What Vehicles Do Each Party's Members Usually Drive?


Senior Member
Oct 13, 2004
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I've wondered if the cars one drives in some way indicate what political party they lean towards......I.E.

1. Democrats.......Volvos, old VW Beetles/Micro-buses, Subarus, GM all electric cars(forgot their names, but they look like those ugly French Citroens that used to be sold in the U.S.), and the majority of sold Hybrid cars...Toyota Prius's, and Honda Insights, and Hybrid Civics. Ironically, exotic European Sports cars too. Also modified vegetable oil burning diesel vehicles.
Oh, and gross polluting old American cars.........
2. Republicans.......Lincolns, Cads, Ford Excursions, GM Suburbans, Dodge Vipers, Z06 Vettes, Ford Crown Victorias,
3. Libertarians......4x4's with gun racks. Often gross polluters, Dodge Power Wagons(the old ones of course), Yugos, Trabants,

Here's another thought how to identify them......via their bumper sticker and window sticker paraphenalia.

How about voluteering some insight about that area of I.D..?

Earth first sticker? What party.........Let's have some examples.

Please don't call me a bigot........I'm not trolling either.

Let's just have some fun. :poop:

Regards, Eightballsidepocket :poke:

Car: 2003 Olds. Alero GL Coupe (Burgandy/Red)
Plates: MoveIt
Stickers: Backoff!, American Flag, Support Our Troops magnet

Which political party do I lean toward?
Shattered said:

Car: 2003 Olds. Alero GL Coupe (Burgandy/Red)
Plates: MoveIt
Stickers: Backoff!, American Flag, Support Our Troops magnet

Which political party do I lean toward?

The Feminazis? I think.:D
Eightball said:
I've wondered if the cars one drives in some way indicate what political party they lean towards......

I drive a Mercedes 450SL - no bumper stickers, but I had a 8" flag mounted on the trunk till it finally wore out (went through 2). wonder what that makes me?



No, liberals drive SUVs with "Earth Day" bumper stickers. :D
CivilLiberty said:
no bumper stickers, but I had a 8" flag mounted on the trunk till it finally wore out

Yeah, that's why my flag hangs from the passenger side sun visor, inside my car: so it won't get frayed.

It's not there for display anyway.
If I drove a Hummer what would that make me?

Or how about a little Italian number? Say an Alfa Romeo Spider Veloce....

I appreciate your input, but I'm not the all-knowing sage. I would like to get your take and opinion on vehicle makes = owner of what political persuasion. Make it a fun thing. I'm not trying to be a shrink with this light-hearted topic.

I wanted to get some ideas that you folks have about what you think these people of different political persuasion drive.

I put mine down at the beginning........how about you tell me what you think they usually pick to drive. etc.

Remember peacnik Arlo Guthrie in, "Alice's Restaurant"? VW Microbuses were the standard vehicle of late 60's-early 70's hippies............that was my take.

Man, I grew up a stones throw from San Francisco, and visited the toured the Haight Ashberry a few times.

Cars did reflect people's attitudes about life.

Regards, Eightballsidepocket
I honestly do not think that there is much of a correlation between party affiliation and vehicle owned. Perhaps one can argue that Republicans are slightly more likely to buy the American brands and Democrats are slightly more likely to buy foreign brands (noting, of course, that the country where a particular brand was founded now has very little to do with where a car of that brand was manufactured or designed), but I would wager the trend margins would be rather slim. Hell, I have a staunchly Republican friend who drives a Prius. And a liberal one (though not rabidly liberal, but certainly one who has nothing but distaste for President Bush) who dreams of getting an H2. My own opinion is that the first and foremost characteristic that defines what car one drives is income level. Everything else comes in rather far behind.
I saw a Toyota with a Kerry/Edwards sticker and a BMW with an ABB sticker complaining about President Bush shipping jobs overseas.
Deornwulf said:
I saw a Toyota with a Kerry/Edwards sticker and a BMW with an ABB sticker complaining about President Bush shipping jobs overseas.
Are not both Toyotas and BMWs made in the USA?
Zhukov said:
Yeah, that's why my flag hangs from the passenger side sun visor, inside my car: so it won't get frayed.

Driving a convertible, it would still get frayed - and there it would block my vision, creating a hazard.

I have owned a Mustang convertible, A Jeep which I just sold, and am currently driving an Elantra with moon roof, and hanging from my rear view mirror are rosary beads. On the back window I have a decal of a Palm Tree, and a pray for our trops magnet.

