What % Of Blacks Will Vote in 2018?

What % of blacks will show up to vote in 2 years?

  • Less than 50%

    Votes: 17 65.4%
  • More than 50%

    Votes: 9 34.6%

  • Total voters
I think you missed the part where i said I believe all Blacks should vote as a race. Just because I have mine doesnt lessen my responsibility to the rest of my people not in the same position as I am. Any Black person that votes for a republican is ignorant or selfish. I cant think of any circumstance where I would vote repub unless there was another switcheroo by the parties.
Your belief that you know better what other people should vote than they do is part of the problem. You (as a bloc) have been voting democrat for decades and you're just falling further behind. Time to stop digging.
Why do you say we are falling further behind and even if that was true why do you think its due to voting?
I'm saying that every election cycle you (as a voting bloc) vote 90%+ for democrats, apparently believing that they will make your lives better and stuff. Then, if the democrat wins, your lives don't get any better. In fact, like under Obama, they get worse. But the next cycle comes along, the democrat makes a bunch of the same promises to you that you heard last time, and you vote democrat all over again. Apparently you believe the garbage they're telling you that if a Republican gets elected you'll end up back in chains again. I think it was our VP that last made that ludicrous claim. Don't you ever feel foolish falling for that kind of stuff over and over again?
All Black people lives got better with Obama. My net worth almost tripled.

Tavis Smiley (you know who he is?) disagrees with that:
“Sadly — and it pains me to say this — over the last decade, black folk, in the era of Obama, have lost ground in every major economic category.”

The black labor force participation rate is down, a higher percentage of people below the poverty line are black, real median income in black households fell by 1.5%, black food stamp recipients went up 54%, black home ownership fell, etc.

No matter how bad the Dems are the Repubs are always worse. They try their best to do away with hard fought gains for Black Americans. Only a foolish Black person would vote for them IMO.
At least you admit it's only an opinion. Obviously, you are believing a load of garbage democrats are feeding you and thinking they are facts.
Not concerned with what Tavis Smiley disagrees with. I am way smarter than Tavis.

Traditionally Blacks always lose ground in those categories. Thats due to racism not Obama.
Your belief that you know better what other people should vote than they do is part of the problem. You (as a bloc) have been voting democrat for decades and you're just falling further behind. Time to stop digging.
Why do you say we are falling further behind and even if that was true why do you think its due to voting?
I'm saying that every election cycle you (as a voting bloc) vote 90%+ for democrats, apparently believing that they will make your lives better and stuff. Then, if the democrat wins, your lives don't get any better. In fact, like under Obama, they get worse. But the next cycle comes along, the democrat makes a bunch of the same promises to you that you heard last time, and you vote democrat all over again. Apparently you believe the garbage they're telling you that if a Republican gets elected you'll end up back in chains again. I think it was our VP that last made that ludicrous claim. Don't you ever feel foolish falling for that kind of stuff over and over again?
All Black people lives got better with Obama. My net worth almost tripled.

Tavis Smiley (you know who he is?) disagrees with that:
“Sadly — and it pains me to say this — over the last decade, black folk, in the era of Obama, have lost ground in every major economic category.”

The black labor force participation rate is down, a higher percentage of people below the poverty line are black, real median income in black households fell by 1.5%, black food stamp recipients went up 54%, black home ownership fell, etc.

No matter how bad the Dems are the Repubs are always worse. They try their best to do away with hard fought gains for Black Americans. Only a foolish Black person would vote for them IMO.
At least you admit it's only an opinion. Obviously, you are believing a load of garbage democrats are feeding you and thinking they are facts.
Not concerned with what Tavis Smiley disagrees with. I am way smarter than Tavis.

Traditionally Blacks always lose ground in those categories. Thats due to racism not Obama.
So why continue voting for democrats when their racism actually gets in the way of your success?
Cracker boy sealybobo now wants to change its tune after having its head chewed off by black people. Lmao coward.
What? I think you must misunderstand me. I'm not changing my tune. You are a sensitive black with a chip on his shoulder who hears racism even when it isn't there.

