What our election is really about-happy voting.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
This election is going to decide if democracy is about self-destiny or a conclusive consensus of embedded state leadership that white America is the source of evil in our society. For the first time in eight decades when German fascists used the methodology, a genetic classification of human beings is branded as historically dangerous and unfit to remain equal in representation and merit.

The resurgence of Holocaust reasoning has been quietly in the works pressed into the footprints of cultural Marxism and following a trail of false reasoning introduced by academia and imposed with the blunt force of political correctness that is deception on a grand scale fashioned to poison democracy first, then eliminate it.

Oddly, if Hitler had used this practice he might have been able to convince the Jews to willingly march to the gas chambers as admitted bad humans. America has been in the process of converting naïve white students into Manchurian Candidates against their parents, grandparents, brothers, and sisters. Using cult-psychology, colleges and universities across the nation have formulated a “bad them” against the “good us” argument that has not been seen in civilized society since the Crusades.

It goes something like this:

Those “bad” white people have ruined everything. They are not like we who teach you. We are the “good” white people who send you into cities to destroy and burn. We, the educational establishment are on your side. This “We the People” stuff about the US Constitution is outdated and dangerous because it was written by white people and white people are bad-except the “good” white people in education and politics today that feel bad about being white and want to make reparations by getting those other “bad” white people that voted for Trump.

Trump is bad because he is white and not part of our self-serving clique that resembles the re-education brainwashing of Mao Se-Tung that was all the rage in the 1960’s. It is us against those “bad” white people that refuse to kneel at football games and publicly admit that they are bad. Our new bible, Critical Race Theory, is our “Mein Kampf” and it will soon be required reading in all grades.

Those who fall into line will be rewarded with great government just like Cuba and Venezuela where everything is free for the poor while the leadership gets their own separate benefits while the poor starve. That’s it. Happy voting.
Well there's nothing to worry about trump has it locked up easy. You will be happy to know I won't cast a vote for either corrupt party.
Those who fall into line will be rewarded with great government just like Cuba and Venezuela where everything is free for the poor while the leadership gets their own separate benefits while the poor starve.
Cuba and Venezuela? That's what you'd expect?
The Affordable Care Act by any other name.
The affordable Care Act, as ridiculous as it is, includes a significant free market component. So, that's just wrong.

I'll ask again: Cuba and Venezuela? That's what you'd expect? You said it, I'd just like confirmation.
This election is going to decide if democracy is about self-destiny or a conclusive consensus of embedded state leadership that white America is the source of evil in our society. For the first time in eight decades when German fascists used the methodology, a genetic classification of human beings is branded as historically dangerous and unfit to remain equal in representation and merit.

The resurgence of Holocaust reasoning has been quietly in the works pressed into the footprints of cultural Marxism and following a trail of false reasoning introduced by academia and imposed with the blunt force of political correctness that is deception on a grand scale fashioned to poison democracy first, then eliminate it.

Oddly, if Hitler had used this practice he might have been able to convince the Jews to willingly march to the gas chambers as admitted bad humans. America has been in the process of converting naïve white students into Manchurian Candidates against their parents, grandparents, brothers, and sisters. Using cult-psychology, colleges and universities across the nation have formulated a “bad them” against the “good us” argument that has not been seen in civilized society since the Crusades.

It goes something like this:

Those “bad” white people have ruined everything. They are not like we who teach you. We are the “good” white people who send you into cities to destroy and burn. We, the educational establishment are on your side. This “We the People” stuff about the US Constitution is outdated and dangerous because it was written by white people and white people are bad-except the “good” white people in education and politics today that feel bad about being white and want to make reparations by getting those other “bad” white people that voted for Trump.

Trump is bad because he is white and not part of our self-serving clique that resembles the re-education brainwashing of Mao Se-Tung that was all the rage in the 1960’s. It is us against those “bad” white people that refuse to kneel at football games and publicly admit that they are bad. Our new bible, Critical Race Theory, is our “Mein Kampf” and it will soon be required reading in all grades.

Those who fall into line will be rewarded with great government just like Cuba and Venezuela where everything is free for the poor while the leadership gets their own separate benefits while the poor starve. That’s it. Happy voting.
It’s about who’s followers entertain us the most.
This election is going to decide if democracy is about self-destiny or a conclusive consensus of embedded state leadership that white America is the source of evil in our society. For the first time in eight decades when German fascists used the methodology, a genetic classification of human beings is branded as historically dangerous and unfit to remain equal in representation and merit.

The resurgence of Holocaust reasoning has been quietly in the works pressed into the footprints of cultural Marxism and following a trail of false reasoning introduced by academia and imposed with the blunt force of political correctness that is deception on a grand scale fashioned to poison democracy first, then eliminate it.

Oddly, if Hitler had used this practice he might have been able to convince the Jews to willingly march to the gas chambers as admitted bad humans. America has been in the process of converting naïve white students into Manchurian Candidates against their parents, grandparents, brothers, and sisters. Using cult-psychology, colleges and universities across the nation have formulated a “bad them” against the “good us” argument that has not been seen in civilized society since the Crusades.

It goes something like this:

Those “bad” white people have ruined everything. They are not like we who teach you. We are the “good” white people who send you into cities to destroy and burn. We, the educational establishment are on your side. This “We the People” stuff about the US Constitution is outdated and dangerous because it was written by white people and white people are bad-except the “good” white people in education and politics today that feel bad about being white and want to make reparations by getting those other “bad” white people that voted for Trump.

