Biden Is Off to a Disastrous Start


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden Is Off to a Disastrous Start​

14 May 2021 ~~ By David Harsanyi
Presidents aren't supreme beings imbued with the power to dictate economic conditions, pandemics or international events. We give them far too much credit and blame for the vagaries of the world.
That said, there are some things that presidents do have the power to influence. The location of MLB's All-Star Game, for instance, is not Joe Biden's bailiwick. The economic recovery is. The COVID-19 downturn wasn't an organic event precipitated by unforeseeable underlying economic factors. It was an event created by state lockdowns, coupled with widespread consumer fear. So, with lockdowns easing and vaccines entering arms, a vibrant bounce-back should be a slam dunk for the president.
Instead, Biden couldn't resist the opportunity to stuff expensive, technocratic, completely unrelated agenda items into his "rescue" packages. And disincentivizing work and investments, threatening to raise taxes and energy prices and pumping trillions into the economy tend to dampen growth.
Economists expected the country to add about 1 million jobs in April, but we came up 800,000 jobs short. March's gains were also revised down another 140,000. Leftist pundits and wonks, as is their wont when Democrats hold power, were "perplexed" by the bad numbers. And Biden is simply in denial. "There's been a lot of discussion since Friday's report that people are being paid to stay home rather than go to work," the president explained. "We don't see much evidence of that."
Our president has a habit of enthusiastically taking credit for the accomplishments of others -- as he does with vaccine production and distribution -- while denying responsibility for, or botching, the things over which he does have control.

After 40 years in offices where current president Biden was just one of one hundred voices he now has to make decisions that really matter.
According to Robert Gates former Secretary of Defense, Joey Xi has been for the most part on the wrong side of foreign policies. See:
The inability of the Chyna Joey Xi to make any real statements or concrete decisions on hard issues is simple. He doesn't want to be held accountable. His team is either covering for him or they are incapable of getting him to act in any decisive manner. Statements about the Middle East are simply safe calls, no risk statements that don't accomplish anything. Immigration is not even spoken of, much less acted on, other than just open the doors and ignore the problem, despite the crisis they have created. The economy is not behaving so he simply denies it.
Meanwhile the Bagdhad Bobs', Jen Psaki and Mayorkas continue to lie to the public regarding the Illegal immigration, unemployment and inflation crises that has been inflicted upon American citizens by this administration...
There's also Chyna Joey Xi fidelity to past foreign Policy agreements like SEATO and Taiwan.
Will Joey Xi respond to the CCP's invasion of Taiwan?
Last edited:
Obiden and the Pyschocrats are in deep denial about the damage that they are doing to our country.
China is on the march.
Iran is on a mission to destroy Israel.
Unemployment is going up, when it should be going down.
Our cities are burning.
Violent crime is skyrocketing.
The Democrat hate, racism and violence is getting worse.
Asian Americans are being targeted by the BLM Racist.
There is an unprecedented border stampede.
Border Patrol agents are resigning.
Policemen are resigning.
Immigrant children are being exploited by the Drug Cartels and the racist Democrat politicians like AOC.
Schools are being used to indoctrinate children in Progressive hate and racism.
Federal spending is bankrupting the Taxpayers.
Gasoline is being made unaffordable on purpose.
Inflation is destroying people's retirement savings.
There is a media cover-up on the 2020 Coup.
The Big Tech book burners are censoring free speech to protect the Klanocrats.
Hunter Biden is being allowed get away with his crimes.
......probably left out some stuff......
Obiden and the Pyschocrats are in deep denial about the damage that they are doing to our country.
China is on the march.
Iran is on a mission to destroy Israel.
Unemployment is going up, when it should be going down.
Our cities are burning.
Violent crime is skyrocketing.
The Democrat hate, racism and violence is getting worse.
Asian Americans are being targeted by the BLM Racist.
There is an unprecedented border stampede.
Border Patrol agents are resigning.
Policemen are resigning.
Immigrant children are being exploited by the Drug Cartels and the racist Democrat politicians like AOC.
Schools are being used to indoctrinate children in Progressive hate and racism.
Federal spending is bankrupting the Taxpayers.
Gasoline is being made unaffordable on purpose.
Inflation is destroying people's retirement savings.
There is a media cover-up on the 2020 Coup.
The Big Tech book burners are censoring free speech to protect the Klanocrats.
Hunter Biden is being allowed get away with his crimes.
......probably left out some stuff......
Yet again a Democratic President has had to come in to clean up a Republican predecessor's mess.