That's what liberalism is all about. As he has black skin, you don't get to tell him that there isn't racism.
Not all monkey's are created equal. Sweet Dreams is a sweet retard. He's going to punish me by staying home this year. So when the next black ass is shot by a cop, they can riot, they can call in to rev al sharpton's show but you can bet they are too lazy to show up one fucking day every 4 fucking years. Yes you struck a nerve. You're fucking ignant
Die in a grease fire shaved baboon. Thin lips pink skin hairy fuckers. Sure sounds like an ape to me. Stay angry you lice infested cracker. Bitch to the white democrats. Bitch to the cracker libs that don't live around blacks. You don't do shit for me white boy. You people need to worry about your dumb toilet seat complexion spawns. They drink everything under the sink to get drunk.

Did you know that the last Democratic president (Obama) commuted More Sentences Than the Last 9 Presidents Combined?
Obama is Black before he is a Democrat.
He's still a democrat. And the Democratic party still nominated a black guy. That's got to count for something. You're going to stay home because blacks are getting shot and poisoned with lead? That should work, NOT.

Why should it count for shit?

Does it count for something that the GOP has nominated a white guy? Should it?
Decrease the excess labor demand by deporting illegals, and limiting further immigration.

Increase demand by bringing back manufacturing jobs.

Sit back and watch jobs, wages, and working conditions rise.

WIth all the position secondary effects that come with that.
Youre stuck in the industrial age. Its the information age now. Wake up. None of that is going to work. Those jobs are gone forever. They will either stay overseas or a robot will be doing them.

Here is what I believe. I don't believe I'm better than anyone else black or white. And I don't think all black people should be voting for the Democrats. That really would depend on your situation. Who should Ben Carson and Herman Cain be voting for? If they are greedy like they seem and based on their finances, they should be voting Republican. I don't think they are stupid for voting GOP. I think they are greedy.

So I think the Democratic party is the party for me, the same way it is for any black person who makes the amount of money I make. So why do I tell black people to vote? Because I know they've been convinced it doesn't matter and that politicians take "them" for granted. The truth is, they take us all for granted.

What is it that middle class black people want that they feel the Democratic party let them down on? Or that they should stay home and not vote. Then so should I because I don't see why a middle class black would feel any differently about the state of the union than I do. I don't like cops shooting blacks either. So why stay home and put Republicans in power? How will that help blacks or me?

We all know Republicans are cheap and that's what led to Flint lead poisoning. So how does staying home punish the people who poisoned poor black people.
Even though there is a lot of classism that is all based on racism. Any Black person that doesnt think of race first is ignorant or an uncle tom. No Black person should be voting for Drumpf. Not even one. The racial climate he is stirring up is going to get a lot of white boys killed as they get braver. The KKK and other inbred racists are not going to ask who you voted for. They are just going to see you as a Black person. Woe be it to the cave chimp that runs afoul of me.

I think Black people who blindly just vote Dem are not doing the best thing they can to help their race. I say it starts by registering as Independent then waiting to see who wants the Black vote the most. When Blacks have economic equailty then we can start working on the class aspect. No matter which party is in charge Blacks will always have to fight. We just want the party that will make that fight a little easier.
Then you should vote Republican, where you would a better chance of being treated as an individual capable of standing on your own instead of the condescension you get from the democrats who think you can do nothing without them.
I think you missed the part where i said I believe all Blacks should vote as a race. Just because I have mine doesnt lessen my responsibility to the rest of my people not in the same position as I am. Any Black person that votes for a republican is ignorant or selfish. I cant think of any circumstance where I would vote repub unless there was another switcheroo by the parties.
That's exactly why my rich brother votes Democratic. There was a time there where you could tell he was leaning towards the dark side but he's back. And he's white. I can't imagine how a black person grows up middle class or poor, gets rich, and then forgets where they came from. I'm white and even I won't forget what it's like to be lower middle class.
Dangerous how?

The Dems have stopped representing their interests and Trump has made a play for them.
What is the plan for them again? You know I'll probably like it. Let's hear it.

Decrease the excess labor demand by deporting illegals, and limiting further immigration.

Increase demand by bringing back manufacturing jobs.

Sit back and watch jobs, wages, and working conditions rise.

WIth all the position secondary effects that come with that.
Youre stuck in the industrial age. Its the information age now. Wake up. None of that is going to work. Those jobs are gone forever. They will either stay overseas or a robot will be doing them.

