What Now?


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
Barack Obama has won a second term. In addition, the GOP was obliterated in the Senate. In an election where the Republicans should have picked up seats and even the majority, the GOP actually lost seats.

There will be a lot of finger pointing with the democrats helpfully suggesting a sharp turn to the left for the GOP. This should ring hollow as left of center candidates Scott Brown and Mitt Romney both went down to defeat.I can't predict what the GOP will do, other than to say that whatever it is, it will not be rational.

But what does this mean to most Americans? Simply more of the same. We will continue to have high unemployment, with the numbers to be adjusted back above 8% within weeks, now that the election is over. Continued GDP decline, with paltry 1.2% growth rates falling substantially below population growth. Real wealth for Americans in totality will continue to decline, as it has for the past 4 years.

The American middle class will continue it's rapid decline, as the private sector continues to fall. Public Employees will continue to be a elite class that is further and further removed from the public they rule over. Real income for private sector, middle class Americans will continue to decline sharply, as will home values for those who have not lost homes to foreclosure.

This is the first generation in American history that will see our children with less wealth and less opportunity than we had. As open borders dilute the American workforce further, with unskilled and uneducated masses from the third world, the economic prowess of America will continue it's breakneck decline.

America is entering a very tough time, with the next four years promising to usher in radical changes in the lifestyles that most take for granted.

It's nighttime in America.
the country will recover and the republican party will recover too if they give up the steady diet of hate
Its only nighttime for right wing extremism in America.

Take a look at Greece and know that it is now coming to America sooner than later. Eventually, the ever increasing emtitlements and demonization of the job providers will result in collapse and rioting in the street when people can no longer get their free shit. We've seen it happen over and over in the last few years and you guys decided to ignore the warning signs and double down. There will come a day when you'll have an "oh shit" moment. True story.
Right wing needs to lose the arrogance and take themselves off their make-believe soap box. That would help.
Its only nighttime for right wing extremism in America.


Let's kill them while they sleep.

Then our fiscally conservative and socially moderate country can recover.

People are starting to see how the misinformed impotent anger of the Tea Party hurt us.

Really? Evidence? 16T in debt, no budget for 4 years and ever expanding government spending and emtitlement. Fiscally conservative? Surely you jest.
For God's sake, is keeping the evil Republicans out of power your entire political philosophy? Do you have any idea what policies should or will be followed during the next four years? Taxing The Wealthy is a campaign slogan, not a budgetary policy. Is it all form over substance? After you legalize gay marriage, marijuana and free contraceptives, then what? Have you elected a President to represent you or a dictator to tell you what to think?
Its only nighttime for right wing extremism in America.

Take a look at Greece and know that it is now coming to America sooner than later. Eventually, the ever increasing emtitlements and demonization of the job providers will result in collapse and rioting in the street when people can no longer get their free shit. We've seen it happen over and over in the last few years and you guys decided to ignore the warning signs and double down. There will come a day when you'll have an "oh shit" moment. True story.

That Oh Shit moment won't come for many years. How long did it take Russia or China to figure out that communism doesn't work? Cuba still hasn't figured it out and neither has North Korea. The worst thing republicans can do is try to become more like democrats simply to secure votes. In that case, we end up with something approaching the corruption of mexico.
Its only nighttime for right wing extremism in America.

Take a look at Greece and know that it is now coming to America sooner than later. Eventually, the ever increasing emtitlements and demonization of the job providers will result in collapse and rioting in the street when people can no longer get their free shit. We've seen it happen over and over in the last few years and you guys decided to ignore the warning signs and double down. There will come a day when you'll have an "oh shit" moment. True story.

That Oh Shit moment won't come for many years. How long did it take Russia or China to figure out that communism doesn't work? Cuba still hasn't figured it out and neither has North Korea. The worst thing republicans can do is try to become more like democrats simply to secure votes. In that case, we end up with something approaching the corruption of mexico.

Yes, America, as we have known her traditionally, has had her outfit changed and it is called, "fiscal destruction." New color.

The parasites won and will continue winning. They outnumber the private enterprise workers.

Obama will continue the handouts to them, and true conservatism, will never have enough support to be heard of again. The people have spoken.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.---Benjamin Franklin

Enjoy the fruits of others labor. They will have more pity for your lost soul than you will have gratitude for their hard work and money.
I'm noticing a theme from conservatives....you all know this didn't just "happen" to America right? What will it mean to Americans? It means that they will get the government they voted for.

Is it the government I would personally choose? No. But it's what a majority of Americans want.
I'm noticing a theme from conservatives....you all know this didn't just "happen" to America right? What will it mean to Americans? It means that they will get the government they voted for.

All Americans will get the government that half of Americans voted for.

Okay, that's the way the system works. But we all know that this election was a major turning point for the nation. We voted on whether to return to a semi-free market system based on individual liberty and initiative, or to continue our march to collectivist dependance. A slight majority has pushed the nation to the collectivist model, championed by Obama.

But this is a radical change for the nation, a complete divergence from our traditional form of economics. Americans have to radically adjust to the transition from a market economy to the centrally planned economy. The change from a massive middle class to the Apparatchik class ruling over a vast worker class kept at the lower levels of the economic strata.

Is it the government I would personally choose? No. But it's what a majority of Americans want.

It's what they were sold, but I predict buyers remorse.

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