What some seem not to get

What no one seems to get is all or nothing thinking allows those running things to fight over who gets the most money & power to do what ever they want, while we rip each other to pieces. We the people forgot the" in order to form a more perfect union," part of the Constitution.
the problem is the GOP of today is totally dishonest and GOP voters have an imaginary planet a corrupt one. a giveaway to the rich and the screwjob for everyone else for 35 years now, 30 years of propaganda machine.
No list of articles of impeachment was ever drawn up on obama and proposed to the Judiciary Committee.

To this day there are a lot of questions regarding obama's eligibility for the presidency due to his father being foreign born and not an American Citizen and of course the Birth Certificate issue. If obama had a long form birth certificate all along....why did he wait until he was forced by Truimp to present it?

He either did not have the long form or if he did he was playing some kind of game.

There were never any legitimate questions regarding Obama's eligibility - it was all one big conspiracy theory. And the fact you continue to argue it shows us the lunacy of the right in this regard.

What a left-winger considers legitimate vs. what intelligent people think....a wide gulf separates them.

Anyhow....can you explain why despite all the uproar over his legitimacy because many were convinced he was not a natural born citizen...............why did he wait so long to present his long form birth certificate? Why did he wait till Donald Trump started putting some heat on him to present the document....did he have it all along or was it something 'prepared' to try and quell all the uproar over whether or not he was a natural born citizen....whyh didn't the Suprem Court with all its power not step in resolve the matter.

The 'conspiracy theory accusation' has been trotted out over and over to try and discredit legitimate questions.

Well at least we are clear on something now...you're a birther.

Not much point in wasting time discussing it.
No list of articles of impeachment was ever drawn up on obama and proposed to the Judiciary Committee.

To this day there are a lot of questions regarding obama's eligibility for the presidency due to his father being foreign born and not an American Citizen and of course the Birth Certificate issue. If obama had a long form birth certificate all along....why did he wait until he was forced by Truimp to present it?

He either did not have the long form or if he did he was playing some kind of game.

There were never any legitimate questions regarding Obama's eligibility - it was all one big conspiracy theory. And the fact you continue to argue it shows us the lunacy of the right in this regard.

What a left-winger considers legitimate vs. what intelligent people think....a wide gulf separates them.

Anyhow....can you explain why despite all the uproar over his legitimacy because many were convinced he was not a natural born citizen...............why did he wait so long to present his long form birth certificate? Why did he wait till Donald Trump started putting some heat on him to present the document....did he have it all along or was it something 'prepared' to try and quell all the uproar over whether or not he was a natural born citizen....whyh didn't the Suprem Court with all its power not step in resolve the matter.

The 'conspiracy theory accusation' has been trotted out over and over to try and discredit legitimate questions.

Well at least we are clear on something now...you're a birther.

Not much point in wasting time discussing it.

Obama was the original birther..............Obama Was the Original Birther

Not Natural Born -- TRUTH MATTERS - YouTube

His father WAS NEVER a U. S. Citizen, therefore, Barack Hussein Obama is NOT a "natural born" Citizen of the United States, thus he is in violation of Amendment 14, and Article II, Section 1 ...
Absolute insanity and willful ignorance at this point.

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