Here is what I believe. I don't believe I'm better than anyone else black or white. And I don't think all black people should be voting for the Democrats. That really would depend on your situation. Who should Ben Carson and Herman Cain be voting for? If they are greedy like they seem and based on their finances, they should be voting Republican. I don't think they are stupid for voting GOP. I think they are greedy.

So I think the Democratic party is the party for me, the same way it is for any black person who makes the amount of money I make. So why do I tell black people to vote? Because I know they've been convinced it doesn't matter and that politicians take "them" for granted. The truth is, they take us all for granted.

What is it that middle class black people want that they feel the Democratic party let them down on? Or that they should stay home and not vote. Then so should I because I don't see why a middle class black would feel any differently about the state of the union than I do. I don't like cops shooting blacks either. So why stay home and put Republicans in power? How will that help blacks or me?

We all know Republicans are cheap and that's what led to Flint lead poisoning. So how does staying home punish the people who poisoned poor black people.

Nah you don't hate black people.

I don't hate black people. But I do think the black community has a ways to go.

Do I think Republicans are 100% wrong about the black community? NOPE.

Do I think the black community bares some responsibility for the mess they are in? For sure. Fatherlessness, not knowing how to speak, carrying the chip on your shoulders, siding with criminals over cops, not taking education more seriously, the high crime rates in your communities.

Now I can also argue why these things aren't 100% your fault too. But 49% your fault? Absofuckinglutely.
Then you should vote Republican, where you would a better chance of being treated as an individual capable of standing on your own instead of the condescension you get from the democrats who think you can do nothing without them.
I think you missed the part where i said I believe all Blacks should vote as a race. Just because I have mine doesnt lessen my responsibility to the rest of my people not in the same position as I am. Any Black person that votes for a republican is ignorant or selfish. I cant think of any circumstance where I would vote repub unless there was another switcheroo by the parties.
Your belief that you know better what other people should vote than they do is part of the problem. You (as a bloc) have been voting democrat for decades and you're just falling further behind. Time to stop digging.
Why do you say we are falling further behind and even if that was true why do you think its due to voting?
I'm saying that every election cycle you (as a voting bloc) vote 90%+ for democrats, apparently believing that they will make your lives better and stuff. Then, if the democrat wins, your lives don't get any better. In fact, like under Obama, they get worse. But the next cycle comes along, the democrat makes a bunch of the same promises to you that you heard last time, and you vote democrat all over again. Apparently you believe the garbage they're telling you that if a Republican gets elected you'll end up back in chains again. I think it was our VP that last made that ludicrous claim. Don't you ever feel foolish falling for that kind of stuff over and over again?
All Black people lives got better with Obama. My net worth almost tripled. No matter how bad the Dems are the Repubs are always worse. They try their best to do away with hard fought gains for Black Americans. Only a foolish Black person would vote for them IMO.

How did all black lives got better? Oh please If they did we wouldn't be hearing about..

Black lives matter

Morons taking the knee during the national anthem

Protesting all the time for $15 bucks an hour to flip burgers.

Not all monkey's are created equal. Sweet Dreams is a sweet retard. He's going to punish me by staying home this year. So when the next black ass is shot by a cop, they can riot, they can call in to rev al sharpton's show but you can bet they are too lazy to show up one fucking day every 4 fucking years. Yes you struck a nerve. You're fucking ignant
Die in a grease fire shaved baboon. Thin lips pink skin hairy fuckers. Sure sounds like an ape to me. Stay angry you lice infested cracker. Bitch to the white democrats. Bitch to the cracker libs that don't live around blacks. You don't do shit for me white boy. You people need to worry about your dumb toilet seat complexion spawns. They drink everything under the sink to get drunk.

Did you know that the last Democratic president (Obama) commuted More Sentences Than the Last 9 Presidents Combined?
Obama is Black before he is a Democrat.
He's still a democrat. And the Democratic party still nominated a black guy. That's got to count for something. You're going to stay home because blacks are getting shot and poisoned with lead? That should work, NOT.

Why should it count for shit?

Does it count for something that the GOP has nominated a white guy? Should it?
When your entire party is white except for Ben Carson sure. And when you have zero black governors or ELECTED Senators sure it matters. You don't include blacks.

