What the Hell Is a "White Nationalist" ?

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Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
People in the media are throwing the words "White Nationailst" around as if we all had a clear understanding of this phrase. I have a full college education, and I never once heard that word mentioned in college. By the context being used, it appears that the media chatterboxes are defining this phrase as representing racism and/or bigotry.

One moment please. How did being white and being a nationalist somehow get to be racist or bigoted ? Something wrong with being White ? ...Or being a nationalist ? I'm 75% White and 100% nationalist, and I don't have a racist or bigoted bone in my body.

As for the questionable and rather mysterious term "white nationalist", my dictionary (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition) lists many double words the first of which is the word "white". It starts with "white admiral" (a species of butterfly), and continues alphabetically, through 103 phrases beginning with "white", all the way to to "white wine". No mention of white nationalist.

Is this another one of those odd words invented by liberals (like gay & Islamaphobe), to create a particular political notion that they deem useful to them ? Note to liberals: We normal people don't generally speak liberalese, so you'll have to explain (Translate)
People in the media are throwing the words "White Nationailst" around as if we all had a clear understanding of this phrase. I have a full college education, and I never once heard that word mentioned in college. By the context being used, it appears that the media chatterboxes are defining this phrase as representing racism and/or bigotry.

One moment please. How did being white and being a nationalist somehow get to be racist or bigoted ? Something wrong with being White ? ...Or being a nationalist ? I'm 75% White and 100% nationalist, and I don't have a racist or bigoted bone in my body.

As for the questionable and rather mysterious term "white nationalist", my dictionary (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition) lists many double words the first of which is the word "white". It starts with "white admiral" (a species of butterfly), and continues alphabetically, through 103 phrases beginning with "white", all the way to to "white wine". No mention of white nationalist.

Is this another one of those odd words invented by liberals (like gay & Islamaphobe), to create a particular political notion that they deem useful to them ? Note to liberals: We normal people don't generally speak liberalese, so you'll have to explain (Translate)
I have a full college education, and I never once heard that word mentioned in college.

But yet play dumb very well.
It's not a difficult concept nor is it new.

what is a white nationalist - Google Search
Like you before recently I'd never heard it. Just like alt right.

The left needs a box to put everyone in who don't think (emote) like them.
People in the media are throwing the words "White Nationailst" around as if we all had a clear understanding of this phrase. I have a full college education, and I never once heard that word mentioned in college.
It can't be helped you went to a shitty college, and are poorly educated.
Like you before recently I'd never heard it. Just like alt right.

The left needs a box to put everyone in who don't think (emote) like them.

If you've never heard of it, then why assume it's a creation of the left rather than simply a term you've never heard of before?
White nationalists are Americans who believe in the separation of the races, and for the white race to "reclaim" the US for whites, or if that fails break up the USA and claim parts of it for whites.

That is the textbook definition. For Progressives, the definition is "anyone to the right of Mitt Romney"
Like you before recently I'd never heard it. Just like alt right.

The left needs a box to put everyone in who don't think (emote) like them.
The White Nationalists and alt-right gave themselves those names.

I don't know why pseudocon tards parrot the lie that the left came up with those names for them.
From a post I made last night:

A white supremacist believes the white race is superior in every way to all other races.

A white nationalist also believes the same thing, with the added belief that all races would be happier living separately. White nations, black nations, brown nations, etc. To support their argument, they point to the Jewish nation (Israel).

A couple decades ago, the KKK and Nazi ranks were so depleted, they decided to join forces and call themselves White Nationalists.

Among white nationalists, there are those who believe all the "mud people" should be invited to leave the United States and be financially compensated for their property, and then all the colors of nations will live happily ever after.

Well, sort of. Being white supremacists, WNs believe the other color nations will eventually die off from being so darned inferior. With the possible exception of the yellow nations.

Other WNs believe the mud people should be made to leave the white nations at the point of a gun without financial compensation.

Still others can't wait for RaHoWa (Racial Holy War) so they can commit mass genocide of all non-whites.

There are a large number of WNs who believe the white race is doomed to extinction, and they are pretty depressed and angry about it.

The Alt-Right is just a name some White Nationalists gave themselves to distinguish them from other WNs.

