What the 1/6 folks want us to believe about Jacob Chansley Q-anon SHEmon


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
Don't Taz actually did something useful...

Posted the "video" of SHEmon entering the Capitol...

The problem with this account is multi-faceted. First, was Chansley ever outside on 1/6? He was on the terrace doing selfies with the Pelosi klan, but that's not OUTSIDE... If Chansley was never outside, well, that means he did not come in through a broken window. Be certain we will get PHOTOSHOPed images of Chansley outside very soon... but he was never outside. He stands out as a sore thumb. You cannot miss him. Nobody saw him because he wasn't outside....

The second is that the version of Chansley entering through a broken window in a stream of other "invaders" really REALLY clashes with what we observe with the Capitol Police. Every person who entered the Capitol on 1/6 was trespassing at least, grounds to be immediately arrested and prosecuted. Indeed, the Capitol Police traditionally have a ZERO TOLERANCE for such folks. Guns come out quickly given the sensitivity and "value" we place on Congress. So, a group of trespassers invades, and .... suddenly.... one, just one, and only one is being ESCORTED like a foreign dignitary TO THE SENATE where he is let loose.... Explain that one. Capitol Police should have IMMEDIATELY arrested Chansley. Someone told the Capitol Police to NOT ARREST Chansley. Who? Who instructed the Capitol Police to take Chansley to the Senate? Why?

The simple truth is that Capitol Police have a standard way of handling expected guests like foreign dignitaries and the Prez. The motorcade goes under the Capitol. The important guest then appears walking around escorted by Capitol Police in the EXACT WAY Chansley was escorted. There really is no other explanation for Chansley other than he arrived in the underground garage and was escorted as a GUEST OF HONOR.

a GUEST OF HONOR leading an "insurrection?"

Explain that one...

I will. Chansley is a fraud, a left wing homosexual failed actor who lives at home with left wing mommy. He is part of the 1/6 hate hoax. He was brought in by Pelosi and everyone else. Pelosi likely told the Capitol Police to escort Chansley.

He plead guilty because he did not want discovery.

He got solitary because nobody observes him there - HE WASN'T there until Tucker got the film, and then woosh, he's back in the jail and mommy is on Fox pretending to be not a left wing activist. Jacob Chansley isn't anyone who deserves any sympathy or exoneration. He isn't a Republican, MAGA, or conservative. He is a FRAUD and a TRAITOR. He deserves to be prosecuted for the treason of actively framing those who were arrested.... and a lot more.
Don't Taz actually did something useful...

Posted the "video" of SHEmon entering the Capitol...

The problem with this account is multi-faceted. First, was Chansley ever outside on 1/6? He was on the terrace doing selfies with the Pelosi klan, but that's not OUTSIDE... If Chansley was never outside, well, that means he did not come in through a broken window. Be certain we will get PHOTOSHOPed images of Chansley outside very soon... but he was never outside. He stands out as a sore thumb. You cannot miss him. Nobody saw him because he wasn't outside....

He was never outside?

Did he enter the capital via a tunnel?

The second is that the version of Chansley entering through a broken window in a stream of other "invaders" really REALLY clashes with what we observe with the Capitol Police. Every person who entered the Capitol on 1/6 was trespassing at least, grounds to be immediately arrested and prosecuted. Indeed, the Capitol Police traditionally have a ZERO TOLERANCE for such folks. Guns come out quickly given the sensitivity and "value" we place on Congress. So, a group of trespassers invades, and .... suddenly.... one, just one, and only one is being ESCORTED like a foreign dignitary TO THE SENATE where he is let loose.... Explain that one. Capitol Police should have IMMEDIATELY arrested Chansley. Someone told the Capitol Police to NOT ARREST Chansley. Who? Who instructed the Capitol Police to take Chansley to the Senate? Why?

I had not heard he came in through a broken window.

The video of him showed him entering through a door that was broken in as he entered with a mob.

The police already testified as to why they did not arrest chancey or anyone for that matter.

The simple truth is that Capitol Police have a standard way of handling expected guests like foreign dignitaries and the Prez. The motorcade goes under the Capitol. The important guest then appears walking around escorted by Capitol Police in the EXACT WAY Chansley was escorted. There really is no other explanation for Chansley other than he arrived in the underground garage and was escorted as a GUEST OF HONOR.

There is a video of chancey entering the doors.

You didn't see it? Here you go.

a GUEST OF HONOR leading an "insurrection?"

Explain that one...

Strawman. He wasn't a guest of honor.

I will. Chansley is a fraud, a left wing homosexual failed actor who lives at home with left wing mommy. He is part of the 1/6 hate hoax. He was brought in by Pelosi and everyone else. Pelosi likely told the Capitol Police to escort Chansley.

Yawn...pure fantasy.