And its funny that of all the poor people in America it's only the poor uneducated white ones flocking to Trump because of his racist nationalistic demagogue message.
Youre stuck in the industrial age. Its the information age now. Wake up. None of that is going to work. Those jobs are gone forever. They will either stay overseas or a robot will be doing them.

Here is what I believe. I don't believe I'm better than anyone else black or white. And I don't think all black people should be voting for the Democrats. That really would depend on your situation. Who should Ben Carson and Herman Cain be voting for? If they are greedy like they seem and based on their finances, they should be voting Republican. I don't think they are stupid for voting GOP. I think they are greedy.

So I think the Democratic party is the party for me, the same way it is for any black person who makes the amount of money I make. So why do I tell black people to vote? Because I know they've been convinced it doesn't matter and that politicians take "them" for granted. The truth is, they take us all for granted.

What is it that middle class black people want that they feel the Democratic party let them down on? Or that they should stay home and not vote. Then so should I because I don't see why a middle class black would feel any differently about the state of the union than I do. I don't like cops shooting blacks either. So why stay home and put Republicans in power? How will that help blacks or me?

We all know Republicans are cheap and that's what led to Flint lead poisoning. So how does staying home punish the people who poisoned poor black people.
Even though there is a lot of classism that is all based on racism. Any Black person that doesnt think of race first is ignorant or an uncle tom. No Black person should be voting for Drumpf. Not even one. The racial climate he is stirring up is going to get a lot of white boys killed as they get braver. The KKK and other inbred racists are not going to ask who you voted for. They are just going to see you as a Black person. Woe be it to the cave chimp that runs afoul of me.

I think Black people who blindly just vote Dem are not doing the best thing they can to help their race. I say it starts by registering as Independent then waiting to see who wants the Black vote the most. When Blacks have economic equailty then we can start working on the class aspect. No matter which party is in charge Blacks will always have to fight. We just want the party that will make that fight a little easier.
Then you should vote Republican, where you would a better chance of being treated as an individual capable of standing on your own instead of the condescension you get from the democrats who think you can do nothing without them.
I think you missed the part where i said I believe all Blacks should vote as a race. Just because I have mine doesnt lessen my responsibility to the rest of my people not in the same position as I am. Any Black person that votes for a republican is ignorant or selfish. I cant think of any circumstance where I would vote repub unless there was another switcheroo by the parties.
That's exactly why my rich brother votes Democratic. There was a time there where you could tell he was leaning towards the dark side but he's back. And he's white. I can't imagine how a black person grows up middle class or poor, gets rich, and then forgets where they came from. I'm white and even I won't forget what it's like to be lower middle class.

The part you are missing is that the DISAGREE WITH YOU.

It is not about "forgetting" where they come from.

It's about having a different opinion than you.

I've explained my view on Trade that, as someone who grew up in the Rust Belt, led me to support Trump quite early.

It is not about forgetting where I come from. I WANT JOBS for all those people, WHITE AND BLACK, that still live in the Rust Belt and are still waiting for "American manufacturers to get more competitive".

The WTO just validated Trump completely on Trade. We with working class backgrounds have completely valid reasons for voting for Trump.

You are being a jerk when you act as though we can ONLY be motivate by selfish motives.
I think you missed the part where i said I believe all Blacks should vote as a race. Just because I have mine doesnt lessen my responsibility to the rest of my people not in the same position as I am. Any Black person that votes for a republican is ignorant or selfish. I cant think of any circumstance where I would vote repub unless there was another switcheroo by the parties.
Your belief that you know better what other people should vote than they do is part of the problem. You (as a bloc) have been voting democrat for decades and you're just falling further behind. Time to stop digging.
Why do you say we are falling further behind and even if that was true why do you think its due to voting?
I'm saying that every election cycle you (as a voting bloc) vote 90%+ for democrats, apparently believing that they will make your lives better and stuff. Then, if the democrat wins, your lives don't get any better. In fact, like under Obama, they get worse. But the next cycle comes along, the democrat makes a bunch of the same promises to you that you heard last time, and you vote democrat all over again. Apparently you believe the garbage they're telling you that if a Republican gets elected you'll end up back in chains again. I think it was our VP that last made that ludicrous claim. Don't you ever feel foolish falling for that kind of stuff over and over again?
All Black people lives got better with Obama. My net worth almost tripled. No matter how bad the Dems are the Repubs are always worse. They try their best to do away with hard fought gains for Black Americans. Only a foolish Black person would vote for them IMO.

