What questions would you ask the POTUS?


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
I would ask him what the hell were you doing at the hurricane command control center before Irene?

Do you condemn the recent comments by the black caucus saying the tea party wants blacks hung, and the tea party go to hell?

Whats wrong with a balanced budget amendment?

Did you go through that budget line by line yet?

Why didn't congress vote on Libya?

Why did you change your name?

What policy changes you installed led to the killing of Bin Laden?
I would ask him:

Why did you feel compelled to state on your campaign websited that your birth status was governed by the British Nationality Act of 1948 rather than the 14th Amendment?
I would ask....

When will you be held accountable for the state of the economy or what's going on in the country today?
When do you think the Summer of recovery version 2010 will kick in?
When do you thing the Stimulus will have an effect on job creation?
When do you think the shovel ready jobs will be available?
The stimulus was supposed to hold unemployment under 8%...so far it has not.Can you explain?
You said jobs was a top priority,you were focused like a laser on it.What happened?
You still don't have a budget...Do you think you might have one before you leave the WH?
Promises were made about Health Care that premiums would not go up...seems like they are,explain?

That's what i have for now....
Why don't you put these white conservatives in the FEMA camps? You have your civilian army, use it. I'm waiting for my Bayer stock to rise.
To this POTUS? I haven't a thing in the world to say to him. We're that far apart.
You owe me money.... ill take a check. Thank you very much.

I've been checking my mailbox EVERY DAY for my rebate check - still no love...

HOWEVER, I DO have a backup plan!

When I visit friends & family in GA or TN, I have been buying lottery tix!

I figure between the 2, I will be financially set VERY SOON!!
You owe me money.... ill take a check. Thank you very much.

I've been checking my mailbox EVERY DAY for my rebate check - still no love...

HOWEVER, I DO have a backup plan!

When I visit friends & family in GA or TN, I have been buying lottery tix!

I figure between the 2, I will be financially set VERY SOON!!

Oh no...this has nothing to do with any rebate..

he owes me money.... and i want it back. Sadly... the white house has yet to respond to my demands.
You owe me money.... ill take a check. Thank you very much.

I've been checking my mailbox EVERY DAY for my rebate check - still no love...

HOWEVER, I DO have a backup plan!

When I visit friends & family in GA or TN, I have been buying lottery tix!

I figure between the 2, I will be financially set VERY SOON!!

Oh no...this has nothing to do with any rebate..

he owes me money.... and i want it back. Sadly... the white house has yet to respond to my demands.

Yeah, I'm thinking that my plan of buying lottery tix is a better bet than hoping for money back from the WH...

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