavery in this country, then they MUST be able to PROVE BEYOND ANY DOUBT, that they had a slave in their family tree. Otherwise get cited for trying to swindle money from the government.

*If blacks get free money from the government for just saying the words "I had a slave in my family tree"......then the rest of us need to get money for saying "I had an American Indian in my family tree".

*There are many online articles stating how GOOD blacks have it in this country, as opposed to the rest of the world. From a few articles I read, compared to all other countries on this planet, the USA treats blacks like royalty!!

*Nobodys holding them hostage in the USA, so WHY don't they leave?

*WHY does the rest of the nation have to bend to THEIR will, when they are the ones that have it better than anyone else? The same opportunities as anyone else???

*If blacks think they are SO oppressed and resented here, then WHY stay here? I sure as hell would move to another country if I was oppressed and resented!!!!
Easily researchable information -

*Blacks in Africa are the ones that hunted blacks for slavery. Then they had the bright idea they could make money off of them by selling them to rich white men for slaves.

*Most blacks in the USA have never BEEN slaves, much less have any slaves in their family trees! Most blacks in the USA come from S. America, the Caribbean Islands, or Europe. The last known actual real slave in this country died in 1940. The last known surviving member of a black family that had a slave in their family tree died in the late 1970's (or so the radio article stated).
If blacks want free money for slavery in this country, then they MUST be able to PROVE BEYOND ANY DOUBT, that they had a slave in their family tree. Otherwise get cited for trying to swindle money from the government.

*If blacks get free money from the government for just saying the words "I had a slave in my family tree"......then the rest of us need to get money for saying "I had an American Indian in my family tree".

*There are many online articles stating how GOOD blacks have it in this country, as opposed to the rest of the world. From a few articles I read, compared to all other countries on this planet, the USA treats blacks like royalty!!

*Nobodys holding them hostage in the USA, so WHY don't they leave?

*WHY does the rest of the nation have to bend to THEIR will, when they are the ones that have it better than anyone else? The same opportunities as anyone else???

*If blacks think they are SO oppressed and resented here, then WHY stay here? I sure as hell would move to another country if I was oppressed and resented!!!!
I say put them all on boats and ship them all back to North Carolina!
The truth is difficult for the racists in the white community.

So understand this:

My family lineage in America goes farther back than yours. I was born in this countrry and I have the first amendment right to make demands of this government whether your white ass likes it or not.

So if you can't abide by the first amendment, pack your bags and git.

Prove it. You can't, you likely have ancestors that were freemen, some white, or freely immigrated here

Emigrate. All you do is whine and demand free stuff. Ain't happening, baby. Get over it.
Let's calculate their reparations for slavery until 1864, and then calculate how much whites have lost to black stealing and murders since 1864.

Oh, noes! Looks like they owe US 14 trillion dollars!! :stir:

Black crime went ballistic after the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

The zeitgeist is ready for reparations, so reparations it shall be.

And no American is going anywhere (except for a relatively few who may start leaving in the coming decades as the social situation continues to deteriorate in terms of law & order).

We ordinary people cannot gainsay FATE.

FATE shocked us all by allowing this COVID tragedy. So we had to suck it up.

Now FATE is allowing a wholesale change in American demographics. And the coming generations will have to suck that up, too.

The "change in demographics" has nothing to do with blacks.

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