How did all black lives got better? Oh please If they did we wouldn't be hearing about..
Black lives matter

Morons taking the knee during the national anthem

Protesting all the time for $15 bucks an hour to flip burgers.


Republicans know that you can get more done on a state level. How many Republican governors do we have in this country? And how many state governments are republican run? If it is true all politics are local, why aren't you winning black people over on a state level?

Then consider the National House and Senate are run by Republicans. What policies have they put forward to help blacks? In fact we look at Paul Ryan's plan to solve poverty and it's just the GOP's old plan repackaged. Basically not designed to help people but to find people who can be kicked off welfare. I'm not 100% against eliminating welfare abuse but really the GOP offers us nothing.
Here is what I believe. I don't believe I'm better than anyone else black or white. And I don't think all black people should be voting for the Democrats. That really would depend on your situation. Who should Ben Carson and Herman Cain be voting for? If they are greedy like they seem and based on their finances, they should be voting Republican. I don't think they are stupid for voting GOP. I think they are greedy.

So I think the Democratic party is the party for me, the same way it is for any black person who makes the amount of money I make. So why do I tell black people to vote? Because I know they've been convinced it doesn't matter and that politicians take "them" for granted. The truth is, they take us all for granted.

What is it that middle class black people want that they feel the Democratic party let them down on? Or that they should stay home and not vote. Then so should I because I don't see why a middle class black would feel any differently about the state of the union than I do. I don't like cops shooting blacks either. So why stay home and put Republicans in power? How will that help blacks or me?

We all know Republicans are cheap and that's what led to Flint lead poisoning. So how does staying home punish the people who poisoned poor black people.
Even though there is a lot of classism that is all based on racism. Any Black person that doesnt think of race first is ignorant or an uncle tom. No Black person should be voting for Drumpf. Not even one. The racial climate he is stirring up is going to get a lot of white boys killed as they get braver. The KKK and other inbred racists are not going to ask who you voted for. They are just going to see you as a Black person. Woe be it to the cave chimp that runs afoul of me.

I think Black people who blindly just vote Dem are not doing the best thing they can to help their race. I say it starts by registering as Independent then waiting to see who wants the Black vote the most. When Blacks have economic equailty then we can start working on the class aspect. No matter which party is in charge Blacks will always have to fight. We just want the party that will make that fight a little easier.
Then you should vote Republican, where you would a better chance of being treated as an individual capable of standing on your own instead of the condescension you get from the democrats who think you can do nothing without them.
I think you missed the part where i said I believe all Blacks should vote as a race. Just because I have mine doesnt lessen my responsibility to the rest of my people not in the same position as I am. Any Black person that votes for a republican is ignorant or selfish. I cant think of any circumstance where I would vote repub unless there was another switcheroo by the parties.
That's exactly why my rich brother votes Democratic. There was a time there where you could tell he was leaning towards the dark side but he's back. And he's white. I can't imagine how a black person grows up middle class or poor, gets rich, and then forgets where they came from. I'm white and even I won't forget what it's like to be lower middle class.

The part you are missing is that the DISAGREE WITH YOU.

It is not about "forgetting" where they come from.

It's about having a different opinion than you.

I've explained my view on Trade that, as someone who grew up in the Rust Belt, led me to support Trump quite early.

It is not about forgetting where I come from. I WANT JOBS for all those people, WHITE AND BLACK, that still live in the Rust Belt and are still waiting for "American manufacturers to get more competitive".

The WTO just validated Trump completely on Trade. We with working class backgrounds have completely valid reasons for voting for Trump.

You are being a jerk when you act as though we can ONLY be motivate by selfish motives.

No I get that you've been conned by this nafta/tariff talk. But even when/where I agree with you, ultimately I don't believe trump has any plans on fixing nafta or tariffing companies.

Maybe if the entire GOP changes and starts pushing these ideas next year I'll believe that is their plan but I think Trump has just tapped into an angle that makes him different.