The WNs, Nazis, and Alt-Right are so far to the right that they call your average non-racist conservative a "cultural marxist".
Like you before recently I'd never heard it. Just like alt right.

The left needs a box to put everyone in who don't think (emote) like them.

If you've never heard of it, then why assume it's a creation of the left rather than simply a term you've never heard of before?
Simple, because he never heard before until the media started race baiting with it after the libs started the trouble in VA.
White nationalists are Americans who believe in the separation of the races, and for the white race to "reclaim" the US for whites, or if that fails break up the USA and claim parts of it for whites.

That is the textbook definition. For Progressives, the definition is "anyone to the right of Mitt Romney"
That sounds like the definition of white supremacist to me. Or at least their goal.

We have the congressional black caucus. Black lives matter. NAACP. Etc..
Many groups based on ethnicity are allowed & even welcomed but for some reason any group that defines as white is a bad thing.
From a post I made last night:

A white supremacist believes the white race is superior in every way to all other races.

A white nationalist also believes the same thing, with the added belief that all races would be happier living separately. White nations, black nations, brown nations, etc. To support their argument, they point to the Jewish nation (Israel).

A couple decades ago, the KKK and Nazi ranks were so depleted, they decided to join forces and call themselves White Nationalists.

Among white nationalists, there are those who believe all the "mud people" should be invited to leave the United States and be financially compensated for their property, and then all the colors of nations will live happily ever after.

Well, sort of. Being white supremacists, WNs believe the other color nations will eventually die off from being so darned inferior. With the possible exception of the yellow nations.

Other WNs believe the mud people should be made to leave the white nations at the point of a gun without financial compensation.

Still others can't wait for RaHoWa (Racial Holy War) so they can commit mass genocide of all non-whites.

There are a large number of WNs who believe the white race is doomed to extinction, and they are pretty depressed and angry about it.

The Alt-Right is just a name some White Nationalists gave themselves to distinguish them from other WNs.

The WNs, Nazis, and Alt-Right are so far to the right that they call your average non-racist conservative a "cultural marxist".

You got everything right, except you forgot to mention that progressives call anything to the right of Mitt Romney "alt-right" in the attempt to link any conservative or libertarian to those racist assholes.
White nationalists are Americans who believe in the separation of the races, and for the white race to "reclaim" the US for whites, or if that fails break up the USA and claim parts of it for whites.

That is the textbook definition. For Progressives, the definition is "anyone to the right of Mitt Romney"
That sounds like the definition of white supremacist to me. Or at least their goal.

We have the congressional black caucus. Black lives matter. NAACP. Etc..
Many groups based on ethnicity are allowed & even welcomed but for some reason any group that defines as white is a bad thing.

White Supremacists are OK with other races staying here, but only as subservient populations, as was the case in the JIm Crow South, or under Apartheid in South Africa.
WNs have been around for decades. Their movement spans Europe, North America, South Africa, and Australia.

It can't be helped some tards fill their ignorance with an assumption that the liberals made them up.

It's all part of the attempt to get these pseudocon tards to aid and abet the far right by keeping the pseudocons as stupid and ill-informed as possible.
White nationalists are Americans who believe in the separation of the races, and for the white race to "reclaim" the US for whites, or if that fails break up the USA and claim parts of it for whites.

That is the textbook definition. For Progressives, the definition is "anyone to the right of Mitt Romney"
That sounds like the definition of white supremacist to me. Or at least their goal.

We have the congressional black caucus. Black lives matter. NAACP. Etc..
Many groups based on ethnicity are allowed & even welcomed but for some reason any group that defines as white is a bad thing.

White Supremacists are OK with other races staying here, but only as subservient populations, as was the case in the JIm Crow South, or under Apartheid in South Africa.
That's news to me. Granted I know about as much about these groups as I do physics.
The Webster online dictionary gives a definition the OP will absolutely hate.
WNs have been around for decades. Their movement spans Europe, North America, South Africa, and Australia.

It can't be helped some tards fill their ignorance with an assumption that the liberals made them up.

It's all part of the attempt to get these pseudocon tards to aid and abet the far right by keeping the pseudocons as stupid and ill-informed as possible.
America began as a white nationalist country. It took a civil war to end it.
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