What was the territory of the United States without state status?

Europeans are neat in their clothes, they are punctual and discreet . Americans do not like all this, they like a loose, casual style, they like to put their feet on the table, and so on. These are opposite poles of character.
Americans are easier to communicate, they have less cunning and more innocence.
Obviously, Europeans in the United States make up a significant part only in the area of New England, in the northeast, and this is logic, and this is completely consistent with the genetic data. And it is not accidental that, for example, if I am not mistaken, it is the East who votes for the Democrats, and the West and the Center for the Republicans. Central Prairie States have an average population with a high IQ
Everything is the consistant here.
Yes, I checked several sources, at least for the last few elections this is true. The center is always republican, the East and the far west are democratic
This is precisely due to the fact that immigrants from England are trying to impose a left-wing European policy on America, and the central states are striving to preserve American traditions.
Perhaps this is happening unconsciously.
If the British brought this culture to America, they would also have rodeos and cowboy races. It couldn't have formed in such a short time independently. Cowboys' clothing style is more similar to Hungarian style than English style. The British would never have brought the symbolism of a bull to America, they never had anything similar, traditionally they have marine symbolism, and they do not appreciate either equestrian culture or cows.
I just do not think so. I have just a topic where I laid out genetics, about 80% of the American population are not Europeans at all. Europeans were only in the New England area. Therefore, I assumed that the cowboys, the native prairie population, had to fight the colonists.
Being ignorant of American history isn't your fault. Being this stupid about it IS.
Being ignorant of American history isn't your fault. Being this stupid about it IS.
it is immediately clear that you are preaching an English view of American history, this is noticeable from the rest of your posts
and the argumentation is also recognizable. In the style of English humor
it is immediately clear that you are preaching an English view of American history, this is noticeable from the rest of your posts
Well, this view is dominant around the globe. At the same time, your points are somewhat close to sci-fi.
Well, this view is dominant around the globe. At the same time, your points are somewhat close to sci-fi.
This point of view is imposed for political reasons. I am based on facts.

Similar points of view exist in relation to the "single Chinese people", consisting of Uighurs, Tibetans, Evenks, South Eastern peoples and Han people, completely different, and in other countries, almost all large ones, including Russia and Germany. This is imposed in imperial interests.
this is european Y haplogroup in America

These are female markers. This map does not immediately show the origin, but at least it is clear that they do not coincide with Europe.


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