What RWs call fake news is basically any source that doesn’t tell them what they want to hear at all times


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
There are definitely some liberal leaning media sources, but pretty much any news source that isn’t conservative frequently criticizes democrats along with republicans. MSNBC, for example, does in fact criticize democrats.

What’s left? Just sources like Newsmax that mostly tell the audience what they want to hear.
There are definitely some liberal leaning media sources, but pretty much any news source that isn’t conservative frequently criticizes democrats along with republicans. MSNBC, for example, does in fact criticize democrats.

What’s left? Just sources like Newsmax that mostly tell the audience what they want to hear.

^^ Fake news
There are definitely some liberal leaning media sources, but pretty much any news source that isn’t conservative frequently criticizes democrats along with republicans. MSNBC, for example, does in fact criticize democrats.

What’s left? Just sources like Newsmax that mostly tell the audience what they want to hear.

Fake news is opinion and speculation parading around as facts and reality.
There are definitely some liberal leaning media sources, but pretty much any news source that isn’t conservative frequently criticizes democrats along with republicans. MSNBC, for example, does in fact criticize democrats.

What’s left? Just sources like Newsmax that mostly tell the audience what they want to hear.
There are definitely some liberal leaning media sources, but pretty much any news source that isn’t conservative frequently criticizes democrats along with republicans. MSNBC, for example, does in fact criticize democrats.

What’s left? Just sources like Newsmax that mostly tell the audience what they want to hear.
How can you criticize right wingers for not listening to the liberal main stream media when they got so many things wrong when Trump was in office?

Plus the liberal mainstream media told their audience exactly what it wanted to hear almost every day with a continuing string of “bombshells” that proved to be duds.
How can you criticize right wingers for not listening to the liberal main stream media when they got so many things wrong when Trump was in office?

Plus the liberal mainstream media told their audience exactly what it wanted to hear almost every day with a continuing string of “bombshells” that proved to be duds.
See you’re profoundly delusional if you think there aren’t sources that don’t have a left or right slant.
There are definitely some liberal leaning media sources, but pretty much any news source that isn’t conservative frequently criticizes democrats along with republicans. MSNBC, for example, does in fact criticize democrats.
And what good does that do for the country?
There are definitely some liberal leaning media sources, but pretty much any news source that isn’t conservative frequently criticizes democrats along with republicans. MSNBC, for example, does in fact criticize democrats.

What’s left? Just sources like Newsmax that mostly tell the audience what they want to hear.

In other words, exactly how the left treats Fox News?
There are definitely some liberal leaning media sources, but pretty much any news source that isn’t conservative frequently criticizes democrats along with republicans. MSNBC, for example, does in fact criticize democrats.

What’s left? Just sources like Newsmax that mostly tell the audience what they want to hear.

Relevant reading...

House GOP Investigates State Department-Funded 'Disinformation' Group Behind Conservative Blacklists

''The Committee on Oversight and Accountability is investigating reports that federal funds administered by the Department of State (Department) were used to suppress lawful speech and defund disfavored news outlets under the guise of combatting disinformation''

“The Committee is disturbed by recent reporting that taxpayer money ended up in the hands of a foreign organization running an advertising blacklist of organizations accused of hosting disinformation on their websites, including several conservative-leaning news organizations”


Disinformation Inc: Meet the groups hauling in cash to secretly blacklist conservative news

“Major ad companies are increasingly seeking guidance from purportedly ‘nonpartisan’ groups claiming to be detecting and fighting online ‘disinformation.’ These same ‘disinformation’ monitors are compiling secret website blacklists and feeding them to ad companies, with the aim of defunding and shutting down disfavored speech”

''The Global Disinformation Index, a British group with two affiliated U.S. nonprofit groups sharing similar board members, is one entity shaping the ad world behind the scenes.''

(As an aside, this use of foreign agents may provide clarity as to why some politically friendly web site operators choose to go all the way to the UK to seek out a model to serve as a primary benchmark its own various TOS, but hey, my name's muffin, I dunno nuffin)

Anyway. Further relevant reading...

Comer Launches Probe into State Department’s Alleged Funding of Group Blacklisting Conservative Media ‘Under the Guise of Combatting Disinformation’https://img.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2023/02/13/GettyImages-1461367364-1200x800.jpg

''According to its criteria, GDI found that the ten most disinformation risky websites were all conservative-leaning, including Newsmax (maximum), The Federalist (maximum), The American Spectator (maximum), the New York Post (high), Reason Magazine (high), RealClearPolitics (high), The Daily Wire (high), The Blaze (high), One America News Network (high), and The American Conservative (high).

In contrast, the ten least risky sites earning the “minimum-risk” or “low-risk” designation were NPR (minimum), AP News (minimum), The New York Times (minimum), ProPublica (minimum), Insider (low), USA Today (low), The Washington Post (low), BuzzFeedNews.com (low), The Wall Street Journal (low), and The Huffington Post (low).''
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There are definitely some liberal leaning media sources, but pretty much any news source that isn’t conservative frequently criticizes democrats along with republicans. MSNBC, for example, does in fact criticize democrats.

What’s left? Just sources like Newsmax that mostly tell the audience what they want to hear.

So, you enjoyed your threesome with Mika and Joe??
There are definitely some liberal leaning media sources, but pretty much any news source that isn’t conservative frequently criticizes democrats along with republicans. MSNBC, for example, does in fact criticize democrats.

What’s left? Just sources like Newsmax that mostly tell the audience what they want to hear.
Which is why you have contempt for anything not of your MSM -- CNN, MSLSD, NYT, WAPO etc
Which is why you have contempt for anything not of your MSM -- CNN, MSLSD, NYT, WAPO etc
ALL of those sources criticize democrats. Lol my god. I don’t expect you to watch them regularly, but just tune in one night and believe it or not, you will hear criticism of Biden.

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