Biden Is Off to a Disastrous Start​

14 May 2021 ~~ By David Harsanyi
Presidents aren't supreme beings imbued with the power to dictate economic conditions, pandemics or international events. We give them far too much credit and blame for the vagaries of the world.
That said, there are some things that presidents do have the power to influence. The location of MLB's All-Star Game, for instance, is not Joe Biden's bailiwick. The economic recovery is. The COVID-19 downturn wasn't an organic event precipitated by unforeseeable underlying economic factors. It was an event created by state lockdowns, coupled with widespread consumer fear. So, with lockdowns easing and vaccines entering arms, a vibrant bounce-back should be a slam dunk for the president.
Instead, Biden couldn't resist the opportunity to stuff expensive, technocratic, completely unrelated agenda items into his "rescue" packages. And disincentivizing work and investments, threatening to raise taxes and energy prices and pumping trillions into the economy tend to dampen growth.
Economists expected the country to add about 1 million jobs in April, but we came up 800,000 jobs short. March's gains were also revised down another 140,000. Leftist pundits and wonks, as is their wont when Democrats hold power, were "perplexed" by the bad numbers. And Biden is simply in denial. "There's been a lot of discussion since Friday's report that people are being paid to stay home rather than go to work," the president explained. "We don't see much evidence of that."
Our president has a habit of enthusiastically taking credit for the accomplishments of others -- as he does with vaccine production and distribution -- while denying responsibility for, or botching, the things over which he does have control.

After 40 years in offices where current president Biden was just one of one hundred voices he now has to make decisions that really matter.
According to Robert Gates former Secretary of Defense, Joey Xi has been for the most part on the wrong side of foreign policies. See:
The inability of the Chyna Joey Xi to make any real statements or concrete decisions on hard issues is simple. He doesn't want to be held accountable. His team is either covering for him or they are incapable of getting him to act in any decisive manner. Statements about the Middle East are simply safe calls, no risk statements that don't accomplish anything. Immigration is not even spoken of, much less acted on, other than just open the doors and ignore the problem, despite the crisis they have created. The economy is not behaving so he simply denies it.
Meanwhile the Bagdhad Bobs', Jen Psaki and Mayorkas continue to lie to the public regarding the Illegal immigration, unemployment and inflation crises that has been inflicted upon American citizens by this administration...
There's also Chyna Joey Xi fidelity to past foreign Policy agreements like SEATO and Taiwan.
Will Joey Xi respond to the CCP's invasion of Taiwan?
Markets are up all over the place. The world loves Joe!
Obiden and the Pyschocrats are in deep denial about the damage that they are doing to our country.
China is on the march.
Iran is on a mission to destroy Israel.
Unemployment is going up, when it should be going down.
Our cities are burning.
Violent crime is skyrocketing.
The Democrat hate, racism and violence is getting worse.
Asian Americans are being targeted by the BLM Racist.
There is an unprecedented border stampede.
Border Patrol agents are resigning.
Policemen are resigning.
Immigrant children are being exploited by the Drug Cartels and the racist Democrat politicians like AOC.
Schools are being used to indoctrinate children in Progressive hate and racism.
Federal spending is bankrupting the Taxpayers.
Gasoline is being made unaffordable on purpose.
Inflation is destroying people's retirement savings.
There is a media cover-up on the 2020 Coup.
The Big Tech book burners are censoring free speech to protect the Klanocrats.
Hunter Biden is being allowed get away with his crimes.
......probably left out some stuff......
Yet again a Democratic President has had to come in to clean up a Republican predecessor's mess.