Trump is bad because he is white and not part of our self-serving clique that resembles the re-education brainwashing of Mao Se-Tung that was all the rage in the 1960’s. It is us against those “bad” white people that refuse to kneel at football games and publicly admit that they are bad. Our new bible, Critical Race Theory, is our “Mein Kampf” and it will soon be required reading in all grades.

Those who fall into line will be rewarded with great government just like Cuba and Venezuela where everything is free for the poor while the leadership gets their own separate benefits while the poor starve. That’s it. Happy voting.


Sleep-walking to Venezuela.
Those who fall into line will be rewarded with great government just like Cuba and Venezuela where everything is free for the poor while the leadership gets their own separate benefits while the poor starve.
Cuba and Venezuela? That's what you'd expect?
The Affordable Care Act by any other name.
The affordable Care Act, as ridiculous as it is, includes a significant free market component. So, that's just wrong.

I'll ask again: Cuba and Venezuela? That's what you'd expect? You said it, I'd just like confirmation.
It could happen sure. Do you think the Venezuelans thought not so many years ago that they would be reduced back to primitive times ? Dictators or radical governments are destined to fail, it just takes a little time, but it happens to many peoples surprise. A government moving on a radical plan or agenda could very easily usher in that time. The Demoncrats are ripe for doing just that with their Anti-American radical agenda.
Those who fall into line will be rewarded with great government just like Cuba and Venezuela where everything is free for the poor while the leadership gets their own separate benefits while the poor starve.
Cuba and Venezuela? That's what you'd expect?
Nah, you folks are more ambitious. More like Auschwitz meets Gulag Archipelago...
So WORSE than Cuba and Venezuela. Okay, got it.
So far, 42 Trumpsters on this site believe that Trump is the only thing standing between us and literal communism:
So they really do believe this stuff.
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So far, 42 Trumpsters on this site believe that Trump is the only thing standing between us and literal communism:

So they really do believe this stuff.
It has nothing to do with belief, it's what we know. A response like that will cause a blizzard of snowflakes to spew even more outrageous Marxist claptrap.
So far, 42 Trumpsters on this site believe that Trump is the only thing standing between us and literal communism:

So they really do believe this stuff.
I guess what you may find hard to fathom is that it only takes one or two election cycles to go that route. Just ask Venezeula.
In Venezuela the government appropriated private industry and and ran it into the ground. The American left wants to appropriate the fossil fuel industry and replace it with windfarms and electric cars. Blackouts anyone?
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Those who fall into line will be rewarded with great government just like Cuba and Venezuela where everything is free for the poor while the leadership gets their own separate benefits while the poor starve.
Cuba and Venezuela? That's what you'd expect?
It's the enviable outcome of all collective style governments fool. It's right there in the history books for anyone to see or have you burned yours? Socialism has never worked, it can't and it never will. Both mother nature and human nature assures that it can't. Common sense should preclude anyone of reasonable intelligence that it ever could.
Those who fall into line will be rewarded with great government just like Cuba and Venezuela where everything is free for the poor while the leadership gets their own separate benefits while the poor starve.
Cuba and Venezuela? That's what you'd expect?
It's the enviable outcome of all collective style governments fool. It's right there in the history books for anyone to see or have you burned yours? Socialism has never worked, it can't and it never will. Both mother nature and human nature assures that it can't. Common sense should preclude anyone of reasonable intelligence that it ever could.
So that's a "yes", correct?
This election is going to decide if democracy is about self-destiny or a conclusive consensus of embedded state leadership that white America is the source of evil in our society. For the first time in eight decades when German fascists used the methodology, a genetic classification of human beings is branded as historically dangerous and unfit to remain equal in representation and merit.

The resurgence of Holocaust reasoning has been quietly in the works pressed into the footprints of cultural Marxism and following a trail of false reasoning introduced by academia and imposed with the blunt force of political correctness that is deception on a grand scale fashioned to poison democracy first, then eliminate it.

Oddly, if Hitler had used this practice he might have been able to convince the Jews to willingly march to the gas chambers as admitted bad humans. America has been in the process of converting naïve white students into Manchurian Candidates against their parents, grandparents, brothers, and sisters. Using cult-psychology, colleges and universities across the nation have formulated a “bad them” against the “good us” argument that has not been seen in civilized society since the Crusades.

It goes something like this:

Those “bad” white people have ruined everything. They are not like we who teach you. We are the “good” white people who send you into cities to destroy and burn. We, the educational establishment are on your side. This “We the People” stuff about the US Constitution is outdated and dangerous because it was written by white people and white people are bad-except the “good” white people in education and politics today that feel bad about being white and want to make reparations by getting those other “bad” white people that voted for Trump.

Trump is bad because he is white and not part of our self-serving clique that resembles the re-education brainwashing of Mao Se-Tung that was all the rage in the 1960’s. It is us against those “bad” white people that refuse to kneel at football games and publicly admit that they are bad. Our new bible, Critical Race Theory, is our “Mein Kampf” and it will soon be required reading in all grades.

Those who fall into line will be rewarded with great government just like Cuba and Venezuela where everything is free for the poor while the leadership gets their own separate benefits while the poor starve. That’s it. Happy voting.
Yup. And watch out for Coyotes!


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