If I'm wrong and he wins and does what he says great. Sounds like I can't lose. If Hillary wins I win and if Trump wins maybe I'll win even more.

Yea, lets not change parties just as Obama is getting us out of the GOP's mess they created from 2000-2008


The Labor Department said today that average hourly pay took a big step higher last month, rising 10 cents an hour to an average $25.92. That is 2.8 percent higher than a year ago and is the biggest 12-month increase in seven years.
Die in a grease fire shaved baboon. Thin lips pink skin hairy fuckers. Sure sounds like an ape to me. Stay angry you lice infested cracker. Bitch to the white democrats. Bitch to the cracker libs that don't live around blacks. You don't do shit for me white boy. You people need to worry about your dumb toilet seat complexion spawns. They drink everything under the sink to get drunk.

Did you know that the last Democratic president (Obama) commuted More Sentences Than the Last 9 Presidents Combined?
Obama is Black before he is a Democrat.
He's still a democrat. And the Democratic party still nominated a black guy. That's got to count for something. You're going to stay home because blacks are getting shot and poisoned with lead? That should work, NOT.

Why should it count for shit?

Does it count for something that the GOP has nominated a white guy? Should it?
When your entire party is white except for Ben Carson sure. And when you have zero black governors or ELECTED Senators sure it matters. You don't include blacks.

And its funny that of all the poor people in America it's only the poor uneducated white ones flocking to Trump because of his racist nationalistic demagogue message.

We don't "don't include" blacks.

We've tried plenty of times and ways to reach out to them. We just fail.

There is nothing racist about Trump's message. But it is telling that you repeat that lie in the same post where you try to spin it as though it is OUR fault that your party has managed to get a lock on the black voting BLOCK.

Trump, though a populist, is not appealing to people's negative emotions at all, especially compared to Hillary, with her telling half the nation, that the other half are literally nazis who want to get them killed in a nuclear war.

And there is nothing wrong with nationalism. Especially at a time when outsiders like the EU are purposefully fucking US to advance their interests, as demonstrated by the recent WTO Airbus Ruling.
Your belief that you know better what other people should vote than they do is part of the problem. You (as a bloc) have been voting democrat for decades and you're just falling further behind. Time to stop digging.
Why do you say we are falling further behind and even if that was true why do you think its due to voting?
I'm saying that every election cycle you (as a voting bloc) vote 90%+ for democrats, apparently believing that they will make your lives better and stuff. Then, if the democrat wins, your lives don't get any better. In fact, like under Obama, they get worse. But the next cycle comes along, the democrat makes a bunch of the same promises to you that you heard last time, and you vote democrat all over again. Apparently you believe the garbage they're telling you that if a Republican gets elected you'll end up back in chains again. I think it was our VP that last made that ludicrous claim. Don't you ever feel foolish falling for that kind of stuff over and over again?
All Black people lives got better with Obama. My net worth almost tripled. No matter how bad the Dems are the Repubs are always worse. They try their best to do away with hard fought gains for Black Americans. Only a foolish Black person would vote for them IMO.

How did all black lives got better? Oh please If they did we wouldn't be hearing about..
Black lives matter

Morons taking the knee during the national anthem

Protesting all the time for $15 bucks an hour to flip burgers.


Republicans know that you can get more done on a state level. How many Republican governors do we have in this country? And how many state governments are republican run? If it is true all politics are local, why aren't you winning black people over on a state level?

Then consider the National House and Senate are run by Republicans. What policies have they put forward to help blacks? In fact we look at Paul Ryan's plan to solve poverty and it's just the GOP's old plan repackaged. Basically not designed to help people but to find people who can be kicked off welfare. I'm not 100% against eliminating welfare abuse but really the GOP offers us nothing.

What does that have to do with my post? And I still can't figure how you can afford to vote democrat being upper middle class? I know my wallet can't afford to vote for democrats I would have to be making $500,000 a year to do that.

Even though there is a lot of classism that is all based on racism. Any Black person that doesnt think of race first is ignorant or an uncle tom. No Black person should be voting for Drumpf. Not even one. The racial climate he is stirring up is going to get a lot of white boys killed as they get braver. The KKK and other inbred racists are not going to ask who you voted for. They are just going to see you as a Black person. Woe be it to the cave chimp that runs afoul of me.