Yes, lowest unemployment in 40 years, energy independent and creator Of Warp Speed.
Everything Chyna Joey Xi has touched has become a mess and utter failure.
Obiden and the Pyschocrats are in deep denial about the damage that they are doing to our country.
China is on the march.
Iran is on a mission to destroy Israel.
Unemployment is going up, when it should be going down.
Our cities are burning.
Violent crime is skyrocketing.
The Democrat hate, racism and violence is getting worse.
Asian Americans are being targeted by the BLM Racist.
There is an unprecedented border stampede.
Border Patrol agents are resigning.
Policemen are resigning.
Immigrant children are being exploited by the Drug Cartels and the racist Democrat politicians like AOC.
Schools are being used to indoctrinate children in Progressive hate and racism.
Federal spending is bankrupting the Taxpayers.
Gasoline is being made unaffordable on purpose.
Inflation is destroying people's retirement savings.
There is a media cover-up on the 2020 Coup.
The Big Tech book burners are censoring free speech to protect the Klanocrats.
Hunter Biden is being allowed get away with his crimes.
......probably left out some stuff......
Yet again a Democratic President has had to come in to clean up a Republican predecessor's mess.

Under Chyna Joey Xi's leadership America went from lowest unemployment in 40 years, energy independence, controlling the illegal alien immigration, and creator Of Warp Speed to the higest unemployment in 40 years, a crisis in illegal immigration, the highest gas prices in 6 years and a failed foreign policy. In each case Joey Xi has done the opposite created more chaos and imposed more suffering on America.
Everything Chyna Joey Xi has touched has become a mess and utter failure.
Obiden and the Pyschocrats are in deep denial about the damage that they are doing to our country.
China is on the march.
Iran is on a mission to destroy Israel.
Unemployment is going up, when it should be going down.
Our cities are burning.
Violent crime is skyrocketing.
The Democrat hate, racism and violence is getting worse.
Asian Americans are being targeted by the BLM Racist.
There is an unprecedented border stampede.
Border Patrol agents are resigning.
Policemen are resigning.
Immigrant children are being exploited by the Drug Cartels and the racist Democrat politicians like AOC.
Schools are being used to indoctrinate children in Progressive hate and racism.
Federal spending is bankrupting the Taxpayers.
Gasoline is being made unaffordable on purpose.
Inflation is destroying people's retirement savings.
There is a media cover-up on the 2020 Coup.
The Big Tech book burners are censoring free speech to protect the Klanocrats.
Hunter Biden is being allowed get away with his crimes.
......probably left out some stuff......
Yet again a Democratic President has had to come in to clean up a Republican predecessor's mess.
Gasoline was $1.89 per gallon here on January 19th. Gasoline is currently $3.09. Please return the predecessor's "mess".
Obiden and the Pyschocrats are in deep denial about the damage that they are doing to our country.
China is on the march.
Iran is on a mission to destroy Israel.
Unemployment is going up, when it should be going down.
Our cities are burning.
Violent crime is skyrocketing.
The Democrat hate, racism and violence is getting worse.
Asian Americans are being targeted by the BLM Racist.
There is an unprecedented border stampede.
Border Patrol agents are resigning.
Policemen are resigning.
Immigrant children are being exploited by the Drug Cartels and the racist Democrat politicians like AOC.
Schools are being used to indoctrinate children in Progressive hate and racism.
Federal spending is bankrupting the Taxpayers.
Gasoline is being made unaffordable on purpose.
Inflation is destroying people's retirement savings.
There is a media cover-up on the 2020 Coup.
The Big Tech book burners are censoring free speech to protect the Klanocrats.
Hunter Biden is being allowed get away with his crimes.
......probably left out some stuff......
Yet again a Democratic President has had to come in to clean up a Republican predecessor's mess.
Obiden and the Pyschocrats are in deep denial about the damage that they are doing to our country.
China is on the march.
Iran is on a mission to destroy Israel.
Unemployment is going up, when it should be going down.
Our cities are burning.
Violent crime is skyrocketing.
The Democrat hate, racism and violence is getting worse.
Asian Americans are being targeted by the BLM Racist.
There is an unprecedented border stampede.
Border Patrol agents are resigning.
Policemen are resigning.
Immigrant children are being exploited by the Drug Cartels and the racist Democrat politicians like AOC.
Schools are being used to indoctrinate children in Progressive hate and racism.
Federal spending is bankrupting the Taxpayers.
Gasoline is being made unaffordable on purpose.
Inflation is destroying people's retirement savings.
There is a media cover-up on the 2020 Coup.
The Big Tech book burners are censoring free speech to protect the Klanocrats.
Hunter Biden is being allowed get away with his crimes.
......probably left out some stuff......
Yet again a Democratic President has had to come in to clean up a Republican predecessor's mess.
Gasoline was $1.89 per gallon here on January 19th. Gasoline is currently $3.09. Please return the predecessor's "mess".
heap gas prices is a mess to the left