I have no clue if that is descriptive of my political ideology?
But i have seen a good amount of Limo Liberals and Foreign cars with Kerry stickers...........
I drive a Kia Sephia. Entry-level 4-door sedan, 32 mpg on the freeway. But you know it's a Republican driving it from the two Bush Cheney bumper stickers on the rear window! :thup:
Woman Charged With Running Down Boys Who Hit SUV With Golf Ball

POSTED: 12:42 pm EST December 6, 2004

ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. -- A woman ran over two teenage brothers after they accidentally hit her sport utility vehicle with the golf ball they were bouncing in a parking lot, officials said, leaving one of the boys with life-threatening injuries.

Isiah Grayer, 14, and his 16-year-old twin stepbrothers, Justin and Jamel Marshman, were bouncing the golf ball in a shopping center parking lot Sunday afternoon when it went astray and struck a sport utility vehicle driven by Kathy Feaganes Allen, 47, St. Johns County sheriff's Deputy Greg Suchy said.

Suchy said no damage was done, and the boys apologized and began to walk away. Allen started to drive away, but suddenly made a U-turn, ran over a median and struck Grayer, causing severe injuries, and Justin Marshman before knocking over a light pole, Suchy said.

She then drove after Jamel Marshman, crossing two medians and striking a utility box before her SUV stopped in a ditch, Suchy said. The boy ran away and was not struck.

Witness Russell McPhee said Allen accelerated to hit the boys.

"She charged them," he said. "This was the most deliberate act."

McPhee said he yelled at Allen to stay where she was when she got out of her car.

"After she ran them down, she got out of the car and lit a cigarette like a movie star," he said. "She watched all three of (the boys) just lying there."

Allen then used Terry Gerspch's cell phone to call her husband. Gerspch said Allen seemed unfazed.

"She was as calm as anything," she said. "She said the boys were throwing rocks at her car."

McPhee said Jamel, the uninjured brother, ran over to Allen's car and confronted her.

"He didn't get physical with her," he said. "He just kept asking 'Why? Why did you do this?"'

A judge ordered Allen held without bail Monday on three counts of attempted murder. She is being represented by the St. Johns County Public Defender's Office, which did not immediately return a call Monday seeking comment.

Grayer was in critical condition Monday at Shands Hospital in Jacksonville. Justin Marshman was treated for non-life threatening injuries at Flagler Hospital.
dilloduck said:
Woman Charged With Running Down Boys Who Hit SUV With Golf Ball

POSTED: 12:42 pm EST December 6, 2004

ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. -- A woman ran over two teenage brothers after they accidentally hit her sport utility vehicle with the golf ball they were bouncing in a parking lot, officials said, leaving one of the boys with life-threatening injuries.

Isiah Grayer, 14, and his 16-year-old twin stepbrothers, Justin and Jamel Marshman, were bouncing the golf ball in a shopping center parking lot Sunday afternoon when it went astray and struck a sport utility vehicle driven by Kathy Feaganes Allen, 47, St. Johns County sheriff's Deputy Greg Suchy said.

Suchy said no damage was done, and the boys apologized and began to walk away. Allen started to drive away, but suddenly made a U-turn, ran over a median and struck Grayer, causing severe injuries, and Justin Marshman before knocking over a light pole, Suchy said.

She then drove after Jamel Marshman, crossing two medians and striking a utility box before her SUV stopped in a ditch, Suchy said. The boy ran away and was not struck.

Witness Russell McPhee said Allen accelerated to hit the boys.

"She charged them," he said. "This was the most deliberate act."

McPhee said he yelled at Allen to stay where she was when she got out of her car.

"After she ran them down, she got out of the car and lit a cigarette like a movie star," he said. "She watched all three of (the boys) just lying there."

Allen then used Terry Gerspch's cell phone to call her husband. Gerspch said Allen seemed unfazed.

"She was as calm as anything," she said. "She said the boys were throwing rocks at her car."

McPhee said Jamel, the uninjured brother, ran over to Allen's car and confronted her.

"He didn't get physical with her," he said. "He just kept asking 'Why? Why did you do this?"'

A judge ordered Allen held without bail Monday on three counts of attempted murder. She is being represented by the St. Johns County Public Defender's Office, which did not immediately return a call Monday seeking comment.

Grayer was in critical condition Monday at Shands Hospital in Jacksonville. Justin Marshman was treated for non-life threatening injuries at Flagler Hospital.

Apparently psychos drive Suv's as well :tank:
dilloduck said:
Shopping rage I guess----minor offense that i'm sure she wasn't responsible for. :puke3:

Shoping rage........thats a good one :laugh:
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