He plead guilty because he did not want discovery.

He plead guilty because he was captured on camera and via police testimony, doing the things he was convicted of.

He got solitary because nobody observes him there - HE WASN'T there until Tucker got the film, and then woosh, he's back in the jail and mommy is on Fox pretending to be not a left wing activist. Jacob Chansley isn't anyone who deserves any sympathy or exoneration. He isn't a Republican, MAGA, or conservative. He is a FRAUD and a TRAITOR. He deserves to be prosecuted for the treason of actively framing those who were arrested.... and a lot more.
So your saying he was never in jail and then after Tucker released his propaganda, they went and got him? Lol.

Your post gets slowly more unhinged the further along it goes.
Don't Taz actually did something useful...

Posted the "video" of SHEmon entering the Capitol...

The problem with this account is multi-faceted. First, was Chansley ever outside on 1/6? He was on the terrace doing selfies with the Pelosi klan, but that's not OUTSIDE... If Chansley was never outside, well, that means he did not come in through a broken window. Be certain we will get PHOTOSHOPed images of Chansley outside very soon... but he was never outside. He stands out as a sore thumb. You cannot miss him. Nobody saw him because he wasn't outside....

The second is that the version of Chansley entering through a broken window in a stream of other "invaders" really REALLY clashes with what we observe with the Capitol Police. Every person who entered the Capitol on 1/6 was trespassing at least, grounds to be immediately arrested and prosecuted. Indeed, the Capitol Police traditionally have a ZERO TOLERANCE for such folks. Guns come out quickly given the sensitivity and "value" we place on Congress. So, a group of trespassers invades, and .... suddenly.... one, just one, and only one is being ESCORTED like a foreign dignitary TO THE SENATE where he is let loose.... Explain that one. Capitol Police should have IMMEDIATELY arrested Chansley. Someone told the Capitol Police to NOT ARREST Chansley. Who? Who instructed the Capitol Police to take Chansley to the Senate? Why?

The simple truth is that Capitol Police have a standard way of handling expected guests like foreign dignitaries and the Prez. The motorcade goes under the Capitol. The important guest then appears walking around escorted by Capitol Police in the EXACT WAY Chansley was escorted. There really is no other explanation for Chansley other than he arrived in the underground garage and was escorted as a GUEST OF HONOR.

a GUEST OF HONOR leading an "insurrection?"

Explain that one...

I will. Chansley is a fraud, a left wing homosexual failed actor who lives at home with left wing mommy. He is part of the 1/6 hate hoax. He was brought in by Pelosi and everyone else. Pelosi likely told the Capitol Police to escort Chansley.

He plead guilty because he did not want discovery.

He got solitary because nobody observes him there - HE WASN'T there until Tucker got the film, and then woosh, he's back in the jail and mommy is on Fox pretending to be not a left wing activist. Jacob Chansley isn't anyone who deserves any sympathy or exoneration. He isn't a Republican, MAGA, or conservative. He is a FRAUD and a TRAITOR. He deserves to be prosecuted for the treason of actively framing those who were arrested.... and a lot more.
Ahem: "A court document, firsthand account and other video footage also support Barber's statement and show that Capitol Police repeatedly asked Chansley to leave the building."

I give the OP credit. Alone among the Trump cultists, he's still sticking with the "He was an antifa plant!" lunatic conspiracy theory.

The rest of them? They've done a one-eighty and embraced the "he's a persecuted righty!" lunatic conspiracy theory.
"There really is no other explanation for Chansley other than he arrived in the underground garage and was escorted as a GUEST OF HONOR.......a GUEST OF HONOR leading an "insurrection?".....Explain that one...
I will. Chansley is a fraud, a left wing homosexual failed actor who lives at home with left wing mommy. He is part of the 1/6 hate hoax. He was brought in by Pelosi and everyone else. Pelosi likely told the Capitol Police to escort Chansley. He plead guilty because he did not want discovery."

There!! Read that!
The above is EXACTLY why I like EMH as the most representative of our MAGA cohort on this chatroom. He is them. They are him. Deadsolidperfect!!
I give the OP credit. Alone among the Trump cultists, he's still sticking with the "He was an antifa plant!" lunatic conspiracy theory.

The rest of them? They've done a one-eighty and embraced the "he's a persecuted righty!" lunatic conspiracy theory.
Both theories are 100% plausible and in play. As proven over and over again…Mexicrats know no boundaries, they will stoop to any level to stop this nation from moving WAY back right where it belongs…HELL, I’m pretty sure Mexicrats, with China, released Covid on the world to cull the herd and end the Trump reign.
He was never outside?

Did he enter the capital via a tunnel?


Reading Comprehension is not one of your "assets"

Funny, that after THREE DAYS here nobody has an image of SHEmon OUTSIDE. There are photos and videos all over about 1/6. Precisely ZERO show SHEmon OUTSIDE....