Biden Is Off to a Disastrous Start​

14 May 2021 ~~ By David Harsanyi
Presidents aren't supreme beings imbued with the power to dictate economic conditions, pandemics or international events. We give them far too much credit and blame for the vagaries of the world.
That said, there are some things that presidents do have the power to influence. The location of MLB's All-Star Game, for instance, is not Joe Biden's bailiwick. The economic recovery is. The COVID-19 downturn wasn't an organic event precipitated by unforeseeable underlying economic factors. It was an event created by state lockdowns, coupled with widespread consumer fear. So, with lockdowns easing and vaccines entering arms, a vibrant bounce-back should be a slam dunk for the president.
Instead, Biden couldn't resist the opportunity to stuff expensive, technocratic, completely unrelated agenda items into his "rescue" packages. And disincentivizing work and investments, threatening to raise taxes and energy prices and pumping trillions into the economy tend to dampen growth.
Economists expected the country to add about 1 million jobs in April, but we came up 800,000 jobs short. March's gains were also revised down another 140,000. Leftist pundits and wonks, as is their wont when Democrats hold power, were "perplexed" by the bad numbers. And Biden is simply in denial. "There's been a lot of discussion since Friday's report that people are being paid to stay home rather than go to work," the president explained. "We don't see much evidence of that."
Our president has a habit of enthusiastically taking credit for the accomplishments of others -- as he does with vaccine production and distribution -- while denying responsibility for, or botching, the things over which he does have control.

After 40 years in offices where current president Biden was just one of one hundred voices he now has to make decisions that really matter.
According to Robert Gates former Secretary of Defense, Joey Xi has been for the most part on the wrong side of foreign policies. See:
The inability of the Chyna Joey Xi to make any real statements or concrete decisions on hard issues is simple. He doesn't want to be held accountable. His team is either covering for him or they are incapable of getting him to act in any decisive manner. Statements about the Middle East are simply safe calls, no risk statements that don't accomplish anything. Immigration is not even spoken of, much less acted on, other than just open the doors and ignore the problem, despite the crisis they have created. The economy is not behaving so he simply denies it.
Meanwhile the Bagdhad Bobs', Jen Psaki and Mayorkas continue to lie to the public regarding the Illegal immigration, unemployment and inflation crises that has been inflicted upon American citizens by this administration...
There's also Chyna Joey Xi fidelity to past foreign Policy agreements like SEATO and Taiwan.
Will Joey Xi respond to the CCP's invasion of Taiwan?
Markets are up all over the place. The world loves Joe!


