WHAT THE H@LL? 'Terrorist' Monkeys on the loose in India with stolen coronavirus blood samples


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Monkeys on the loose in India with stolen coronavirus blood samples

"A troop of monkeys attacked a lab technician in India and stole blood samples of patients
who tested positive for COVID-19, authorities confirmed on Friday.

The eccentric attack happened this week after a laboratory technician was walking on the campus of a state-run medical college in Meerut near Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh state. “Monkeys grabbed and fled with the blood samples of four COVID-19 patients who are undergoing treatment.

Environmentalists in India are monitoring increased attacks and disturbances from monkeys on people, attributing the uptick as a result of the destruction of natural habitats forcing the animals closer to urban areas."


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General Thade | Villains Wiki | Fandom

"We are NOT terrorists. We are
just tired of being blamed for
the China Virus. We stole the
blood samples to prove to the
world it was not us or any other
animal in some 'wet market'."


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