What Questions SHOULD Have Been Asked In The Reagan Library Debate

Governor Perry: Exactly what criteria needs to be met to convince you that global warming is real?

Governor Perry: If you don't believe that man has anything to do with global warming why did you brag about the reduced emissions in your state?

Governor Perry: Why did you reinforce the flaming rhetoric about SS that will certainly keep you from being elected in the general election?

Governor Romney: Why do you run from your health care record in Massachusetts when it both covers all of the uninsured and promotes personal responsibility?

Governor Huntsman: Have you considered running as Governor Romney's VP candidate? Based on you two's performance that would be an unbeatable combination.


Why wasn't Romney asked about global warming...

Answer? The Left wants to run against Romney, and knows that the Right doesn't want to hear that man is responsible for warming.

The Left wants to run against Perry or Bachmann. The Left thinks Romney has a better chance of beating Obama than the rest of the field, except maybe Huntsmen.

I don't believe so...

1. They can erase the stain of ObamaCare by comparison to Romney Care...

2. Perry's job creation underscores Obama's failure at same.
Governor Perry: Exactly what criteria needs to be met to convince you that global warming is real?

Governor Perry: If you don't believe that man has anything to do with global warming why did you brag about the reduced emissions in your state?

Governor Perry: Why did you reinforce the flaming rhetoric about SS that will certainly keep you from being elected in the general election?

Governor Romney: Why do you run from your health care record in Massachusetts when it both covers all of the uninsured and promotes personal responsibility?

Governor Huntsman: Have you considered running as Governor Romney's VP candidate? Based on you two's performance that would be an unbeatable combination.


I wonder if they discussed at this time too--:cuckoo:

The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some
places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the
Commerce Department yesterday from Consulafft, at Bergen, Norway. Reports
from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers all point to a radical change in
climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone.
Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far
north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters
showed the gulf stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been
replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at
many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared.
Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while
vast shoals of herring and smelts which have never before ventured so far
north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds. Within a few
years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make
most coastal cities uninhabitable.
I apologize, I neglected to mention that this report was from
November 2, 1922, as reported by the AP and published in
The Washington Post 88+ years ago_

Last night's debate was probably the BEST I have seen in my lifetime.
Governor Perry: Exactly what criteria needs to be met to convince you that global warming is real?

Governor Perry: If you don't believe that man has anything to do with global warming why did you brag about the reduced emissions in your state?

Governor Perry: Why did you reinforce the flaming rhetoric about SS that will certainly keep you from being elected in the general election?

Governor Romney: Why do you run from your health care record in Massachusetts when it both covers all of the uninsured and promotes personal responsibility?

Governor Huntsman: Have you considered running as Governor Romney's VP candidate? Based on you two's performance that would be an unbeatable combination.


Why wasn't Romney asked about global warming...

Answer? The Left wants to run against Romney, and knows that the Right doesn't want to hear that man is responsible for warming.

The Left wants to run against Perry or Bachmann. The Left thinks Romney has a better chance of beating Obama than the rest of the field, except maybe Huntsmen.
Spot on!
Why wasn't Romney asked about global warming...

Answer? The Left wants to run against Romney, and knows that the Right doesn't want to hear that man is responsible for warming.

The Left wants to run against Perry or Bachmann. The Left thinks Romney has a better chance of beating Obama than the rest of the field, except maybe Huntsmen.

I don't believe so...

1. They can erase the stain of ObamaCare by comparison to Romney Care...

2. Perry's job creation underscores Obama's failure at same.
Perry's 'job creation' is 40% government jobs.

The majority of the rest is minimum wage jobs.
Gov. Perry: Can you name one scientist who does not believe climate change is man made?

Rep. Bachmann: With Texas not receiving rain for over 180 days, and now suffering from massive wildfires, what do you believe God is trying to tell Texas?

Gov. Huntsman: Is your tan natural, or do you use a bed like Charlie Crist?

Santorum (Google it!): What do you think you contribute to this campaign?

Rep. Paul: Is it really your position that if enough United jets crash, people will stop flying United, validating the Free Market?

Rep. Paul: If a silver dime is worth $3.50, then you are still paying $3.50, aren't you?

Gary Johnson: Why weren't you invited, yet Santorum and Gingrich were?

Herman Munster: How will poor people afford a 9% sales tax, on top of their state and local sales taxes?

Willard Romney: Will you do the same thing to the rest of American business what you did to American Pad & Paper Co.?

Gingrich: Does your wife actually fuck you?
Since the left wingers are so enthralled with their new-found intellectual curiosity... I wonder what questions, other than "how's your day Mr. President?" they'd like to see asked of Mr. Obama?
The Left wants to run against Perry or Bachmann. The Left thinks Romney has a better chance of beating Obama than the rest of the field, except maybe Huntsmen.

I don't believe so...

1. They can erase the stain of ObamaCare by comparison to Romney Care...

2. Perry's job creation underscores Obama's failure at same.
Perry's 'job creation' is 40% government jobs.

The majority of the rest is minimum wage jobs.


At least Perry's noninterference created jobs.

Mitt Romney forgot to mention that government doesn't create jobs......the simple fact that government can set up an atmosphere that is conducive to job creation or not is what is most important. So I would say Romney got a big fail on that one.
I passed on the event because I figured if MSNBC was handling it it was gonna be pretty much "Prove to us you all don't suck".

Personally I think the Obama media needs to be removed from all debates.
Gingrich blasted the media last night...


Regardless of Newt's "personal" and "public" baggage, he has shown the most leadership qualities of all candidates, in the last two debates, imo. I like him. I think he would surround himself with the smartest business-minded economists that would get this economy standing again.

In addtion to experience, he has common sense. We DO need that! I don't know all there is about Newt's record but he would have the most wins and lossess than any candidate, simply because he has had more years in office, thus the law of averages would apply. I want to hear more from this prolific NYT best selling author, with many of his books being co-authored by his third wife of almost 12 years, Calista.
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I don't believe so...

1. They can erase the stain of ObamaCare by comparison to Romney Care...

2. Perry's job creation underscores Obama's failure at same.
Perry's 'job creation' is 40% government jobs.

The majority of the rest is minimum wage jobs.



At least Perry's noninterference created jobs.

:lol: He's in charge of the Texas government, and 40% of his 'created jobs' are government jobs - and you claim he has nothing to do with it?

Mitt Romney forgot to mention that government doesn't create jobs......the simple fact that government can set up an atmosphere that is conducive to job creation or not is what is most important. So I would say Romney got a big fail on that one.
He and Perry both claimed that their state governments created jobs, so I guess you can shove that talking point up your ass with the others.
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I passed on the event because I figured if MSNBC was handling it it was gonna be pretty much "Prove to us you all don't suck".

Personally I think the Obama media needs to be removed from all debates.

I think your goal is to cry about everything being liberal like some sort of blackmail until everyone reports, writes and speaks about all conservatives the way you want them to.

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