The latest inflation data came issuing from the Bureau of Labor Statistics this morning.
It reported that:
The April consumer price index (CPI) jumped 4.2% since April last — at the greatest rate since September 2008 . (Emphasis mine).
The next question to be answered is 'how accurate is the Bureau of Labor Statistics', or
is this a true number (?), or is the rate minimized so as to not notify the public of a crisis ?
Obiden and the Pyschocrats are in deep denial about the damage that they are doing to our country.
China is on the march.
Iran is on a mission to destroy Israel.
Unemployment is going up, when it should be going down.
Our cities are burning.
Violent crime is skyrocketing.
The Democrat hate, racism and violence is getting worse.
Asian Americans are being targeted by the BLM Racist.
There is an unprecedented border stampede.
Border Patrol agents are resigning.
Policemen are resigning.
Immigrant children are being exploited by the Drug Cartels and the racist Democrat politicians like AOC.
Schools are being used to indoctrinate children in Progressive hate and racism.
Federal spending is bankrupting the Taxpayers.
Gasoline is being made unaffordable on purpose.
Inflation is destroying people's retirement savings.
There is a media cover-up on the 2020 Coup.
The Big Tech book burners are censoring free speech to protect the Klanocrats.
Hunter Biden is being allowed get away with his crimes.
......probably left out some stuff......
Yet again a Democratic President has had to come in to clean up a Republican predecessor's mess.
Pinochijoe can't clean his own mess, he goes through 6 Depends a day.
Obiden and the Pyschocrats are in deep denial about the damage that they are doing to our country.
China is on the march.
Iran is on a mission to destroy Israel.
Unemployment is going up, when it should be going down.
Our cities are burning.
Violent crime is skyrocketing.
The Democrat hate, racism and violence is getting worse.
Asian Americans are being targeted by the BLM Racist.
There is an unprecedented border stampede.
Border Patrol agents are resigning.
Policemen are resigning.
Immigrant children are being exploited by the Drug Cartels and the racist Democrat politicians like AOC.
Schools are being used to indoctrinate children in Progressive hate and racism.
Federal spending is bankrupting the Taxpayers.
Gasoline is being made unaffordable on purpose.
Inflation is destroying people's retirement savings.
There is a media cover-up on the 2020 Coup.
The Big Tech book burners are censoring free speech to protect the Klanocrats.
Hunter Biden is being allowed get away with his crimes.
......probably left out some stuff......
Yet again a Democratic President has had to come in to clean up a Republican predecessor's mess.
Pinochijoe can't clean his own mess, he goes through 6 Depends a day.
Making Depends jokes is hurtful to The Great Orange One.
You should stop before you get cancelled.

Biden Is Off to a Disastrous Start​

14 May 2021 ~~ By David Harsanyi
Presidents aren't supreme beings imbued with the power to dictate economic conditions, pandemics or international events. We give them far too much credit and blame for the vagaries of the world.
That said, there are some things that presidents do have the power to influence. The location of MLB's All-Star Game, for instance, is not Joe Biden's bailiwick. The economic recovery is. The COVID-19 downturn wasn't an organic event precipitated by unforeseeable underlying economic factors. It was an event created by state lockdowns, coupled with widespread consumer fear. So, with lockdowns easing and vaccines entering arms, a vibrant bounce-back should be a slam dunk for the president.
Instead, Biden couldn't resist the opportunity to stuff expensive, technocratic, completely unrelated agenda items into his "rescue" packages. And disincentivizing work and investments, threatening to raise taxes and energy prices and pumping trillions into the economy tend to dampen growth.
Economists expected the country to add about 1 million jobs in April, but we came up 800,000 jobs short. March's gains were also revised down another 140,000. Leftist pundits and wonks, as is their wont when Democrats hold power, were "perplexed" by the bad numbers. And Biden is simply in denial. "There's been a lot of discussion since Friday's report that people are being paid to stay home rather than go to work," the president explained. "We don't see much evidence of that."
Our president has a habit of enthusiastically taking credit for the accomplishments of others -- as he does with vaccine production and distribution -- while denying responsibility for, or botching, the things over which he does have control.

After 40 years in offices where current president Biden was just one of one hundred voices he now has to make decisions that really matter.
According to Robert Gates former Secretary of Defense, Joey Xi has been for the most part on the wrong side of foreign policies. See:
The inability of the Chyna Joey Xi to make any real statements or concrete decisions on hard issues is simple. He doesn't want to be held accountable. His team is either covering for him or they are incapable of getting him to act in any decisive manner. Statements about the Middle East are simply safe calls, no risk statements that don't accomplish anything. Immigration is not even spoken of, much less acted on, other than just open the doors and ignore the problem, despite the crisis they have created. The economy is not behaving so he simply denies it.
Meanwhile the Bagdhad Bobs', Jen Psaki and Mayorkas continue to lie to the public regarding the Illegal immigration, unemployment and inflation crises that has been inflicted upon American citizens by this administration...
There's also Chyna Joey Xi fidelity to past foreign Policy agreements like SEATO and Taiwan.
Will Joey Xi respond to the CCP's invasion of Taiwan?
Markets are up all over the place. The world loves Joe!
markets are up because of taxpayers credit cards being used to buy an economy causing inflation...............its like a sugar high that ultimately will result in a major tummy ache and vomiting.

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