I think Black people who blindly just vote Dem are not doing the best thing they can to help their race. I say it starts by registering as Independent then waiting to see who wants the Black vote the most. When Blacks have economic equailty then we can start working on the class aspect. No matter which party is in charge Blacks will always have to fight. We just want the party that will make that fight a little easier.
Then you should vote Republican, where you would a better chance of being treated as an individual capable of standing on your own instead of the condescension you get from the democrats who think you can do nothing without them.
I think you missed the part where i said I believe all Blacks should vote as a race. Just because I have mine doesnt lessen my responsibility to the rest of my people not in the same position as I am. Any Black person that votes for a republican is ignorant or selfish. I cant think of any circumstance where I would vote repub unless there was another switcheroo by the parties.
That's exactly why my rich brother votes Democratic. There was a time there where you could tell he was leaning towards the dark side but he's back. And he's white. I can't imagine how a black person grows up middle class or poor, gets rich, and then forgets where they came from. I'm white and even I won't forget what it's like to be lower middle class.

The part you are missing is that the DISAGREE WITH YOU.

It is not about "forgetting" where they come from.

It's about having a different opinion than you.

I've explained my view on Trade that, as someone who grew up in the Rust Belt, led me to support Trump quite early.

It is not about forgetting where I come from. I WANT JOBS for all those people, WHITE AND BLACK, that still live in the Rust Belt and are still waiting for "American manufacturers to get more competitive".

The WTO just validated Trump completely on Trade. We with working class backgrounds have completely valid reasons for voting for Trump.

You are being a jerk when you act as though we can ONLY be motivate by selfish motives.

No I get that you've been conned by this nafta/tariff talk. But even when/where I agree with you, ultimately I don't believe trump has any plans on fixing nafta or tariffing companies.

If I, as you just stated, sincerely believe Trump's trade message, as validated by the recent WTO Airbus ruling, then I am not being selfish when I support Trump.

I truly believe that his policies are the best chance for dramatically improving the situation of the US poor and middle classes.

Thus my motive are not, as you previous stated, selfish.

And it is very wrong of you to smear me and others like me as being selfish, where we sincerely believe that our path would be for the best.

Do you have a self image of yourself as NOT a jerk? If so, you should stop doing that.
Cracker boy sealybobo now wants to change its tune after having its head chewed off by black people. Lmao coward.

You are a racist.

And I have no idea what you are talking about.
He think me telling him black people are too stupid to vote is being racist. It's true isn't it? Is it now racist to speak the truth?


This is why Obama, Hillary, Bill and Michelle and JZ and Beyonce are running around the swing states trying to wake them up.

How many blacks voted for Obama but won't vote for Hillary? Isn't that racist?
Why do you say we are falling further behind and even if that was true why do you think its due to voting?
I'm saying that every election cycle you (as a voting bloc) vote 90%+ for democrats, apparently believing that they will make your lives better and stuff. Then, if the democrat wins, your lives don't get any better. In fact, like under Obama, they get worse. But the next cycle comes along, the democrat makes a bunch of the same promises to you that you heard last time, and you vote democrat all over again. Apparently you believe the garbage they're telling you that if a Republican gets elected you'll end up back in chains again. I think it was our VP that last made that ludicrous claim. Don't you ever feel foolish falling for that kind of stuff over and over again?
All Black people lives got better with Obama. My net worth almost tripled. No matter how bad the Dems are the Repubs are always worse. They try their best to do away with hard fought gains for Black Americans. Only a foolish Black person would vote for them IMO.

How did all black lives got better? Oh please If they did we wouldn't be hearing about..
Black lives matter

Morons taking the knee during the national anthem

Protesting all the time for $15 bucks an hour to flip burgers.


Republicans know that you can get more done on a state level. How many Republican governors do we have in this country? And how many state governments are republican run? If it is true all politics are local, why aren't you winning black people over on a state level?

Then consider the National House and Senate are run by Republicans. What policies have they put forward to help blacks? In fact we look at Paul Ryan's plan to solve poverty and it's just the GOP's old plan repackaged. Basically not designed to help people but to find people who can be kicked off welfare. I'm not 100% against eliminating welfare abuse but really the GOP offers us nothing.