He wasn't a guest of honor.

The correct thing to do here is for Speaker McCarthy to demand the Capitol Police explain why "invader" through "broken" window in door whatever and part of a "mob" was singled out to be escorted to the Senate and let loose...

Your response is typical of those who loved the HATE HOAX and are now paranoid you cannot explain.... Barack's last command - Get the SHEmon to the Capitol now!!!
Ahem: "A court document, firsthand account and other video footage also support Barber's statement and show that Capitol Police repeatedly asked Chansley to leave the building."

You know, that really isn't what the video shows at all...

Not even close.

Thanks for demonstrating that you are a taxpayer funded shill for Schumer...
I give the OP credit. Alone among the Trump cultists, he's still sticking with the "He was an antifa plant!" lunatic conspiracy theory.

The rest of them? They've done a one-eighty and embraced the "he's a persecuted righty!" lunatic conspiracy theory.

And again there is that READING COMPREHENSION problem here amongst those who cannot answer the above questions....

Indeed, it is as if they all attended the same class on how to respond to the outing of 1/6 as a hate hoax....

trump cultist conspiracy lunatic antifa

Funny, since EMH was here in real time telling all SUBS that it was NOT ANTIFA or BLM



and that is just as spot on as ever now that HOMO Jacob Chansley is getting OUTED....

There!! Read that!
The above is EXACTLY why I like EMH as the most representative of our MAGA cohort on this chatroom. He is them. They are him. Deadsolidperfect!!


12th straight time this poster "responds" without answering any of the questions....


Psychotic Stalker???


FemiNazi Dyke Left Wing Taxpayer Funded Hate Hoaxer

Just how many prescription pills do you take a day?

We have the right to know since we pay for them because W socialized them...

Only thing I do is buy cigarettes which I guess you could call an anti-depressant...

Going through your posts, it would seem that you think the shaman guy was a fag, and the protestors were all homosexuals wearing maga gear??

You do realize that you are probably the only person with that opinion... Where is your evidence?

Your writings are very low IQ, maybe from someone who sits at home on government checks and plays video games all day. You sound like that type. A working man isn't even tis bad at writing and trying to get their point across without sounding like a fucking retard.
"Take some meds dude and make some sense."
As you can see, poster CS, it ain't bean-bag around here.
Some of the MAGA-QLoons can be sour-noted.
Still, having said that.....there is a certain amount of whimsy and comedic relief mixed in.

For example, has your avatar ever been awarded the honorific of:
"FemiNazi Dyke Left Wing Taxpayer Funded Hate Hoaxer" ?

That's fun stuff. Really, it is.

Do you think it is too esoteric for a T-shirt?
Surely it must be too long for a bumper sticker?

Reading Comprehension is not one of your "assets"

Funny, that after THREE DAYS here nobody has an image of SHEmon OUTSIDE. There are photos and videos all over about 1/6. Precisely ZERO show SHEmon OUTSIDE....

The correct thing to do here is for Speaker McCarthy to demand the Capitol Police explain why "invader" through "broken" window in door whatever and part of a "mob" was singled out to be escorted to the Senate and let loose...

Your response is typical of those who loved the HATE HOAX and are now paranoid you cannot explain.... Barack's last command - Get the SHEmon to the Capitol now!!!
You didn't watch the video did you...you know, the one that shows the shaman going from outside to inside?

But sure, go on a tirade.
As you can see, poster CS, it ain't bean-bag around here.
Some of the MAGA-QLoons can be sour-noted.
Still, having said that.....there is a certain amount of whimsy and comedic relief mixed in.

For example, has your avatar ever been awarded the honorific of:
"FemiNazi Dyke Left Wing Taxpayer Funded Hate Hoaxer" ?

That's fun stuff. Really, it is.

Do you think it is too esoteric for a T-shirt?
Surely it must be too long for a bumper sticker?

This isn't representative of Trump voters, this whole board is a bad representation of each political party. The real world isn't like this.
You didn't watch the video did you...you know, the one that shows the shaman going from outside to inside?

But sure, go on a tirade.


Actually as OP I linked it.

You have an easily fudged video of SHEmon walking as part of a mob through a forced entry windowed door....

BUT, you have NO PHOTOS of SHEmon OUTSIDE.

Like "Osama" in Saudi - NO PHOTOS

You want us to believe the Voyager beamed SHEmon to that entry point??

Actually as OP I linked it.

You have an easily fudged video of SHEmon walking as part of a mob through a forced entry windowed door....

BUT, you have NO PHOTOS of SHEmon OUTSIDE.

Like "Osama" in Saudi - NO PHOTOS

You want us to believe the Voyager beamed SHEmon to that entry point??
Is this outside?


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