What does that have to do with my post? And I still can't figure how you can afford to vote democrat being upper middle class? I know my wallet can't afford to vote for democrats I would have to be making $500,000 a year to do that.

Because I'm smart enough to know the GOP represents the rich and the rich have done great since 2000 but the middle class has not. I know the GOP is not the way. Never has been. THey didn't create the middle class liberals did.

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class
Dangerous how?

The Dems have stopped representing their interests and Trump has made a play for them.
What is the plan for them again? You know I'll probably like it. Let's hear it.

Decrease the excess labor demand by deporting illegals, and limiting further immigration.

Increase demand by bringing back manufacturing jobs.

Sit back and watch jobs, wages, and working conditions rise.

WIth all the position secondary effects that come with that.
Youre stuck in the industrial age. Its the information age now. Wake up. None of that is going to work. Those jobs are gone forever. They will either stay overseas or a robot will be doing them.

Here is what I believe. I don't believe I'm better than anyone else black or white. And I don't think all black people should be voting for the Democrats. That really would depend on your situation. Who should Ben Carson and Herman Cain be voting for? If they are greedy like they seem and based on their finances, they should be voting Republican. I don't think they are stupid for voting GOP. I think they are greedy.

So I think the Democratic party is the party for me, the same way it is for any black person who makes the amount of money I make. So why do I tell black people to vote? Because I know they've been convinced it doesn't matter and that politicians take "them" for granted. The truth is, they take us all for granted.

What is it that middle class black people want that they feel the Democratic party let them down on? Or that they should stay home and not vote. Then so should I because I don't see why a middle class black would feel any differently about the state of the union than I do. I don't like cops shooting blacks either. So why stay home and put Republicans in power? How will that help blacks or me?

We all know Republicans are cheap and that's what led to Flint lead poisoning. So how does staying home punish the people who poisoned poor black people.

Nah you don't hate black people.
Hey? Do you want to go to a concert?

Jay Z to headline concert for Hillary Clinton in swing state Ohio, rally minority voters
I'm saying that every election cycle you (as a voting bloc) vote 90%+ for democrats, apparently believing that they will make your lives better and stuff. Then, if the democrat wins, your lives don't get any better. In fact, like under Obama, they get worse. But the next cycle comes along, the democrat makes a bunch of the same promises to you that you heard last time, and you vote democrat all over again. Apparently you believe the garbage they're telling you that if a Republican gets elected you'll end up back in chains again. I think it was our VP that last made that ludicrous claim. Don't you ever feel foolish falling for that kind of stuff over and over again?
All Black people lives got better with Obama. My net worth almost tripled. No matter how bad the Dems are the Repubs are always worse. They try their best to do away with hard fought gains for Black Americans. Only a foolish Black person would vote for them IMO.

How did all black lives got better? Oh please If they did we wouldn't be hearing about..
Black lives matter

Morons taking the knee during the national anthem

Protesting all the time for $15 bucks an hour to flip burgers.


Republicans know that you can get more done on a state level. How many Republican governors do we have in this country? And how many state governments are republican run? If it is true all politics are local, why aren't you winning black people over on a state level?

Then consider the National House and Senate are run by Republicans. What policies have they put forward to help blacks? In fact we look at Paul Ryan's plan to solve poverty and it's just the GOP's old plan repackaged. Basically not designed to help people but to find people who can be kicked off welfare. I'm not 100% against eliminating welfare abuse but really the GOP offers us nothing.

What does that have to do with my post? And I still can't figure how you can afford to vote democrat being upper middle class? I know my wallet can't afford to vote for democrats I would have to be making $500,000 a year to do that.

Because I'm smart enough to know the GOP represents the rich and the rich have done great since 2000 but the middle class has not. I know the GOP is not the way. Never has been. THey didn't create the middle class liberals did.

Democracy - Not "The Free Market" - Will Save America's Middle Class

Again what does that have to do with my post?

This is all about "affording"

And you know Damn well my cost of living is way lower and I proved it over and over their is good paying jobs down here and Damn with Obama care going up...I still don't know how you can afford it, you must like taking less vacations then me, eating noodles for dinner while I eat steaks I guess....

To each his own ...


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